Qin Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang (260 BC - 210 BC) was the first Emperor of China and the foundation of Qin dynasty.


  • 天下共苦戰鬥不休,以有侯王。賴宗廟,天下初定,又復立國,是樹兵也,而求其寧息,豈不難哉!
    • Translation: "The reason why China suffers bitterly from endless wars is because of the existence of feudal lords and kings. A reliance on ancestral temples initially brought stability, but the revival of states results in the spread of soldiers. Doing so will never bring about stability!"
    • Source: Records of the Grand Historian, by Sima Qian
    • Note: This is Qin Shi Huang's criticism of why the ruling techniques of the past were simply a vicious cycle.

  • To have a great peace, the state must be united. The King do what it must to fulfill his responsible as a king.

  • I have collected all the writings of the Empire and burnt those which were of no use.
    • Clive Foss, The Tyrants: 2500 Years of Absolute Power and Corruption, London: Quercus Publishing, 2006, ISBN 1905204965, p. 15
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