
Neoconservatism is a somewhat controversial term referring to the political goals and ideology of the "new conservatives" in the United States.
  • "Our 'neoconservatives' are neither new nor conservative, but old as Bablyon and evil as Hell."
    • — Edward Abbey

  • " can say that the historical task and political purpose of neoconservatism would seem to be this: to convert the Republican party, and American conservatism in general, against their respective wills, into a new kind of conservative politics suitable to governing a modern democracy."

  • "...a liberal who has been mugged by reality."
    • Irving Kristol

  • "[N]eo-conservatism is a quintessentially Jewish project: a re-sanctification in everyday life of the core values of western civilisation, and the achievement of human potential through virtuous practice."
    • — British journalist Melanie Phillips.

  • "Neoconservatism has actually been based on the following ideological premises. First is the assumption that political democracy is the best of all possible institutions... Second is the assumption that a market economy, with almost unregulated capitalism, is the best possible economic system... While the praise of political democracy and the free market has been an essential part of American political tradition, this was not the case with imperial expansion, the major shibboleth of neoconservative faith. This latter has made neoconservatism absolutely different from all previous brands of American conservatism."

  • "Black's 1,300-page biography has had stellar reviews. Historians from Alan Brinkley to Daniel Yergin have hailed it as the best single volume on the many perplexing aspects of FDR's political life. A belligerent neo-con before it was fashionable, Black has paradoxically contrived to write an admiring appraisal of Roosevelt's pre-Pearl Harbor reluctance to fight the Nazis and the economic interventionism of the New Deal for which neo-cons of the '30s bitterly reviled FDR as 'that man'."

  • "reinvigorated old white men"
    • —quote in Crossing the Rubicon, Michael C. Ruppert, p. 285

  • Why is it the Mongols of this world always tell us they're defending us against the Mongols?
    • Edward Whittemore, Nile Shadows (1983)
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