Sitiveni Rabuka

Sitiveni Rabuka is a former Prime Minister of Fiji. He is best remembered for carrying out two military coups in 1987.

Thoughts on the differences between his coups and George Speight's 2000 coup (15 May 2002)

  • "I do not deserve to be punished because my coup was successful. I was the winner and I succeeded in my revolution and brought changes to the system. Speight failed in his coup and deserves to be punished."

  • "Fiji will continue to have uncertainty until people change their attitude and follow the rule of the law."

On whether defeated former Prime Ministers should contest future elections (21 August 2005)

  • "I feel that a Prime Minister who has been defeated at a general election should not fight another one."

  • "It is healthy for party leaders who become prime ministers after being defeated at general elections to take the responsibility for the defeat and bow out of active politics and just become an adviser or remain as a party supporter but not in the front seat running for another election."

Quotes about Rabuka

  • Lieutenant Colonel Orisi Rabukawaqa, Military spokesman The following quotes were published in the Fiji Times on 3 September 2005:
    • "History unfortunately teaches that if you come out successful, you can rewrite the books to reflect well on you and poorly on others. Rabuka's coup was like that."
    • "His main aim was to change the constitution and he did that, he rewrote the 1990 constitution and within the 1997 constitution, he put in his amnesty clause."
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