Punch-Drunk Love
Punch-Drunk Love is a 2002 film starring Adam Sandler and Emily Watson. The film is about Barry Egan, a small business owner who leads a very lonely life puncuated by fits of rage. One morning, he witnesses a bizarre car accident and comes into possession of a harmonium when his life suddenly changes.
- Written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.
Barry Egan
- I didn't do anything. I'm a nice man. I mind my own business. So you tell me that's that before I beat the Hell from you.
- Lena. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I left you at the hospital. I called a phone-sex line... I called a phone-sex line before I met you, and four blond brothers came after me and they hurt you, and I'm sorry. Then I had to leave again because I wanted to make sure you never got hurt again. And, and I have a lot of puddings, and in six to eight weeks it can be redeemed. So if you could just give me that much time, I think I can get enough mileage to go with you wherever you go if you have to travel for your work. Because I don't ever want to be anywhere without you. So could you just let me redeem the mileage?
- I didn't ask for a shrink - that must've been somebody else. Also, that pudding isn't mine. Also, I'm wearing this suit today because I had a very important meeting this morning and I don't have a crying problem.
- I have so much strength inside of me. You have no idea. I have a love in my life. It makes me stronger than anything you can imagine. I would say "That's that", Mattress Man.
- Dean Trumbell: Fuck you. You're a pervert. Think you can be a pervert and not pay for it?
- Lena: So, here we go.
- Barry: I'm looking at your advertisement for the airline promotion and giveaway.
- Operator Carter: Ah, this is our frequent flyer plan.
- Barry: Yeah, it's hard to understand, because it says "in addition to", but I can't actually understand in addition to what becaust there's actually nothing to add it to.
- Operator Carter: I think that's a typo, then.
- Barry: Okay, so just to clarify, I'm sorry, ten purchases of any of your Healty Choice products equals 500 miles and with the coupon, the same purchases would value 1000 miles.
- Operator Carter: That's it.
- Barry: Well, do you realize that the monetary value of this promotion and the prize is potentially worth more the purchases?
- [pause]
- Operator Carter: I don't know.
- Barry: What's your name, Sir? Answer me!
- Dean Trumbell: What's your name, asshole?!