Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves is a video game which stars Sly Cooper and the rest of his gang.
(Panda King lights the fireworks)
(The van shoots up into the air)
(The van lands at the entrance to the Cooper Vault)
Sly Cooper
- [to Bentley] Relax Mom, this is going to be great!
- Your average law enforcer isn't that, I don't know, attractive.
- We all play nice until tomorrow, then we blow each other to bits at 300 feet.
- Just as long as you're enjoying yourself. That's the important thing.
- Don't worry, little computer. I'll go easy on you.
- [To distract guards] Yo mama!//I'm yelling at you!//Hey you with the low self esteem!//Follow the sound of my voice.//Yo ugly!//(chicken noises)//(singing)You will never find me!//Hey, pay attention to me!//Hey Fatty!//Up your nose with a rubber hose!
- But I'm allergic to tomatoes!
- Let me go, you geriatric fiend!
- [To Sly] I can't believe that actully worked. You have the worst Italian accent I've ever heard... no offense.
- "The Murray" Returns!
- The Murray knows no song but the triumphant horn section of his own triumph!
- My mind is clear, like the woodlands after a forest fire.
- Greetings, old - (Sees Carmelita) INSPECTOR FOX?! Man, you're in it again.
- What was Genghis Khan's favorite meal? The brains of his enemies. That wasn't really funny, just gross and weird, you've gotta admit weird right?
- [about Sly] I love to see him pull off those athletic moves.
- [about Bentley] Nobody touches that turtle... but me.
Panda King
- I endeavor not to miss.
- Ha! With my fireworks, it will fly, as the bird! (lights fuse) Fly, bird, FLY!
- (Gleefully)The fuse is lit!
- Murray? That name's a stain on my pants, bro.
- My style, its like smoke. Ungrabbable, and all over the place!
Dr. M
- [On Phone] Yes? Water leaking into lab? I'm on my way down. Oh, and get a janitor for the lab elevator, Richards got sloppy.
Character Dialogue
- Carmelita: You have some nerve showing up in my squad room!
- Sly: I was concerned we were growing apart.
- Carmelita: Then lets spend some quality time in my integration office.
- Sly: So forward, what ever happened to the demure girl I used to know.
- Carmelita: She grew up and stopped taking grief from guy like you.
- Sly: "Guys like me?" Are you saying I've got some competition for your affections?
- Carmelita: You're the only man in my sights right now.
- Bentley: Any problems with that guy?
- Sly: Said he wanted to be buried in his mom's pasta sauce.
- Bentley: Yea. That's uh...That's strange.
- (Sly opens the door, and Bentley goes inside)
- Sly: [Over Binocucom] Not to distract you or anything, but I never cooking that good. Are we, like, missing out on a world of flavors here?
- Sly: That explosive had some kick!
- Bentley: It was a child compared to this ferocious beast. Don't dilly-dally with this one, it's got a longer fuse but you've got farther to run.
- Sly: "Ferocious beast"?
- Bentley: Run Sly run! Fear the beast!
- Bentley: We can't stop the operation now. We'll just have to give her a wide berth.
- Sly: Roger, applying "wide berth".
- The Guru: [Speaking in Diksha]
- Bentley: Thanks Guru, you always know just what to say.
- Bentley: You're a heck of a woman, Penelope.
- Penelope: I know. That's what my homepage says.
- Bentley: I wish I could walk on tightropes and land on flagpoles, but I can't.
- Penelope: You can do other stuff. Sly can't rewire a satellite or write ASCII code.
- Bentley: Sly can't even spell ASCII.
- Sly: Bentley, you there?
- Bentley: Yeah, pal.
- Sly: I'm about to head inside the vault...and I want you and Murray to come with me. We're a team, a family. We should do this together.
- Bentley: OK, be right up... partner.
- Murray: Nice! We'll have the Panda King give the van a boost! Stand clear Sly, we're about to get awesome!
(Panda King lights the fireworks)
- Panda King: (Gleefully) The fuse is lit!
- Murray: Buckle up Bentley... we're about to fly!
(The van shoots up into the air)
- Murray: YAHOO!
(The van lands at the entrance to the Cooper Vault)
- Bentley: We're NEVER doing that again.