Rem Koolhaas
Rem Koolhaas is a Dutch architect, former journalist and screenwriter who studied architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London and co-founded the Office for Metropolitan Architecture.
- Architecture is a dangerous mixture of power and impotence.
- From S,M,L,XL, New York: The Monacelli Press, 1995
- Find optimism in the inevitable.
- From the New York Times article on Koolhaas and Dubai appearing March 3rd, 2008. Available here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/arts/design/03kool.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=Rem+Koolhaas&st=nyt&oref=slogin
- The city is no longer. We can leave the theatre now.
- From "Generic City", published in S,M,L,XL, New York: The Monacelli Press, 1995
- Bigness is no longer part of any urban tissue. (...) Its subtext is fuck context.
- From "Bigness or the problem of Large", published in S,M,L,XL, New York: The Monacelli Press, 1995
- Japan lives with drastic segregation between the sublime, the ugly, and the utterly without qualities. Dominance of the last 2 categories makes mere presence of the first stunning: when beauty 'happens', it is absolutely surprising.
- From "Learning Japanese", published in S,M,L,XL, New York: The Monacelli Press, 1995
- Architecture can't do anything that culture doesn't.
- We were making sand castles. Now we swim in the sea that swept them away.
- No money, no details. Just concepts.