Pitch Black
Pitch Black is a 2000 science-fiction film about a group of travellers who find themselves stuck on a hostile planet after their ship crashes.
Don't be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of what's in the dark. taglines
[Riddick brings the knife to her throat]
- Directed by David Twohy. Written by David Twohy, Jim Wheat and Ken Wheat.
- Riddick: [After killing one of the seemingly unstoppable aliens with a shiv.] Did not know who it was fucking with!
- Riddick: Come on, these people didn't leave, whatever got Zeke got them.
- Jack: How the hell can I get eyes like that?
- Riddick: First, you've got to kill a few people.
- Jack: Ok. I can do it!
- Riddick: And then you get sent to a slam where they tell you you'll never see daylight again. So you dig up a doctor, pay him twenty menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on your eyes…
- Jack: So you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark!
- Riddick: Exactly!
- Caroline: [to Jack] Leave! Leave.
- [Jack leaves.]
- Riddick: Cute kid.
- Riddick: Looks clear.
- [A creature runs at Johns from its hiding spot before taking flight.]
- Johns: You said clear.
- Riddick: I said looks clear.
- Johns: How does it look now?
- Riddick: Looks clear.
- Imam: Where's Johns?
- Riddick: Which half?
- Hassan: Captain? Captain?!
- Caroline: I'm not your fucking captain.
- [A creature is heard invading the shipwreck.]
- Riddick: Come on, Johns. You've got the big gauge.
- Johns: I'd rather piss glass. Why don't you go fucking check?
- Johns: Doctors decide who lives and dies on the battlefield. It's called Triage.
- Riddick: Kept calling it murder when I did it.
- Jack: We're gonna lose everybody out here. We should've stayed at the ship.
- Riddick: He died fast, and if we have any choice about it, that's the way we should all go out. Don't you cry for Johns. Don't you dare.
- [Caroline came back to the ship where Riddick already was]
- Riddick: Strong survival instinct. I admire that in a woman.
- Caroline: I promised them that we would go back with more light.
- Riddick: Did you?
- Caroline: What? Are you afraid?
- Riddick: Hahaha! Me afraid?
- Caroline: Come on, Riddick. There's gotta be some part of you that wants to rejoin the human race.
- Riddick: Truthfully, I wouldn't know how.
- Caroline: Well, then just give me more light for them and I'll go back by myself.
- Riddick: OK.
- [Riddick gives her light]
- Riddick: There you go.
- Caroline: Please, just come with me.
- Riddick: I got a better idea. Come with me.
- Caroline: You're fucking with me. I know you are.
- Riddick: You know I am? You don't know anything about me. I will leave you here. Step inside.
- Caroline: I can't.
- Riddick: Sure, you can.
- Caroline: I can't.
- Riddick: Here. I'll make it easy on you. [He lends her his hand] Take my hand. Come on. Come on... Look. No one's gonna blame you. Save yourself, Caroline.
- Caroline: I...
- Riddick: Come on... Come on... [She's getting to the ship] That's it. That's it. Good girl.
- [She suddenly heard bioraptor. That brought memories of the people she tried to leave. She changed her mind and tried to force Riddick to help her]
- Caroline: Now, you! You listen to me! I am the captain of this ship. And I am not leaving anyone on this rock with those fucking things, even if it means--
[Riddick brings the knife to her throat]
- Caroline: Get that thing off my neck.
- Riddick: Shut up! You'd die for them?
- Caroline: I would try for them.
- Riddick: You didn't answer me.
- Caroline: Yes, I would Riddick. I would... I would die for them.
- Riddick: How interesting.
- [Caroline is killed by a bioraptor when she was helping Riddick]
- Riddick: No! Not for me! (weakly) ...not for me!
- Fight Evil With Evil
- There's A New Reason To Be Afraid Of The Dark.
- Don't be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of what's in the dark.
- Are you afraid of the dark? You will be...
- It's getting Dark
- There's only one rule: Stay in the light
- A new species of terror
- Vin Diesel — Riddick
- Radha Mitchell — Carolyn Fry
- Cole Hauser — William J. Johns
- Keith David — Abu 'Imam' al-Walid
- Lewis Fitz-Gerald — Paris P. Ogilvie
- Claudia Black — Sharon 'Shazza' Montgomery
- Rhiana Griffith — Jack/Jackie
- John Moore — John 'Zeke' Ezekiel
- Simon Burke — Greg Owens