Nico born Christa Päffgen, was a fashion model, actress, singer, and composer.
- Cease to know or to tellOr to see or to be your ownHave someone else's will as your ownHave someone else's will as your own.
- You are beautiful and you are alone.
- Often the adolescent plagueReward your graceConfuse your hunger capture the fake...
- Banish the faceless reward your graceBanish the faceless reward your grace.
Roses in the Snow
- He came your way And when he had to go There were roses growing in the snow Silently you'll go to the shadow of your soul And you know that it was like this before we had to go You will never see these lights Glowing in your nights Until you feel this way.
- With every moon it is as though you're getting closer to your soul And then you go alone and with no fear Then you will know That it was like this before we had to go And you will find that you were blind Until you saw these lights glowing in your nights.
- You will never see these lightsGlowing in your nights If you don't know And there are roses growing in the snow.
- I have a habit of leaving places at the wrong time, just when something big may have happened for me.
Quotes by others about Nico
- "John Cale did a really interesting version of Heartbreak Hotel, in a minor key. It's incredibly suicidal. I mean you could never believe that that song could turn out to be such a downer as that... Nico did Deutschland Über Alles, which was very good... and she did The End by The Doors, which is the one they put on the album... Nico doing The End was so chilling, it really was. It was incredible. She invests it with so many levels of meaning I didn't hear in the Doors' one. She underplays it... there's just the harmonium, me playing synthesizer— almost doubling the harmonium part— and her singing... which is just like a rich, kind of non-specific miasma of sound..." ~ Brian Eno, Creem (1974)
- "Of course, it's her own sexuality that she's denying", he continued. Did I know that she'd been raped as a teenager in Berlin?
I didn't.
Nico was working as a temp for the U.S. Air Force. A black American Sergeant had raped not only her, but other girls under his employ. She'd kept quiet about it, but he was found out and court-marshalled. She had to testify for the prosecution at his trial. He was sentenced to death and shot. Nico was 15.
"Not only does she have to carry the horror of the rape but the secret guilt of somehow being complicit, by her testimony, in his execution. Sex for Nico....is irrevocably associated with punishment."- James Young in Songs They Don't Play On the Radio