Riley Martin
Riley Martin is the author of the book The Coming of Tan, which describes his life and his alleged abduction by aliens, and the host of The Riley Martin Show, broadcast on Sirius Satellite Radio.
- "The mere fact that you are means you always have been and cannot stop being."'
- "You're not gods 'cause for one thing... God ain't got no big head like Elmer Fudd." (to aliens)
- "I have visually witnessed, in the physical, several life forms, intelligent life forms, aboard this great mother ship..."
- "Targzissians are obviously reptilian."
- "So, yes, the ship exists, and it belongs to the reptiles." (regarding a UFO sighting)
- "Give Robin my love." (concluding voice message to Stern Show)
- "O-Qua Tangin Wann... Qua Omsa Lagee Wann"
- "They can uh... set a headset on you, and download into your neurotronic syntaxes... uhhh various different... uh very complicated historical, uh and scientific equations and things of this nature... "
- "Chocolate candy! Uhhh, oatmeal cookies, oatmeal cookies! Soda pop! Orange soda pop! And we be eatin' like dogs, man. For a while, anyway." (talking about the wonders on board the Great Mothership)
- "The Greenhouse Effect, the melting of the poles, tsunamis, poisoning of the water table, cutting of the rainforests, overpopulation, new diseases man-made and not, wars and rumors of wars, hatred, karma... uh.. devilism... necromancy... you name it, it will all come down at one time, and will be the battle of the dark forces against, uh... the good forces of the Earth."
- "I will check him out even if he returns in a Chevrolet, you know..." (referring to the mode of transportation Christ may choose for his return)
- "Fafa Fooey, that's Baba Booey."
- "During my nine day visit with the Biaviians aboard the great mothership, I managed to, uh, get some Polaroid shots of the, uhhh, ships uhhhh, in broad daylight. These are are smart bugs, five feet tall. However, when you learn the potential magnitude of their power coupled with the deductive scope of their reasoning, you are given cause, on occasion, for apprehension. The aliens said some people think they are gods & I told them listen man, you're no god! Not with that big Elmer Fudd head! I said, 'Tan (O-Qua Tangin Wann), if you like Stevie Wonder so much, why don't you cruise by his crib and zap him some eye balls?"
- "We have nothing to fear from the sky. If you want to look up, look up at Capitol Hill and fear that." (1/30/07)
- "I hope that we shall meet, whoever is making this call, because I will rip you another asshole, you cocksucker." (to "Evil Dave Letterman")
- "Dave, I accidentally turned on your show one night and then threw up all over a fucking couch... looking at your beaver-type face." (to "Evil Dave Letterman")
- "I know that he, uh, has, uh, people to defecate in his mouth... uh, black dudes probably." (to "Evil Dave Letterman")
- "I'm losing a great deal of respect for you by simply having this roach Letterman (referring to "Evil Dave Letterman") on your show." (to Howard Stern)
- "My experiences started when I was 7-years-old and ultimately I'm sure that my experiences happened at that time so that one day I would meet stupid motherfuckers like you." (to "Evil Dave Letterman")
- "If it was you, you will be hunted down." (threatening Richard Christy)
- "I used to be hot for you, Robin. However, I wouldn't fuck you with Artie's dick."
- "Invoice...? What the fuck are you talkin' about...invoice??"
- "There are people, unnamed, in high echelon positions that I could call at this moment and tell them to nullify... uh, the fucking, uh, satellite radio industry."
- "I have greater things to do than talking to the golden fucking Jew."
- "I have better things to do than calling up, kissing the ass of the golden Jew." (when asked to repeat the previous statement)
- "[Why don't you come to my house]? And if you don't see the articles, I will bust you in your fuckin' beaver teeth." (to Gary Dell'Abate)
- "Now, uhhh, if I had called Tim Sabean and said, 'Tim, we have no food' he would have said, 'Fasting is good for your soul'." (talking about contract negotiations)