Scooby-Doo is a group of animated children's television series under slightly different titles over the years.
- Velma: Jinkies!
- Daphne: Jeepers!
- Shaggy: Zoinks!
- Scooby-Doo: Ruh-roh!
- Scooby-Doo: Ruh? usually when he doesn't understand something that someone has said.
- Scooby-Doo: Scooby-dooby-doo! [usually howled at the end of every episode of the series]
- Villian: I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids and that stupid dog!
- Shaggy: [referring to Charlie] That was no ghost! He looks more like a man from Mars.
- Velma: [referring to Scooby who ate too much beans on the counter] Oh, no! Scooby ate some jumping beans by mistake!
- Velma: This isn't Zeb, Shaggy.
- Shaggy: I thought he'd shrunk.
- Velma: No! It's a voodoo doll that looks like him.
- Daphne: Then what happened to Zeb?
- Fred: I don't know, but I'll bet that witch had something to do with him.
- Velma: I'd like to know what she and that zombie were up to.
- Fred: Well, there's only one place to find the answer.
- Shaggy: Like, in the phone book, I hope.
- Fred: No, Shaggy. In the swamp.
- [both Shaggy and Scooby-Doo gulped in fright]
- Shaggy: I had to ask.
- Shaggy: [after Scooby-Doo pierces a pin on the back of a Shaggy-like voodoo doll] Yeow! I've been voodooed!
- Fred: Hold it, Shaggy. All you did was back into this fork.
- Shaggy: Stop that! Don't be such a 'fraidy cat. Come on!
- Shaggy: The door's stuck! It won't open!
- Fred: With all his crazy experiments failed, Dr. Jekyll decides to turn himself into a life of crime.