This page is for quotations on the theme of Necessity, and "the Necessary".
- Necessity is stronger far than art.
- Aeschylus
- Wherever it is impossible for us to recognize the law of necessity, we believe we are free.
- Wo wir unfähig sind, die Gesetze der Notwendigkeit zu erkennen, da glauben wir, frei zu sein.
- Ludwig Börne
- It is not necessary for the public to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself.
- Salvador Dalí, in Diary of a Genius (1964), p. 12
- Necessity is the last and strongest weapon.
- Necessitas ultimum et maximum telum est.
- Livy
- Not even the gods fight against necessity.
- Simonides
- Necessity knows no laws.
- English proverb