Richard Mottram
Sir Richard Mottram is a UK civil servant.
- We're all fucked. I'm fucked. You're fucked. The whole department's fucked. It's been the biggest cock-up ever and we're all completely fucked.
- Friday, 15 February 2002, about a scandalous email Rawnsley, Andrew. 'Why nothing sticks to New Labour ', The Observer, 3 March 2002
- In highly charged political matters, one person's ambiguity may be another person's truth.
- February 1985, as a prosecution witness in the case against Clive Ponting Norton-Taylor, Richard. 'Sir Richard Mottram, The Guardian, 25 February 2002.
- The honours system gets to grade people. Graded grains make finer rice.
- April 2004, explaining to the Commons committee on public administration why there are so many different levels of honours Hoggart, Simon. 'Sir Humphrey reveals his Dusty Springfield side', The Guardian, 30 April 2004
- When you are in the future, the past looks different.
- April 2004, to the Commons committee on public administration Hoggart, Simon. 'Sir Humphrey reveals his Dusty Springfield side', The Guardian, 30 April 2004
- We have six of the most distinguished people in the field on the committee, but you'll just have to take my word for it because I'm not allowed to disclose their names.
- April 2004, explaining to the Commons committee on public administration who was on the committee that recommended scientists for honours Hoggart, Simon. 'Sir Humphrey reveals his Dusty Springfield side', The Guardian, 30 April 2004