Queer as Folk
Queer as Folk was a United Kingdom television series written by Russell T. Davies, shown on Channel 4 in 1999. A followup two episode second series followed in 2000. The series focussed on the lives of three gay men in Manchester: Stuart, a supremely confident and wealthy advertising executive; his best friend Vince, the manager of a supermarket who is perennially unlucky in love; and Nathan, a 15-year-old just coming to terms with his sexuality.
Stuart: So, er, how many men
have you had now?
Nathan: Dunno. About... seven?
Vince: Shit.
Seven. I must've had about 2,007.
Nathan: Yeah? That means I've got 2,000 to go.
How many have you got left?
Unfinished Business [1.02]
- Can you believe it? They've got toilets in which no one's ever had sex!
- Vince, talking about straight bars.
- It's the exact opposite of childbirth. First you have the baby, then you get fucked.
- Stuart, who has donated sperm to help a lesbian couple have a baby, on discovering their financial demands.
Constant Craving [1.05]
- Nathan: Donna, you don't know her! You don't know anything! Cos you're straight! Right? You're part of the system! Right? You're part of the fascist heterosexual orthodoxy!
Donna: I'm black. And I'm a girl. Try that for a week.- Nathan talking to his classmate and friend Donna (played by Carla Henry).
- Stuart: Give him six months and he'll be able to name all the Doctor Whos, in order – William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy.
Vince: What about Paul McGann?
Both Together: Paul McGann doesn't count!- Stuart comments on Vince's obsession with Doctor Who and its effect on his new boyfriend.
Married .. with children [1.06]
- Nathan's dad: He's fifteen years old. He's fifteen. That boy is fifteen!
Stuart: So? That Jeep's only six months, and you've still gone and buggered it!- Nathan's dad deliberately rams Stuart's jeep and confronts him over his relationship with Nathan.
That's what friends are for [1.07]
- Stuart: Here she is! Rosalie, have you met Cameron? Let's go say hello. Cameron! This is Cameron, he's Vince's boyfriend. They've been going out for ages! Cameron says Vince shags like a rabbit! He's bought him a car! He's the perfect boyfriend – they're practically married!
- Stuart has invited Rosalie, one of Vince's co-workers who does not know he is gay and has a crush on him, to his birthday party.
- Nathan: I'm still gonna go out, to the Village.
Nathan's dad: Not on school nights you're not.
Nathan: And I'm not gonna change.
You know that, don't you?
Cos it isn't a phase.
I'm not gonna grow out of it.
I'm gonna be gay forever.
Nathan's dad: You've made your mind up.
It's obvious there's no stopping you.
It's Helen I'm worried about.
She's ten years old.
She's a child.
I don't want her head filled with notions.
Nathan: Like what?
Nathan's dad: As far as Helen's concerned,
the anus is for shit.
Got that?- The next night, Nathan and Donna run away to London.
Out of the Closet, Into the Fire [2.01]
- Stuart: We don't do hammers, or nails, or saws. We do joints and screws, but that's different.
Stuart's mother: Who does?
Stuart: Queers. Because I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, batty-boy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life. And I am not a pervert. If there's one twisted bastard in this family, it's this little blackmailer here. So congratulations, Thomas. I've just officially outed you.- Stuart comes out to his parents, after his nephew Thomas attempts to blackmail him.
Stuart: So, er, how many men
have you had now?
Nathan: Dunno. About... seven?
Vince: Shit.
Seven. I must've had about 2,007.
Nathan: Yeah? That means I've got 2,000 to go.
How many have you got left?
- Nathan grimaces. The looming senility is an obsession for Stuart.
Out of the Closet, Into the Fire (Part 2) [2.02]
- Stuart: What, come back to this? The ghetto: alleyways stinking of piss, beggars in every doorway, straights and students coming to look at the freak show, and all the idiots saving all week, saving their stupid money from their stupid idiot jobs so they can come and shoot their load with some stranger. And just you look after it, this stupid little street. It's the middle of the world. Cos on a street like this, every single night, anyone can meet anyone. And every single night, someone meets someone.
- Vince: It's all yours now, all of them, all the poofs and all the dykes and all the people inbetween. And this lot, they'll shag ya, they'll rob ya, some of them might even love ya. They'll all forget you in the end. Just stick with your friends, you'll be fine.
- Stuart and Vince to Nathan on Canal Street.
- Stuart Alan Jones — Aidan Gillen
- Vince Tyler — Craig Kelly
- Nathan Maloney — Charlie Hunnam