Mutiny on the Bounty (1962 film)

Mutiny on the Bounty is a 1962 film about the real-life mutiny aboard the HMAV Bounty lead by Fletcher Christian against the ship's captain, William Bligh.
Directed by Lewis Milestone. Written by Charles Lederer, based on the novel bu Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall.

The mightiest excitement that ever swept across the sea or the screen! taglines

Captain William Bligh

  • Now don't mistake me. I'm not advising cruelty or brutality with no purpose. My point is that cruelty with purpose is not cruelty - it's efficiency. Then a man will never disobey once he's watched his mate's backbone laid bare. He'll see the flesh jump, hear the whistle of the whip for the rest of his life.

  • It is a matter of supernatural indifference to me whether you contaminate the natives or the natives contaminate you. I have but one concern - our mission. Let one of you provoke an incident which endangers it and I shall cause that man to curse his mother for giving him birth.

  • Midshipmen - be a dull navy without them. Now get that slut off my ship.

  • While our mission remains unfulfilled I'm not in any port, Mr Fryer, I'm command where you may find one day it's always lonely. You see, command allows no intimacies. You can hardly expect unquestioning obedience from last night's partner in a debauch.

  • I'm not leaving you Mr Christian, not ever. Go to the dirtiest little corner of the world I'll be there, right behind you, with a rope in my hand.

  • The king's navy will not rest until every mutineer is captured and executed. Wherever you go, wherever you hide a thousand ships will search you out.

1st Lt. Fletcher Christian

  • We need only persuade the British people of something they already know - that inhumanity is its poorest servant.

  • [to Captain Bligh] But I assure you, sir, that the execution of my duties is entirely unaffected by my private opinion of you.


  • John Mills: There's no chance for people like us to go back to England, give Bligh a bad name and walk free men ourselves. And anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't got the sense that God gave geese.

  • Court-martial Judge: Your methods, so far as this court can discern, show what we shall cautiously term an excess of zeal. We cannot condemn zeal. We cannot rebuke an officer who has administered discipline according to the articles of war but the articles are fallible, as any articles are bound to be. No code can cover all contingencies. We cannot put justice aboard our ships in books. Justice and decency are carried in the heart of the captain, or they be not aboard. It is for this reason that the Admiralty has always sought to appoint its officers from the ranks of gentlemen. The court regrets to note that the appointment of Captain William Bligh was, in that respect, a failure.


Fletcher Christian: I was just thinking, sir, that our little errand for groceries might wind up in a page of naval history if we succeed in negotiating The Horn in the dead of winter.
Captain Bligh: Why shouldn't we succeed? Admiral Anderson did.
Fletcher Christian: Yes, but of course he didn't choose to attempt it in a ninety-one-foot chamber pot. In any event, his was the only ship to do it and I believe he lost fifty percent of his crew.

Captain Bligh: I wonder why an alleged gentleman should give his first loyalty to ordinary seamen.
Fletcher Christian: Instead of to other alleged gentlemen?
Captain Bligh: Impertinence noted. It shall be logged. Do you care to enlarge the entry?
Fletcher Christian: Yes, only with this observation, which I will report to the Admiralty in any case: in my years of service I have never met an officer who inflicted punishment upon men with such incredible relish. Sickening.
Captain Bligh: Then go and be sick in your cabin, Mr Christian. I have never met a naval officer who was so proud of a weak stomach.

Captain Bligh: In a civilised soceity, certain lewd intentions towards the female members of one's family would be regarded as a, well, as an insult. Do you follow me?
Fletcher Christian: I think so, sir.
Captain Bligh: But in Tahiti, the insult lies in the omission of those lewd intentions. Manners that would offend a dock-side harlot seem to be the only acceptable behaviour to King Hitihiti.

Captain Bligh: Mr Christian! Kindly give me an explanation..
Fletcher Christian: Williams is been drinking sea water sir.. I was giving him some fresh water..I'm afraid he'll die without it.
Captain Bligh: You'll give no one water without my permission Mr. Christian! Take that ladle below!
Fletcher Christian: Aye-aye sir..
[Christian gives water to Williams and Captain Bligh knocks his hand.. Mr. Christian then knocks down Captain Bligh]
Fletcher Christian: You bloody Bastard...You'll not put your foot on me again!

Fletcher Christian: There'll be no more killing aboard this ship, not even Captain Bligh.
Captain Bligh: If that's an attempt to earn clemency, I spit on it.
Fletcher Christian: You remarkable pig. You can thank whatever pig god you pray to that you haven't turned me into a murderer.

Midshipman Young: Fletcher, I'm proud to be with you.
Fletcher Christian: Well you've done rather well, Ned. Promoted to the rank of criminal. Not even 20 and a death sentence on your head.


  • The mightiest excitement that ever swept across the sea or the screen!


  • The greatest adventure ever lived becomes the greatest adventure ever filmed!


  • Marlon Brando - 1st Lt. Fletcher Christian
  • Trevor Howard - Capt. William Bligh
  • Richard Harris - Seaman John Mills
  • Hugh Griffith - Alexander Smith
  • Richard Haydn - William Brown
  • Tarita - Maimiti
  • Percy Herbert - Matthew Quintal
  • Duncan Lamont - John Williams
  • Gordon Jackson - Seaman Edward Birkett
  • Tim Seely - Midshipman Edward 'Ned' Young
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