Runaway Jury
Runaway Jury is 2003 film about a couple who sell the jury's verdict of a high-profile case to the highest bidder.
Trials are too important to be decided by juries.
- Directed by Gary Fleder. Based on the novel written by John Grisham.
Rankin Fitch
- Gentlemen, trials are too important to be left up to juries.
- You think your average juror is King Solomon? No! He's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of shit about truth, justice or your American way.
- Everybody has a secret they don't want you to find. Find it!
- We like fat women, people!
- Ah, I hate Baptists almost as much as I hate Democrats.
- You may be right, but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit. What's more... I never have.
- Ladies and Gentlemen, this girl is an amateur. Do you understand? A dilettante. And I want this nonsense ended today! I want you to find her. I want you to contain her! Because you're losing me my jury!
- What do you hope to achieve if you win? You gonna bring Jacob Wood back to life? No. You just ensure that his wife goes to the cemetery in a better car, and that the heel that she snaps on the way to the graveside belongs to a $1,200 shoe. You get your name in the paper. But Jacob Wood and all the other gun violence victims remain rotting in their crypts.
- Nicholas Easter: [after anti-gun fanatic is dragged kicking and screaming from the courtroom during jury selection] Well, I guess that's lunch...
- Henry Jankle: ...I was under the impression that we'd already purchased ourselves a verdict.
- Wendell Rohr: Gentlemen, I have lost my footing in this trial.
- Judge Harkin: I'm not sure, but I believe I'm buying lunch.
- Doyle: It's a set-up.
- Frank Herrera: [On nominating Herman for foreman] But...
- Eddie Weese: But he's blind, man. So what? So is justice, right?
- Nicholas Easter: [talking about a dead friend] Listen, I dunno if it would be inappropriate, but do you think we could do something today to remember him?
- Rikki Coleman: We could say the Lord's Prayer.
- Nicholas Easter: Well, I don't want to ask people to pray...
- Millie Dupree: How about "God Bless America"?
- Nicholas Easter: [with more conviction] Oh, I couldn't ask people to sing!
- Nicholas Easter - John Cusack
- Rankin Fitch - Gene Hackman
- Wendell Rohr - Dustin Hoffman
- Durwood Cable - Bruce Davison
- Celeste Wood - Joanna Going
- Marlee - Rachel Weisz
- Herman Grimes - Gerry Bamman
- Judge Harkin - Bruce McGill