Perugia is the capital city in the region of Umbria in central Italy, near the Tiber river, and the capital of the province of Perugia.
- I should perhaps do the reader a service by telling him just how a week at Perugia may be spent. His first care must be to ignore the very dream of haste, walking everywhere very slowly and very much at random, and to impute an esoteric sense to almost anything his eye may happen to encounter. Almost everything in fact lends itself to the historic, the romantic, the æsthetic fallacy--almost everything has an antique queerness and richness that ekes out the reduced state; that of a grim and battered old adventuress, the heroine of many shames and scandals, surviving to an extraordinary age and a considerable penury, but with ancient gifts of princes and other forms of the wages of sin to show, and the most beautiful garden of all the world to sit and doze and count her beads in and remember.
- Henry James, Transatlantic Sketches (Boston, 1875)
- I left Perugia on a lovely morning, and experienced the joy of being on my own again. The city is in a beautiful position and the view of the lake is truly a delight: those sights are now well engraved in my mind's eye.
- Ich verließ Perugia an einem herrlichen Morgen und fühlte die Seligkeit, wieder allein zu sein. Die Lage der Stadt ist schön, der Anblick des Sees höchst erfreulich. Ich habe mir die Bilder wohl eingedrückt.
- Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Italian Journey (1817). Goethe's Italian journey took place in 1786-87.