Pippin is a stage musical that tells a fictionalized account of Pippin (or Pepin), first son of Frankish king Charlemagne.
- Rivers belong where they can ramble
Eagles belong where they can fly
I've got to be where my spirit can run free
Gotta find my corner of the sky.
["Corner of the Sky"]
- [to Lewis] I'm only shocked that you're interested in women now.
- GLORY'S IN THE AIR! GLORY'S IN THE AIR! AND WHAT AM I DOING? I'm running around on a dark stage like an idiot.
- ...and time weaves ribbons of memories, to sweeten life when youth is through. But I would need no memories there, if I could share my life with you.
["With You, Part I"]
- Everything has its season, everything has its time.
Show me the reason and I'll soon show you the rhyme!
Cats sit on the window sill, children play in the snow.Why do I feel I don't fit in anywhere I go...?
["Corner of the Sky"] - (about Lewis) Yes, He's a real straightstander
Leading Player
- Lewis is strong. Lewis loves fighting. Lewis loves wrestling. But most of all, Lewis loves Lewis.
- Sweet summer evenings, sapphire skies, feasting your belly, feasting your eyes. Simple joys have a simple voice that says time is living's prize. And wouldn't you rather be a left-handed flea, a crab on a slab at the bottom of the sea, a newt on the root of a banyan tree, a fig on twig in Galilee, than a man who never learns how to be free?
["Simple Joys"]
- When he does it, it's just a trick. But when you do it, it'll be for real.
- And then it happened. Suddenly, shamelessly, and without warning, as it must in all musical comedies, they were struck by... a love song.
- [To Pippin, after Catherine annoys him again:] Woman...it's easier to keep chicken.
(Translated from the Dutch version)
- [After being resurrected from Pippin killing him] That's okay, son. Just don't let it happen again.
- Sometimes I wonder if the fornicating I'm getting is worth the fornicating I'm getting.
- [On Lewis:] Why do I always get nauseous when he calls me "Father"?
(Fosse version only)
- Your brother Lewis is an ideal soldier: he is strong and stupid.
- Berthe: Men and their wars... Sometimes I think men raise flags when they can't get anything else up!
- Lewis: [running off stage] Ha! Visigoths!
- Fastrada: [to the audience] I'm just an ordinary housewife and mother, just like all your housewives and mothers out there.
- Player: [Trying to convince Pippin to commit suicide] Think about the word of mouth!
- Beggar: Up thine, Sire!
- [The Leading Player gives Pippin his sword]
- Pippin: I'm a soldier!
- Leading Player: Don't cut yourself.
- [Fosse version only]
- Pippin: We've got to dedicate ourselves to a better world for all people.
- Leading Player: [Testing the microphones on the platform] Testing... testing...
- Pippin: [Mounting the platform] Peace and justice must be restored to [into the microphone] this great land.
- [Suddenly, there are cheers over the speaker, as if Pippin were the keynote speaker in a convention hall. The Leading Player puts a politician's straw hat on Pippin's head.]
- Pippin: [Not altogether pleased at the realization] I'm a politician?!
- Leading Player: [swapping out the hat for a more working-class alternative] You're a revolutionary! And baby, you're beautiful.
- Charlemagne: WE'VE WON!!!!!!
- Chorus: (flatly) We've won.