Quotes from Rugrats, and its movies.
"If you have to ask, you'll never know." - Angelica
- Susie:Where's my room waaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!(cries like a baby)
- "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do." -Tommy Pickles
- "Chuckie....................................eats a scallion." -Chuckie Finster
- "When life hands you a lemon, make applesauce!" - Angelica
- "You dumb babies" - Angelica
- "Being bad means never having to say you're sorry." - Angelica, lampooning a line from the 1970 movie Love Story
- "Mommy's ears are not a toy, Tommy." - Didi
- "Do we want to be remembered as the family that settled for less?" - Stu
- Angelica: Do you swear to tell Ruth, the whole Ruth, and nothing but Ruth, so help you Bob? ...Just say you do.
Phil & Lil: You do. - "Tommy's not old enough for that gizmo; heck, I'm not even old enough for it!" - Grandpa
- "Here you go, boy. Burnt to a crisp, just like you like them." - Stu, giving a burnt burger to Spike
- "I'm so hungry, I could eat a hog, head first!" - Mr. Mucklehoney
- "Land Without Brains is more like it!" - Grandpa, watching the movie The Land Without Smiles
- Shawna (on film): Just make sure you give valentines to the other needy children, Squeaky Bear. It's too late for me.
Grandpa: It's too late for me, too.
Didi: Shh!
Grandpa: I'm gonna get some candy; I'd rather rot my teeth than sit here and rot my brain. - "Take a nap and keep us both out of trouble." - Grandpa, to Tommy
- Mail Boy: Natalie, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?
Natalie: Not for all the gold in China.
Mail Boy: How about a couple of chili dogs, 2 Cokes, and a box of Raisinets?
Natalie: What time will you pick me up? - Angelica: After all, I'm playing the most dangerous game of all!
Chuckie: Musical Chairs?
Angelica: No, dummy! Love! - Tommy: I'll trade you [one of your milk bottles] my stacking cups.
Phil: There's a couple of them missing.
Tommy: My snowman book?
Lil: We read it already.
Tommy: My fire truck?
Lil: Umm... We're s'posed to be getting one for our birthday. - "Looks lifelike. Even smells lifelike. If I didn't know better, I say it was Tommy." - Grandpa, upon discovering the "doll" that came in the mail, not realizing that Stu already has the doll and Tommy is in the box
- "In my day we did all our counting with our fingers, and for bigger numbers we used our toes!" - Grandpa
- Didi: After kickoff, all you boys'll be thinking about is guzzling soda and eating pork rinds!
Stu: Whoa! Time out! I haven't eaten pork rinds in years! - Grandpa: Back in Minnesota State I was the "Galloping", uh... "Galloping"...
Drew: Geezer? - Angelica: See these teddy bears? They're the jerky.
Phil, Lil, & Chuckie: The jury?
Angelica: Not the Jury! The jerky! - "'Made In Taiwan.' Hmm, I didn't know Taiwan was in France!" - Grandpa
- Stu: My disco outfit!
Didi: Stu, you haven't worn that thing since 1977!
Stu: Hey, disco is coming back!
Angelica: Aunt Didi, what's disco?
Didi: Oh, nothing, sweetheart; it's something that happened a long time ago and is never, ever coming back, so don't you worry. - "Once upon a time, there was a very lonely bunny who needed some friends, and found some friends, and everyone was happy. The end." - Grandpa, rushing to get Tommy & Chuckie into bed before Morgana shows up
- "Hey look!
There's kids!
On the ice!
What's a dinosaur to do
When there's kids on the ice!
Someone better call their moms!" - Reptar (on Ice), ad-libbing when the Rugrats wander onto the ice - Howard: Who do you think I am? An imbecile?
Stu: Wow, Howard! And it only took you 15 seconds! - Chazz: Sometimes it takes a more mature person to stop a fight than one who started it to begin with.
Stu: Right, Chazz. Why don't you go home and watch more of those Mr. Rogers reruns? - "You? A superhero? You just looked like you fell into a laundry basket!" - Angelica
- "It's nice to make new friends, even if you knew them for 76 years." - Grandpa
- Stu: The bald guy gave [the action-musical movie The Merminator] "thumbs up".
Grandpa: I bet the fat guy hated it! - "Yes, yes. All goes accordion to plan, we'll go inside Chuckie, all right. But little do those babies know that I'm not gonna get rid of that [watermelon] seed; I'm gonna make it grow!" - Angelica
- "Thanks to those rugrats, I am completely revising my theories. The old "Dr. Lipschitz" is now merely an historical footnote; from now on, I'm now going to base my work on the French method of childrearing." - Dr. Lipschitz
- Stu: Charlotte, it's so nice that you can finally get away from work and spend the holidays with us.
Charlotte: Well, it is Christmas; after all, it's the season of love & joy. (back to Jonathan on the phone) I don't care, Jonathan! We got to crush the competition and we got to crush them now! - Angelica: You don't know the first thing about magic! (walks away)
Chuckie: Tommy, what's the first thing about magic?
Tommy: I don't know, Chuckie.
Phil: Hmm. Guess Angelica was right! - "It all started when the first present was given by the Pilgrims a long time ago. Then everybody started giving presents; even the Easter Bunny started giving them until Santa slapped him with a lawsuit." - Angelica, explaining the history of Christmas to Phil & Lil
- Randy: Say, Luce, remember the realtor told us about that ancient Indian curse? You don't think he (Stu) is it, do you?
- "You dumb babies! Stop having fun! It's just a dumb old box!" - Angelica, after the babies continue to play with the box she just tore up
- Chaz: I still can't believe Didi's baby brother is getting married. I mean, it seems like only yesterday he was running around in short pants screaming.
Stu: That was only yesterday, Chaz. Remember the bachelor party? - "I have to go, Jonathan; I'm at a friend's merger, er, wedding." - Charlotte
- Angelica: (giving the babies orders via her toy cellphone, which she has planted in Spike's mouth) Do you always do what your mommy tells you?
Tommy: Yes.
Angelica: Well, cut it out! - "You can't punish me; I'm Angelica! Your princess! Your cupcake! Your little tax shelter!" - Angelica, being punished for ruining Drew's office
- Boris: Why don't you turn on the Sesame Seed for them to watch?
Minka: What am I, your servant girl? Why don't you turn on the Sesame Seed?
Boris: I can't. I'm too old.
Minka: I'm old too.
Boris: But I'm older.
Minka: By 2 weeks!
Boris: It was a leap year!
Minka: Leap year, schmeap year! Now go turn on the Seed! - "All I need is a 'Thank You', and... oh, yeah, for you to be my slave for the rest of your life." - Angelica, after saving Chuckie's life
- "Tooth fairy? What a joke! Cheat fairy's more like her!" - Angelica, after only getting a dime for one of her teeth
- Angelica: Could [a magic lamp] turn Fluffy into a flying horse?
Grandpa: It could turn Fluffy into a Ferarri! - "Aladdin rubbed the magic lamp and wished for a Kingfisher 9000 Speed Boat." - Grandpa
- "Aladdin rubbed the lamp so he could turn rocks into gold, so he could buy a Kingfisher 9000." - Grandpa, when the Rugrats didn't believe the last line
- Chuckie: [after Finding Chazz buried in the sand on the beach with only his head visible] AAAAAAAH! MY DAD'S BEEN DECAFINATED!
- "That was the final nail in the coffee!" - Susie, thinking Angelica has stole her tricycle
- (After the babies trick Angelica into thinking she has the fictional ailment Rhinoceritis) Drew: Angelica, why are you eating grass?
Angelica: Be careful, daddy; a rhinoceros is known to charge at random. - "Some people call him 'Bigfoot'; some call him 'Sasquatch', the rest just call him 'Sir'." - Grandpa
- Tommy: I call [my building blocks artwork] "3 Babies and a Guitar".
Angelica: Do you know what I call it? (kicks blocks) A mess! - "If hippos were meant to fly, they wouldn't weigh 3000 pounds." - Didi
- "It's our right to watch cartoons! Not my mom! Not my dad! Not even President Weisenheimer's gonna stop us!" - Young Stu, in a flashback in which he and Drew try to watch Blocky and Oxwinkle even after being punished
- "Another boring day at the Finster house. I can't believe I'm spending the best days of my life here!" - Angelica
- "Let me know if you want me to break anymore of your best friend's toys. See ya!" - Angelica
- Angelica: Home movies are movies that other people don't want to watch.
Tommy: But why do they watch home movies?
Angelica: They have to; it's the law. - Grandpa: Stu! Didi! Great news! They're bringing back The Masked Detective!
Stu: Great! Where was he? - Chuckie: I saw this movie, King Krong, where he was pushed off the Entire State Building.
Tommy: So?
Chuckie: So why don't we push Mr. Friend off the Entire State Building? Never mind. I don't know why I even try. - Angelica: What kind of bozo would not put the key in the package?
Chuckie: Bozo works at the handcuff factory?
Angelica: Do me a favor; just keep quiet for awhile? - "The police car's at the fire station; the fire truck's at the airport; the airplane's on top of the restaurant; people are hanging out of windows and doors, buildings have moved, and you've completely taken apart City Hall!" - Chuckie, after Tommy "rearranges" his Bogo Blocks toy village
- "I don't know what kind of baby colony you're running, Deed, but it's time to face facts! The sixties are over and we lost, so get with the program, alright?" - Betty, after Phil & Lil discard their clothes in Tommy's house
- "Chuckie's a stupid name. Blaine's a TV name. Everyone knows TV names are better." - Angelica
- Charlotte: Now what do we do the next time we want something?
Angelica: Ask Daddy ?* Lil: (after Chuckie describes having a dream involving the Rugrats in a weird wonderland, a talking Spike, and Tommy with a clown face) I wish Tommy was a clown, then we can feed him peanuts!
Phil: That's elephants, Lillian. - "Ooh, you babies are so incontinent!" - Angelica, when Phil & Lil keep disobeying her orders
- (Grandpa's black hair dye gives him red hair after being exposed to the sun) Grandpa: Serves me right to fool Mother Nature.
Didi: And to order stuff from daytime TV. - "Chanukah is the special time of year between Christmas and Misgiving when all the bestest holiday shows are on TV." - Angelica
- Dotted-Line Girl (Lil): I'm just a dotted line!
Angelitron (Angelica): Any idiot can see a dotted line! - Josh: We'll split the babies, 50/50.
Angelica: Who gets the heads? - "Rivers overflowed, mountains crumbled, and all the TV shows were cancelled." - Angelica, explaining to the babies what happened "the last time the world ended"
- Angelica: (going off to look for the cookies) I'll be right back; I'm gonna check on the babies.
Tommy: Okay.
Chuckie: What did Angelica say?
Tommy: She says that she's going to check on the babies.
Chuckie: Oh.
All: (realizing) We are the babies! - Grandpa: I won 15 jackpots in a row [last time I was in Las Vegas
] ; they flew me home first class just to get rid of me!
Drew: I thought mom said you lost everything but your underwear and went home by bus?
Grandpa: Oh, what does she know? - Phil: I want a cheeseburger.
Lil: Yeah! With chocolate!
Angelica: You'll eat what I give you and like it! You have a choice of barbecubed yucky carrots or barbecubed yucky peas.
Rugrats: Yuck!
Angelica: (to Tommy) So what it'll be, Baldy?
Tommy: I can't decide.
Angelica: Why? Because it sounds so good?
Tommy: No; because your barbecube is gone! - "Deed, she's so beautiful. She's... she's a boy!" - Stu, on Dil's birth
- Didi: Chuckie? What happened to your shirt?
Grandpa: If he's hungry as I am, he probably ate it! - "Back in the old country, we didn't have wheelbarrows to move the wood. You had to chop down a tree and hope it fell in your living room!" - Boris
- "'Chicken Pops' is what turns little kids into chickens. That's why Chuckie has to stay inside. If the grownups let Chuckie outside, he'd get eaten by a cat!" - Angelica
- Minka: So Little Red Riding Hood skipped through the forest--
Boris: It's Little Blue Riding Hood, Minka, not red!
Minka: Boris, is the story 'Little Blue Riding Hood'? No! It's 'Little Red Riding Hood'! Anyway, so Little Red Riding Hood meets a wolf in the forest...
Boris: It was a goat! In the desert!
Minka: Wolf!
Boris: Goat!
Minka: Wolf!
Boris: Desert!
Minka: Forest!
Chuckie: I like when your gramma and grampa tell stories, Tommy!
Tommy: Yeah, we always get two stories instead of one! - "Juggling is like playing catch, only by yourself." - Angelica
- "Wow! That's one bodacious load!" - A student in Didi's class after seeing Tommy's dirty diaper
- "You? A superhero? You just looked like you fell into a laundry basket!" - Angelica to Chuckie
- "I got diaper rash down to my knees." - Phil
- "Sometimes I wish I could be you, just so I can be friends with me!" - Angelica
- "Back in my day, I used to work as a carny; I worked day and night and slept with the elephants. If one of them had a bad dream, they'd roll over and squash ya!" - Grandpa
- Didi: I hope Grandpa comes back with anything other than 40 boxes of Fudgy Dingaling Bars.
Stu: I hope they come back. - "Your room is a potty?" - Tommy
- "No, snookums; toilet paper is for cleaning messes, not making them." - Didi
- "Baked apples! I hate stinky baked apples!" - Angelica
- "My mouth's so dry I can't even spit!" - Tommy
- "I got up, but my legs feel like Jello; the red kind, not the green kind with bananas that I like." - Tommy, as the Masked Detective's narration
- "Jail is like a bazillion times more horribler than Time Out!" - Angelica
- "Next to me, you're the cutest girl in the show!" - Angelica, to "Tonya" (Tommy in a dress)
- "See? That's the Weatherman. He's the guy who makes it hot or cold outside!" - Tommy
- "No! I knew Spike! Spike's my friend, and let me tell you something, that dog's no Spike!" - Tommy
- "Boy! How come kittypillars work so hard to end up so ugly?" - Phil
- Minka: "Boris! Vere are the dumplings?"
Boris: "I put zem in the refrigerator."
Minka: "Not those dumplings!" - "Thorg Hungry! Thorg Want Eat!" - Thorg the toy Gorilla
- [Tommy and Chuckie think they are grown-ups]
Chuckie: Coffee, Tommy?
Tommy: Sure, I'd love a cup of jobe. - [Thinking that they wished Dil away]
Tommy: But... but... people just don't disappear because you wish for them to.
Phil: Yeah, Angelica- you're still here. - Friends til the end! - Tommy
"If you have to ask, you'll never know." - Angelica