Sinnathamby Rajaratnam
Sinnathamby Rajaratnam the former Foreign Minister (1965-1980) and Second Deputy Prime Minister (1980-1985) of Singapore. He is widely known as S Rajaratnam.
Quotes by S Rajaratnam
- "One united people, regardless of race, language or religion." - Rajaratnam penned the Singapore National Pledge in 1966.
- "This was a new generation but now that they are all grown up, probably fathers and grandfathers but at that time, this concept (of a nation) was not even part of the imagination of adults, let alone children. So the best way to create a nation is to start from the schools. Once this is embodied and thinking by pure repetition everyday, that becomes part of the psyche of the people. So let me tell you if you are a Singaporean - two and a half million - no place to run - no more. Whether you are a Singapore Chinese, Singapore Malay and Singapore Indian, you cannot run away. This is your last stand, last outpost. So how do you do it? If you think of yourself as Chinese, Malays, Indians and Sri Lankans, then Singapore will collapse. You must think of Singapore - this is my country. I fight and die for Singapore if necessary. (undated)
- "We believe in a democratic society by governments freely and periodically elected by the people... We believe, in the virtue of hard work and that those who work harder in society should be given greater rewards... We believe that the world does not owe us a living and that we have to earn our keep." Adapted from speech by S Rajaratnam, Minister for Foreign Affairs, at a dinner in honour of His Excellency Mr. Hans Dietrich Genscher, Minister for Foreign Affairs, 20 April 1977.
- "If you think of yourself as Chinese, Malays, Indians and Sri Lankans, then Singapore will collapse. You must think of Singapore: 'This is my country.' I fight and die for Singapore if necessary," A speech in 1984. http://viweb.freehosting.net/SRajaratnam.htm
- "Singapore run only by PhDs would be my vision of a purgatory. Equally, a government run by roadsweepers can be no less a terrifying place to live in." -Rajaratnam (undated)
- "If this is an attempt by voters to blackmail the government, to compromise on important issues or principles, then we must show them we cannot be blackmailed. No government should succumb to blackmail." - 24 December 1984, in the aftermath of an election in which the Opposition got 2 seats
Quotes by others on S Rajaratnam
- "His strength was as a thinker and a writer, a man of honour, with great moral courage. He had a way with people, enormous charm, integrity and character. He was self-possessed, had a good strong voice, and won the confidence of those who dealt with him." - Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, on 25 February 2006, in his eulogy to Rajaratnam.
- "With his passing, Singaporeans have lost a patriot, a man of deep conviction and principle. His contribution was not in bricks and mortar, or concrete and glass, but in ideas, sentiments and spirit. Everyday when the pledge is recited in our schools, our children are reminded to live up to our aspirations as Raja expressed them."- Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, on 25 February 2006, in his eulogy to Rajaratnam.
- "His weapon was the typewriter, He loved putting up the drafts of the ideology, which was a group consensus." - Lee Kuan Yew
- "He had this enormous gift of being self-possessed - friendly, approachable, very personable and he got on with people. I thought he was the one who would represent us best abroad, and he did." - Lee Kuan Yew, in an interview with Channel NewsAsia in 2005. http://viweb.freehosting.net/SRajaratnam.htm
- "I think that Mr Rajaratnam has left an imprint on the Foreign Service of Singapore that it is a foreign policy of ideas," - Professor Chan Heng Chee, Singapore Ambassador to the United States.