Punch-Out!! is a boxing game series with innovative gameplay from Nintendo, established in the arcade in 1984.
Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out!! (arcade)
- Ladies and gentlemen, Glass Joe!
- Ladies and gentlemen, Canadian Bear Hugger!
- Ladies and gentlemen, introducing in the red corner, Bald Bull!.
- (Asian-sounding music plays) Ladies and gentlemen, Dragon Chan!
- Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event! Introducing in the red corner, the champion of the world, Mr. Sandman!
- Ladies and gentlemen, Super Macho Man!
- Left!
- Right!
- Body blow!
- Keep your guard up!
- Stick and move!
- Put him away!
- Knock him out!
- Right hook!
- Uppercut!
- Knockout!! (bell rings)
- Great fighting, you're an up-and-coming boxer!
- Ladies and gentlemen, we got a new champion!!
- (bell rings) Knockout!!
- C'mon, stand up and fight!
Bald Bull
- "My barber didn't know when to quit... Do you?"
- "Doc can't help you now. Will you beg me for help?"
- "Zip your lip, Doc! Little Mac is mine now!"
- "This time I'm gonna charge right over you."
- "Hey! Little Mac! Maybe Doc should throw you a towel!"
Don Flamenco
- "People like my hair. don't mess my hair!"
- "Flamenco strikes back!! Return of Don!"
- "Hey! Mr. Referee Mario. I like your hair!"
- "I'm a beautiful fighter. I have such a style!"
- "Carmen my love... I dance so sweet for you!"
Glass Joe
- "This is my last match! I'm too old for fighting!"
- "Make it quick... I want to retire!"
- "Do I have time to take a nap before the fight?"
- "Watch the jaw!! Don't hit my jaw!"
Great Tiger
- "A kitten is no match for a tiger!"
- "I have purred long enough! Now hear me roar!"
- "So a pussycat wants to fight a tiger?"
- "Beware of my tiger punch!"
King Hippo
- "Do you like my new trunks? They are size XXX Large! Ha Ha Ha!"
- "I feel like eating. After I win, lets go to lunch! Ha Ha Ha!"
- "I have my weakness. But I won't tell you! Ha Ha Ha!"
- "Ha Ha Ha! I'm the king! Ha Ha Ha!"
Little Mac
- "I can't win Doc!"
- "He has hurt me, Doc!"
- "Weakness ... Come on Doc. Teach me more...!"
Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream
- "Hey! Is this kid a joke? Where's the real challenger?"
- "You think the speed of your fingers can match the strength of my fists?"
- "Your experience doesn't match mine. Go home and practice!"
- "They say I can't lose. I say you can't win!"
- "Great fighting !! You were tough, Mac! I never seen such finger speed before."
Mr. Sandman
- "Hey! Mac Baby... Say Goodnight!"
- "Welcome to dreamland baby!"
- "I think you're gonna have a nightmare tonight!"
- "Bedtime for Little Mac!"
Piston Honda
- "Where is the NHK TV camera? Hello, Tokyo!"
- "I'll give you a TKO from Tokyo!"
- "You should wear a helmet when you fight me!"
- "Sushi, Kamikaze, Fujiyama, Nipponichi..."
- "I still remember our first fight. Now I'm gonna make you pay back, Banzai!"
Soda Popinski
- "I can't drive, so I'm gonna walk all over you!"
- "I'm going to make you feel punch drunk!"
- ""I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"
- "After you lose, we'll drink to your health! Ha, ha, ha!"
- "Would you like some punch to drink? Ha, ha, ha!"
Super Macho Man
- "I work on my tan harder than I'll have to work on you!"
- "I don't smoke... But tonight I'm gonna smoke you!"
- "My Super Spin Punch is totally tough!"
- "My body is just so totally cool!"
Von Kaiser
- "Surrender! Or I will conquer you!"
- "I will teach you a lesson. You will fall down!"
- "I was a boxing teacher... at the military academy!"
- "Your punch is soft... just like your heart!"
Gabby Jay
- First Match Quote: Let me win. I've lost so many times I forgot how winning feels.
- Rematch Quote: I like winning! Keep challenging me, it's good for my ego.
- Endgame Quote: I'll never retire! I can win at least once more. C'mon!!
Bear Hugger
- First Match Quote: Watch out! I am a killer - I am the Bear Hugger!
- Rematch Quote: You've come back for another spanking, eh?
- Endgame Quote: I've heard someone can beat me in 17 seconds.
Piston Hurricane
- First Match Quote: Can you ride out the storm or be caught in my "Hurricane Rush"?
- Rematch Quote: Hmmph!! Don't you know when to give up?
- Endgame Quote: My Hurricane Rush must not have worked...
Bald Bull
- First Match Quote: You'll be down for the count with one punch from my "Bull Charge".
- Rematch Quote: You've got a lot of guts to challenge me again!
- Endgame Quote: Don't be so proud. I pulled my punches when we fought.
Bob Charlie
- First Match Quote: People who can't feel the rhythm are so lost. Do you have the rhythm?
- Rematch Quote: Hey you! You don't seem to have the rhythm.
- Endgame Quote: Hey mon! Let's have fun once more!
Dragon Chan
- First Match Quote: You will find yourself face down... when you wake up.
- Rematch Quote: Same results every time. The world of fighting is a harsh one, isn't it?
- Endgame Quote: When I woke up... It was me lying on the mat.
- Trainer Quote: Just before Dragon Chan heals himself, his trainer exclaims "气沈丹田法!" (Qi chen dantian fa) in traditional Chinese. It literally means "sink the Qi into Dantian," which is a breathing technique used in Tai Chi.
- Trainer Quote: While Dragon Chan executes his triple kick, the trainer shouts "龍牙三連舞!," a command which roughly translates to "strike the teeth on 3 successive jumps."
Masked Muscle
- First Match Quote: You should give up now señor.
- Rematch Quote: Cheater? I don't know what you're talking about, amigo.
- Endgame Quote: Have your bruises healed yet Amigo?
Mr. Sandman
- First Match Quote: Had your goodnight kiss? 'Cause I'm about to put you down for the night.
- Rematch Quote: I hate holding back. This time I won't hesitate to use all my power on you.
- Endgame Quote: Ready for your nap now? I demand a rematch!
Aran Ryan
- First Match Quote: Your wimpy little punches won't even faze me.
- Rematch Quote: All I have to do is stop your KO Punches and this match will easily be mine.
- Endgame Quote: Oooh! You're the first with such heavy punches.
Heike Kagero
- First Match Quote: Be gentle with me, please. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hooo!
- Rematch Quote: Uh oh! Is it you again?
- Endgame Quote: You are so strong. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hooo.
Mad Clown
- First Match Quote: Welcome! Now let's get this show on the road.
- Rematch Quote: Huh? Don't you like my show?
- Endgame Quote: Go home! The show is over.
Super Macho Man
- First Match Quote: Make sure to stand clear while I pose for my fans.
- Rematch Quote: Fighting hurts my gorgeous body, but trashing wimps makes it all worthwhile.
- Endgame Quote: I'll have to train a bit more. Maybe I'll start with my abs...
Narcis Prince
- First Match Quote: I will not let you touch my beautiful, beautiful face.
- Rematch Quote: I won't forgive you if you hurt my face. I just won't do it.
- Endgame Quote: Oh, you! You've punched my face. Come 'ere now!!
Hoy Quarlow
- First Match Quote: Please, take it easy on a poor old man, won't you?
- Rematch Quote: Still a bit wet behind the ears aren't you sonny? You make good exercise.
- Endgame Quote: You are a spirited one, kid. Spar again with me sometime.
Rick Bruiser
- First Match Quote: My brother may be Champ, but only 'cause I let him win. Really I am the best!
- Rematch Quote: Having a rough day, buddy? I'll tell my brother that you said "Hi."
- Endgame Quote: I'm OK, but Nick is just sick about his loss.
Nick Bruiser
- First Match Quote: ......................
- Rematch Quote: Don't EVEN try...
- Endgame Quote: I'm so ashamed. How could I suffer such total defeat???
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
In Punch-Out!!, the boxers speak in their native language. Below are the English translations of their dialogue.Boxer | Career Mode | Title Defense Mode | |
Glass Joe Paris, France |
---- Reacts
---- Taunts
---- Corner scenes
---- Returning for a new round
Exhibition screen
---- Intro
---- Taunts
---- Corner scenes
Von Kaiser Berlin, Germany |
---- Taunts
---- Corner scenes
---- After getting up
---- Expecting a punch
Corner Scenes
Piston Honda Tokyo, Japan |
---- Missing a punch
---- While Little Mac gets up
---- Corner scenes
---- Returning for a new round
---- After getting up
---- TKO
Great Tiger Mumbai, India |
---- Missing a punch
Don Flamenco Madrid, Spain |
---- Corner scenes
---- Slashing Punches
Corner scenes
---- |
Soda Popinski Moscow, Russia |
Corner scenes
---- Drinking soda
Bald Bull Istanbul, Turkey |