Peter Moore
Peter Moore is the former head of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business division, which includes the Xbox and Xbox 360 game consoles.
- Next generation games will combine unprecedented audio and visual experiences to create worlds that are beyond real and they'll deliver storylines and gameplay so compelling that it will feel like living a lucid dream. The result is a state where you achieve the perfect mind-body equilibrium as you forget your physical surroundings and you become completely immersed in the game itself; this controller becomes an extension of your body, it becomes the gateway to the Zen of gaming.
- Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3? People are going to buy two (machines.) They're going to buy an Xbox [360] and they're going to buy a Wii ... for the price of one PS3.
- Nobody is concerned anymore about backwards compatability. We under promised and over delivered on that.
- Y'know, things break.