Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4 is a survival horror game and is the sixth game in the Resident Evil series. RE4 focuses in Leon S. Kennedy as he travel to a village in Spain to save the U.S.A. President's daughter, who was kidnapped by a religious group who worships "Las Plagas", a kind of mind-controlling parasites.
Leon S. Kennedy
- I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing "Kumbaya" together at some Boy Scout bonfire. Then again, maybe you did.
- Hey, this is Leon. Sorry I couldn't call in sooner, but I was a bit "tied up".
- [after all the Ganados leave to go to the church bell] Where's everyone going? Bingo?
- [after almost falling to his death] Won't fall for that old trick.
- [to Ashley] I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt.
- Monsters. I guess after this, there will be one less to worry about.
- Shit!
- [when Salazar says that his "right hand", the Verdugo, is coming after him] Your right hand comes off?
- [aggresive voice] You got her involved just for that?!?
- [after being pressed a gun to his back by Ada Wong] Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style.
- Better try a new trick, 'cause that one's gettin' old.
Luis Sera
- Ay ay ay! Crawl out of one hole... and into another.
- [said only as a bottle cap] Did you send out those invitations? I told you: no more than fifty people!
- [said when Leon rips the tape off of his mouth after finding him] Aaah...! A little rough, don't you think?
- Okay, it's game time!
- I have only one, very important question... You got a smoke?
- [commenting upon Ashley's figure] Well... I see that the President equipped his daughter... with ballistics, too.
- [to Ada Wong] Hey, señorita! Have a light? And some smokes to go with it to make my day?
- The sample... Saddler's got it... you must get it back... [dies]
- A little rough, don't you think?
Ramón Salazar
- Don't you know no one dies without a cause? You will satisfy the stomachs of my cute pets!
- [in response to Leon surviving his trap] So, maybe you have nine lives... But it doesn't matter now, Mr. Kennedy! I have sent my right hand to dispose of you.
- Die, you worm!
- Hmm... Where is the satisfying sound of one's impalement?
- [in response to Leon giving him the sound of a loud gun blast] How dare you! No more games! Kill him! Kill!
- [in response to Leon's comment on his actions being based on terrorism] Isn't that a popular word these days?
- [in response to Leon saying "Salazar how'd you--?"] We've jacked the line.
- Sagacious as I am, even I get lost here some times, even if it takes you your whole life, you'll never get out.
Osmund Saddler
- Ah, the audacity of youth!
- Soon, you will become unable to resist this... intoxicating power.
- It seems Salazar's having difficulties taming the American pig. Salazar had his chance! Krauser, go get the girl! Oh... and dispose of this swine while you're at it.
- The "American prevailing" is a cliché that only happens in your Hollywood movies.
- Oh, mister Kennedy, you entertain me! And to show you my appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of clichés.
- You'll soon harbor an awesome power... but it seems you would rather choose death.
Jack Krauser
- Good Leon!
- Now that's what I'm talking about!
- Enough talk. Die, comrade!
- Run, Leon! Run!
- It's been a long time, comrade.
- You catch on quick, as expected. After all, you and I both know where we come from.
- Well, if it isn't the bitch in the red dress.
- Just so we understand each other clearly: I don't trust you, nor does Wesker. If you try to do anything clever, I will kill you.
- You may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?
- [after transforming his arm into a Plagas] Witness the power!!
- I died in a crash, two years ago. Is that what they told you?
- To bring order and balance to this insane world of ours.
- All for Umbrella's sake!
- Prepare for your death, Leon!
The Merchant
- Welcome!
- Got somethin' that might intrest ya.
- Whatta ya buyin'?
- Whatta ya selling?
- Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger.
- Ahhhh, I'll buy it at a high price.
- Heh, heh thank you.
- Whatchu need that for stranger, goin' huntin' elephants?
- Stranger, stranger! Now THAT's a weapon!
- Guns 's not just 'bout shootin', it's 'bout reloadin'. You'll know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
- Ah, the choice of an avid gun collector! It's a nice gun, stranger.
- Not only will you need cash, but you'll need guts to buy THAT weapon
- Various Ganados: ¡No dejes que se escape! (Don't let him escape!)
- Various Ganados: ¡Detrás de tí, imbécil! (Behind you, you imbecile!)
- Various Ganados: ¡Dale! (Hit him!)
- Don José: ¿Qué carajos estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón! (What the hell are you doing in here? Get out, you bastard!)
- Don Esteban: ¡Un forastero! (An outsider!)
- Don Diego: ¡Basta, hijo de puta! (Enough, you son of a bitch!)
- Leon Kennedy: Um, excuse me... Sir? I was wondering if you recognize the girl in this photograph?
- Don José: ¿Qué carajos estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón! (What the hell are you doing in here? Get out, you bastard!)
- Leon Kennedy: Sorry to have bothered you.
- Ingrid Hunnigan: Leon, I hope you can hear me. I'm Ingrid Hunnigan. I'll be your support on this mission.
- Leon Kennedy: Loud and clear. Somehow I thought you'd be a little older. So, the subject's name's Ashley Graham, right?
- Ingrid Hunnigan: That's right. She's the daughter of the President, so try and behave yourself, okay?
- Leon Kennedy: Whoever this group is, they sure picked the wrong girl to kidnap.
- Ingrid Hunnigan: I'll try to find more information on them from my end as well.
- Leon Kennedy: Good. Talk to you later. Leon out.
- Salazar: So, maybe you have nine lives. But it doesn't matter now, Mr. Kennedy! I've sent my right hand to dispose of you.
- Leon Kennedy: Your right hand comes off?
- Salazar: Say whatever you please... DIE, YOU WORM! [connection goes through static]
- [after Saddler explodes Leon's auxiliary helicopter]
- Lord Saddler: Ooh, I'm sorry, Leon.
- Leon Kennedy: Saddler, you bastard!
- Lord Saddler: It's nothing to get all upset about. Don't tell me you've never swatted a bothersome fly! In essence, it's the same thing.
- Leon Kennedy: What did you say?! Insects' life doesn't compare to human lives!
- Lord Saddler: When you've acquired this power, you too will understand.
- Leon Kennedy: Guess it's another good reason to get the parasite out of my body.
- Lord Saddler: I wish you luck.
- Leon Kennedy: I hate to break it out to you, but Salazar's dead.
- Lord Saddler: Yes, it seems that way.
- Leon Kennedy: Saddler, why don't you give up and let Ashley go home?
- Lord Saddler: Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small-time subordinate?
- Leon Kennedy: Saddler, you're small-time.
- Lord Saddler: [chuckles] Writhe in my cage of torment, my friend!
- Lord Saddler: Enjoyed the reunion with your old friend?
- Leon Kennedy: As a matter of fact, I did.
- Lord Saddler: Wonderful. I wouldn't want my special guests on the island feeling unattended.
- Leon Kennedy: Guess I'm supposed to thank you, right?
- Lord Saddler: Ah! I have an idea. While you're here, why don't I introduce you to "It"? "It" will keep you busy.
- Leon Kennedy: Forgot the name, eh? A senior moment, perhaps.
- Lord Saddler: Enjoy the fun.
- [Leon and Ashley are about to jump into a garbage container]
- Ashley Graham: Ugh. It stinks.
- Leon Kennedy: Sure does. [looks at Ashley and grins]
- Ashley Graham: No way, Leon!
- Leon Kennedy: Way! [grabs Ashley and jumps]
- Luis Sera: Leon!
- Leon Kennedy: Luis..
- Luis Sera: Small world, eh? Well... I see that the President equipped his daughter... with ballistics, too.
- Ashley Graham: How rude! And I don't believe there's any relevance with my figure and my standing! Who are you?
- Luis Sera: Whoa, excuse me, Your Highness! Perhaps the young lady might want to introduce herself first, before asking someone his name.
- Ashley Graham: Her name's Ashley Graham, the President's daughter.
- Luis Sera: Is she... Well, you know...
- Leon Kennedy: Don't worry, she's cool.
- Luis Sera: I have only one, very important question... You got a smoke?
- Leon Kennedy: Got gum.
- Cop with beard: Yo, who are you really? Come on and tell us. You are a long way from home, cowboy. You have my sympathies.
- Leon Kennedy: I guess that's a local's way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about. My assignment is to search for the President's missing daughter.
- Cop with glasses: What, all by yourself?
- Leon Kennedy: I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing "Kumbaya" together at some Boy Scout bonfire. Then again, maybe you did.
- [Leon and Ashley meet Ramón Salazar on a balcony, scolted by two Verdugos]
- Salazar: I was starting to wonder when you might notice us.
- Leon Kennedy: Who are you?
- Salazar: Me llamo Ramón Salazar, the eighth castellan of this magnificent architecture. I have been honored with the prodigious power from the great Lord Saddler. I've been expecting you, my brethrens.
- Leon Kennedy: No, thanks, bro.
- Salazar: My, my, we've got a feisty one. If you care for your own well-being, I suggest you surrender yourself and simply... become our hostage. Or, Mr. Scott, you can give us the girl, because you're not worth a penny, I'm afraid. You can die. [he leaves]
- Ashley Graham: I'm never turning into one of them... Never!
- Leon Kennedy: Got that right. We'll find a cure.
- Salazar: What a pleasant suprise. But I'm afraid it's Ashley we need, not you, Mr. Kennedy.
- Leon Kennedy: If you don't need me, then get off my back, old man!
- Salazar: Did you say "old man", Mr. Kennedy? It might come as a surprise, but I'm only 20 years old.
- Leon Kennedy: So you're just like all the others; a puppet of the parasites?
- Salazar: Surely you don't think I'm the same as those diminutive Ganados. The parasites, Las Plagas, are slaves to my will. I have absolute control.
- Leon Kennedy: Well, I really don't give a damn. Rain or shine, you're going down.
- Salazar: The sacred rite that is about to begin at this tower shall endow the girl with magnificent power. She will join us, become one of us.
- Leon Kennedy: This is no ritual. It's terrorism!
- Salazar: Isn't that a popular word these days?
- Jack Krauser: So.. You two are all hook up now is that it?
- Leon Kennedy: Wheres Ashley??
- Jack Krauser: Do you really wanna know? [squints] Shes beyond that gate, but you'd need three insignias to open it..
- Leon Kennedy: What are you gonna do, Krauser?
- Jack Krauser: There's one to the north and the other to the east.
- Leon Kennedy: And let me guess, you got the last one.
- Jack Krauser: That pretty much means you're on a tight leash [pulls out a TMP with the laser aimed at Leon]
- Leon Kennedy: Sounds like you thought up this one pretty well. [throws a hook to deflect Krausers TMP]
- Leon Kennedy: What is it that you intend to do in restoring Umbrella?
- Jack Krauser: To bring order and balance to this insane world of ours.
- Leon Kennedy: A psycho like you won't bring order or balance.
- Leon Kennedy: Hunnigan, is that you?
- Ingrid Hunnigan: Finally... The line's jack-free.
- Leon Kennedy: [charming voice] Hey, Hunnigan, no glasses...
- Ingrid Hunnigan: Forget the glasses. What's the status of the mission?
- Leon Kennedy: I've rescued the subject. We're returning home.
- Ingrid Hunnigan: You did it, Leon!
- Leon Kennedy: Thanks. You know, you're kinda cute without those glasses. Gimme your number when I get back?
- Ingrid Hunnigan: [smiles] May I remind you that you're still on duty?
- Leon Kennedy: [sighs] Story of my life...
- Ashley Graham: [After Leon has been freed of the parasite] How are you feeling?
- Leon S. Kennedy: Like a million bucks.
- Albert Wesker: Report. Time is almost up.
- Ada Wong: Krauser's dead.
- Albert Wesker: Really? Leon doesn't die easily. That's fine we could use him to clean out Saddler for us. When they fight it out, neither one of them will come out unharmed.
- Ada Wong: Easier said than done.
- Albert Wesker: Either way, it's your job to clean up what's left of them when the fight is over. Don't forget who is running the show. Whatever happens, we can't let either one of them live to see tomorrow. Our goal is to retrieve the sample. Take out anyone that may interfere with our plans.
Voice cast
- Paul Mercier: Leon Kennedy
- Carolyn Lawrence: Ashley Graham
- Rino Romano: Luis Sera
- Rene Mujica: Ramon Salazar
- Michael Gough: Osmund Saddler
- Sally Cahill: Ada Wong
- Salli Saffioti: Ingrid Hunnigan
- Jim Ward: Jack Krauser
- Jesse Corti: Bitores Mendez
- Richard Waugh: Albert Wesker