Saw VI
Saw VI is a 2009 horror film. With Special Agent Peter Strahm dead, Detective Mark Hoffman emerges as the unchallenged successor to the late Jigsaw Killer's legacy. However, when the FBI draws closer to uncovering Hoffman's identity, he sets a new game in motion, and Jigsaw's grand scheme is finally understood.
6 Chances. 6 Lessons. 6 Choices.Taglines
- Directed by Kevin Greutert. Written by Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan.
- Methadone is only a masking agent. It doesn't heal. It just simply numbs the senses.
- People will continue to hurt you and let you down.
- Once you see death up close, then you know what the value of life really is.
- Until a person is faced with death, it's impossible to tell whether they have what it takes to survive.
- That's a human being.
- Do you like how brutality feels, Mark?
- By whose mathematical equation is this [possible cancer treatment] not feasible?
- Did you know that in the Far East, people pay their doctors when they're healthy. When they're sick, they don't have to pay. So basically, they end up paying for what they want, not what they don't want. We've got it all ass-backwards, here. These politicians, they say the same thing, over and over and over again. Healthcare decisions should be made by doctors and their patients, not by the government. Oh, now I know they're not made by doctors and their patients or the government. They're made by the fuckin' insurance companies.
- [to William, who has told him his tumor is inoperable] That rolled off your tongue real smooth.
- [William tells him the tumor will always return despite treatment] That was even smoother. As a matter of fact, that was downright slick.
- You think it's the living that will have ultimate judgement over you because the dead will have no claim over your soul. But you may be mistaken.
- Hello. I want to play a game. The devices on your heads are symbolic of the shackles you place upon others. You recklessly loan people money, knowing their financial limitations, counting on repossessing more than they could ever pay back. You are predators. Well, today, you become the prey, and you will give the amount of flesh that I demand. The scale before you is your only path to freedom. However, only one of you may pass, and the toll is the ultimate sacrifice. The sacrifice of flesh. Before you are the instruments to exact this flesh. Move with haste now, for when the 60 second timer hits zero, the one who has given the most flesh will release their bindings, while the gears on your opponent's head will engage, piercing their skull. Who will offer the most flesh in order to save their life? The choice is yours.
- Hello, William. You've probably been wondering when we would see each other again. Today is that day. For years, your probability formula has decided the fate of others. The healthy have benefited while the potentially sick have been unjustly rejected. However, this formula does not take into account the human will to live. When faced with death, who should live versus who will live are two entirely separate things. Today, your policy will be put to the test. There are four straps around your limbs and you have four tests you must complete. For if you don't, the straps on your arms and legs will detonate. Look closely. You have 60 minutes to complete your tests and avoid this fate. Starting now. You are not alone in this game. Just as you have taken loved ones away from their families, if you don't reach the end before the timer hits zero, you will never see your family again. Here is your first test. Your health and military background puts you in the highest category of success. However, the same cannot be said for your adversary. At only 52 years of age, this man has continued to smoke even though he has a history of high blood pressure and heart disease. This demonstrates his appreciation of the blessings of his own life. Your game will focus on a simple element. From there, once this game begins, every time you take a breath, the clamps around your chest will close in and crush your body. The only way to escape is in the other's failure. So I ask you, when faced with death, who will survive? Live or die, William. Make your choice.
- Hello, William. Standing on the platforms behind me are two of your colleagues. One is your file clerk: a young, healthy male with no living relatives. The other, a middle-aged woman with a family history of diabetes. According to your policy, your secretary is older and weaker and, therefore, less worthy to survive. But you know the loss that she will be to her family, while young Allen will disappear without a blip on the world's radar. Only one can exit this room, and the choice of whom falls upon you. You must let go of the one to save the life of the other. As you can see, the choice is not so clear when you're face-to-face with the people whose blood will stain your hands. Let the game begin.
- Hello, Pamela. You've sensationalized my life, twisting the truth and exploiting my message for your benefit. Well, today, you will experience the meaning of sacrifice and you will see the consequence for those who unjustly hurt others.
- Hello, William. You have seen the flaws in your policy. But what you have not seen is the extents some people will go to when faced with death. The lawyer from your firm has only ninety seconds to cross this room, or the device attached to her chest will discharge and pierce her brain. You will find that the journey across this room is filled with danger. In order for her to make it, you will need to be there for her, as it is you who ultimately holds the key to her survival. When faced with death, will she have the skills to live? Let the game begin.
- Hello, William. Before you are six of your most valuable associates. The ones who find errors in policies. Their findings result in over 2/3rds of all applications denied or prematurely terminated. Now, you must apply your... analysis to them, and be able to find their errors. Six ride the carousel -- but only two can get off. The decision of which two survive falls upon you, but remember the mounted gun will continue to fire until all six rounds are spent. And if no decision is made on your part, all six will parish. To offer the two reprieves, you must press both buttons at once in the box before you. However, in doing so, you will give a sacrifice of your own. Two can live. Four will die. Your decisions symbolized by the blood on your hands.
- Hello, Tara. My apologies for exposing you and your son to this kind of treatment, but I can assure you it is not without reason. The man before you just made the sacrifices to save the life of a loved one. However, when given the opportunity to save your husband's life, he chose not to. Now, you will be given the power to save a life. Will you grant this man the opportunity to continue living, or will you dispense the same death sentence he issued your husband? Live or die. The choice is yours.
Mark Hoffman
- [to a reporter who has told him she knows more about John Kramer than he thinks] Somehow I doubt that.
- The game begins tonight.
- Somebody knows about the box that shouldn't.
- From now on, I control all aspects of the game.
- John's dead, and his work is almost done.
- You want him to suffer just as much as I do.
- I don't need one [test].
- Who else knows about me?
William Easton
- [to a secretary about a client] I'll get back to her this week. [under his breath] Sometime.
- [to a client] Those are the rules, Harold. I'm sorry, but your own actions have caused this.
- Everybody thinks we're the bad guys. Nobody mentions the millions of people we help every year without incident. Or the millions of dollars we donate to charity every year. Or all the free clinics we support.
- Hold your breath!
- My decisions aren't made this way!
- It's policy.
- It's a game.
- [Simone wakes with a large device strapped on her head with two screws aimed into her temples. Around her are several large cutting instruments. She stands, pulling a trigger tab.]
- Simone: Help! [Rushes over to a fenced wall] Eddie!
- Eddie: [barely conscious] What?
- Simone: Eddie, wake up. Don't move.
- Eddie: [waking up and feeling the device on his head] Where are we?
- Simone: Okay, listen to me. Don't lean forward.
- Eddie: [panicking] What's this? What's going on?!
- Simone: No!
- [Eddie stands and pulls the trigger tab. Billy appears on a TV in an area between them.]
- Tape: Hello. I want to play a game. The devices on your heads are symbolic of the shackles you place upon others. You recklessly loan people money, knowing their financial limitations. Counting on repossessing more than they could ever pay back. You are predators. Well today, you become the prey, and you will give the amount of flesh that I demand.
- Eddie: [points to Simone] This is your fault!
- Tape: The scale before you is your only path to freedom. However, only one of you may pass, and the toll is the ultimate sacrifice. The sacrifice of flesh. Before you are the instruments to exact this flesh. Move with haste now, for when the 60 second timer hits zero, the one who has given the most flesh will release their bindings, while the gears on your opponent's head will engage, piercing their skull. Who will offer the most flesh in order to save their life? The choice is yours.
- William Easton: [after calling someone on the phone] Uh, what were we talking about?
- Debbie: We're talking about your deposition.
- William Easton: So worry about me, Debbie. Some small-time lawyer trying to squeeze us is not going to get me to say anything I don't want to say.
- Debbie: I have no doubt about that, but as lead counsel for this company, if you screw up, it comes down on my ass, so what do you say we prep your deposition?
- William Easton: Oh, Christ.
- Debbie: Do you remember dealing with a Mr. Harold Abbot?
- Secretary: [interrupting] William, I have a Casey Patterson on Line One.
- William Easton: Take another message, Addy. I'll get back to her this week. [turns around] Sometime. [to Debbie] Keep going.
- Debbie: When opposing counsel asks about Mr. Abbot, how will you respond?
- William Easton: I am going to respond by saying, as Senior Vice-President of Membership and Claims, it is my job to review every terminated policy. As a matter of fact, Mr. Abbot was sitting right where you are now when we discussed his appeal.
- [Flashback]
- Harold Abbot: I just don't get it. I've been with this insurance company for over ten years.
- William Easton: I know, Harold, but unfortunately, when we reviewed your claim, we discovered that you failed to mention a previous condition.
- Harold Abbot: What condition? There's no condition.
- William Easton: [opens folder] It says here you had oral surgery to remove a cyst from your jaw.
- Harold Abbot: This is absurd! I have heart disease. It has nothing to do with some oral surgery that I had 30 years ago!
- William Easton: Any type of oral surgery is going to leave scar tissue. Scar tissue can lead to gum disease, and as you well know, gum disease can cause heart disease.
- Harold Abbot: You know what? You're-You're a criminal. [stands] You are goddamn criminal. I've paid my monthly premium for ten years without so much as a cold, and now that I'm actually sick, you're gonna deny my coverage? I have a family!
- William Easton: Those are the rules, Harold! I'm sorry, but your own actions have caused this.
- Harold Abbot: You've just given me a death sentence. I mean, who's gonna cover me now? You just killed me. [leaves]
- [Present]
- William Easton: I have a family too, so I can empathize with his argument. But basically, the guy lied on his application--
- Debbie: Whoa, watch it, Will.
- William Easton: What?
- Debbie: Do you think he did that on purpose?
- William Easton: [pause] It wasn't my job to assess what his intentions were. It was my job to check the accuracy of his claim. Everybody thinks we're the bad guys. Nobody mentions the millions of people we help every year without incident. Or the millions of dollars we donate to charity every year. Or all the free clinics we support.
- Debbie: Short answers, Will. Short answers.
- [William walks over to a TV to watch a news report]
- Pamela Jenkins: The assets for one of history's most notorious serial killers, John Kramer, were distributed. They were mainly in real estate holdings, but in my time... [fades out]
- Debbie: One more question: Who found the error on his application?
- William Easton: [gestures out window] The Dog Pen. They work as a team. If there's a discrepancy to be found on an application, the six of them will find it.
- [Hoffman arrives at the site Eddie and Simone's trap]
- Mark Hoffman: What's going on?
- Officer: Feds took over the crime scene. They're requesting you ASAP.
- Mark Hoffman: Erickson. I didn't know you ever made it out from behind the desk.
- Dan Erickson: I make exceptions when fingerprints are found at a Jigsaw murder scene. [kneels next to Eddie's corpse] Have a look. [shines a UV light over Eddie's face] We also got a right index off the scale.
- Mark Hoffman: Been IDed yet?
- Dan Erickson: Yeah. They're Agent Strahm's. When I learned he and Perez were being targeted by Jigsaw, I should have been more aware, but I didn't see this coming. Not from Peter Strahm.
- Mark Hoffman: It was a shock to all of us.
- Dan Erickson: Yeah. [stands] But we've got something he doesn't know about. Follow me.
- [Erickson leads Hoffman into a room]
- Dan Erickson: Lindsey.
- Lindsey Perez: Detective Hoffman.
- Mark Hoffman: Perez?
- Dan Erickson: It was my call, Detective. I knew that Jigsaw wasn't working alone, but until I knew for certain who was helping him, I couldn't guarantee her well-being.
- Mark Hoffman: So you let me think she was dead?
- Dan Erickson: Well, I didn't know who I could trust.
- Mark Hoffman: What else have you been keeping from me?
- Lindsey Perez: We know that Agent Strahm knew the five people in the real estate scam. The victims in the traps that Erickson found.
- Mark Hoffman: How do you know?
- Lindsey Perez: Strahm and I investigated them after the house fire. It was arson. All five people were accountable, but after our lone witness went missing, no charges were ever filed.
- Dan Erickson: Strahm couldn't let them get away, so he put them in a trap in which slaughtering each other was the only way out.
- Mark Hoffman: So what are you telling me? He's a vigilante?
- Dan Erickson: Call him whatever you like. But he has to be found.
- [Hoffman starts to leave]
- Lindsey Perez: We'd like to work together on this.
- Mark Hoffman: [to Erickson] You led me to believe that she was dead, and you want to work with me?
- Dan Erickson: Look, we're offering full disclosure, detective. So from now on, everything we know, you know. Is that fair?
- [Hoffman (reluctantly) and Erickson shake hands]
- Pamela Jenkins: Detective Hoffman. How about a quick word?
- Mark Hoffman: Pamela Jenkins, the resident Jigsaw sensation.
- Pamela Jenkins: Just reporting the facts, detective.
- Mark Hoffman: Is that what you're doing? John Kramer: Conundrums of Carnage.
- Pamela Jenkins: If you'd like to make a statement on the record, I'd be more than happy to take it.
- Mark Hoffman: You're twisting the facts to make a better story. It's irresponsible. Excuse me. Nice catching on.
- Pamela Jenkins: I know more about John Kramer than you might think.
- Mark Hoffman: Somehow I doubt that.
- Pamela Jenkins: Kramer left his wife a box in his will. Did you know that?
- Mark Hoffman: Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. How do you know it?
- Pamela Jenkins: Probate court. It's public record for those who know where to look.
- Mark Hoffman: All right. What do you really want?
- Pamela Jenkins: Jill Tuck. Help me get to her, and I'll dial down on the sensationalism.
- Mark Hoffman: Really? I'll see what I can do.
- Simone: He did this to me.
- Mark Hoffman: Who did this?
- Simone: Jigsaw.
- Mark Hoffman: You didn't cut your own arm off?
- Simone: I did. I did. But he made me do it.
- Mark Hoffman: And why is that?
- Simone: Because what Eddie and I were doing was wrong. We were ruining people's lives. He wanted us to learn.
- Mark Hoffman: And did you?
- Simone: Look at me. Look at my goddamn arm! What the fuck am I supposed to learn from this?! Huh? Look at my arm! [Hoffman leaves] What am I supposed to learn from this?! Look at me!
- Dr. Heffner: Look here. These are the Jigsaw pieces carved from previous victims. [Shows Hoffman, Erickson and Perez a group of photos] This is the piece taken from the latest victim. [points to the cut on Eddie's corpse]
- Mark Hoffman: It looks like all the rest.
- Lindsey Perez: Yeah, that's what we said, too.
- Dr. Heffner: The skin abrasions, they're indicative of a knife of a partially serrated edge.
- Mark Hoffman: So?
- Dr. Heffner: So all the other cuts were made with a near-perfect blade of surgical quality.
- Mark Hoffman: Obviously, Strahm used a different knife than John Kramer.
- Lindsey Perez: Right, but it got us curious, so we pulled the files to compare. That same knife was used on only one other victim.
- Dan Erickson: That victim was Seth Baxter. The man who killed your sister.
- Mark Hoffman: You're telling me that you can tell a different knife was used from a photo?
- Dr. Heffner: No, but I can. I was the one who examined that body. I've examined every body of the Jigsaw Killer.
- Mark Hoffman: Good work.
- Dan Erickson: The tape from the latest victim was missing, so we're looking into the Seth Baxter tape.
- Mark Hoffman: Why's that?
- Lindsey Perez: Well, maybe if a different person cut the piece, then maybe a different person made the tape, too.
- Mark Hoffman: Strahm?
- Lindsey Perez: Yeah, maybe.
- Dan Erickson: Strahm's voice on the tape would be our smoking gun. We have that, we could go public with his involvement.
- Jill Tuck: I didn't expect to see you here so soon.
- Mark Hoffman: Change of plans. The game begins tonight.
- Jill Tuck: Why?
- Mark Hoffman: Because somebody knows about the box that shouldn't.
- Jill Tuck: Who?
- Mark Hoffman: That's not your concern. All you need to know is that, from now on, I control all aspects of the game.
- Jill Tuck: That's not what John wanted.
- Mark Hoffman: Give me the envelopes. That's not a request.
- Jill Tuck: [hands him five envelopes marked 1-5] Here.
- Mark Hoffman: That all there is?
- Jill Tuck: Yes.
- Mark Hoffman: From now on, I work alone.
- Jill Tuck: I know. I'm only carrying out John's final request.
- Mark Hoffman: Well, John's dead. And his work is almost done. [looks at a photo of William Easton] Who's this?
- Jill Tuck: Unfinished business.
- Mark Hoffman: When I'm done, we no longer speak.
- [Flashback]
- John Kramer: Methadone is only a masking agent. It doesn't heal; it just simply numbs the senses. I found a better way. These people, they will continue to hurt you, and let you down.
- Jill Tuck: They're addicts, John. Recovery is a process.
- John Kramer: Maybe addiction is just a part of human nature. But what about these people, Jill, who come here every day and use you? They bide their time. They're avoiding prison sentences. They're getting hooked on masking agents. Do you call that recovery?
- Jill Tuck: It's not that simple.
- John Kramer: Addiction is not simple! [slams the desk] JILL! WAKE UP! These people have no respect for the lives that they're destroying. Once you see death up close, then you know what the value of life is. And that's my way. And I brought proof that I want you to see. [holds out his hand]
- Jill Tuck: [looks in a corner of the room] Amanda?
- Amanda Young: Hello, Jill.
- John Kramer: Jill, you once told me that she was a lost soul. But here she stands. She's clean, and whole. And she has new appreciation for her life.
- Amanda Young: It works. It's real. He helped me.
- [Present]
- Jill Tuck: Okay, John.
- [William awakens with his arms held up by chains in the manner of a crucifix and wearing a breathing mask. John Kramer appears on a TV.]
- Tape: Hello, William.
- William Easton: Oh, Jesus--
- Tape: You've probably been wondering when we would see each other again. Today is that day.
- William Easton: No!
- Tape: For years, your probability formula has decided the fate of others. The healthy have benefited while the potentially sick have been unjustly rejected. However, this formula does not take into account the human will to live. When faced with death, who should live versus who will live are two entirely separate things. Today, your policy will be put to the test. There are four straps around your limbs and you have four tests you must complete. For if you don't, the straps on your arms and legs will detonate. [tape cuts to a video of a mannequin] Look closely. [the mannequin's arms explode after a few seconds] You have 60 minutes to complete your tests and avoid this fate. Starting now.
- [a 60:00 clock starts counting down]
- Tape: You are not alone in this game. Just as you have taken loved ones away from their families, if you don't reach the end before the timer hits zero, you will never see your family again. Here is your first test. Your health and military background puts you in the highest category of success. However, the same cannot be said for your adversary.
- [the janitor, Hank, is suddenly revealed in the room]
- Tape: At only 52 years of age, this man has continued to smoke even though he has a history of high blood pressure and heart disease. This demonstrates his appreciation of the blessings of his own life. Your game will focus on a simple element. From there, once this game begins, every time you take a breath, the clamps around your chest will close in and crush your body. The only way to escape is in the other's failure. So I ask you, when faced with death, who will survive? Live or die, William. Make your choice.
- Hank: Who the hell is that?!
- William: [watches as the two clamps come closer toward him] Hold your breath!
- [The two manage to hold their breaths for a long amount of time before stopping. The clamps come closer. Hank struggles and fails to hold his breath for much longer, taking too many breaths and unintentionally allowing the two clamps to crush his ribcage. William manages to release himself from his restraints. He soon finds a key to release his right wrist shackle and climbs a ladder out of the room.]
- [Flashback]
- Jill Tuck: Ms. Jenkins.
- Pamela Jenkins: Please, this will only take a second. We can help each other.
- Jill Tuck: What makes you think you can come to my door like this?
- Pamela Jenkins: Because I found something you'll want to see. [hands Jill a note] Go on.
- Jill Tuck: [reads it] Where did you get this?
- Pamela Jenkins: It was at the location where John died. Does it mean anything to you?
- Jill Tuck: [pause, then hands it back] No. Goodbye, Ms. Jenkins. [shuts the door]
- Pamela Jenkins: [slides the note under the door] If you think of anything.
- [Jenkins leaves and, after trying a failed elevator, is attacked by a figure in a Pig Mask]
- [Flashback]
- John Kramer: I want to thank you for sponsoring this party, William, and I know how much the clinic appreciates it. John Kramer.
- William Easton: William Easton. Kramer. You're Jill's husband, right?
- John Kramer: I am.
- William Easton: Nice to meet you.
- John Kramer: Nice to meet you.
- William Easton: Sounds like we're in a similar business, John.
- John Kramer: Oh, yeah? How's that?
- William Easton: Well, you try to predict people's behavior. So do I. People count on us for coverage, and we have to analyze each person for the probability of success.
- John Kramer: How do you do that?
- William Easton: Well, it's a formula. It's pretty complicated, actually, but in essence, it breaks down to monthly payments multiplied by lifespan, minus the probability of illness, and if its sum is positive, we consider coverage.
- John Kramer: Who devised that formula?
- William Easton: Me.
- John Kramer: So, in a sense... you choose who lives or dies?
- William Easton: [pause] No, I, uh... No, I'd say I decide which people have the potential to live long, healthy lives.
- John Kramer: But you're not taking into consideration the most important human element of all.
- William Easton: Which is what?
- John Kramer: The will to live. Until a person is faced with death, it's impossible to tell whether the have what it takes to survive.
- [Present]
- [William enters a room with two labels reading TAKE THEM over two small rods]
- William Easton: Fuck that. [sees that the strap on his right wrist is arming] Shit!
- [William reluctantly pulls on the two rods, each pulling a chain out from behind them and causing Billy to fall from a ledge and hang in front of him]
- Tape: Hello, William. Standing on the platforms behind me are two of your colleagues. One is your file clerk: a young, healthy male with no living relatives. The other, a middle-aged woman with a family history of diabetes. According to your policy, your secretary is older and weaker and, therefore, less worthy to survive. But you know the loss that she will be to her family, while young Allen will disappear without a blip on the world's radar. Only one can exit this room, and the choice of whom falls upon you. You must let go of the one to save the life of the other. As you can see, the choice is not so clear when you're face-to-face with the people whose blood will stain your hands. Let the game begin.
- [Billy is suddenly pulled into the ceiling]
- William Easton: No! I won't do it! I won't do this! I won't do this!
- [Allen and Addy's platforms suddenly collapse slightly]
- William Easton: It's a business! My decisions aren't made this way!
- [The platforms collapse slightly more]
- William Easton: No! I'm not going to do it! I'm not going to do it!
- [William is pulled in as the platforms lower even more]
- William Easton: I'm sorry. I'm sorry...
- [William releases Allen's chain, hanging him on a razor-wire noose. His corpse is pulled into the ceiling, while Addy is released.]
- Addy: [crying] Thank you. Thank you!
- William Easton: You try and find a way out of here, Addy. I have to keep going. Be careful.
- Mark Hoffman: [answers phone] Hoffman.
- Dan Erickson: [over phone] It's Erickson. We found the Seth Baxter tape.
- Mark Hoffman: ... Yeah?
- Dan Erickson: But there was something else we wanted to discuss with you.
- Mark Hoffman: What's that?
- Dan Erickson: Better to talk about it in person. It's, uh, time sensitive.
- Mark Hoffman: I'll be right there.
- [Flashback]
- [Hoffman is setting up the Rack trap from Saw III]
- Amanda Young: [wheels John into the room] Last-minute tweaks? [to John] Told you he'd fuck with it.
- John Kramer: If you switch the gear ratio, you have to change the gear grease to match the increased friction.
- Amanda Young: [to Hoffman] Maybe you should stick to the heavy lifting.
- John Kramer: Check with me next time.
- Mark Hoffman: How many next times are there gonna be?
- John Kramer: However many there needs to be.
- [Hoffman holds up the wheelbarrow with Timothy Young in it and violently flips him out of it]
- John Kramer: That's a human being. Do you like how brutality feels, Mark?
- Mark Hoffman: Let's be honest. You want him to suffer just as much as I do.
- [Amanda walks behind Hoffman and picks up a nailgun]
- Amanda Young: So when's your test, detective?
- Mark Hoffman: I don't need one.
- Amanda Young: Oh, yeah?
- Mark Hoffman: Yeah. [grabs Amanda's arm and exposes a cut on her wrist] Because I don't take life for granted.
- Amanda Young: You're still dragging your knuckles on the ground. What do you know about life? Get used to me, 'cause I'm not going anywhere.
- Mark Hoffman: You sure about that?
- John Kramer: [coughs] Time is short.
- Amanda Young: You okay?
- John Kramer: [nods] Now it's time to get Dr. Denlon from the hospital.
- Amanda Young: I'll take you back.
- [Amanda stops in the hall after finding Jill there]
- John Kramer: [to Amanda] Go. I'll be quick. [she leaves] Why'd you come here?
- Jill Tuck: John, stop. Don't do this.
- John Kramer: I promise you, when all this is done, I will provide a way out for you.
- Jill Tuck: I wish that time was now.
- John Kramer: Then I have something for you.
- [John stands and gives her a key]
- Jill Tuck: What's this for?
- John Kramer: When the time's right, you'll know what to do with it.
- John Kramer: I came to talk to you, Will, because I've found a treatment for my cancer that I think holds a lot of promise, but my requests for coverage have all been turned down. So I was hoping that maybe if I came and explained it to you, that you might be able to get that overturned for me.
- William Easton: Well, the buck starts here, John. Fire away.
- John Kramer: [hands him a magazine] This is a doctor in Norway. He's got a thirty to forty percent success rate with gene therapy. He injects what he calls suicide genes into cancerous tumor cells, then any inactive form of a toxic drug is administered and it...
- William Easton: Yes, I'm familiar with the therapy you're talking about.
- John Kramer: Right. And a new trial's starting. He's looking for new patients, and he seems to think that I'm the perfect candidate.
- William Easton: John, if your primary physician, Dr. Gordon, thought you were a suitable candidate, he would have pursued it.
- John Kramer: Dr. Gordon is a specialist, you know. He's making money on his specialty. He's not a thinker. I mean, the man has his hand on the doorknob half the time that I'm there..
- William Easton: I'm going to be straight with you. At your age, and with the development of your cancer, it's simply not feasible for your--
- John Kramer: Wait, wait, wait. What's unfeasible? By whose mathematical equation is this not feasible?
- William Easton: It's policy, John. It's policy. And if you go outside the system to seek out this treatment, which has been deemed ineffective, you will be in breach of policy and dropped from coverage completely. I'm sorry.
- John Kramer: [stands, then looks out at the "Dog Pen"] Did you know that in the Far East, people pay their doctors when they're healthy. When they're sick, they don't have to pay. So basically, they end up paying for what they want, not what they don't want. We've got it all ass-backwards, here. [points to TV] These politicians, they say the same thing, over and over and over again. Healthcare decisions should be made by doctors and their patients, not by the government. Oh, now I know they're not made by doctors and their patients or the government. They're made by the fuckin' insurance companies. [looks at William's fish tank] Piranha.
- William Easton: John... [walks towards him]... please. If you do this, then you'll be on your own and the subsequent cost to you will be staggering.
- John Kramer: Don't talk to me about money. I have money. This is about principle. You see, Will... this is my life we're talkin' about. You remember?
- William Easton: What about Jill's life? How's she going to be taken care of when you're gone?
- John Kramer: You let me worry about Jill.
- William Easton: The type of cancer you have is malignant and inoperable.
- John Kramer: That rolled off your tongue real smooth.
- William Easton: Even if the treatment works, the cancer will return eventually. It's an unwinnable battle.
- John Kramer: That was even smoother. As a matter of fact, that was downright slick. You think it's the living that will have ultimate judgement over you, because the dead will have no claim over your soul. But you may be mistaken.
- [Present]
- [William enters a large, multi-leveled maze-like room. He grabs a tape hanging from the ceiling.]
- Tape: Hello, William. You have seen the flaws in your policy. But what you have not seen is the extents only fools will go to when faced with death.
- [a section below William lights up, revealing Debbie]
- Tape: The lawyer from your firm has ninety seconds to cross this room, or the device attached to her chest will discharge and pierce her brain.
- William Easton: It's going to be okay! You're going to be okay!
- Tape: She will find that the journey across this room is filled with danger. In order for her to make it, you will need to be there for her, as it is you who ultimately holds the key to her survival. When faced with death, will she have the skills to live? Let the game begin.
- [Debbie's 90-second timer starts as she is released from her restraints]
- William Easton: Okay, listen!
- Debbie: [wildly thrashing around] What the fuck is this?!
- William Easton: Listen to me! Debbie! Hey!
- Debbie: [still thrashing] Get me the fuck out of here!
- William Easton: DEBBIE! [she stops] Okay, you're gonna get through this maze as fast as you can. Go. Go! Now! [she starts to run down a caged hall] Come on! You can make it!
- Brent: Someone's there. They're watching us.
- Tara: Why? Why would someone do this?
- Dan Erickson: [to Hoffman] Thanks for coming.
- Mark Hoffman: What'd you find?
- Dan Erickson: An abnormality with Strahm's fingerprints.
- Mark Hoffman: What?
- Dan Erickson: [points to the computer Perez is at] Take a look.
- Lindsey Perez: See, the human fingerprint leaves an oily residue. Depending on how long it's been exposed to the elements, it's highly susceptible to contamination.
- Mark Hoffman: So what's the problem?
- Lindsey Perez: Well, we found trace amounts of Halomethane R-12.
- Dan Erickson: She means Freon.
- Lindsey Perez: Production of R-12 ceased in 1994, so the question is, was the contaminant we found at the sight already, or did Strahm bring it to the facility with him?
- Dan Erickson: We're looking into the building's function before it was abandoned.
- Mark Hoffman: Uh-huh. [Erickson goes to answer a phone] Did anything come off of the Seth Baxter tape?
- Lindsey Perez: Uh, yeah, actually. We might be on to something. The tape was in pretty rough shape when we found it, but we were able to authenticate it. The voice was intentionally distorted, but it didn't match John Kramer's. It's currently being analyzed.
- Mark Hoffman: Through what?
- Lindsey Perez: Well, we're trying to descramble the tape to find the original voice. He's on with the tech now. You timing something? Your watch.
- Mark Hoffman: Oh, I was before I got your call.
- Dan Erickson: [hangs up] We got it. This is our smoking gun. [grabs his coat] The lab's off-site. Come on. [to Hoffman] You're coming, right?
- Mark Hoffman: [pause] Of course.
- [William encounters the six "Dog Pen" members on a spinning carousel-like trap]
- Josh: [as he passes William] What is this?
- William Easton: It's a game.
- [Billy appears on a TV]
- Tape: Hello, William. Before you are six of your most valuable associates. The ones who find errors on policies. Their findings result in over two-thirds of all applications denied or prematurely terminated. Now you must apply your "analysis" to them and be able to find their errors. Six ride the carousel, but only two can get off. The decision of which two will survive falls upon you, but remember: the mounted gun will continue to fire until all six rounds are spent. And if no decision is made on your part, all six will perish. To offer the two reprieves, you must press both buttons at once in the box before you. However, in doing so, you will give a sacrifice of your own. Two can live. Four will die. Your decision is symbolized by the blood on your hands.
- Dave: Wake up! You've got to get us out of here!
- Aaron: Listen to me! I am the one who should live.
- [The Carousel stops on Aaron]
- Aaron: Fuck! [the shotgun begins to arm] Jesus! Please! Mr. Easton! Please! Follow policy, Mr. Easton! Do it! Follow the policy, Mr. Easton! Follow the policy!
- [The gun fires, killing Aaron and causing the carousel to start spinning again]
- Dave: Mr. E! You always said we're only as strong as the weakest link! I'm the strongest! You can't let me die!
- Emily: Fuck you!
- Gena: I'm healthy! I'm healthy!
- Emily: I have two kids! You know me, Will!
- [The Carousel stops on Emily]
- Emily: Please, they can't get on with out me! They need me!
- [William presses a button, causing a rod to fire through his hand. The shotgun rotates into a 90-degree angle before firing. The carousel begins spinning again.]
- Dave: Why her?! You don't even know her! Mr. Easton!
- Shelby: Mr. Easton, listen to me! My parents are sick! They need me! I'm only--
- Dave: You fucking liar! You parents hate you! They cut you off!
- Shelby: What?! That's not true!
- Emily: I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!
- Josh: No she's not! She's lying! She's fucking lying! Mr. Easton, she's lying!
- [The Carousel stops on Gena]
- Gena: I'm pregnant!
- Josh: She's fucking lying!
- Gena: Please! Please! Push the thing! Push the thing!
- Josh: She's lying!
- Gena: Seriously! Push it!
- [The gun fires, killing Gena and starting the Carousel again]
- Dave: Fuck!
- Josh: Don't let them lie to you!
- Shelby: Oh, please! Forget that!
- Dave: Mr. Easton! My parents are loaded! They'll give you whatever you want!
- [The Carousel stops at Dave]
- Josh: Dave--!
- Dave: Fuck you! Christ! Mr. Easton, come on! Mr. E--
- [Dave is shot and killed by the gun. The Carousel starts again]
- Josh: Okay, listen to me, Mr. Easton! I'm on your side, and I can help you. You cannot trust this bitch!
- Shelby: What?!
- Josh: She is all lies! You cannot believe her! She has already lied and she's going to continue to do it! You know it! Trust me!
- Shelby: What about you?!
- [The Carousel stops on Shelby]
- Shelby: Please don't let me die! Please don't let me die! Don't kill me!
- [William presses the button, causing another rod to fire into his hand]
- Josh: Fuck!
- [The shotgun rotates and fires into the ceiling. The Carousel starts to spin.]
- Shelby: Thank you! Thank you!
- Josh: Oh, well that's it, isn't it?! It's over! You motherfucker!
- Shelby: Stop it...
- Josh: You spineless, pussy-whipped MOTHERFUCKER! That's all it takes, huh?! Bitch says one thing and its all over! You know what, William?! Your policy is BULLSHIT! Fucking bullshit! Will you listen to me, you son of a bitch?! I did everything for you.
- [The Carousel finally stops on Josh]
- Josh: Look at me! When you're killing me, you look at me!
- [William reluctantly watches as Josh is shot dead. Exiting the room, he finds a key that unlocks the final explosive strap.]
- Lindsey Perez: How's it going?
- Technician: Good.
- Dan Erickson: [as Hoffman enters] This is it.
- Technician: Whoever made this tape had access to some very impressive audio filtration equipment.
- Tape: [distorted] Right now, you are feeling helpless.
- Technician: Fortunately, we have some tricks of our own, here. I can turn his algorithm upside-down and let us hear what he really sounds like.
- Dan Erickson: Let's hear what you got.
- Tape: [more distorted] Right now, you are feeling helpless.
- Lindsey Perez: [to Hoffman] You okay?
- Mark Hoffman: Huh?
- Lindsey Perez: You seem a little... preoccupied.
- Mark Hoffman: I'm just anxious about the tape.
- Lindsey Perez: You know, there are still a couple of things I can't quite wrap my head around. Like, I don't understand Strahm's motivation. He was my partner for five years. I mean, we all knew he was a bit of a hothead, but I never saw any indication of psychotic behavior.
- Mark Hoffman: You can't really tell when someone's so good on the inside.
- Tape: [partially distorted] ...helpless.
- Technician: Hear that? I'm getting there.
- Dan Erickson: Come on. I thought you had something to show us.
- Lindsey Perez: It's just I never really thought of him being vengeful. You know. I mean, all the facts are there. [looks at Hoffman] Something doesn't sit right.
- Technician: Listen. It's getting closer.
- Tape: [distorting less] Right now, you are feeling helpless.
- Dan Erickson: You know, there is an alternative. Let's say that, Strahm killed Seth Baxter specifically to set you up as an accomplice to Jigsaw.
- Mark Hoffman: ...Okay.
- Dan Erickson: Well, there's a problem with that, though. On further analysis of Strahm's fingerprints, it was found that the uric acid levels were inconsistent for an individual with an active epidural metabolism.
- Mark Hoffman: In other words?
- Dan Erickson: In other words, when you left his fingerprints on the latest victim, Strahm was already dead by then!
- Technician: There it is.
- Tape: [Hoffman's voice] Right now, you are feeling helpless.
- [Hoffman immediately slashes Erickson's throat with a concealed knife before throwing his cup of coffee at Perez and stabbing an electrical outlet, knocking out the power. Perez shoots at Hoffman, who uses the Technician as a human shield. Hoffman then throws the dead Technician's body at Perez, distracting her long enough for him to viciously stab her several times.]
- Mark Hoffman: Who else knows about me? [stabs her again] Who knows about me?
- Lindsey Perez: Everyone!
- Mark Hoffman: You lie. You're a fucking liar...! [stabs Perez once more, killing her]
- [Hoffman exits the building and retrieves Strahm's severed hand from his car and begins planting prints around the room and covering the rest with gasoline. Leaving, he sets the room on fire.]
- [Hoffman returns to the zoo and finds a note on his desk]
- [Flashback]
- Amanda Young: Get used to me, 'cause I'm not going anywhere.
- Mark Hoffman: You sure about that? [to John] Amanda will fail you.
- John Kramer: We'll see.
- [Hoffman writes the letter Amanda read in Saw III]
- Note: [Hoffman narrating] Amanda, you were with Cecil the night Jill lost Gideon.
- [Cecil and Amanda hide out at Jill's clinic]
- Amanda Young: Go. Go.
- Cecil Adams: I can't fucking do...
- Amanda Young: Go. Go!
- Cecil Adams: I don't want to get--
- Amanda Young: What do you mean you don't want to-- Run, fucking pussy! Go! Go! Go!
- [Cecil rushes into the clinic and, after stealing drugs, accidentally slams a door into Jill and causing her miscarriage]
- Note: [Hoffman narrating] You killed their child. You know it, and I know it. So do exactly as I say: kill Lynn Denlon, or I will tell John what you did.
- Amanda Young: She doesn't deserve to go free!
- John Kramer: Amanda, Lynn is more important than you know.
- [Amanda shoots Lynn, causing Jeff to shoot her in retaliation]
- [Present]
- [Jill enters and triggers a device under Hoffman's chair that shocks him into unconsciousness]
- [William makes it through a doorway with one second to spare]
- William Easton: I did it. I made it. [shouts] I made it!
- [Flashback]
- Tape: If you fail, you will never see your family again.
- [Present]
- [A door opens, revealing Tara and Brent]
- William Easton: What are you doing here?
- Pamela Jenkins: Will!
- William Easton: Pamela.
- [Flashback]
- William Easton: I know it's your birthday, and I'm going to make it up to you. I promise.
- Pamela Jenkins: You're really standing up your sister for work? I'm your only family.
- [Present]
- William Easton: Are you okay? [shouts] Let me go! I made it! I won!
- Tara: You son a bitch.
- [Flashback]
- Harold Abbot: You've just given me a death sentence. I mean, who's gonna cover me now? You just killed me.
- [Present]
- Brent: You're the man who killed my dad.
- [John suddenly appears on a TV]
- Tape: Hello, Tara. My apologies for exposing you and your son to this kind of treatment, but I can assure you it is not without reason. The man before you just made the sacrifices to save the life of a loved one. However, when given the opportunity to save your husband's life, he chose not to. Now, you will be given the power to save a life. Will you grant this man the opportunity to continue living, or will you dispense the same death sentence he issued your husband? Live or die. The choice is yours.
- William Easton: It's not my game.
- [Flashback]
- Tape: I'm leaving you a box, today, and its contents are of grave importance.
- Feldman: Ms. Tuck, what's in the box?
- [Present]
- [Jill removes a smaller reverse-beartrap mask similar to Amanda's and places it on Hoffman as he begins to regain consciousness]
- Jill Tuck: John left you five envelopes. The sixth one was for me. [shows Hoffman a photo of himself in envelope 6] This is John's will.
- William Easton: [approaches Tara and Brent's cell, accidentally standing on a pressure plate] Please. Forgive me.
- Pamela Jenkins: Have mercy, please!
- Tara: Did he show mercy when my husband was suffering?
- Pamela Jenkins: He had no choice!
- Tara: He always had a choice! [to William] The only reason I'm doing this is not because I can't forgive you for what you did to me. The reason I'm doing this is because I couldn't forgive myself for what you might do to someone else.
- Pamela Jenkins: Please, no.
- Tara: [grabs the lever] You'll never kill again.
- William: Please. Please. Please don't.
- Tara: [releases the lever] I can't. [backs away] I can't kill him.
- Brent: I can. [grabs the lever]
- Tara: No, Brent!
- Brent: You killed my father, you motherfucker! [pulls the lever] Now you burn in hell!
- [A large platform of needles suddenly swings from the ceiling and impales William in the back. The tank of hydrofluoric acid in Tara and Brent's cell is suddenly pumped into him, melting him from inside.]
- [Flashback]
- William Easton: Those are the rules, Harold!
- Harold Abbot: You've just given me a death sentence.
- John Kramer: So, in a sense... you choose who lives or dies?
- William Easton: It's policy, John. It's policy.
- John Kramer: Who devised that formula? You think it's the living that will have ultimate judgement over you, because the dead will have no claim over your soul. But you may be mistaken.
- [Present]
- [William dies as his melted lower half collapses to floor]
- Jill Tuck: Game over.
- Mark Hoffman: No! No!
- [Jill leaves, closing the door and pulling a trigger that starts a 45-second timer. Hoffman proceeds to use the device to break his left arm]
- [Flashback]
- Amanda Young: So when's your test, detective?
- Mark Hoffman: I don't need one.
- Amanda Young: Oh, yeah?
- [Present]
- [Hoffman slides his broken arm through the restraint. He then undoes his right arm restraint and begins trying to pry the Reverse Beartrap off.]
- [Flashback]
- John Kramer: You know why you're here, don't you? I want to know if you have what it takes to survive.
- Autopsy Tape: You feel you now have control, don't you? You think you will walk away untested?
- [Present]
- [Hoffman wedges the Reverse Beartrap in the bars of the door window just as it releases, preventing it from springing completely open, and begins trying to pull himself out]
- [Flashback]
- Jill Tuck: I'm only carrying out John's final requests.
- John Kramer: Do you like how brutality feels, Mark?
- Mark Hoffman: From now on, I control all aspects of the game.
- Jill Tuck: That's not what John wanted.
- John Kramer: You want a chance? I'll give you a chance.
- [Present]
- [Hoffman finally slides out of the Reverse Beartrap as it bursts open and falls to the floor. Hoffman screams, revealing that it has torn open the right side of his jaw.]
- If it's Halloween, it must be Saw...
- The Game Comes Full Circle.
- Trust in Him.
- His Disease is Spreading
- He Helped Me.
- 6 Chances. 6 Lessons. 6 Choices.
- The Game Begins Tonight.
- Tobin Bell - John Kramer/Jigsaw
- Costas Mandylor - Mark Hoffman
- Shawnee Smith - Amanda Young
- Mark Rolston - Dan Erickson
- Athena Karkanis - Agent Lindsey Perez
- Betsy Russell - Jill Tuck
- Peter Outerbridge - William Easton
- Samantha Lemole - Pamela Jenkins
- Devon Bostick - Brent
- Shauna MacDonald - Tara
See Also
- Saw
- Saw II
- Saw III
- Saw IV
- Saw V