Seven Days
Seven Days was an American television show that originally aired from 1998-2001. It was about an NSA project in Area 51 called Operation Backstep, which used salvaged technology from the Roswell crash to create a time machine that could send one human being back in time seven days.
Season 1
- [Frank is on the phone reporting in after completing a backstep.]
- Frank Parker: Oh, is Ballard there?
- John Ballard: Uh-huh, yeah, I'm here.
- [reveal of the time sphere in a park in Washington, DC, near many picnickers.]
- Frank Parker: When things quiet down, uh, you and I have to get together. There's still some bugs in the navigational system.
- Male Picnicker: Hey, what the heck is that thing?
- Frank Parker: Publicity stunt for a movie. So, uh, what'd you think?
- Male Picnicker: That was spectacular.
- Frank Parker: You should see the effects in the movie.
- Female Picnicker: What's it called?
- Frank Parker: "Mars Needs a Tax Break."