Pocahontas is the first Disney animated feature film to be based on a true story. It was released in 1995.
An American legend comes to life Tagline
- Directed by Mike Gabriel and Eric Goldberg. Written by Carl Binder and Chris Buck.
- He wants me to be steady, like the river... [two otters burst out of the water] but it's not steady at all.
- What you mean is, not like you.
- [singing] But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.
- If you kill him, you'll have to kill me, too!
- Meeko!
- Flit doesn't like strangers.
John Smith
- [to Pocahontas] I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.
- [Pulling Meeko out of his bag] Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?
- [referring to Grandmother Willow] What do you say to a tree?
- Don't you think we're getting a little old for these games?
- I lied for you once. Don't ask me to do it again.
- Pocahontas wants to look into the eyes of the man who killed Kocoum.
Grandmother Willow
- All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you.
- Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.
- There's still some snap in these old vines!
- (after stopping a fight between Meeko and Percy) It's enough to make your sap boil.
- (After Pocahontas saying what if..., what if...?) What if the sky turns defire and your nose falls off?
Governor Ratcliffe
- [singing] I'd help you to dig, boys, but I've got this crick in me spine.
- [to Thomas] You, learn how to use that thing properly. A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot.
- [singing] They're not like you and me, which means they must be evil!!!
- The king believed my story. Pitty. I so would have prefered to see you hanged.
- [to Pocahontas] You must choose your own path.
- My daughter speaks with wisdom beyond her years. We have all come here with anger in our hearts. But she comes with courage and understanding. From this day forward if there is to be more killing, it will not start with me. Release him.
- Kekata: These are not men like us, but strange beasts with bodies that shine like the sun, and weapons that spout fire and thunder. They prowl the earth like ravenous wolves, consuming everything in their path.
- Ben: It can look like Ratcliffe's knickers, for all I care, just as long as we get off this stinkin' boat!
- Mrs. Jenkins: (After slamming the door in the faces of Flit, Miko and Percy, who were trying to sneak out with Pocahontas and John Rolf) I'll put on some tea!
- Lon: [to John] Are you coming on this voyage, too?
- Ben: Of course he is, you half-wit. You can't fight injuns without John Smith.
- John: That's right. I'm not about to let you boys have all the fun.
- Thomas: What do you suppose the New World will look like?
- John Smith: Like all the others, I suppose. I've seen hundreds of new worlds, Thomas. What could be possibly different about this one?
- Kekata: Your return has brought much joy to the village. Look at all the smiling faces.
- Powhatan: Yes. But there is one smiling face I don't see. Where is my daughter?
- Kekata: You know Pocahontas. She has her mother's spirit. She goes wherever the wind takes her.
- Pocahontas: Father, for many nights now, I've been having a very strange dream, I think it's telling me something's about to happen, something exciting.
- Powhatan: Yes, something exciting is about to happen.
- Pocahontas: [eagerly] Really? What is it?
- Powhatan: Kocoum has asked to seek your hand in marriage.
- Pocahontas: [disappointed] Marry Kocoum?
- Powhatan: I told him it would make my heart soar.
- [Pocahontas smiles awkwardly, then peers through the tent's flap at Kocoum, who's refusing to play with the village children.]
- Pocahontas: But he's so...serious.
- Powhatan: My daughter, Kocoum will make a fine husband. He is loyal and strong, and will build you a good house, with sturdy walls. With him, you will be safe from harm.
- Pocahontas: Father, I think my dream is pointing me down another path.
- Powhatan: This is the right path for you.
- Gradmother Willow: Oh! Your mother's necklace.
- Pocahontas: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. My father wants me to marry Kocoum.
- Gradmother Willow: Kocoum? But he's so serious.
- Pocahontas: [explaining her dream to Grandmother Willow] Well, I'm running through the woods, and then, right there in front of me, is an arrow. As I look at it, it starts to spin.
- Gradmother Willow: A spinning arrow? Ooh, how unusual.
- Pocahontas: Yes. It spins, faster and faster and faster, until, suddenly, it stops.
- Gradmother Willow: Hmm. Well, it seems to me, this spinning arrow is pointing you down your path.
- Pocahontas: But, Grandmother Willow, what is my path? How am I ever going to find it?
- Gradmother Willow: Your mother asked me the very same question.
- Pocahontas: She did? What did you tell her?
- Gradmother Willow: I told her to listen. All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you.
- Ratcliffe: I hereby claim this land and all its riches in the name of His Majesty, King James I, and do so name this settlement Jamestown.
- Wiggins: Bravo! Beautifully spoken, sir.
- Pocahontas: Ma-ta-que-na-to-rath (I don't understand).
- John Smith: You don't understand a word I'm saying, do you?
- John: So what river is this?
- Pocahontas: Kuyukahonic.
- John: You have the most unusual names here, Chechomony, Kuyukanhoic, Pocahontas.
- Pocahontas: You have a most unusual name too...John Smith.
- John: [goes to shake Meeko's hand] It's alright, it's just a hand shake. Here let me show you.
- [Beat]
- Pocahontas: Nothing's happening.
- John: No. No, I need you hand first. [She holds her hand out and he shakes it] It's how we say hello.
- Pocahontas: This is how we say hello. Wingapo.
- John: Wingapo.
- Pocahontas: And how we say goodbye. Ana.
- John: I like hello better.
- Grandmother Willow: Hello, John Smith.
- John: [nervously] Pocahontas, that tree is talking to me.
- Pocahontas: Then you should talk back.
- Grandmother Willow: Don't be frightened young man, my bark is worse than my bite.
- Pocahontas: Say something.
- John: What do you say to a tree?
- Pocahontas: Anything you want.
- Ben: Watch your feet, you big oaf!
- Lon: It wasn't me! It was the tree.
- Grandmother Willow: Well, I haven't had this much excitement in 200 years.
- Pocahontas: What am I doing? I shouldn't be seeing him again. I mean, I want to see him again.
- Grandmother Willow: Who wouldn't? I want to see him again.
- Pocahontas: But still, something inside is telling me it's the right thing.
- Grandmother Willow: Now then. There's something I want to show you. Look. [dips a vine into the river, creating ripples]
- Pocahontas: The ripples.
- John: What about them?
- Grandmother Willow: So small at first, then look how they grow. But someone has to start them.
- John: They're not going to listen to us.
- Grandmother Willow: Young man, sometimes the right path is not the easiest one. Don't you see? Only when the fighting stops, can you be together.
- John: [to Pocahontas] All right, let's go talk to your father.
- [Pocahontas embraces him and they kiss.]
- Powhatan: (angrily) I told you to stay in the village. You disobeyed me! You have shamed your father!
- Pocahontas: I was only trying to help!
- Powhatan: Because of your foolishness, Kocoum is dead!
- [John is imprisoned after Kocoum's death.]
- Pocahontas: I'm so sorry.
- John: For what? This? I've gotten out of worse scrapes than this. Can't think of any right now, but...
- Pocahontas: It would have been better if we'd never met, none of this would've happened.
- John: Pocahontas, look at me. [she does] I'd rather die tomorrow that live a hundred years without knowing you.
- Nakoma: [peering through the tent] Pocahontas.
- Pocahontas: I can't leave you.
- John: You never will. No matter what happens to me, I'll always be with you, forever.
- Pocahontas: [leaps across John to protect him] No! If you kill him, you'll have to kill me too.
- Powhatan: Daughter, stand back.
- Pocahontas: I won't! I love him, father. [Powhatan stares at her in shock] Look around you! This is where the path of hatred has brought us. This is the path I choose, Father. What will yours be?
- [Powhatan looks at the two armies, both ready to fight. Suddenly, the wind blows across the battlefield, calming him and almost everybody else. He raises his staff and addresses the crowd.]
- Powhatan: My daughter speaks with a wisdom beyond her years. We have all come here with anger in our hearts. But she comes with courage and understanding. From this day forward, if there is to be more killing, it will not start with me. Release him.
- Thomas: [to Pocahontas] Going back is his only chance. He'll die if he stays here.
- Pocahontas: [kneels beside John and offers him a bag] Here. It's from Grandmother Willow's bark. It'll help with the pain.
- John: What pain? I've had worse pain than this. [winces] Can't think of any right now, but...
- Powhatan: [walks over] You are always welcome among our people. Thank you, my brother.
- [Last lines]
- John: Come with me?
- [Pocahontas looks over at her father.]
- Powhatan: You must choose your own path.
- [Pocahontas looks at her people and the settlers. She turns to John.]
- Pocahontas: [with tears in her eyes] I'm needed here.
- John: Then, I'll stay with you.
- Pocahontas: No. You have to go back.
- John: But I can't leave you.
- Pocahontas: You never will. No matter what happens, I'll always be with you, forever.
- [They kiss goodbye.]
- Pocahontas (speaking) - Irene Bedard
- Pocahontas (singing) - Judy Kuhn
- Captain John Smith - Mel Gibson
- Governor Ratcliffe / Wiggins - David Ogden Stiers
- Meeko - John Kassir
- Flit - Frank Welker
- Powhatan - Russell Means
- Thomas - Christian Bale
- Grandmother Willow - Linda Hunt
- Kocoum - James Fall
- Nakoma - Michelle St. John
- Kekata - Gordon Tootoosis