Norman Lowell
Norman Lowell is the founder and leader of Imperium Europa, a Maltese movement promoting an amalgamation of sociopolitical ideas, mainly, Pan-europeanism, Libertarianism, and Environmentalism.
Qed tifhem! Ja Gahan!
Issib harja ta' ziemel shuna daqshekk.
Il-professuri tac-cuqlajta tal-kakkademja.
- "Our Prime Minister's vision is to build two golf courses. Of all things, he wants golf courses! Can you be more pathetic than that?"
- "This is not a warning to the Prime Minister, this is a statement of fact. If Dr. Gonzi dares to alter the Opera House [referring to Edward Middleton Barry's Royal Opera House in Valletta] into a Parliament, it will be the last miserable act of his miserable government!"
- "I can do 2 years standing on my head!" (when asked about the possibility of being sent to two years in prison for inciting racial hatred)
- "In our vision of Imperium Europa, people will work less, till we come to ten hours a week. With today's technology we don't need to work more than ten hours a week"
- "The enemy is not only at the gates. The enemy is manning the gates!"
- "America, Britain, France! They are not land powers, they are sea powers! In fact, whenever the Americans attack on land, they get their ass kicked!"
- "What we need is a unifying idea! An idea so strong, that it will draw like a magnet all the forces!"
- "We are not the collectivist sheep of the left. We are: The Radical Racialist Right Revolutionary Reactionaries!"
- "It is a cultural battle more than anything else."
- "Today's worker is worse than a slave. He's chained. He's disposable. He's marketable."
- "The media is one facet of the enemy we are facing."
- "Politics is power. Politics is the imposition of your world view and the maintainence of that world view. That is politics. Everything else is humbug and lies.
- "I believe in the democracy of aristocracy, not the aristocracy of democracy."
- "Intelligent women may vote left but they sleep right!"
- "Ave!"
Qed tifhem! Ja Gahan!
Issib harja ta' ziemel shuna daqshekk.
Il-professuri tac-cuqlajta tal-kakkademja.