Ritsuko Okazaki
Ritsuko Okazaki was a Japanese singer-songwriter and author, known for her contribution to various anime series such as Fruits Basket.
always remember that no one can ever live alone
so don't cast the pain, happiness and secrets away, embrace them forever because it's my life
- ここに生きてる意味がわかるよ 生まれ落ちた喜びを知る
- Translation: I know the reason of being born on this world and the happiness of being born and living on this world.
- "For Fruits Basket", Siki
- I'm alright. I love you. I love my life. I'm always close to you.
- "I'm Always Close to You", For Ritz
- 約束 お願いはひとつだけ 生きて 生きて
- Translation: Promise me, this is my only will. Live on. Live on.
- "I'm Always Close to You", For Ritz
- どんな時にも なげてはだめよそれは なによりチャ一ミングなこと
- Translation: Wherever you are, whenever it is, never give up. Then, it will be the most "charming" thing in the world.
- "I'm Always Close to You", For Ritz
- 生きるのは苦しいの 同じくらい素敵なの
- Translation: Though life seems painful, at the same time it is wonderful
- 空色(Sorairo), Siki
- 今を越えて ここを越えてまた笑って見せて
- Translation: I will come through this stage, I will come through this place and smile again
- 空色(Sorairo), Siki
- どんなイイコト素敵な言葉も その笑顔にはかなわない
- Translation: Not a thing nor words, can ever compare to the smile of yours
- 笑顔にはかなわない(egao ni wa kanawanai), Life is Lovely
- 今日もがんばろう 負けない強さを持とう 愛する人のためにも
- Translation: I will give my best today for the sake of my loved ones
- Serenade, Siki
- やさしさの意味はむずかしい いいと思い かけた言葉 思いがけず 傷つけることがあるかも
- Translation: the meaning of kindness is hard to define, words you believe to be nice could be hurt to others
- A Happy Life, Rain or Shine
- でも あきらめないで話しかけたい 言葉にもがいても だって何度も思い知ってる 誰も一人では生きてないよ いつも
- Translation: but even if you struggle with the words you want to say, don't give up
always remember that no one can ever live alone
- A Happy Life, Rain or Shine
- あとでわかるよ 全ての意味が 今はわからなくても 苦しみも幸せも秘密も だから なげないで抱きしめていこう ずっと It's My Life だから
- Translation: although we don't know the meaning for everything now, we will soon
so don't cast the pain, happiness and secrets away, embrace them forever because it's my life
- A Happy Life, Rain or Shine