Point Break
Point Break is a 1991 action film directed by Kathryn Bigelow; starring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. The title refers to the surfing term point break.
- 100% pure adrenaline!
- Goddamn! You are one radical son of a bitch!
- If you want the ultimate, you've got to be willing to pay the ultimate price. It's not tragic to die doing what you love.
- I hate this Johnny. I really do. I hate violence. That is why I had Rosie do this, I could never do that man, I could never hold a knife to Tyler's throat, she was my woman, we shared time. But, Rosie, he's like a machine. He's got this gift of blankness. Once you set him in motion, he will not stop. So, when three o'clock comes, he will gut her like a pig, and try not to get any on his shoes and there is nothing I can do.
- I know Johnny. I know you want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth. But, not this time.
- Life sure has a sick sense of humor, doesn't it?
- They only live to get radical.
- Yo, Johnny! I see you in the next life!
- Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.
- That's what I love about you johnny...you're just as sharp as a razor.
- You didn't hesitate and they didn't back you down an inch, and that is very rare in this world.
Johnny Utah
- I've been to every city in Mexico. I came across an unclaimed piece of meat in Baja, turned out to be Rosie. I guessed he picked a knife fight with somebody better. Found one of your passports in Sumatra, I missed you by about a week at Fiji. But, I knew you wouldn't miss the fifty year storm, Bodhi.
- [to Bodhi] You crossed the line. People trusted you and they died. You gotta' go down.
- [to Bodhi] Vaya Con Dios.
- You gonna jump or jerk off?
- [after a long discussion about which parachute Johnny Utah should use]
- You're sayin' the FBI's gonna pay me to learn to surf?
- 22 years. Man, L.A. has changed a lot during that time. The air got dirty and the sex got clean.
- I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino, I should have had you get me three of these things!
- ...last time you had a feeling I had to kill a guy, and I hate that... It looks bad on my report.
- Reagan usually does the driving. Stolen switch car. They leave it running... on the curb. It look sparked from the distance. When they run they dump the vehicle and they vanish... like a virgin on prom night. I mean they vanish, swishh...
- [while aiming a gun at a surfer] Speak into the microphone, squid brain!
- This Calvin and Hobbes is funny!
- Welcome to Sea World, Kid.
- 15: Surfing's the source man... swear to God.
- Abraham Lincoln: Gentlemen, I promised to take Mrs. Lincoln to Ford's Theater tonight. We'll continue this tomorrow.
- Ben Harp: [Walking Utah through the FBI office] You know nothing. In fact, you know less than nothing. If you knew that you knew nothing, then that would be something, but you don't.
- Surfer: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Jonny, how do you feel about that?
- Bodhi: It's basic dog psychology, if you scare them and get them peeing down their leg, they submit. But if you project weakness, that promotes violence, and that's how people get hurt.
- Roach: Peace, through superior firepower.
- Ben Harp: You're a real blue flame special, aren't you, son? Young, dumb and full of cum, I know. What I don't know is how you got assigned out here in Los Angeles with us. Guess we must just have ourselves an asshole shortage, huh?
- Johnny Utah: [quietly] Not so far.
- Ben Harp: Special agent Utah! This is not some job, flipping burgers at the local drive-in! Yes! - the surf board bothers me! Yes! - your approach to this whole goddamn case bothers me! And yes! - YOU BOTHER ME!!! And Pappas! Oh, for the love of Christ! How the hell did I even let you talk me into this whole bone-headed idea to begin with?!
- Pappas: Harp! We are working under-cover. It takes time. We've produced a few...
- Ben Harp: NO, no, no, no, no-no-no-NO! Let me tell you what you've produced... Over the last two weeks, you two have produced exactly SQUAT! SQUAT!!! During which time the Ex-Presidents have robbed two more banks!! Now for Christ's sake, does either one of you have anything even remotely interesting to tell me?
- [brief pause]
- Johnny Utah: I caught my first tube today... Sir.
- Pappas: Let me tell you something, Harp. I was in this bureau while you were still popping zits on your funny face and jacking off to the lingerie section of the Sears catalog. But there's something I've learned in all my years that you still haven't got.
- Ben Harp: Why don't you astonish me, shitface.
- Pappas: [Pappas punches Harp] Respect for my elders!
- Ben Harp: Do you think that taxpayers would like it Utah, if they knew that they were paying a federal agent to surf and pick up girls?
- Johnny Utah: Babes.
- Ben Harp: I beg your pardon?
- Johnny Utah: The correct term is Babes, sir.
- Diving Instructor: Heads up, Pappas. I want to see you retrieve at least two bricks from the bottom.
- Pappas: [puts on blindfold] I've been on the job for over 20 years, I've fired my piece over nineteen times in the line of duty, and I fail to see what a blind man fishing bricks from the bottom of a pool has got to do with being a special agent. And on top of that, I get saddled with some jock, some quarterback punk...Johnny Unitas or something.
- Johnny Utah: The shit they pull, huh?
- Pappas: Yeah!
- Diving Instructor: Hey Angie...here's your guy.
- Pappas: What?
- [removes blindfold]
- Johnny Utah: [waves]
- Pappas: Pappas. Angelo Pappas.
- Johnny Utah: Punk. Quarterback Punk.
- Johnny Utah: Okay. I get it. This is where you tell me that "locals rule", and that Yuppie insects like me shouldn't be surfing your break, right?
- Bunker Weiss: [smiling] Nope.
- Surf gang: That would be a waste of time...
- Lupton "Warchild" Pittman: We're just gonna fuck you up!
- DEA Agent Deets: You think your real cowboys, huh? Batman and Robin, huh! You know what this is? You know what this is, punk? This is two kilos, uncut, crystal meth!
- Pappas: Awwwww, Shit!
- Ben Harp: Special agent, Utah! I like you to meet Agent Deets. He was working deep cover until...
- DEA Agent Deets: [Interrupts] You think I like this hair, man! You think I like these clothes? My wife wants me to stay at Ramanda! I've been working on these fuckers for THREE MONTHS! THREE MONTHS! Now I finally got them to play wheel of fortune with me so I could find out who their suppliers is. Then you fuckin' cowboys show up!
- Pappas: Nice tattoo, Deets!
- DEA Agent Deets: Oh, you like that Pappas, huh? Fuck you!
- Pappas: Jesus!
- DEA Agent Deets: All I wanna know, smart guy! All I wanna know is how these guys could be robbin' Tarzana City National on August 2nd when they were in Fort fuckin' Lauderdale August 2nd? Why don't you figure that out, huh?
- Ben Harp: That's not an easy thing to do, is it Utah?
- DEA Agent Deets: [Slams bags of meth into Utah's chest] Fuckin' jerks!
- Johnny Utah: I'm not armed.
- [lifts up his shirt to Bodhi]
- Bodhi: But, you're not alone.
- Johnny Utah: Good guess. There is a gun on you now.
- [pause]
- Johnny Utah: Where is Roach?
- Bodhi: He's around somewhere. Listen Johnny, we're in a kind of a hurry is there anything you need?
- Johnny Utah: You gotta tell me where she is.
- Bodhi: Oh yeah, and let my policy expire. Good idea.
- Johnny Utah: Look Bodhi, people are dead, the ride is over.
- Bodhi: Oh no no no. I say when it's over.
- Johnny Utah: They will nail you wherever you land. They'll use something new called radar, maybe you've heard of it.
- Bodhi: What is your...
- Johnny Utah: Bodhi, I know you man. When they fall on you, you won't back down and they'll have to burn your ass to the ground.
- Bodhi: Shit happens.
- Johnny Utah: You gotta death wish. You want to ride to glory, fine. But, don't take Tyler with you. I'm begging you. Tell me where she is, and I walk away.
- Bodhi: You walk away?
- Johnny Utah: I walk away.
- Bodhi: That's beautiful Johnny.
- Nathanial: You act like nothing happened.
- Bodhi: Relax Nathanial.
- Nathanial: [shouting] Don't tell me to relax Bodhi! He's a fuckin' Federal agent!
- Roach: I should've shot him when I had a chance.
- Grommet: I say we pack up our shit and leave town tonight.
- Rosie: You run, you die.
- Bodhi: Did you know that we've hit thirty banks in three years and they weren't able to touch us, and all this does is raise the stakes of the game.
- Grommet: [nervously shouting] Fuck the stakes Bodhi! The only one that thinks that this is a game is you man this is real. This is serious shit, and I am scared.
- Bodhi: What's the matter with you guys? This was never about the money, this was about us against the system. That system that kills the human spirit. We stand for something. We are here to show those guys that are inching their way on the freeways in their metal coffins that the human spirit is still alive. Don't worry about this guy, okay? I know exactly what to do with him.
- Roach: Hey man, I'm cold. Really cold.
- Bodhi: Here's your jacket
- [helps Roach put his jacket on then hugs him to warm him up]
- Bodhi: Johnny, hand me that bag of money.
- Johnny Utah: [Johnny stands up to get the bag of money, then explains why Roach feels cold] You're cold because all of the blood is running out of your body Roach. You're gonna be dead soon. I hope it was worth it.
- Bodhi: Don't listen to him, he's just scared. Just think about all of those senoritas and margaritas nursing you back to health.
- [helps Roach put his parachute pack on him]
- Roach: What the fuck are you looking at?
- Nathanial: Lawyers don't surf
- Bodhi: This one does
- Johnny Utah: Bohdi! This is your fucking wakeup call man, I AM AN EFF...BEE... EYE AGENT!
- Bodhi: I know, isn't it wild!
- Australian cop at the end of the movie: We'll get him when he comes back in!
- Johnny Utah: He's not coming back.
- Johnny Utah: [shouts from the shore] Hey! My name's Johnny Utah!
- Tyler Ann Endicott: [paddling away] Who cares!
- Roach: There's nothing as exhilarating, man. Not even sex.
- Tyler Ann Endicott: Maybe you're not doing it right, Roach.
- Patrick Swayze as Bodhi
- Keanu Reeves as Johnny Utah
- Gary Busey as Pappas
- Lori Petty as Tyler
- John C. McGinley as Ben Harp
- James LeGros as Roach
- John Philbin as Nathanial
- Bojesse Christopher as Grommet
- Lee Tergesen as Rosie
- Tom Sizemore as Deets
- Cole Dammett ( Anthony Kiedis ) as Tone