Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is a franchise of video games released by Sega beginning in 1991, and starring their mascot character Sonic the Hedgehog.

Amy Rose

  • Gee. I'm bored. Every day is the same old thing. Same place, different day. I miss the good ol' days, having Sonic around. Ahh... chasing bad guys and blowing them off. Hee hee! But now he's gone, and there's nothing left to do. There was always something to do when Sonic was around. I really miss him.
  • OW!!! Watch where you're going! Hey, are you okay?! You look kinda hurt.
  • Look! It says "Cute couples can get in free."
  • I feel sorry for you. Eggman failed to give you feelings.
  • Sonic, help me!
  • Go away!
  • No way!
  • I said no!
  • None of your business why not! I wanna know why you want it!
  • You don't even know?
  • I bet you'd be mean to him, you bully!
  • Why not help us out instead? Don't you know how bad I feel?
  • Wait a minute, birdie!
  • Huh?
  • Why are you letting us go?
  •'re not like those other robots, huh? You truly are a good person inside, aren't you? I guess we can be friends then. Take care, okay?
  • I wonder what Sonic is doing? He's always rescuing, me it seems. I should be more independent. You know, you sure surprised me by having a Chaos Emerald with you. No wonder they were after you, my feathered friend. Hey! A pendant! Wow! So I'll help you find your family. Does Eggman have them captive now? I bet he does. So I'll help you find your family.
  • I've come this far. I may as well go all the way! That robot said Dr. Eggman's base is in the Mystical Ruins. So what do you say we check it out?
  • Hmm...I don't remember this bridge. Looks dangerously suspicious. Wanna go?
  • Oh, you escaped from the Egg Carrier. So maybe your family's still in there. Let's investigate. Wanna?
  • Just you wait. I'll make that Sonic respect me.

Big the Cat

  • Froggy! Where are you?
  • Hey, wait a minute! You swallowed my lucky charm!
  • Yoohoo, Froggy! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Aw, man. Where could my Polliwog Pal be, anyway?
  • Hold on, Froggy! I'm coming!

Dr. Robotnik/Dr. Eggman

  • Behold! It's a tailed frog! Very unique.
  • Silence! I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the greatest scientific genius in the world!
  • Behold my floating masterpiece, the Egg Carrier! But, it pales in comparison to the power of Chaos. Until we meet again my friends! Ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Dummies, dummies, dummies, dummies! None of you got the right one!
  • Don't get too many ideas, you fools. You haven't seen the power this vessel really has!
  • Arrgh! Oh no, it was a dud! I can't believe this!!
  • You know nothing, fool! It's Chaos! The god of destruction!
  • Arrgh! He's not going to get away with this! Bah! I'll go and deal with this myself!
  • Get a load of this!
  • I bet you weren't expecting this! The only way you can get through me is through the Sky Deck. I doubt if you can figure this one out.
  • No way! I can't believe this!
  • Ooh, I hate that Sonic. He always seem to get in my way. But he can't spoil my master plan.
  • Chaos!
  • This Egg Carrier 2 was built in case something like this would happen. You have defied your master, stupid beast! Now you must be destroyed at all costs!
  • Chaos was defeated and now my Egg Carrier is ruined. No matter...I will destroy Station Square anyway.
  • Ready? Fire!
  • So, you beat me to that missile you little pest. I will make you all pay for this.
  • You fool...
  • Away...before I make mincemeat out of you.

E-102 Gamma

  • Must determine location [Pause] Accessing data. [Pause] No data found. Location unknown. [Pause] This presents a problem...
  • Doctor Robotnik... enemy. Master Registration... deleted. E-Series... friends. Must save...
  • Frog-capture complete!
  • Resistance is futile! (Said during battle with Sonic/Tails)
  • E-103 Delta...E104 Epsilon...
  • Rescue mission. Accomplished.
  • E-105 Zeta...E-101 Beta...Location. Unknown. Perhaps aboard the Egg Carrier.
  • Give me the bird.
  • Resistance is futile. Give me the bird.
  • Why not?
  • Data unavailable.
  • Does not compute. Why try to save that which is useless to you? Does not compute.
  • Get going!
  • It is dangerous here. Hurry! We'll be arriving at the Mystic Ruins Base soon.

Knuckles the Echidna

  • As far back as I can remember, I've been living here on this dark island. Always guarding the Master Emerald from anything that could harm it. I don't know why I was given this job, why it was my fate, destined to be up here forever...
  • I'll probably be on this floating island forever, guarding the Master Emerald again. I may not know the whole story behind this, but perhaps it's better that way. I'm at peace once more.
  • He stole my Chaos Emeralds... and Chaos... is still alive...
  • Its that Creature again...He saved me the trouble of looking for him. Now I'll get him GOOD!
  • Now we'll see who's so easily tricked.
  • I can sense the emeralds are here somewhere.

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • I've changed a lot since I started hanging with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. I know I can do it to myself! Okay, Eggman! Bring it on!
  • All's well that ends well, right? Sonic?
  • That's Eggman! I wonder what happened to Sonic?
  • If that missile is launched...
  • Oh, no! I better get to that missile before he detonates it!
  • I see it! I've gotta get it before Eggman. The fate of Station Square depends on me. Sonic...
  • I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I can do this.
  • Hey...I did it!
  • I did it all by myself.
  • No time to gawk now! We need to find Amy.

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Tails, long time no see.
  • Hey, I'll play with you some other time! (said after boss fight)
  • Smooth move, Knucklehead!
  • Way to go, Ya Knucklehead!
  • Guess Eggman learned his lesson, yep. And maybe I'll take another vacation somewhere...
  • Amy! Wai-wai-wai-wai-wai-wai-wait! That girl is is just a pain.
  • This place, it looks familiar... it's not a dream after all!
  • Eggman! What's he doing here? Oh never mind, this time I'll get him GOOD!
  • What's up?
  • Oh yeah! This could be fun!
  • Come on, you big drip! Where you goin'?
  • What? Tails?
  • Watch out! You're gonna crash!
  • Tails...what am I gonna do with you?
  • I'm just glad you're okay. What happened anyway? You're too good of a pilot to just crash like that.
  • Why not just use my plane, the Tornado?
  • Whoa, a Chaos Emerald!
  • Shoot, I've lost her again!
  • Wow! This thing is really huge!
  • You're right, my friend. So here we go!
  • Oh yeah? We'll I'll show you! Bring it on!
  • Darn! This makes it harder for us to get to the bridge!

Tikal the Echidna

  • The servers are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the chaos.
  • The 7 Emeralds are the servers. Chaos is power, enriched by the heart. The controller serves to unify the chaos. Uh... The 7 Emeralds can change our thoughts into power. If this Emerald controls that power... Please, you must stop him!
  • How can I make you understand? All this fighting, stealing, and killing, can't be the right path to peace. No one has the right to take their holy grounds.
  • The fighting's over. Harmony is restored and life goes on.


Doctor Eggman: Ahaha! If it isn't Sonic!
Sonic the Hedgehog: (sarcastically) Look! It's a giant talking egg!
Miles "Tails" Prower: (playing along) It's Eggman!!
Doctor Eggman: Silence! I am Doctor Robotnik, the greatest scientific genius in the world!
Sonic the Hedgehog:Whatever you say, eggman.

(The Egg Carrier has changed shape)
Miles "Tails" Prower: Oh wow! It changed shape! Did you see that?!
Sonic the Hedgehog: (Gives Tails a "Thank you, Captain Obvious" look) Now how are we gonna get to that bridge?!
Miles "Tails" Prower: I hate it when he doesn't listen to me!

(Sonic and Tails are about to land on the Egg Carrier in their plane)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails! We gotta land on the Egg Carrier!
Miles "Tails" Prower: Oops. I forgot something...
Sonic the Hedgehog: What's that?
Miles "Tails" Prower: There's no landing gear in this mode!
Sonic the Hedgehog: What?!

Doctor Eggman: (Panting) So you beat me to the missile you little pest! No matter, I'm gonna destroy Station Square any way! (flies up and drops down in the egg Walker) You little fool, away, before I make mince meat out of you!
Miles "Tails" Prower: I'm not scared. I'm not scared! I can do this!

Knuckles: Sonic... Sorry...
Sonic: Knuckles...and Eggman... What happened here?
Knuckles: He stole my Chaos Emeralds... and Chaos... is still alive!
Sonic: What?
Dr. Eggman: Arrgh! He's not gonna get away with this!
Knuckles: Hey, Eggman! Wait up!
(Eggman got away)
Knuckles: Sonic. Chaos is a fearsome beast. If he gets that last Chaos Emerald, we're done for.
Sonic: No need to explain. We'll get on it. Tails?
Miles "Tails" Prower: Right!

Pachacamac: Get out of my way!
Tikal: No way!
Pachacamac: Did you hear what I said?
Tikal: I won't obey!
Pachacamac: We need those Seven Emeralds to give us total power! It's power for the people and they are your people too, you know. We must get that Emerald!
Tikal: Greed is our enemy. Once it starts, you will always want more. Please don't do this! I beg you!
Pachacamac: Bah! I don't listen to the words of a child! Ready, men? Charge!
Tikal: Father!
(Pachacamac's army ran right past Tikal and the chao. Then, the Emeralds rise up and Chaos appears)
Pachacamac: Aah! It's a monster!

Sonic: I've had enough. Who do you think you are any way?
(the glowing light appears)
Sonic: Oh, it's you. The one... who sealed Chaos... in the Master Emerald... Tikal.
(the light transform into Tikal)
Tikal: My heart has always been in the Master Emerald along with Chaos's. Now he's filled with anger and sadness. And if it goes on... he'll eventually destroy the world like he did before.
(Chaos threw out the Emeralds)
Tikal: Look! He's absorbed the Emeralds' power! He must be sealed in the Master Emerald, now!
Sonic: How can that help? It won't change how he feels inside, will it? His heart will still remain in turmoil... and his anger just won't vanish. He'll just be trapped forever!
Tikal: What choice do we have?
(Big, Tails, and Knuckles found one of the used up Emeralds)
Amy: Hey, Sonic!
Sonic: Amy!
Amy: Here, take this!
(Tails and Knuckles show up)
Sonic: Hey, guys! What's up?
Miles "Tails" Prower: Chaos only used the negative power of the Emeralds. Sonic, you should be able to harness their real power.
Knuckles: As much as I hate to admit it... I think Tails is right about this.
Citizen #1: Go, Sonic!
Citizen #2: Yeah! Sonic!
Citizen #3: Sonic!
Citizen #4: Sonic!
Miles "Tails" Prower: Negative forces aren't the only way to empower the Chaos Emeralds. Our positive feelings towards each other can make them work. Our hearts together form awesome power.

Amy Rose

  • I'm here to save my hero, Sonic!
  • Hurry! I know Eggman is up to no good again!
  • I thought I had you this time!
  • Don't leave without me! I wanna help Sonic too!
  • Shh! Keep your voice down. Have no fear! (twirls) Amy Rose is here!
  • (Sonic is locked up) Are you sure you don't need my help? (holds up key) It looks like you could use it!
  • If I tell ya [where Shadow is], will you marry me?
  • Hey wait for me Sonic! (to herself) He's such a brat sometimes!
  • Look! Half the moon is gone?!
  • You mean that black hedgehog?
  • I really gotta stop whining! Everyone's trying their best to help out and so must I!
  • I hate you! You guys always leave me behind, and have all the fun!
  • That black hedgehog came here with Dr. Eggman.
  • Shadow?
  • Darn! Why do they leave always leave a little, innocent girl like me alone?
  • Dr. Eggman!
  • (After Shadow has said there is no way to help the others) There has to be! I know that people fight over the most trivial things. Some people may be selfish, like the professor said... but they're basically good, if they try their best and never give up on their wishes. They always have a reason to be happy; that's why you should help them out! Saving them is a good thing! Shadow, I beg you, please do it for them! Give them a chance!
  • Well, if you gotta know, I caught a ride with Tails. Are you sure you don't need my help? It looks like you could use it.
  • Sonic!
  • I hate it when they leave me behind!
  • Look, it's Shadow.
  • Shadow! We need you! Please help us!
  • Sonic!!! (begins to cry)
  • (Hugs Shadow) Oh, Sonic! I thought I'd never see you again! I'm so glad you made it! (Shadow turns around) ...You're not Sonic, who are you?!
  • (Sonic leaves) What's that writing on the wall anyway? Did you write that? Hey wait for me, Sonic! He's such a brat sometimes.
  • If I tell ya, will you marry me?
  • Outer space?
  • Move aside, Knuckles!
  • Now it's an abandoned ARK, wouldn't you say?
  • What's the matter, Sonic?

Dr. Eggman

  • Now you know why I am the best! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • Hahahaha, piece of cake! (When getting a 'B' rank)
  • Hmm...that wasn't so difficult. (After getting a 'C' Rank)
  • I should have tried a little harder.(When getting a 'D' rank)
  • That was too close! (When getting an 'E' rank)
  • (Beginning of Sand Ocean (story mode)) Those idiots will never find my hidden base inside this pyramid. Let's take care of business here first, shall we? Then, get inside.
  • (Beginning of Lost Colony (story mode)) So this is the Space Colony ARK. I have to locate the central control room that Shadow mentioned to me before he left.
  • Destroying an entire planet...was this my grandfather's legacy?
  • Muwahahaha! Sounds like a plan! I like the way you think Shadow.
  • (After beating Tails on Prison Island) Better luck next time fox boy!
  • (facing Tails in multiplayer after winning round one) At least make it challenging!
  • (When losing to Tails the first time) Darn! I let my guard down...
  • (When losing to Tails the second time) No! I can't lose to Tails!
  • This time I'll let you go. But the next time we meet, you won't be so lucky!
  • Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears and listen to me very carefully! My name is Dr. Eggman, the world's greatest scientist, and soon to be the world's greatest ruler! Now witness the beginning of the greatest empire of all time! Hahaha...
  • Those fools are no match for me!
  • Now's the time to end this long drawn out battle, and mark myself a place in history as the ultimate genius!
  • (After having 'killed' Sonic) Farewell Sonic, my admirable adversary...
  • (After attempting to kill Sonic during the 'fake emerald exchange') Now we have some unfinished business to take care of. If you give me the real emerald, I will release you both! You have my promise!
  • You're pretty persistent for a hedgehog, aren't you. You're still alive, huh?
  • As a child, I looked up to my grandfather for all the great things he accomplished in his life. He was my hero, and I wanted to become a great scientist like him. But... did he really mean to destroy us?
  • (During "Crazy Gadget", having told Sonic that he has kidnapped Amy) You're too slow. Sonic! If you don't come here, she WILL die!
  • (During "Crazy Gadget", when Sonic enters the last room (story mode)) Well done, Sonic! But you'll never leave this room alive! Ha ha!

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Yeah, this is perfect! (After getting an 'A' Rank)
  • Yeah, I feel good. (After getting a 'B' Rank)
  • Not too bad. (After getting a 'C' Rank)
  • Phew, that was tough. (After getting a 'D' Rank)
  • I have to try harder. (After getting an 'E' Rank)
  • What're you talkin' about, that Emerald's mine. You got that? The Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralize the energy of the Chaos Emeralds; that makes it very powerful. (Eggman flies in and steals the Master Emerald) What the...?!
  • Look who's calling who a thief.
  • I did that to prevent it from being stolen, you idiot! If it's in pieces, I can restore it. And by the way, that's not YOUR Emerald.
  • What? Why do I have to find the key?
  • Huh? Who's there? ...What the... a ghost...?
  • Is that how you say "thanks" to someone who just saved your life?
  • This isn't a joke, you know. Think what you want, bat-girl, I was saving the Master Emerald!
  • The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power; power is enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos. Only you can do this; stop the Chaos Emeralds!
  • Since we stopped the Chaos Emeralds, why is the Space Colony still on a crash course to Earth?!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • I did it, Sonic! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • Very good! (When getting a 'B' rank)
  • That was easy. (When getting a 'C' rank)
  • That was a little tough. (When getting a 'D' rank)
  • I got to do better next time. (After getting an 'E' Rank)
  • (After witnessing Sonic's 'death') Sonic... he asked me for the first time to do something for him. I won't let him down! I won't give up!!
  • (Before battling Eggman to avenge Sonic's 'death') What have you done to Sonic? I'll never forgive you for this!
  • There's no way I'm gonna lose! (said occasionally when at low health)
  • I have to help Amy, because she's in danger.
  • I'm the one who should be asking that question!
  • All that I know is that we all did it together!

Rouge the Bat

  • How's that? Perfect, like me? (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • It's all too easy for me. (When getting a 'B' rank)
  • Not too bad, I guess. (When getting a 'C' rank)
  • I guess I took a little too much time. (When getting a 'D' rank)
  • I'm ashamed to call myself a treasure hunter! (When getting an 'E' rank) (Said also in Sonic Heroes after getting an 'E' rank)
  • Just... let it go! You just don't know when to give up, do you?
  • I despise anyone who takes jewels from me... all the world's jewels are mine to keep!
  • (After you beat her with Knuckles) This can't be true... I never lose...
  • (At the beginning when you fight her) Fine, if that's how you want to play, I will take it from you!
  • (To Eggman) Look at you throwing a tantrum like a little kid. How totally embarrassing!
  • That's it! There is a way the energy - We have to use your Emerald! You're the one who told me that the Master Emerald has the power to stop the Chaos Emerald!
  • You better behave yourself!
  • (said to Shadow while fighting Final Hazard) Can you hear me, Shadow? Everyone here is rooting for you! Good luck, and give him trouble!
  • (at the end looking at Shadow's ring) Anyway, I've got better things to think about right now...
  • (To Knuckles)What was that all about?! And look what you did to my emerald!

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Faker?! I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me?! Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake! ((Conversing with Sonic at first Sonic/Shadow battle before Green Forest/White Jungle)
  • Ultimate victory! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • Hmph! Too easy for me! (When getting a 'B' rank)
  • That wasn't so hard. (After getting a 'C' Rank)
  • Maybe I didn't try hard enough. (After getting a 'D' Rank)
  • I guess I'm not at full power here. (When getting an 'E' rank)
  • It all starts with this...(holds up Chaos Emerald) A jewel containing the ultimate power...
  • Maria... I still remember what I promised you. For the people of this planet, I promise you... revenge!
  • (After losing to Sonic in the final battle) Impossible. I am... the ultimate... life....
  • There's no time for games... Farewell!
  • (To Sonic) There's no time to play games! You won't even get the chance!
  • (To Sonic) I see, so you're not just a hedgehog.
  • My name is Shadow. Since you were so kind to release me, my master, I will grant you one wish.
  • Hmph! Pathetic humans! (After defeating Hotshot)
  • Even if my memories aren't real, I'm still me, Shadow. And I will fulfill my promise to Maria. That's the only thing that matters to me now.
  • (After losing to Sonic in the first battle) Darn... not bad for an impostor...
  • No time to hang with the likes of you!
  • Before this is over, I'll show you the true power of Chaos Control!
  • Time to put this to rest!
  • Behold the true power I possess!
  • Playtime is over...!
  • I'm the coolest.
  • Our threats fell on deaf ears.
  • (Before using Chaos Control) This is the ultimate power!
  • (After defeating Biolizard) GET OUT you ugly prototype!
  • That blue hedgehog again, of all places.
  • (Occasionally while fighting the Final Hazard) me! I will fulfill your final wish!
  • "(Occasionally while fighting the Final Hazard)" Here I come you creep!
  • (While controlling Sonic during the fight with Final Hazard) Heh... Sonic! I think I've discovered what the ultimate life form is. It could be you!
  • (After defeating the Final Hazard) I must destroy all the evil the Professor has created.
  • (Right before falling to earth) Maria... this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you...
  • ( remembering Maria's promise) That's what I promised her, and I must keep that promise (starts to cry)
  • (After witnessing Sonic's 'death') I guess he was just a regular hedgehog after all...
  • "You never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were on exploded in space. (To Sonic)
  • "So, there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you, anyway?"
  • "I see, but you know, I can't let you live. Your adventuring days are coming to an end!"

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • *whistles* That was cool! (Getting an A rank)
  • Too easy, piece of cake! (Getting a B rank)
  • Just made it. (Getting a C rank)
  • Heh, no problem. (Getting a D rank)
  • Barely made it. (Getting an E rank)
  • Wanna hear something? (At the Sound Test screen)
  • Select a stage. (At the Stage Select screen)
  • Talk about low-budget flights! No food or movies? I'm outta here! I like running better!
  • This game of tag is boring! I'm outta here! Hmm, finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on!
  • Don't worry, Mr President, everything's under control. Just leave it to us!
  • (As he is handing Eggman the fake Emerald) {thinking} Handing over the fake emerald, I can kill two birds with one stone. {speaking} You've turned into a big-time villain, Doctor!
  • I don't know what this space colony's about, but I'll find and destroy that cannon and then kick their imperial butts!
  • Eggman Empire... yeah right.
  • Come and get some, Eggman! Just leave it to me!
  • You can't get away this time! There's only one real Sonic!
  • I got it... just before the cannon fires, I'll slam-dunk it in there!
  • All right, Shadow! Time for me to finish this!
  • (After winning the final fight against Shadow) Game over, Shadow!
  • (In the end of the game) Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
  • (Before using Chaos Control) I'll use your technique! CHAOS CONTROL!
  • (Before using special attack in final battle against Shadow) I'm not done with you yet! Sonic Wind!
  • (During first fight against Shadow) {weak, faint voice} Who are you?
  • "(In the Biolizard fight with Shadow) Shadow...I understand, you're unstoppable! So come on, let's finish this now! Everyone's waiting for us back on earth!"
  • (Biolizard fight with Shadow) (concerned) "Shadow, your power is getting weaker..hey, are you okay? Shadow! Continuous use of your super form will cause you to disappear! Get back to the Colony!
  • What you see is what you get, just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic The Hedgehog!


Sonic: (lands on an island) Phew! So far, so good! (looks up and sees Shadow on a nearby tree) Hey, that's...
Shadow: (sees Sonic as well) That blue hedgehog again?! Of all places...
Sonic: I found you, faker!
Shadow: Faker? Hmph, I think you're the fake hedgehog around here! You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!
Sonic: I'll make you eat those words!

(Eggman and Shadow meet in the Eclipse Cannon control room for the first time)
Shadow: I've been waiting for you, Doctor. Now, I will show you the glorious achievement of what the world's greatest scientist, Professer Gerald, has created... The ARK was the first space colony created by mankind. Not many people know that the ARK contained a top-secret research facility, where weapons of mass destruction were being created. This is one of them. A weapon capable of destroying an entire planet; Codenamed... The Eclipse Cannon!
Dr Eggman: Destroying an entire planet? Was this my grandfather's legacy?
Shadow: But, it's been deactivated for some time now... (places the green chaos emerald into the console) To reactivate it, large amounts of energy are necessary...
Dr Eggman: Oh! So that's why we needed the Chaos Emeralds!
Shadow: Exactly! To reactivate the machine, we need the SEVEN Chaos Emeralds. Once you have that, then you have the ultimate power of destruction, to use as you please. And then... the world could be yours!

(Eggman has Sonic trapped in an explosive space pod.)
Doctor Eggman: You thought you could trick me with that fake Emerald, didn't you?
Miles "Tails" Prower: So... how did you know it wasn't the real one?
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails!
Doctor Eggman: Hah! Because you just told me, fox boy!
(Tails appears shocked.)

(Shadow and Sonic's meeting right before the final battle)
Shadow: You never cease to suprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.
Sonic: You know, what can I say? I die hard! You actually saved me, you know.
Shadow: It wasn't a Chaos Emerald, was it? But, there's no way you could have activated the Chaos Control using an emerald that's fake! So, there's more to you than just looking like me... What are you, anyway?
Sonic: What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!
Shadow: I see, but you know... I can't let you live. Your adventuring days are coming to an end!

(Super Sonic and Super Shadow, after defeating The Final Hazard)
Sonic: Now, Shadow!
Shadow and Sonic: CHAOS CONTROL!
(the Ark and Sonic vanish, while Shadow falls to the Earth)
Shadow: Maria, this is what you wanted right? This is my promise I made to you...

(After the first boss in the Hero Side)
Sonic: What?!
Shadow: It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power.
Sonic: That's the... Chaos Emerald!
Sonic: Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for likes of you! SO where do you think you're going with that Emerald?!

(Shadow remains silent)
Sonic: Say something, you FAKE hedgehog!
Shadow: Chaos Control!
Sonic: Wow...he's fast! (Thinks for a moment) Hey it's not his speed. He must using that Chaos Emerald to warp!
Shadow: My name is Shadow. I'm the world's ultimate life-form. There's no time for games... FAREWELL!
Sonic: (Grunts) Shadow...what is he?
G.U.N.: Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air.
Sonic: Huh? Not again!

Amy Rose

  • We're, like, awesome! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • Sonic, this time there's no way out of marrying me!
  • Robot freaks are SO disgusting!
  • *sighs* I wonder where Sonic is...
  • Gotcha, My darling Sonic!
  • Hey, you guys! Cheer up! You know we'll find them! C'mon, let's get going!
  • This train looks tacky. (Rail Canyon)
  • My love is undeniably powerful! (After defeating Egg Emperor boss)
  • Hey! (Stomping foot) It's just a stupid copy! (After defeating Egg Albatross Boss and finding fake Eggman)
  • If you want a fight, you got one! Let's go get that bloated buffoon!
  • It's your fault Sonic and I aren't together! You're gonna regret this for the rest of your life!
  • Sonic! Let's go on our honeymoon!
  • A chaonapping! Well, betcha Doctor Eggman has something to do with it, and we're not going to let him get away with it!
  • We couldn't even impress Sonic like this! (when getting an 'E' rank)
  • Oh my God! (upon finding 1-up)
  • Sonic, give up! This time you're mine!
  • You're the one pretending to be Sonic! You're the one responsible for taking Froggy and Chocola!
  • Hey you guys, Cheer up! You know we'll find them! No time to waste just standing here! Come on, let's get going!
  • If it's about a date, it'll halfta wait!

Big the Cat

  • I'm so super super happy! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • I'm feeling a little blue! (getting an 'E' rank)
  • The cute rabbit can do it.
  • That's a no-no, doctor... (at start of Egg Hawk boss)
  • It's not nice to tease my friends! (fight with Chaotix)
  • Oh, goody!
  • Froggy, where are you?
  • That was a big birdy!
  • My head is spinning...
  • Up?
  • Feels good!

Charmy Bee

  • Look at all those ships! I wonder if we can take one.
  • Hooray! Beach time! (Singing) Sea, sea, sea.
  • I'm bored. (standing still)
  • (singing) Oh, flower, pretty flower, show your face and I'll sting you!
  • (Casino Level intro) Lemme Go! I Wanna play!
  • Yeah! Time to ROCK AND ROLL! (fight with Team Rose)
  • (singing) I see where you are! (Says when encountering a ghost)
  • Doctor Who? (right before fight Egg Hawk)
  • Incomplete freak! (during Metal Madness)

Cream the Rabbit

  • I'm so happy I want to tell everyone. (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • Disappointing. (When getting an 'E' rank)
  • Doctor Eggman, please stop being bad!
  • Amy, please be more careful with our only clue.
  • Cheese, get 'em!
  • I shouldn't have done that, tee hee!
  • I'm so glad for you, Cheese! (When Cheese and Chocola are reunited)
  • We broke Dr. Eggman's machine! (C Rank on Egg Hawk)

Dr. Eggman

  • (To Team Chaotix) I've heard good things about you, and require your detective services! And I can pay handsomely!
  • Metal Sonic has finally transformed!
  • It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of Chaos, and is super strong! We can't defeat it! ARGH... If only we had the seven Chaos Emeralds.
  • Even with the emerald's power, our chances for victory are slim! It would take a miracle!
  • You knew it was me all along, didn't you?
  • Hey, hold on you guys, it's no trick! And besides, I plan on paying you! You shall be rewarded handsomely for helping me! As soon as I conquer the world, I will PAY you!
  • (Vector mocks Eggman imitation) Mustached moron?!? I'm the world's greatest... Take him out, quickly.
  • Good job! Mission complete! (talking to Chaotix when finishing a level)

E-123 Omega

  • I am Omega, the ultimate E-series robot! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • I couldn't even beat Gamma or Beta. (When getting an 'E' rank)
  • Must eliminate all Eggman robots!
  • Eggman robots, primary target!
  • Primary target is Eggman! Don't forget it!
  • Beaten by fruits, how weak they must be. (in reference to Eggman robots being crushed by falling fruit)
  • (In reference to ghosts) Does not compute, illogical!
  • You know about cloning... the original must exist somewhere.
  • Worthless consumer models!
  • Sensors locked on Eggman, non-compliant intruders will be destroyed! (Fight with Team Sonic)
  • Eggman target, Completely destroyed!
  • Warning, immediate destruction if distracted.
  • The E-2000, so they are in production. I'll destroy them all.
  • New target acquisition. Sights locked on: Metal Sonic (During battle with Metal Madness)
  • Scheduled maintenance overdue. (when standing still)
  • Combat ability of these two is beyond my expectations. (when standing still; presumed reference to Shadow and Rouge)
  • I'll eliminate them all!
  • Incoming red laser!
  • Incoming yellow laser!
  • Incoming blue laser!
  • This flower is engineering like a helicopter. (When they ride on the flower)

Espio the Chameleon

  • Impossible feat! Ultimate ninja power! (When getting an 'A' rank)
  • Insulting. Your training has been a waste of time. (When getting an 'E' rank)
  • Spirits unite! (1000-point combo quote)
  • Behold! Ninja Power! (2000 point combo quote)
  • There's gotta be a major misunderstanding here, but we can't back down now.
  • Where there's light, there's shadow.(CASINO PARK-STAGE:05)
  • Evil must die! Beware my ninja power! (before fighting Egg Emperor)
  • Die a lonely death! (After winning 2P battle mode)
  • We'll take you on, but I promise you'll regret this. (When beginning 2P mode)
  • Death to the evil one! Prepare to die, Eggman! (after getting an A rank on Egg Hawk)
  • Hermit Crabs... must be nearby. (Seaside Hill)

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Perfect! (After getting A Rank)
  • Hmmm... not bad. (After getting B Rank)
  • Guess that's about it! (After getting C Rank)
  • I didn't use all my strength! (After getting D Rank)
  • Just enough to pass. (After getting E Rank)
  • I think my heart stopped... (After being shot out of a cannon in Bullet Station)
  • Heh, no worries, we've got this one!
  • (After defeating Egg Hawk) Heh. Ready for the junk pile!
  • Not a very bright move for a genius! (after finishing robot storm level)

Metal Sonic

  • All life form data successfully copied!
  • Ultimate life form data has been copied!
  • Chaos data has been copied!
  • All living things kneel before your master!
  • You're all useless now that I've copied all your data.
  • This victory shall soon turn into despair!
  • Even the ultimate life form can't stop me!
  • How appropriate to have a robot overlord rule a robot kingdom!
  • Long time no see, Sonic, my loathesome copy...
  • I was created for the sole purpose of destroying you! But I can never seem to defeat you!
  • That is why, I transformed my own body with my own hands.
  • But that was the past. Now you're nothing but a speck of dust to me.
  • See me as I am, no longer afraid of anything!
  • I shall become the ultimate overlord, ruling as the world's most supreme being!!
  • I am the ultimate overlord, I am the real Sonic!
  • It's no use... But why can't I defeat you?

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • (Upon entering Hang Castle) Are you sure this is the right way? This place gives me the creeps.
  • (In response to Knuckles thinking Shadow was a ghost) Ahh! Stop it, Knuckles!
  • Sonic! We only have 24 hours left!
  • (About the Eggman decoy) It's not an Eggman robot...
  • Must be my lucky day!
  • Leave it to me.
  • Sonic! Knuckles! We did it! (A Rank)
  • Look at all thos eggman's robots!

Rouge the Bat

  • This must be it! I found Eggman's secret treasure!
  • Aw yeah, baby! This makes us a TEAM!
  • I'll find Eggman's treasure first!
  • (to Shadow and Omega) Now, you two make up!
  • You guys don't fool me! I know what you're after! Better stay outta my way!
  • I wonder if Shadow is alright...(Said while standing still in Frog Forest.)
  • All this for what? Nothing! I might as well go look for that Master Emerald since that irritating echidna's here.
  • What an ugly train. (Rail Canyon)
  • Man, who are those creeps over there? (Refering to the Chaotix Team)
  • Heh... that Knuckles sure hasn't changed much! (standing still)
  • Hmm. I haven't seen the president in awhile. (standing still)
  • I wonder if there are any jewels around here... (standing still in Hang Castle)

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Perfect as always. (After getting an A rank)
  • What's wrong with me? (After getting an E rank)
  • This is the Ultimate Power! (2000 point combo)
  • Hope you can keep up with me.
  • Even if I'm not real, I'm still the ultimate lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog!
  • Sonic... Why does that name bother me so much?
  • I must find the answer to who I really am. (Beginning of Frog Forest)
  • What was with that hedgehog who looked like my twin?!
  • Some things never change, do they? (in reference to Rouge's treasure obsession)
  • Outnumbered, but they're still no match! (in reference to large group of Eggman robots).
  • Useless heaps of metal!
  • Useless pieces of junk!
  • No problem, let's get moving.
  • No need to rush... (in reference to Rouge or Omega).
  • Who do they think they are? (in reference to a group of Eggman robots)
  • Precisely. (when obtaining an extra life in a hidden location in Sea Palace)
  • Cool city. (in reference to the first Casino level)
  • You'll regret this. (2-player mode)
  • You have no idea who you're dealing with. (2-player mode)
  • You're lucky I let you live. (Team Chaotix Battle)
  • (beginning of Egg Fleet) Space...did you say SPACE?
  • I'm feeling a bit uneasy... time to attack! (Final Fortress)
  • (while grinding in Final Fortress) This weather...could be an omen...
  • No time for messing around! Let's get ready! (Robot Storm)
  • Your weakness disgusts me. (2-player mode)
  • Annoying punks...

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • (whistles) That was TIGHT! (After Getting A Rank, also in Secret Rings.)
  • Too easy! (After Getting B Rank)
  • Shoot... not my day! (After Getting E Rank)
  • Let's blast through with Sonic speed!
  • Hmm, sounds like an invitation to party!
  • All right, Eggman, let's get this party started.
  • Time to crack that Eggman wide open! Yeah, let's party!
  • Marriage?! No way!
  • Eggman! No way off the hook this time! (Beginning of Frog Forest)
  • (as Super Sonic, beaten Metal Overlord) Too bad it's all over... FOR YOU!
  • We'll show that creep the real super power of TEAMWORK!
  • Hey, that's my line! (at Team Dark battle)
  • Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste! Yeah, we're Sonic Heroes!
  • Heh, Because We're Sonic Heroes!
  • Ready anytime! (After filling up the Team Blast Gauge)

Vector the Crocodile

  • Perfect! The work of professionals! Heh. (A Rank Quote)
  • Lackluster performance, I'd say. (E Rank Quote)
  • Looking good! (800-point combo)
  • Whoa, not bad! (1000-point combo)
  • It's Truly Amazing! Heh-heh-heh-heh! (2000 point combo)
  • You know our policy! We never turn down work that pays!
  • (while standing still) Darn, I forgot to pay the electric bill for the office.
  • (while standing still) I'm starving.
  • Good job boys! Guess that Eggman was a fake after all!
  • Leave this to me boys!
  • (having met Eggman before Robot Storm) There you are, you moustache moron! (adressing to the walkie talkie) He's the one, right?
  • This is gonna cost you extra!
  • Hey, there's a frog over there...
  • (to Charmy) WHADDYA DOIN'? BE QUIET!!
  • Why do you think we're here? How else are we gonna make the rent?
  • Strangely enough, I had the same weird feeling about our client's real identity. It could be you-know-who.
  • Some nerve promising what you ain't got. (Cracks knuckles)
  • "Once we start a job we finish a job, Thats our policy, We're TEAM CHAOTIX!" (in the cutscene before "Egg fleet")


Vector: Excuse me miss. I was wondering if I could ask you something.
Amy: If it's about a date, it'll halfta wait.
Vector: A DATE?!? You think this is a joke, you little brat!?
Espio: Now, hand over that chao nice and easy.
Cream: (holds Cheese defensively) I'll bet you're the ones who took Chocola-Chao!
Vector: What?!
Big: It's not nice to tease my friends!
Charmy: (looks around in confusion, then shouts) Yeah! Time to rock and roll!

Shadow: (watching Team Sonic run past below) Look, it's that hedgehog...
Rouge: Wonder what the big rush is about? Betcha those guys will end up getting in my way and making trouble.
(Team Sonic then looks up at them)
Knuckles: Hey, isn't that...?
Tails: Sonic!
Sonic: Heh... talk about being stubborn and full of surprises!
Rouge: Long time no see, boys. Too bad you had to come all this way for nothing. We'll take it from here.
Knuckles: What'd you say?
Omega: Sensors locked on Eggman. Non-compliant intruders will be destroyed!
Sonic: Hmm, didn't you know? We have a date with Eggman, too.
Shadow: Is that so? Well then, it'll be a date to DIE for!
Sonic: Hey, that's my line!

Rouge: We're flying very high. We may even be on the edge of space!
Shadow: Space? Did you say...SPACE?

Vector: Hehehe! Looks like we're in a jam, boys!
Espio: Evil must die! Beware, my ninja power!
Eggman: Hmph! Enough of this! Espio, Charmy, Vector! Time to meet your maker!
Charmy: Bring it on!
Eggman: I'll show you what real evil is!

Rouge: All of this for what, nothing? I might as well go after the Master Emerald since that irritating ECHIDNA is here.
Shadow: Heh...Somethings never change do they? (with a dry smile)
Rouge: Whaddya sayin'? What else is a famous treasure hunter supposed to do?

Vector: Guess he was a fake after all.
Espio: What do you mean, 'after all'?
Vector: We're here to save you. (breaks the door) Dr. Eggman, I presume. (Eggman "makes a face")
Espio: (in shock) Wha-what's going on?!
Charmy: What's up?
Eggman: You knew it was me all along, didn't you?
Vector: It's all part of being a good detective.
Espio: Were we fooled that easily?!
Charmy: You're rotten!
Eggman: Hey, hold on you guys, it's no trick! And besides, I plan on paying you! You shall be rewarded handsomely for helping me! As soon as I conquer the world, I will PAY you!
(Moment of Silence)
Vector: Some nerve promising whatcha ain't got! *cracks knuckles*
Espio: We've been had!
Eggman: N-now wait a minute, just listen to me!
Charmy: Take this, you bad man! (charges in, and starts stinging Eggman)

Charmy: What about our money?
Vector: Man! I almost forgot.
(Eggman sneaks away quietly)
Vector: That slimeball!
(Eggman runs away while the Chaotix give chase.)

Amy: (Looks a picture of Sonic, Chocola, and Froggy from a newspaper) Ah, I wonder where Sonic is. (A gust of wind blows the picture from her hands) OH-NO!
(Cream tries to get the picture, but misses)
Cheese: (Able to get the picture) Chao!
Cream: (Landing on the pier) Amy, please be more careful with our only clue.
Amy: Oh, your right, I'm sorry!
Cream: (Another gust of wind carries her and cheese away) AHHH!!!
Big: (Catches Cream and Cheese via his fishing poll) Ho!
Amy: Nice catch, Big!
Big: (Laughs, and looks at picture) Froggy...
Cream: Chocola...
Amy: Come on guys, Cheer up! You know we'll find them! There's no time to waste just standing here, come on let's get going!
Cream & Big: Okay!
(Amy, Cream, and Cheese dash off, almost knocking Big off the pier. However, Big regains his balance and follows the other three)

Sonic: Whoa! Look at all those Eggman ships!
Tails: Where'd they get so many?!
Knuckles: They really went overboard!

Rouge: I'm gonna win big time!
Omega: Rouge, focus on getting out of here

[When coming across sleeping robots]
Espio: They're asleep, so stay quiet and move slowly...
Charmy: (Yelling) OKAY!!!
Vector: Whaddya doing?! Be quiet!

Rouge: OK, no more games.
Omega: Intercept mode, complete!
Shadow: This is the end of the line, Doctor!
Eggman: Hmph! Enough of this! Shadow, Rouge, Omega! Time to meet your maker! I'll show you what real evil is!

Sonic: Talk about humongous!
Tails: Wow, how did he manage to build something so big?!
Knuckles: The Egg Carrier is nothing compared to this!

[While in Bingo Highway]
Charmy: Chips? You mean potato chips?
Vector: Not those kinds of chips, silly.

Amy Rose

  • What are you doing here?! Go back to where you came from or you'll get smashed, stomped on, and turned to ashes!
  • Sonic! You can't hide from me now! I know you're here! My cards tell me you're here!
  • I'm going to get the super diet machine from the TV!
  • Rouge! What dirty little deed are you up to?
  • You guys are such losers!

Cream the Rabbit

  • Hiii!
  • Ohh...
  • Yes!
  • Tee hee hee!
  • Tee hee hee, I won!

E-102 "Chaos" Gamma

  • What could a little bunny and her little round animal do to stop me?
  • (After being KO'ed) Initiating recovery mode! (explodes)

E-121 Phi

  • Detected! You will be captured! I will capture you for Dr. Eggman!
  • Found him! Found him! Capture him! Capture him!


  • Let's blow this taco stand!
  • (after seeing Sonic being struck by Amy) Your punch got no juice, fool! You couldn't even kill a fly with that!
  • Show me your power. Or I shall not obey. I represent all things and shall become Gizoid, the conquerer of all.

Rouge the Bat

  • I always get what I want!
  • Winning is everything.
  • What an ugly contraption. (In reference to E-121 Phi)

Dr. Eggman

  • I took some Hedgehog Begone and converted it to Gizoid Begone!
  • My acting skills are unmatched.
  • How's this?!
  • It can't be!

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • I have no time to play games.
  • It already created a 'link' with you.
  • Didn't even break a sweat!
  • I'll show you my ultimate power.
  • The builders never understand how their creations truly feel.

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Man, I'm so bored!
  • You know, I don't like losing!
  • Time to party!
  • Sweet!
  • I am dead !

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • I must be getting stronger!
  • Okay, time to fly!

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Shut up! I'll tear this rustbucket apart!
  • It looks like I'm famous now. (in reference to all the robots chasing him)
  • Bring it on!
  • Stone fists!


Rouge: How about we play a game?
Tails: Game?

Sonic: We were just about to get warmed up!
Emerl: Warmed up! Warmed up!

Cream: I don't like it when people get hurt or sad.
Emerl: Sad?
Cream: It's when your heart hurts.
Emerl: Heart... hurts...

Emerl: Will ya teach me some new attack techniques now?
Amy: Will ya?
Emerl: Oh, I mean "Please"?

Dr. Gerald Robotnik: If all powers are not what is to be obtained for oneself,but what is to be born from hearts that yearn for someone, then I believe all conflicts shall cease to exist.

Amy Rose

  • Oh Shadow, I'm so glad you're here!
  • Cream went into this weird-looking castle and she hasn't come back out. Will you come in there with me to look for her?
  • Hey, look! It's a balloon!
  • Oh... Where did she go?
  • (Battling Egg Breaker) Why can't you just leave us alone? Shadow, Bring him down!
  • Just leave the robots alone!

Black Doom

  • BLACK BULL! I summon you!
  • Annihilation for this planet is near... it is time to embrace the dawn of your demise and despair!
  • You deliberately DISOBEYED me, Shadow!
  • Behold, the wrath of Black Arms!
  • The Particle Beam weapon will do gruesome things to your flesh. Watch out.
  • You humans are SO pathetic.
  • I transported this flying fortress to Earth over 2000 years ago... It's MAGNIFICENT! The perfect killing machine! Ready to impose terror in unimaginable ways!
  • For your own sake, do not fall. Now, get going!
  • What is that massive electric shock?! Is that an attack from one of the battleships? (in reference to the lightning. Black Doom appears to be unfamiliar with Earth's weather conditions)
  • Why? Why can't you see that the humans are the parasites of this world? Absolute control is the only way to save them. They must be eliminated! So Shadow, open your eyes, and realize, that befriending the humans was a mistake!
  • Behold... The ARK is DOOMED!
  • Ahhh my dear offspring. EAT and devour these SAVOURY DISHES! (laughs)
  • Silence! The ramifications of your disobedience will be severe!
  • Now come SHADOW! Die, along with these foolish humans!
  • I give you life, and THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME. The irony of it all is I gave you life, now, I'll take it back! (Floats off, laughing)
  • At long last, the gas from this comet has covered this tainted world. NOW MY REIGN HAS BEGUN!! (laughs)
  • Very well then Shadow have it your way...Get ready to meet you maker! Prepare to feel my wrath...Today I end you past, present and Future! PREPARE TO...DIE!
  • I'll shred you to pieces!
  • Very soon the gas will fill this entire planet....face it Shadow! You can't change the fate of this planet not by yourself!
  • (Final words after being defeated) I-Impossible! I am the supreme being that rules this universe! I AM THE IMMORTAL LIFE FORM! I AM THE ULTIMATE POWER!
  • Destroy those insolent fools!
  • Grahh... how could you possibly be able to injure me?
  • What are you doing, you traitor?
  • Shadow, stop at ONCE!
  • The humans seemed to have convinced you with this absurdity. Therefore, I have no choice but to kill you too!
  • Then get ready to die! Let me show you the ultimate power in the universe!
  • Those humans have brainwashed you and your feeble mind. Allow me to remind you of the truth!
  • Now I will show you just how pitiful you inferior life forms are!
  • Shadow... This isn't over yet... The Black Arms will rise again...
  • This will remind you of what the humans did to you.
  • Shadow... As you can see, the day of reckoning will soon be here. Find the seven Chaos Emeralds and bring them to me... AS PROMISED!
  • You're late, Shadow. From now on, my eye will follow and observe you for me. Now, start by finishing off these soldiers that dare to defy me.

Charmy Bee

  • Hey Shadow, I gotta ask you something. Vector told me that he wants me to find five top secret disks, but like, what's a top secret disk?
  • Yow! There are black creatures everywhere around here!
  • (In singsong) Yahoo! Whoosh! (Normally) Try not to crash okay, this thing is way too fun!
  • (In singsong) Shadow, you're so cool!
  • Hey, don't drag me into this. (when Shadow attacks GUN soldiers)
  • You're uh, gonna just make them madder. (when Shadow attacks GUN soldiers)
  • I got it, the first secret disk!
  • Wahoo! Number two!
  • That's three! I'm so psyched!
  • Thats four of the disks, only one more!
  • Got 'em! All of 'em!
  • Oh NO! A giiiant wooorm! (sarcastically)
  • Fire! Hot... hot... hot!

Cream the Rabbit

  • Oh, Shadow. Thank you! But, Cheese wandered off into that castle... Shadow, you have to find him... please!

Dr. Eggman

  • You know what they say, the more, the merrier!
  • Shadow, cut that out! (When Shadow attacks Eggman's robots)
  • Who do you think your enemy is?! (When Shadow attacks Eggman's robots)
  • Nooo! Not my beloved battleship! Shadow...I won't forget this!
  • Don't go smashing up my robots!
  • Now, witness the power of my latest, greatest creation!
  • This is what you get for turning against your master!
  • The Chaos Emeralds belong to me, all of them! No one gets in my way. Those who do will be destroyed! Now stand clear or I WILL crush you, just as I will those black creatures.
  • Very well. If you refuse to obey, then you'll just have to deal with my finest creation yet!
  • I will not allow you to defile my grandfather's legacy! Now, you get to see the destructive power of my strongest creation yet!
  • I'll turn both of you into scrap with my latest and greatest creation!
  • Those idiots! They're destroying everything! How can I take over the city and build the Eggman Empire if there is no city?! I'm at my limit, I have no choice! Send in the Eggman Fleet! Charge!!
  • Do not give the Emeralds to Black Doom, Shadow!
  • That's insane! He betrayed his people for research?? For Black Doom?!
  • Shadow... can you hear me? This might be the last chance I have to speak to you so... what I said about having created you... it was all a lie... everyone thought you died during that horrible incident... but I rescued you with one of my robots... you lost your memory that's all... you really are the ultimate lifeform my grandfather created!
  • What? W-w-wait... Abort launch! (After Shadow triggers Missle Fever which makes Eggman the target)
  • Idiot! Perhaps I need to teach you a lesson!!!
  • Say hi, and be friends.
  • I made you... and this is how you repay me?
  • You ungrateful little pest... have you forgotten it was my grandfather who created you?
  • Time for a real blast. It's time for Missile Fever!
  • Bomb Fever! Get ready to be blasted into oblivion!
  • Pawn Fever! Prepare to be skewered!
  • N-no! Don't drop them here! (After Shadow triggers Bomb Fever making Eggman the target)

E-123 Omega

  • Are you... The original?
  • ERROR! Unable to compute why a base this size has gone undetected. ERROR!
  • We are here to face 'Eggman'!
  • Reassess target priorities!
  • Final target corfirmed comencing combat.
  • Do not concern yourself with them.
  • Object airborne without use of thrust or engine components. Does not compute.
  • Dr. Eggman! I will defeat you and reign supreme!

Espio the Chameleon

  • Shadow, thanks for your help earlier.
  • Actually, I need to extract some data out from Eggman's database. Feel like lending a hand?
  • Damn... we've been detected...
  • All talk and no action. Typical.
  • Don't listen to him, Shadow... Kill him now so we can get out of here...
  • I'm getting too old for this...
  • Hey, back off! Data retieval isn't exactly my specialty.
  • Easier said than done... who signed me up for this anyway?
  • An assasin perhaps?
  • If you fall here... I fear there is no returning...
  • And yet another color puzzle.
  • Need I remind you that we're undercover?
  • (heavy breathing) Now that's what I call "lightning fast"
  • What? This data is fragmented! The terminals aren't connected!

GUN Soldiers

  • Everyone who can still move, grab a weapon and take your positions!
  • We've got them pinned down.
  • This is why I was against these experiments.
  • The experiments are merging together!
  • They're multiplying at an extreme rate!
  • Shadow is fleeing with a civilian.
  • The ARK is now under our control.
  • Men... forgive me...
  • This is Blue Falcon! Situation critical! Requesting assistance! He's... too strong!
  • HQ! Do you read? HQ! Ugaaaah!!
  • This is our last stand!
  • Prepare the tanks!
  • Come on men! Familiar terrain gives us the advantage!
  • Nobody gets away from GUN!
  • Mr. Yuji Naka is all right!
  • Hold the line!
  • Where's my bike? Has anyone seen where it is?
  • They got Keith!
  • You have my thanks...
  • Glah!
  • S-s-stop! D-don't move, or we'll shoot!
  • W-Wait! Stop!
  • Red Echidna sighted!
  • Primary target and the girl have been sighted!
  • Mantis Platoon Heavy Dog reporting in!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • Shadow! We're in BIG trouble!!!
  • Yes! He did it! The Black Comet is destroyed!
  • That turret is so cool! I've never seen a vulcanized ceramic used for this sort of thing before.
  • Shadow... I believe in you... You can do it!
  • Hey! Cut it out!
  • I'm afraid I've always taken sunsets for granted... I'm afraid of nightfall, tonight...
  • Whoa! I'm getting dizzy!

Rouge the Bat

  • I knew we could count on you!
  • I guess that's why we call you the ultimate lifeform.
  • You're strong enough... I know you are... (After Tails "I believe in you" quote)
  • ...Shadow....(during final boss battle)
  • Oh, Shadow! What a coincidence running into you here.
  • What? What's he talking about? (in reference to Doom's Eye speaking to Shadow before Black Bull fight)
  • I hope he's OK...

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • (first lines) Shadow the Hedgehog. Why does that name haunt me? It's the only thing I can remember. And that gruesome image...
  • Maria! MARIA!
  • Who am I, and why can't I remember anything?.. And who is this Maria?
  • Damn! Not here! (dying while airborne)
  • I can't... die here... (one of the lines said when dying on the ground)
  • You scum! You're going down!
  • Where's that damn fourth Chaos Emerald?
  • I bet no one expected this baby could fly.
  • (When Hero gauge is full) Behold the ultimate power!
  • (When Dark gauge is full) Death to all who oppose me!
  • Goodbye, doctor! (attacks Eggman)
  • The promised time, huh? Well then, time to go and fulfill this promise.
  • Game over, Sonic. (After beating Sonic and Diablon)
  • This is the end of you... and the end to my cursed past! (After beating Devil Doom)
  • I take orders from no one. I do what I decide.
  • You can never control me, Black Doom. Now I understand why I am here. I made a promise and I am here to keep it. Today, I put my past behind me.
  • I've heard enough! You're boring me to death Black Doom!! You're going down!!!
  • (After Black Doom tells him how he is controlling him) DAMN YOU! No, it's not true!
  • A Chaos Emerald?! You've got to be kidding me, guys! This is like taking candy from a baby, which is fine by me.
  • Black Doom! Your reign ends here, and it ends NOW!
  • Ah... I can feel the power welling up inside me...
  • Mark my words, Black Doom, these so-called pathetic humans are NOT my enemies!
  • Goodbye forever... Shadow the Hedgehog... (final line)
  • What a coincidence. I'd like to know what the good ol' doctor's up to as well.
  • (insane giggle, followed by an insane chuckle, as images flash through his mind) The pieces are all coming together now... this "Ultimate Lifeform" they kept referring to is the black hedgehog, and he... died... and I'm its copy... then it's clear what must be done. (turns around sharply) Doctor! You're going straight to the place you created me from!
  • You're going straight to hell!
  • Did I... die? (memory)
  • I swear, Maria... I'll do whatever it takes to take care of the ARK and the Professor...
  • You heartless humans! GET OUT OF MY WAY!
  • What's going on with me? I can't get these images out of my mind... those black creatures... how do they know me? Who was I before this!?
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog... no one can tell me what to do!
  • Shadow... android? Am... I... an android... TOO!?
  • If what you say is true... then I will respectfully accept my fate... but, please, I still need time to uncover the truth... (Talking to GUN commander)
  • (Desperate plea to voice) Doctor! I need to know... those androids... the ones that look like me... am I-?
  • Whaaaa-?
  • Piercing... the staaaaaars... (convinced by Doom)
  • Siding with them? You're joking, right? I'm just siding with whoever goes up against you. This time, you're going down Sonic!
  • (evil giggle) All right. I know what I have to do. I was born to bring order to the humans. These humans. But they don't value life. They're going to pay. Pay with their lives for what they've done!
  • The Professor created me... with Black Doom? (Drops to his knees in a daze.) I... I can't believe it...
  • Space Colony... ARK... this is where I... M-Maria... died?

Shadow's Realizations
  • I'm Shadow... the Hedgehog. I was created to bring order and justice to the humans. With the power of these Emeralds, I'm going to destroy this damn planet! This is WHO I AM! (maniacal laughter)
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Life Form born to rule all. With the power of these emeralds, I'm going to conquer the universe. This is WHO I AM! (maniacal laughter)
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate life form born to protect and serve the dark lord Black Doom. With the power of these Chaos Emeralds, this world will become the dark empire! This is WHO I AM! (maniacal laughter)
  • I am Shadow the Hedgehog. I and only I know what is best. No one can tell me what to do. This is WHO I AM!
  • I am Shadow Android, the ULTIMATE Life Form, a copy of Shadow the Hedgehog. With the power of these emeralds, I will become stronger than him. This is WHO I AM!
  • I am Shadow Android, the Ultimate Battle Life Form created by Eggman. You may have created me, doctor, but I will now lead this empire and androids will rule. This is WHO I AM!
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate life form, born and raised aboard the ARK. I shall live on... I am the protector of the ARK... I am living proof of the ultimate life form. This is WHO I AM!
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, a research experiment... gone deadly wrong! I've caused so much destruction... I should never have been created. This is WHO I AM... (Walks away sadly while Vector tries to make him change his mind)
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, and now...I am the most powerful hedgehog in the world. The power of these emeralds makes me invincible. I am the ultimate hedgehog! This is WHO I AM! (cocky, victorious laughter)
  • I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, and I made a promise that I intend to keep. With the power of these Emeralds, Black Doom and his army are finished! This is WHO I AM!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Hey, Shadow! Long time no see! Looks like these black creatures really mean business! Let's you and me show them a thing or two!
  • Hey, he's on our side!
  • Shadow, what are you doing?!
  • Woohoo! Now we're talkin'! Bring it on!
  • Well, look what the cat dragged in! Alright, Shadow, you know what to do!
  • You know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!
  • Aw yeah, looks like this party's just getting started! Time to rock and roll! You up for this, Shadow?
  • Shadow, I can't let you go. Not like this!
  • What's wrong? Are you tired?
  • Damn, they got away! Leave it to me, I'll chase 'em down!
  • Use Chaos Control to make your way inside!
  • The big boss is inside!
  • Yeah, it's time to ROCK and ROLL!
  • This is just like old times...a race for the emerald!
  • What's the matter, Shadow? Can't keep up?
  • (Alarmed when Shadow suddenly collapses to his knees, holding his head, giving a short cry of pain) Shadow! What's wrong?!
  • Well, Shadow... looks like we've reached the climax of our little game.
  • Welcome to the next level.
  • Looks like GUN's after us now... Shadow! What did you do?
  • GUN forces are giving it their all! Let's help them out!
  • To swap you weapon for another weapon that's on the ground, just press the X (GameCube)/B (Xbox)/Circle (PlayStation2) button. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead using those things.

Vector the Crocodile

  • Well well, if it isn't Shadow! Your timing is impeccable!
  • We've got to make it to the computer room before this place collapses!
  • Find the computer room!
  • Bingo! The computer room!
  • Hey Shadow! Let's go for a ride!
  • You know, I think you made him mad!!!
  • Let's find that computer room and get the heck outta here!
  • (When running out of time on Cosmic Fall) Ohhhh... I'm too young to die!
  • Whoa! Where'd that green laser come from?
  • Those GUN robots are heavily armed! Did you forget to pay your taxes or something?
  • Hey, don't go there... yet. Things may not be what they seem, you could be... (Shadow starts to walk away before Vector could finish what he was going to say)
  • Ugh... Shadow! Let's finish this!


GUN Soldier: The black aliens have hit six major cities around the world, and every city is reporting significant damage and casualties. Among them, Westopolis has received the heaviest casualties, due to its weakened defense system. Downtown Westopolis has almost been completely destroyed. Unconfirmed sources have also reported seeing a black hedgehog in Westopolis.
GUN Commander: Shadow? Deploy the troops now! And if you see Shadow with the black aliens, then kill them all!
GUN Soldier: But sir! Isn't Shadow on our side, sir?
GUN Commander: I gave you an order, soldier! He's evil, and he's the enemy! (The soldier leaves) You can't fool me, Shadow! This time, you're mine...

Tails: Yeah! Shadow did it! The Black Comet is destroyed!
Sonic: Shadow... that was SWEET!
Rouge: I hope he's okay.
Amy: I'm sure he's fine, Rouge. After all, he is Shadow!
Dr. Eggman: How about giving me back those Chaos Emeralds now? (tries to sneak away)
Knuckles: HEY! Get back here, ya CREEP!!

(everyone laughs as Knuckles chases Eggman)

Charmy: Espio... are you in yet?
Vector: Be quiet, Charmy!
Charmy: (unintelligible complaining)
Vector: Espio, we need you to focus, 'cause if we don't hurry, all the data we recovered will be lost!
Espio: (groans) Easier said than done. Who signed me up for this anyway?!
Charmy: Alright! I'll do do it! Get out of the way!
Vector: Get back here, you idiot!

(Charmy crashes into the computer, and a fuzzy image of Professor Gerald appears on the screen)
Espio, Charmy, and Vector: Hey! It's working!

Sonic: That was sweet, Shadow!
Shadow: Well, I'm not here to save you...
Sonic: Thought you might say something like that. How about a little friendly competition?
Shadow: Don't waste my time.
Doom's Eye: (Moving past Shadow and Sonic) We have found the THIRD Chaos Emerald in this city. There's no time to waste here. (Keeps going)
Sonic: I guess that means... Welcome to the next level! Let's go! (Dashes off)
Shadow: (Following Sonic) Get back here!

GUN Soldier Over Radio: Emergency broadcast to all mobile units, headquarters to all mobile units. All points bulletin: be on the look out for Shadow, the black hedgehog, wanted for connections with the traitorous attacks. Order are...capture him, dead or alive.
Shadow: Out of my way! Coming through!
GUN Soldier: S-S-STOP! Don't move...or we'll shoot!
Shadow: Stupid humans. (Jumps up and attacks two soldiers)
GUN Soldier: (After being attacked) Ugh.
Black Doom: Very impressive, Shadow.
Shadow: Who are you?
Black Doom: You really don't remember anything, do you? ...But you will, in time. However, there's no time to waste here. Go and access the United Federation's mainframe.

Sonic: They say that every 50 years, that Black Comet passes over Earth. (laughs, then breaks off) Oh! You think that Comet has anything to do with those Black Creatures?
Shadow: (thoughtfully) Black... Comet... (before he can think any further, he claps his hands onto head, and cries out in pain, collaspsing to his knees)
Sonic: (thoroughly concerned and alarmed) Shadow! What's wrong?!
Shadow: (Staring to get up shakily) I-I-I-I think you're right.. I feel it... they're up there! (balls his hand into a fist) I have to get to that comet!

[Espio, Vector, and Charmy are at a computer, with Espio typing on it]
Vector: Aren't you done yet? At this rate, the entire day will be wasted!
Charmy: Yeah! Whole day wasted!
Espio: Hey, back off! Data retrieval isn't exactly my specialty.
Charmy: Then let me try! Let me try!
(Vector pulls a shouting Charmy away from Espio. Just then, the door opens, and the trio turns to see Shadow)
Espio: An assassin?
Vector: Well, well, if it isn't Shadow! Your timing is impeccable. You know that Eggman fella pretty well, don't you? Well, we need your help hack into his computer... and don't ask why! And we don't have anymore time to waste!
Shadow: Hmmm.. well, what a coincidence. I'd like to know what the good old doctor's up too as well.
(Shadow yells and karate chops the keyboard, which activates a portal, leaving the trio in awe. Then, Shadow jumps into the portal)
Charmy: Cool!
Vector: This may be THE big case! Alright, Espio, we're counting on!
(Espio nods and jump into the portal as the screen fades)

Amy Rose

  • Ohhh, that girl! Who does she think she is?!!
  • Not gonna hold back!
  • Told you so!
  • Out of my way!!
  • HEY,no fair!!!
  • Sonic, congratulations! I'll be over there cheering you on!

Cream the Rabbit

  • (starting the race) Please take it easy on me!
  • (Level 1 attack) (cries)

Doctor Eggman

  • Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Since you all seemed so bored, I put together a little extra something to spice things up!
  • These racers, they're hot, the best I could find!
  • Haha! Look before you move!
  • This is an outrage! I hosted the EX World Grand Prix for a piece of cloth!? I can't believe I wasted my time for such a piece of junk! (falls over)
  • Do you really think you can beat me?!
  • I should've tried a little harder.
  • Ha ha ha, how's that?!
  • Hohohohoho! Now I'll get the Treasure of Babylon!

Jet the Hawk

  • (starting the race) No way I'm gonna lose!
  • (Level 3 Attack) The Power of Babylon!
  • Humph! So YOU'RE supposed to be the fastest thing alive?!
  • I don't want your pity, nor do I need it!
  • You may be the fastest...for now, but I'll be back, Sonic The Hedgehog!
  • Ah, the dirt suits you so well!
  • Oh, not bad!
  • SHUT IT!
  • NO!
  • (loss message) Urgh! I'll get you next time!

Knuckles the Echidna

  • (starting) Don't get in my way!!
  • STOP!!! I get it okay? It just floats and that's good enough for me.
  • Did she say red MUTT?!
  • No problem!
  • There! What's that?!
  • Shoot!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • Sonic! The Emerald's over there!
  • Don't worry Sonic! I'll unlock the secret of the Extreme Gears for us!
  • Wait Sonic, use this!
  • Haha! Did you see that?!
  • I'll do my best!

Rouge the Bat

  • Hey! Ladies first!
  • Better behave yourselves.
  • Buh-bye!

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Now witness my true power!
  • You're so slow.
  • Feel my power!
  • Get outta my way!
  • Let me show you my real power.

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Alright! Now we're talking!
  • (starting) Alright! Bring it on.
  • A magic carpet?! I thought those only existed in fiction.
  • Finally! Something interesting!
  • Well it can't be too important!
  • Even without wings, I can still fly! Right?
  • I'll show you what true speed really is!
  • (after winning a race as Super Sonic) As it should be!
  • (when losing as Super Sonic) What happened?
  • Oh! New competition!
  • Tails! Knuckles! We gotta get Eggman!
  • Sweet!
  • (when starting as Super Sonic) Behold, the power of the Chaos Emeralds.

Storm the Albatross

  • I hope you're ready for this!
  • Waddya doing you clumsy fool?
  • I'll make sure to pay you back for this!

Wave the Swallow

  • (thinking) Hmm, this isn't half bad for an amatuer. But still, you can never be too safe. (places bomb underneath board)
  • I never imagined anyone would enter the race with such a piece of junk.
  • If they don't want it then let's take it. Treasure is treasure.
  • You think you can win with that board?
  • Eat my dust!
  • And that's that!


Jet: Why'd you burst in here, anyway?
Storm: Well, an egghead...egg salad...nooo...
Wave: Some guy named Eggman wants to speak to you.
Storm:He told me he has an intresting propositon for you!
Wave:Stop inerupting,KNOCK IT OFF!!!

(The two turn away from eachother with a "Hmph")

Wave: No one can tune a Gear like I can! Accept it, buddy, it's not the board, your skills just SUCK!
Storm: W-wha?! Suck?!
Wave: Yes. S-U-C-K, suck.
Storm: Su- Su- Su- Su-
Jet: SHUT IT!!

Wave: Some you understand, but you... (Her voice speeds up, Jet ignores her)

(Jet sees Sonic practicing)
Jet: Hmm, I think it's time for a little fun!

(Jet sneaks away)
Wave Huh?!? Hey, Jet! You get back here, right now! Why do I even bother? Unless I take charge, nothing ever gets done around here!

(After Wave just came in, insulted Tails' Extreme Gear in all ways imaginable and left)
Amy:Ohhhhh,that girl, who does she think she is?!
Sonic: Yeah! How can she just walk in and diss Tails?!
Knuckles: I know! And tinkering's all he's really good at too!

(Tails looks angrily at Wave)

Amy Rose

  • A girl? Please tell me what Sonic needs from this cat girl!
  • Hmph! You're so mean, Sonic!
  • Nice to meet you! Are you looking for Sonic? I'm warning you though, I'm Sonic's girlfriend!
  • Boy, you're stubborn! You can rely on your friends, you know.

Blaze the Cat

  • Yes. My name is Blaze the Cat.
  • Stay out of this. This is my responsibility, so I'll deal with it.
  • Perhaps... Perhaps you're right. I can rely on friends, if I let myself...
  • Led by the Chaos Emeralds, my world has begun to enter yours.
  • We're going to fly again? Uh, wait a sec. I'm kinda scared of heights...Aaah!
  • Because she's my friend... I must rescue Cream by myself.
  • I'll see you again.
  • You can't escape me!
  • Because of my powers, I have always been alone...

Cream the Rabbit

  • I've never seen you before. Would you like to be friends?
  • Amy has "Sonic Radar"! So wherever Amy goes, we'll find Sonic!
  • Blaze is my friend, and Amy's my friend. A friend of a friend is a friend! So, Sonic and Amy are also Blaze's friends!
  • Huh? You don't need to thank me. We're friends, aren't we?

Doctor Eggman

  • Sonic, you little pest! Soon, the ultimate power will be within my grasp, and I shall be invincible!
  • I'll never give up this last Sol Emerald!
  • A pity you cannot comprehend the power of the Sol Emeralds.
  • We're ready for you, Sonic! Our ultimate mecha will crush you!
  • Enough of your babbling! See, they are here!

Eggman Nega

  • But in the end, you will be destroyed by... Eggman Nega!
  • It's best to get someone else to do the dirty work.
  • Then we can create our own dream world. It'll be an Eggman Land beyond this dimension!
  • My incredibly profound plans... It was such a small miscalculation that I made. It shouldn't matter. And it's not over yet. Just give me some time, and I'll...

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Man, this makes me so angry. I want to punch something! Arrrgh! (Punches a rock, shattering it)
  • I sense a familiar power... Do you have Chaos Emeralds?
  • Hey, you, cat woman! It's payback time!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • Idle hands can be a dangerous thing, Sonic! The ultimate power that Eggman spoke of... I wonder what kind of power he was talking about.
  • There's a tear in the space-time continuum... and it's expanding! If it continues to expand... the fabric of reality will become altered!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Hey, what's up? Eggman's got another crazy scheme, and we saw some mysterious girl... Things are starting to get interesting, eh Tails?
  • I admire your fortitude, but... carrying the entire world on your shoulders?
  • As long as you have the power of friendship, the Sol Emeralds... will never lose their glow!
  • This is from me. I'll see you again!
  • As long as the person holding the emeralds can control them... and knows how to use them, nothing can go wrong.


Knuckles: Hey, Cream. It's been a while.
Blaze: Uh, who is this guy?
Cream: That's Knuckles. He's a tough guy, but he isn't very bright.
Knuckles: What?!
Cream: Aaah!
Blaze: (Thinking) It doesn't look like Cream is too bright herself.

Amy Rose

  • Two heads are better than one when looking for someone!
  • (to Silver) The person you were looking for was Sonic? Were you planning to kill him?
  • If I had to choose between the world and Sonic, I would choose Sonic!
  • Hmm... I sense Sonic's presence there. Call it my girlish intuition.
  • HEY! You're not Sonic! (Slaps Silver, who almost falls off the roof, but Amy ignores it, and buries her face in her hands) Um... I'm sorry!
  • Aren't I just incredible? (After achieving an "S" rank)

Blaze the Cat

  • You're so naive. Whether it's right or wrong, I can't really say... But what I do know is... If we don't take this chance, the future will remain exactly as it is.
  • (After Silver is rejected as the vessel for Iblis) I'll take Iblis. Don't worry. My soul is already alit with flames. I will be accepted.
  • The Iblis Trigger... Blue Hedgehog...
  • That's a Chaos Emerald. It's said this gem can transform your thoughts into power. Collect seven, and a miracle's supposed to happen. Keep it as a lucky charm.
  • You're still so naive. But... I... I've always liked that about you.
  • Can't complain. (after getting an 'S' rank)
  • Good luck, Silver. (as she drifts away)

Dr. Eggman

  • Now Princess, this way please...
  • I've come here to obtain the secret of the Flames of Disaster from you. And to take the miracle gems that are the key to its secret... The Chaos Emerald!
  • A pleasure to meet you at last, Princess of Soleanna.
  • You have wasted so much of my time!
  • (After Shadow enters the train by breaking through the ceiling) Wouldn't the door have been easier?
  • Mephiles played us all for fools! His plan all along was to cause the Princess to be so consumed with despair that she'd cry.
  • Here I come, Sonic!

E-123 Omega

  • Perfect Mission. (When achieving an "S" rank)
  • Now is the designated time!
  • I shall assist.
  • Shadow. Rouge asked me to support you.
  • What is Eggman up to? Who is Mephiles?
  • Shadow, the one who defeats and seals you in the future... (points to himself) is me.
  • Eventually when something or someone is seen as too powerful... it is seen as a threat. (reaches out "hand" to gesture at Shadow, who has turned away, unnerved) And then the world becomes its enemy.
  • Our targets are the Chaos Emeralds. Begin searching immediately.

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Who was that guy? He looked just like Shadow!
  • I saw Eggman on the outskirts of the city. He wanted me to give this to you. (tosses Sonic a holographic message)
  • No matter where we go, all we see are ruins. How can this be our future?
  • I'll take care of it!
  • Alright! (when receiving an "S" rank)
  • That felt good. (when receiving an "A" rank)
  • Well, that wasn't...too bad. (get a "B" rank)

Mephiles the Dark

  • Wuahahahaha! Oh, how ironic fate can be!
  • I would never have believed I would be resurrected through your shade! I thank you. Shadow the Hedgehog!
  • I'm Mephiles. Mephiles the Dark. What, did you forget me?
  • I owe much to you, Shadow. Oh yes. What you gave to me, I now return to you! A one-way ticket to oblivion!
  • I was expecting you sooner.
  • As you must know, you're already too late.
  • But it still time for you to change your mind. Join me, Shadow. Let us teach this world a lesson and rewrite the future.
  • It's a pity, Shadow the Hedgehog. Truly a shame that you would fight against me.
  • Hahahahahaha,ah hahahahaha!!! Finally, the seal is broken! At long last, I will be able to join with you... Iblis! Now, Chaos Emerald! It's time for the final curtain call!
  • Just as a flower comes from a seed or a chicken comes from an egg, everything has an origin.
  • (to Omega during first battle) You're just a nuisance... robot.
  • (after Silver finds him in Soleanna) Why does that matter to you? Unless you complete your task, your future will remain the same... forever.
  • Drown in darkness!
  • Sink into darkness!
  • Looking for me?
  • I'm your shadow... You can't even touch me...
  • Why fight it all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?
  • The 'I' have now obsorbed your power through your shadow in the past, What may have worked ten years ago no longer does!
  • "(After making hundreds of clones of him)" You must realise by now that you can not hope to stop me with your 'limited' power!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • I heard you tried to rescue their princess from Dr. Eggman.
  • A Chaos Emerald! You've already found one!
  • (landing in isolated base in the future) Boy, do I feel dizzy... Where are we?
  • This is terrible! According to the data, the princess died when she was kidnapped by Eggman! Apparently Eggman's battleship exploded! The data of this incident was... two days after the Festival of the Sun!
  • WHOA! My head's spinning!
  • GREAT! I did it, Sonic! (when getting an "S" rank)
  • An "A" effort! (get an "A" rank)
  • Elise is on that battleship? Wait up, we're coming!

Princess Elise

  • Sun of Soleanna, guide and watch over us with your eternal light...
  • I would rather die than be your prisoner again. Farewell. (jumps off of Eggman's ship)
  • (Sonic gets an "S" Rank) I don't believe it!
  • (Sonic gets an "A" Rank) I'm so happy!
  • (To Sonic as tears fall) I... to tell the truth... I don't care what happens to the world!
  • (Resurrecting Sonic's soul) You have given me so many things. Now it is my time to return the favor. I care not what happens to me. But please heed my voice. Sonic, come back! To me... to us!
  • (quoting Sonic) "If you have time to worry, then run," right?

Rouge the Bat

  • Don't you want to know what this is?
  • It's... It's so unfair! Shadow's always here to defend the world. Despite that...
  • Shadow... Even if you believe everyone in the world will be against you, know that I'll always remain by your side. Remember that.
  • Well now... I may not look it, but I'm a real treasure hunter. Unlike a certain echidna I know.
  • My precious Chaos Emerald. You are all so beautiful. Your mysterious brilliance...
  • I've found a Chaos Emerald!
  • Hmph. He finally shows up again and then he leaves before even saying, "Hello." Well, it seems his little trip hasn't changed him.
  • What did you think of my beautiful technique? (after getting an 'S' rank)

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Hmph! Perfect. (When achieving an "S" Rank)
  • Hmph! Not even a challenge. (When achieving an "A" Rank)
  • I determine my own destiny.
  • Don't try to deceive me. [Mephiles: What?] You have no desire for revenge. You only crave destruction. Your only lust is to fuel Iblis until there is nothing left of time itself.
  • That's absurd. Whatever it is you want to do, you can do it alone.
  • Follow me if you want the truth.
  • (while fighting Solaris) A super-dimensional being? Heh, this might even be a fair fight!
  • I will release you from the chains of your past.
  • Time to unleash the ultimate power!
  • Rouge! You saved me.
  • This is the distant future, far removed from our own timeline.
  • (how to return) You need a space-time rift, but this requires a lot of energy.(After sonic answers)Yes, but that alone is insufficient!
  • (to Eggman) Who is Mephiles? And why are you trying to capture him?
  • (After fighting mephiles)So you say, if the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have!
  • I am Shadow. Shadow The Hedgehog.
  • To discover what happened, it seems we must see what took place 10 years ago.
  • Heh... There's no strength in numbers!
  • I found the means to seal Mephiles.
  • The rift is getting bigger. There's no time left!
  • (sets Scepter of Darkness aside Elise) I already know what becomes of it in the future...
  • (about Sonic) Certainly, it might've been possible... If he was still alive.
  • The time-space rift is expanding! There's no time left...I've got to hurry!
  • (After learning about the doctor's train)Shoot! I've gotta get to the station!
  • (When fighting Silver) I won't hold back. Here I come!

Silver the Hedgehog

  • I've finally found him... the Iblis Trigger!
  • PERFECT!! (When getting an "S" Rank)
  • Looks like I'm on a roll! (When getting an "A" Rank)
  • Don't you dare turn your back on me!
  • It's time I finally put an end to this!
  • Your actions will condemn us all!
  • For the future of the world, I will destroy you!
  • I will change the past, and save the world!
  • I'm coming Iblis!
  • A guard, huh? Just try and stop me! (When battling Egg Genesis)
  • This is the end! Prepare to meet your doom!
  • I will protect the future!
  • Now I must fight for the future.
  • My name is Silver.
  • Time to disappear, Iblis Trigger!
  • I won't give up! It all depends on me! Can't lose! Not when I'm so close! CHAOS CONTROL!
  • The root of all our problems... I will defeat you, Solaris!
  • Is this a joke? How could someone like you cause the destruction of our world?
  • It doesn't matter. For the sake of the future, the Iblis Trigger must be destroyed!
  • Mephiles! Why are you getting in my way?
  • I see it! So that blue hedgehog's the Iblis Trigger?
  • What's the point of all this? It'll never end!
  • (to Mephiles) Who is the Iblis Trigger? Why does he want to destroy the world?
  • (to Blaze) I can't! I wouldn't know what to do... without you! You've fought alongside me to save the world... You're my friend... Right?
  • Circumstances have changed. I need to rescue the Princess!
  • So THAT'S why he wanted me to kill Sonic before!
  • You were the vessel that was used to seal Iblis. You should be able to use the gems' power to rescue Sonic's soul!
  • Blaze? To kill someone to save the world... Is that really the right thing to do?
  • If you say it exists in the past, present and future, I'll destroy them all at once!
  • Amy? Get out of my way Amy, this is my mission!
  • I've been looking for you, You're the iblis trigger!
  • (When dying)
  • (To Shadow when fighting Solaris) You're low on ring energy, use the triangle button to switch with me!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • That was incredible! (When getting an 'S' rank)
  • My... That's a pretty snazzy performance there.
  • The whole city's on fire!
  • That tornado's carrying a car!
  • Piece of cake! No sweat!
  • Darn! We're not gonna make it. Let's speed up!
  • This is your pet, huh? Okay, Eggman. I'll play with him! (When Battling Egg Cerberus)
  • If I find the one issuing orders and defeat him, I can defeat everyone at once.
  • If you have time to worry, then run!
  • Nothing starts until you take action.
  • You think you can intimidate me with your size? Let's see what you can do! (When Battling Egg Genesis)
  • Silver! I can handle this myself. Besides, you have somewhere to go, right?
  • I'll make sure to change Elise's fate. And that in turn should change your future, too.
  • Since Eggman went to the trouble of telling me where Elise is, I think I should thank him personally.
  • (resurrected as Super Sonic) Thank you, Elise.
  • Alright, it's my turn. Let's have some fun, Solaris!
  • Let's see how long you can keep up that big attitude!
  • This is it, Eggman! Prepare for another defeat!
  • The present day...the here and now you've stolen, time to take it back!
  • Elise... smile.
  • Cool! It's raining fire!
  • I'm Sonic... Sonic The Hedgehog!
  • (Take too long in finishing a stage or get a 'D' rank) Man! Today's not my day!


Doctor Eggman: Now stop it. You have nowhere to go.
Elise: I would rather die than be your prisoner again!
Doctor Eggman: Hmph! So what are you going to do, Princess? Do you plan to jump?
(Below, Sonic chases the Egg Genesis as fast as he can, and Elise gives one final look at Eggman.)
Elise: Farewell.
(She jumps off the ship.)
Doctor Eggman: Huh?
(She falls down as Sonic runs up and catches her.)
Elise: Sonic!
Doctor Eggman: (furious) You won't get away that easily!

Silver: I've been looking for you. You're the Iblis Trigger. Your actions will condemn us all.
Sonic: Who are you?
Silver: My name is Silver. For the future of the world, I will destroy you.

Mephiles: (after beating the reunited Team Dark) You must realize now that you cannot hope to stop me with your limited power.
Shadow: (gets up) So you say.
Mephiles: It's futile. The world will betray you. Why fight at all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?
Shadow: If the world chooses to become my enemy, (drops off his power rings) I will fight like I always have!

Silver: (dispatches Eggman's Robots) You look like you're in a hurry.
Sonic: (crosses his arms)...So, what's going on?
Silver: Circumstances have changed. I need to rescue the Princess!

(Everyone ends up on the Time-Space Rift)
Amy: (looks around) What is this? Where are we? What's going on?
Knuckles: Is this because of that light?
Silver: (confused) The Chaos Emerald... has disappeared...
Amy: (far-off voice) Silver?
Silver: (goes up to Amy, Tails, and Knuckles) What are you doing here? This is all so confusing...
Rouge: It's all because of Solaris.
(Teams Sonic and Dark find each other)
Doctor Eggman: It seems we were all caught by the spatial distortion.
(They all look up at Solaris)
Doctor Eggman: Iblis' seal has been broken... (looks around at Sonic and Elise) Due to Mephiles' manipulation.
(They find Elise cradling Sonic's lifeless body)
Amy: Sonic?
(They move closer to Sonic and Elise)
Tails: No... You don't think...
Knuckles: (in shock) Sonic!
(Amy looks at Sonic's body and cries at the loss of her hero; Team Dark mourns, including Doctor Eggman)
Doctor Eggman: Mephiles played us all for fools! His plan all along was to cause the princess to be so consumed with despair, that she'd cry.
Silver: (looking at Sonic) So that's why he wanted me to kill Sonic before.

(Solaris shakes up the time-space rift, and everyone looks up except Elise, who is still cradling Sonic's body)
Silver: Solaris!
Doctor Eggman: This creature will consume all existing timelines. And time itself will collapse and disappear into nothingness.
Shadow: (in wonder) The instability of time caused this time-space rift.
Doctor Eggman: It won't remain for much longer.
Knuckles: We've no time to waste! We've got to defeat it now!
Doctor Eggman: No. It is a transcendent lifeform that exists in the past, present, and future. Defeating it here, now, would do nothing.
Silver: No! I won't give up. There has to be a way. (everyone looks at him) If you say it exists in the past, present, and future, I'll destroy them all at once!
Shadow: Certainly, it might have been possible... (looks around at Elise and Sonic) If he was still alive.
Amy: (sobbing uncontrollably) Sonic! Sonic!

(Everyone grieves in disappointment over Sonic; suddenly Elise notices a blue wind rushing by)
Elise: Sonic?
Silver: What's the matter?
Elise: I feel... Sonic's presence in the wind. I don't think he's dead yet! (everyone looks at her in confusion) I'm sure of it! It's not too late!
Silver: (realizing this) Of course! Let's call him back with the power of the Chaos Emeralds! (everyone looks at him) Focus your thoughts on using its power to perform this miracle. (runs up to Elise) You can do it, Princess!
Elise: (listening) I can?
Silver: You were the vessel that was used to seal Iblis. You should be able to use the gems' power to rescue Sonic's soul!
Elise: (nods after a long pause) I'll do it!
(Everyone agrees with her, and Doctor Eggman checks his scanner glasses)
Doctor Eggman: Solaris flung the Chaos Emeralds to the distant corners of this distorted world.
Tails: To collect them all in time, we'll have to split up!
Amy: (gets up) I'll go too! Because it's for Sonic! (looks at Elise) So Elise... Watch over him!
(Everyone goes on a search for the emeralds while Elise waits for their return)

Amy Rose

  • Wow! Sonic! You fought to save me!? You're my knight in shining armor, Sonic! So that means we're going to live happily ever after!

Dr. Eggman

  • (Transmission) Bzzz... Zzzzz... Zzzzzzz... C-Can you hear me, Shadow? There's someone after me! He's... Ah, it's all so confusing! I'm not sure how to explain this! Anyway, follow this signal, and come find me! I'm counting on you, Shadow! ... Bzzzzz... Zzzz Zzp...
  • That's right! I'm the real Dr. Eggman! Back in the flesh, thanks to you, Shadow! So it looks like we have a common enemy. Want to come along?

Eggman Nega

  • Come forth, Metal Sonic! Show this pathetic hedgehog what you're capable of! Now, Sonic, let's see if you really are the fastest thing in the world, shall we? Hoh ho ho ho!
  • Unforgivable! You've just made me very very angry! (Takes out camera) Fine then! I'll use this camera to turn the whole planet into a card!
  • (Sighs) Such annoying pests... It may be too much for your puny little brain to grasp, but this is Onyx Island, or Angel Island from the future!
  • Heh heh heh...It seems it's time we stop playing this childish game any longer... You are quite right... I am not Eggman! My name is Eggman Nega!
  • Heh heh heh... I'm here to change my destiny! I come from a long line of brilliant, scientists, but that lineage was disrupted with Dr.Eggman's failures! As a result, I have been denied my destiny as the world has refused to recognize my brilliance! So by removing Dr.Eggman's life and failed attempts at success, I will alter our family history forever!

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Wait! Come back here! No hard feelings, Sonic, but this time there's no way you're gonna beat me!
  • Hey, Shadow! Mind your own business! Yo, Eggman! You'd better hand over the Master Emerald this time!
  • Grr... You better shut your mouth! I'm not letting you make a fool of me again! Let's go, Sonic!
  • Hey, Eggman! How did you make the Master Emerald disappear from Angel Island?
  • Come to think of it, the shape of this island is similar to Angel Island... But the real Angel Island is still there, right? So this one's got to be a fake... Argh! I just don't get it!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • Sonic, Knuckles, get in! We can still catch up to him in my new Tornado plane!
  • We have to hurry before he converts Amy's card into energy!

Rouge the Bat

  • (Transmission) Bzzz... Zzzzz... Zzzzz... This is Rouge! Can you hear me, Shadow? I've come across something quite interesting about the doctor! I'll fill you in on the details later. Just keep tailing him for now! ... Bzzz... Bzzzzzzp...
  • (Transmission) Bzzz... Zzzzz... Bzzzzz... Shadow! Come in! You'll never guess what I found out! Eggman is really... Aaaaah!
  • Thanks for saving me, Shadow! That was a bit too close for comfort. What were you thinking!?

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Huh? What's this... A silver hedgehog? And... He's chasing... the doctor!? Hey you! What do you want with the doctor!?
  • My name is Shadow... And I won't let you harm the doctor!
  • Hmph! There's no way I'm losing to some android fake. I accept your challenge!
  • Whatever! Now, why don't I show that fake why they call me the Ultimate life form!
  • What!? Change the future? Is that what you've been trying to do? Hmm... I won't let you get away with that!
  • Hmph... There's no way I'd lose to someone like him who blames their own failures on the past.

Silver the Hedgehog

  • My name is Silver... I can't tell you why, but I need to get to him before you.
  • You... You're Shadow! Listen, you don't understand what's going on. Please, take this as a warning. The man that you refer to as 'Doctor'...There's a chance that he's not the real Eggman.
  • It looks like you've realized who the true enemy is, Shadow.
  • Eggman?! This ends now! I'm going to expose you for who you really are, no matter what it takes!
  • All right, Eggman Nega! You're coming back to the future with me! You've been here far too long!
  • Eggman Nega... It looks like he lost control of his machine, and got turned into a card himself... As soon as I can collect the other cards, and take care of Eggman Nega's mess, I'll head back to the future... This time frame will be fine, as long as they're around... Those blue and black hedgehogs certainly are brave...

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Are you running away again, Eggman!? Get back here and fight!
  • Heh! While you've been wasting your time, I've been figuring his next move...
  • Okay, Eggman! I've proven that I'm the fastest and the strongest! So hand over Tails' card now!
  • A copy is still just a copy! It'll never be able to top the original!
  • That's Amy's card! I totally forgot about her!


Knuckles: I thought I had him, but then he disappeared into the light!?
Shadow: You let the doctor get away? Hmph! You're useless...
Knuckles: What'd you say!? What's your problem, Shadow!? Don't mess with me, I'm not in the mood! I might take it out on you, got it?
Shadow: Whatever, Knuckles... But first, I've got some business with the doctor!
Knuckles: All righty then... Let's see who can catch him first!
Shadow: You're on! Let's do it!

Shadow: So, was this who you were warning me about in your transmission?
Eggman Nega: Transmission? What are you talking about?
Shadow: What!? 6 hours ago, you asked for my help.
Eggman Nega: Why would I ask you for your help?
Shadow: What? Why are you...
Silver: Hey, wait a second. I think you may be mistaken about something...
Eggman Nega: Grr! Stop this nonsense... It's driving me crazy!

Silver: Hey, you there! Did you see that guy carrying something strange?
Knuckles: Actually... He has this weird camera that changes things into cards... Wait a minute... Who are you?
Silver: What'd you say!? How did he get a hold of it?
Knuckles: You...! What are you mumbling about?
Silver: Got no time to explain it to someone like you... See ya!
Knuckles: "Someone like me?" Hey, I'm Knuckles! Haven't you heard of me? How rude! Asking questions without having the gall to introduce himself!
Silver: Like I said before, I don't have time to deal with you right now. See ya!
Knuckles: You little... Get back here!

Blaze the Cat

  • (after being selected in Party Mode) All right, let's do it!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 1) What do you think about that?
  • (Party Mode victory quote 2) Is that all you got?
  • (Party Mode victory quote 3) This is what ya get!

Cream the Rabbit

  • (after being selected in Party Mode) Okay!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 1) I did it!

Dr. Eggman/King Shahryar

  • What is the meaning of this? I am Shahryar, king of this land!

Erazor Djinn

  • I am Erazor Djinn. I am the one who shall carve up this world as I see fit.
  • Have you gathered the seven rings yet?
  • It's that blue rat again.
  • Have you brought me the Seven World Rings?
  • You brought me all seven World Rings, well done!
  • All you filthy vermin are worthless, just the same.
  • So, this is how judgment is dealt, is it?
  • Hmph! You filthy rat! I'll shut that mouth of yours permanently!
  • (after having absorbed the World Rings' power) I am Alf Layla-wa Layla!! I am the Arabian Nights! I will be it's new creator! I will remake this world and this reality in my own image!!!
  • (Breathing heavily)I shall not be defeated. If you defeat me I will simply return AGAIN and AGAIN! I am immortal! I cannot be vanquished!
  • It cannot be, that's the...(After Sonic shows Erazor lamp)
  • My body, my body is UHAAAAAAA!
  • Shahra, I know you there, please, stop him, we can start over, the two of us. I swear, I swear it. The world is mine! I cannot be denied by that filthy rat! WHYYYYYYYYYY?
  • I am....the creator! The stories of this world...are MIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!

Knuckles the Echidna/Sinbad the Sailor

  • Life's a game of give and take, see?
  • (after being selected in Party Mode) Let's do this!
  • I am Sinbad of the seven seas, Adventurer of adventurers. Who the Heck are you?

Miles "Tails" Prower/Ali-Baba

  • ..."Tails...??" name is Ali-Baba.
  • (after being selected in Party Mode) Here I go!

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • (after being selected in Party Mode) Here I come!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 1) I am the ultimate!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 2) Pathetic...
  • (Party Mode victory quote 3) As I suspected!

Shahra the Ring Genie

  • You are the blue hedgehog.
  • Our world, the world of the Arabian Nights is vanishing.
  • When darkness descends upon the Arabian Nights, the legendary blue hedgehog from another world shall come.
  • When the seven rings that control the worlds are gathered, the portal between the worlds shall open. But the life of the collector of the rings shall be offered up in sacrifice as the key for that control.
  • Did I change my destiny? Did I keep my promise?

Silver the Hedgehog

  • (after being selected in Party Mode) Here I come!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 1) That was easy!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 2) Perfect!
  • (Party Mode victory quote 3) I did it!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Boy, is it that late already? What time is it?
  • How about a handkerchief for starters! Make that a few!
  • You see, I caught this cold yesterday and...
  • What's that all about, talk about close shaves...
  • What's Dr. Eggman doing here?
  • I'm a hedgehog! HEDGE-HOG!
  • I feel RAGE!
  • Wisdom? Knuckles?
  • (sarcastically) Wow, the wisdom of Sinbad of the Seven Seas, adventurer of adventurers...
  • I promise you, you'll smile once our adventure is done. (holds out pinkie finger)
  • Whoa! Out of the frying pan and into the fire, huh? (After the encounter with the dinosaur in Dino Valley)
  • (after getting one of the World Rings) I can't even begin to imagine what getting all seven rings would do to somebody. It might even open the gates of hell!
  • My first wish! Bring Shahrah back to life!
  • My second wish! Return the Arabian Nights to the way they where, so that the world could have its stories again!
  • My third wish! Erazor Djinn, you shall live out the rest of your days trapped inside your lamp as you were in days of old!!
  • I told you! I'm not a RAT! I'm a hedgehog! (After imprisoning Erazor Djinn in his lamp)
  • (After defeating Erazor) And now, your tale's finished, Erazor! Next time, try writing a better story!
  • Time may fly, but I'm even faster!
  • If you say so.
  • (after being selected in Party Mode) Let's go!
  • (Party Mode victory quote) Piece of cake!


Sonic: (after Shahra comes out the book) Ahh... what the...?
Shahra: Do not be alarmed! I am Shahra, the Genie of the Ring. ... you know, like "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp"...?
Sonic: Don't think I've read that.
Shahra: What? You've got to be kidding me!

(after Sonic saves King Shahryar)
King Shahryar: How dare you! I am the king! Must you be so rude?
Sonic: (Sarcastically) Sorry!

(After defeating Erazor the first time)
Sonic: You just don't give up, do you?
Erazor: You brought me all seven World Rings. Well done!
Sonic: Yeah, of course! We're such good buddies, after all!

Alf-Layla-Wa-Layla I am...the creator. The stories of this world are...MIIIIIIIIINE!!!
Sonic If this is your world, then it's a world that I don't want any part of!

Amy Rose

  • (being selected) Let's do this!
  • (name called in event) That's me!
  • (failure in attempt) That's not fair.
  • (victory in event) That was easy!
  • (failure in event) Oh well...
  • (1st place) That's right! I'm the best!
  • (2nd/3rd place) Not too bad I guess.
  • (4th place or below) That can't be!
  • (Beated a Olympic or World record) Wow, I'm really good!

Blaze the Cat

  • (being selected) Let's do this!
  • (name called) Time to do this!
  • (failure in attempt) What?!
  • (victory in event) Victory is mine!
  • (failure in event) How could this be?
  • (1st place award) My skills are superior!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) A satisfactory result.
  • (4th place or below) I still have much to learn...
  • (Upon beating a World Record) I expected nothing less!

Cream the Rabbit

  • (calling a Foul) Oh, too bad!
  • (calling a good score) Okay!

Princess Daisy

  • (being selected) Daisy!
  • (name called in event) Yaho!
  • (victory in attempt) Yes!
  • (failure in attempt) Oh...
  • (victory in event) Oh yeah! I won!
  • (failure in event) Arrr man!
  • (1st place award) Yayhaw! Hi, I'm Daisy!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) Woo! Not too bad right?
  • (performing special move in dream table tennis) Let's party!

Dr. Eggman

  • (being selected) Ho ho ho ho ho hoh!
  • (name called in event) Hee he he he heh!
  • (victory in attempt) How's that?
  • (failure in attempt) What?!
  • (victory in event) An obvious result!
  • (failure in event) How could I let this happen?!
  • (1st place award) I did it!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) Unbelievable!
  • (4th place or below) How could this be?!

Knuckles the Echidna

  • (being selected) Let's do this!
  • (name called in event) Hoo hah!
  • (victory in attempt) Yeah!
  • (failure in attempt) aww...
  • (victory in event) Heh heh heh, how's that?
  • (failure in event) Aww, I lost...
  • (1st place award) Alright! Got it!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) Not bad I guess.
  • (4th place or below) I could had done better...


  • (being selected) Luigi!
  • (name called in event) Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!
  • (victory in attempt) Yes!
  • (failure in attempt) Oh well...
  • (victory in event) Oh yeah! I-I'm the winner!
  • (failure in event) Ohhhh. Luigi lost!
  • (1st Place Award) Oh yeah! Who's number one now? Luigi!
  • (2nd/3rd Place award) Oh it's not that bad!
  • (4th place or below) Awwww... oh well. Next time.


  • (being selected) Mario!
  • (name called in event) Yahoo!
  • (victory in attempt) Yes!
  • (failure in attempt) Oh no!
  • (victory in event) Yes! I'm the winner!
  • (failure in event) Oh no! I lost!
  • (1st Place award) Yahoo! I'm the winner!
  • (2nd/3rd Place award) Oh well. Mario gets it next time.
  • (4th place or below) Oh... Mama Mia.

Princess Peach

  • (being selected) Peach!
  • (name called in event) Oh yes!
  • (failure in attempt) Noooo...
  • (Victory in event) Oh! Did I win?
  • (1st place award) Oh yes! How nice! Lucky me!
  • (2nd/3rd Place award) Oh well. Next time, it's mine!

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • (being selected) Hmph! Fine.
  • (name called in event) Hmph!
  • (victory in attempt) Hmph!
  • (failure in attempt) Unbelievable.
  • (victory in event) Hmph. Naturally.
  • (failure in event) I let you win.
  • (1st place award) I'm the ultimate.
  • (2nd/3rd place award) These are only games.
  • (4th place or below) How humiliating!
  • (Upon beating a World Record) Ultimate power!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • (being selected) Here we go!
  • (name called in event) Leave it to me!
  • (victory in attempt) Yes!
  • (failure in attempt) No way!
  • (victory in event) Too easy!
  • (failure in event) Aw man, I could've done better...
  • (1st place award) It's all about speed!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) whew! Just made it!
  • (4th place or below) NO WAY!
  • (Upon beating an Olympic or World record) Yeah, that was sweet!!!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • (being selected) I can do this!
  • (name called in event) Yeah!
  • (failure in attempt) No.
  • (victory in event) Haha! I won! I won!
  • (failure in event) Awww... I lost.
  • (1st place award) Haha! I did it!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) Pretty good!
  • (4th place or below) That's too bad...

Vector the Crocodile

  • (being selected) He-heh! Bring it on!
  • (name called in event) That's me!
  • (victory in attempt) Oh yeah!
  • (victory in event) Haha! I win!
  • (failure in event) Huh? I lost?!
  • (1st place award) The winner hands down!
  • (2nd/3rd place award) Oh well. Good enough!
  • (4th place or below) Guess you can't win them all...
  • (Upon beating a World Record) Well, how do ya like them apples?


  • (being selected) Waluigi!
  • (name called in event) Wahhahaha!
  • (victory in attempt) Yes!
  • (failure in attempt) Wa????
  • (victory in event) Waluigi number one!
  • (failure in event) Awww no no no no...
  • (1st place award) Wahhaha! Waluigi number one!
  • (2nd/3rd Place award) Wah Waluigi gets you next time!
  • (4th place or below) Wah? No...


  • (being selected) Wario!
  • (Name called in event) Ah yeah! (laughs)
  • (victory in attempt) Yes!
  • (failure in attempt) Wa?
  • (victory in event) Hahaha! Wario's da winner!
  • (failure in event) Oh no. I lose??!! Ahhhh...
  • (performing special move) Come on, Fly!
  • (1st Place Award) Yeah! Yeah! Wario wins!
  • (2nd/3rd Place award) Argh. I can do better!
  • (4th place or below) Argh. I let you win!


  • (being selected) Yoshi!
  • (Victory in attempt) Hohoh!
  • (Failure in attempt) Oh!
  • (2nd/3rd Place Award) Woo! Hoohoohoo-hoh~!

Espio the Chameleon

  • Espio!
  • Stand Down!
  • Now you see me...
  • (after winning a race)Case closed.
  • (after attacking an enemy) Ninja!

Knuckles the Echidna

  • Knuckles!
  • Hey, Sonic! How about a little one-on-one instead of this silly race?

Metal Sonic (and Dr. Eggman)

  • Long time no see, Shadow. I've been looking for you.

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • I have a strange feeling that someone's following me.

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Shadow!
  • Chaos Control!
  • Hmph. Fine. But once I stop them, you're telling me what you know. Metal Sonic, go after Espio. I'll find Silver.

Silver the Hedgehog

  • Silver!
  • There's no way I'll lose!
  • If that's the way it has to be, then so be it!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Sonic!
  • Sonic Boom!
  • Hey, Knuckles! Rouge! How bout a race to see who can beat Eggman first?

Vector the Crocodile

  • Espio, do you read me? Ever since that hedgehog, Silver showed up, Chao have been disappearing. It must be him! I want you to follow him and gather some evidence. You've got to find some!


Knuckles: Hey, Sonic! How about a little one-on-one instead of this silly race?
Sonic: What's wrong, Knuckles? Don't tell me you're tired already?
Knuckles: I'll show you how tired I am!

Tails: I have a strange feeling like someone's following me.
Espio: Hmm... That little fox is pretty observant. Hey, Tails. You look like you're searching for something. Is something wrong?
Tails: Wha-What are you doing here, Espio? Sonic and I are trying to find out what's up with the Chao disappearances.
Espio: The Chao disappearances? Do-Do you have any leads?
Tails: Sorry, Espio, I can't tell you anything. I've gotta catch up to Sonic. See ya!
Espio: Hey, wait! I still have some more questions! I'd better follow him.

Shadow: Who's there? I know there's somebody here, so show yourself!
Metal Sonic: (Dr. Eggman's voice) Long time no see, Shadow. I've been looking for you.
Shadow: Metal Sonic! And that voice... it's you, Doctor!
Metal Sonic: Indeed. I've had my little metal friend hunt you down because I need your help, Shadow.
Shadow: Hmph. And why should I help you?
Metal Sonic: Because if you don't, this world will be destroyed.
Shadow: What do you mean?
Metal Sonic: Look over there! It's Espio and... Silver! Shadow, there's no time for me to explain. Take Metal Sonic with you and go after them!
Shadow: Hmph. Fine. But once I stop them, you're telling me what you know. Metal Sonic, go after Espio. I'll find Silver.

Knuckles: I've looked all over for the Master Emerald, but I still can't find it. Argh! Where in the world could it be? Could Eggman have taken it?
Rouge: Well, don't look at me, big boy.
Knuckles: Wha-? Rouge! Do you know who stole the Master Emerald?
Rouge: No, but I can help you look.
Knuckles: I don't need your help... Besides, why would you help me unless there was something in it for you?
Rouge: Actually, there are some other "Emeralds" I'd like to find and I could use a little help.
Knuckles: I knew it.
Rouge: But I can lead you to the Doctor!
Knuckles: Okay, guess I don't have a choice do it?
Rouge: Exactly. Let's go!
Knuckles: Look, it's Sonic and Tails!

Vector: Espio, do you read me? Ever since that hedgehog, Silver showed up, Chao have been disappearing. It must be him! I want you to follow him and gather some evidence. You've got to find some!
Espio: Leave it to me. I'll go undercover and see if I can tail him.
Silver: Hey, chameleon! Have you seen any Chao around here?
Vector: Yikes!
Espio: Ch... Chao? Well, uh...
Silver: You know where they are, don't you?
Espio: Well, I mean, I... guess I know something, but... well, no, I don't know.
Silver: Hmm... You sure are a strange one.
Espio: You're seriously mistaken! Be gone.
Silver: Hey, chameleon! Wait up!
Shadow: Metal Sonic, go after Espio. I'll find Silver.

Silver: You're... Shadow! What do you want with me?
Shadow: I'll ask the questions. Why are you here and what are you up to?
Silver: Ha! Don't worry... It has nothing to do with you. Just don't get in my way.
Shadow: Hmph. I don't think so!

Silver: Stop following me!
Shadow: I can't do that, unless you tell me what I want to know.
Silver: If that's the way it has to be, so be it!

Shadow: Hey you tripped me!!
Rouge: Or maybe you're just clumsy.

Espio: Phew... That was a close call.
Metal Sonic: Target Acquired.
Espio: Metal Sonic? So... does that mean Eggman is involved with this, too? I've got no time to waste with you... I need to find Silver!
Metal Sonic: Target Escaping. Pursue Target!

Espio: It seems you've found something valuable.
Rouge: Nothing really, just a little Chao. If it doesn't glimmer, it isn't gold to me.

Silver: Shut up Knuckles! Don't get him upset, I need to talk to him!
Rouge: Hey kid, don't take that tone with us!
Eggman: Quiet!! Or I'll give you something worth getting upset about!!

Rouge: Hey kid, how'd you catch up so quickly?
Tails: It may not look like it, but I've been training with Sonic!
Rouge: Well, good for you, kid.

Amy Rose

  • (Activating Gravity Dive) Get ready!.....'cause here I GO!
  • Fated lovers are always drawn together silly (wink).
  • (when starting a race)Not gonna hold back
  • (after losing)Hey! no fair!
  • (after winning)Go lay down!
  • (passing a racer)Coming through!

Blaze the Cat

  • (just before starting a race) Fear the power of the flames!
  • (after winning) You'll never be a match for me.
  • (after losing) No! I can't lose now!
  • (passing a racer) Sorry...

Dr. Eggman

  • Do I look like a ball to you?!
  • (Activating Gravity Dive) Hohohohoho...FULL THROTTLE!
  • You think you can beat me. (Starting a race)

Jet the Hawk

  • (Activating Gravity Dive) Now you'll true power!!!
  • Turning tail and running away, Sonic the Hedgehog?!?!?!
  • (After landing a trick) No sweat!
  • (After winning a race) I'M the best.
  • Sonic!

Rouge the Bat

  • (Activating Gravity Dive) I'm not... letting you get away!
  • Hey! Ladies first!
  • Better behave yourselves...

Silver the Hedgehog

  • (just before starting a race) I'm using everything I got!
  • (after winning) I am not to be trifled with.
  • (after losing) No! How could this happen?
  • Later!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • (Activating Gravity Dive) Ready!.....GO!
  • JET!!?
  • Watch out!
  • GO!
  • Brace yourself!
  • Here!

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • (Activating Gravity Dive) Here we go...UNLEASH GRAVITY!
  • Now...witness my true power.
  • You're so slow
  • (After winning a race) Feel my power!
  • (When doing a X jump) Hmph, Perfect!

Wave the Swallow

  • (Activating Gravity Dive) Get ready... for this!!!
  • You think you can win with that board?
  • (after winning)And that's a wrap!

Storm the Albatross

  • (Starting a race) I hope you're ready for this!
  • We're here to settle the score from last time!
  • (after winning) Hu hu hu! Victory is mine!


Jet: It's been a while...Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic: JET!!?

(Wave and Storm arrive behind Jet)
Wave: Long time no see, shorty.
Tails: Wave!
Storm: We're here to settle the score from last time.
Knuckles: Anytime....Babylon Rogues.
Jet: Cut it out, Storm. Alright, girly, hand over the Arks of the Cosmos.
Amy: What are you talking about?
Jet: Don't play dumb with me girly, not after swiping the Arks of the Cosmos right out of our hands!
Sonic: Hey, hold up a minute! Girls hate guys who rush them Jet.
Jet: Rush?!....I'm the fastest thing in the universe! And today I'm going to prove it!

(Sirens start to go off as robot begin to attack the group)
Tails: Sonic, we can't stay here!

(Sonic, Tails and Knuckles arrive at Botanical Kingdom)
Sonic: They don't give a guy a break, huh?
Knuckles: We can't just stand around here.
Sonic: Right. (Amy grabs Sonic from behind) WHOA!
Amy: Guess who?
Sonic: Amy...What are you doing here?!
Amy: Fated lovers are drawn together silly. (winks at Sonic)
Sonic: Amy.....

Wave: A shooting star!

(Wave starts to makes a wish)
Storm: Hey, whatcha doing Wave?
Wave: Making a wish! (sighs) They say if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true.
Storm: (Laughs) How old are you? Grow up! Right, boss?

(Storm turns to see Jet making a wish)
Storm: Uh oh!
Jet: (Thinking) All right, Star, give me the power to beat HIM!

Amy Rose

  • I'm so glad you're here Sonic. But not too glad. I have a boyfriend now you know. His name is Dexter.
  • Ugh! No hugs, Big! Not whilst you smell like that!
  • I just wanted you to know that I...I care for you, Sonic. And, well, some part of me thinks this could be the end. Some of the things you said to me before we came here...they gave me a little hope. I guess I wanted to know... do you like me, too? Do you feel anything for me at all?
  • *surprised* Really? You...Really? *happy* I--I didn't expect you to say that! It makes me so happy! I don't know what it all means, Sonic. But we're about to fight a 4000-year-old echidna chief, and....
  • Dexter? Ha! Dexter is just a guy I imagined. I wanted to make you jealous. I don't need him now!
  • We'd better go. we have a world to save...together!
  • I understand, Sonic. There are more important things to worry about!
  • I--I see. Well, that makes sense, i guess. You're Sonic, after all. I guess we'd better get back to work. We have a world to save, and all that.
  • But you just said...Argh! Make up your mind, Sonic! Do you have any idea what it's like to be pushed around by a boy you like? It's not fair! Grow up, Sonic. Just grow up!
  • *very depressed* O-Okay, Sonic. I will....
  • If we make it through this, we'll figure it out together! I can't wait to tell everyone about my new boyfriend! Yay!
  • [to Rouge] You're a tramp!

Big the Cat

  • That's the sneezy fog. It makes me sneeze. (sneezes)
  • My face itches!
  • Do I get to fly the boat?
  • I think my eyes are broken! No, wait...they're just closed.

Dr. Eggman

  • Y'know, once you've terrorized an area once or twice, it just isn't the same. (in reference to Blue Ridge Zone)
  • The Dimensional Buffer is a fine invention. Pity I never got the chance to try it out. At least, not since that one time. I never did see those pants again.
  • Ha ha ha! Sonic, it's adorable how much you hate me.
  • That's right, Sonic. The great Dr. Robotnik has reformed! Ha ha ha ha ha!

E-123 Omega


Knuckles the Echidna

  • Power-mad techno wizards and Nocturnus assasins. It's been good fighting with you, Sonic.

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • On our team, Eggman, we try to avoid violence when we can.
  • Yes! You can become Super Sonic!

Rouge the Bat

  • Why would a pirate from another dimension speak like that? This is just dumb.
  • Oh, great. Mama always told me that one day I'd get trapped in an alien dimension without a change of clothes.
  • Sorry, Amy, am I flirting with your man (Sonic)? But here I thought you had a boyfriend!
  • Great. If we need anything defragulated, we're all set.

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • Don't expect me to join in on your group hugs and picnics!
  • No pressure.
  • I can see multiple ways out for me, none for you.
  • Omega is a good friend. If anything has happened to him, I will be very upset.
  • (once Tails warns him of robots coming) Good. I need to smash something.

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Oh, now I see. You're just making "Dexter" up.
  • Tell the others to come back in when you leave.
  • No, Amy. I care for you a lot, okay?
  • I know, Amy, I care about you, too.
  • Definitely, Amy. I care for you a lot.
  • You said stop it. You didn't say keep it in one piece!

Shade the Echidna

  • (brainwashed by the Overmind) I...betrayed...Lord Ix...
  • I will go with the Hedgehog.
  • Lord Ix, we never discussed conquering this world.


[After the team enters the room with Omega inside.]
Shadow: "Wait! That's Omega! I knew it! Those Marauder goons. We have to--"
[Robots enter.]
Tails: "Later! Someone's coming!"
Shadow: "Good. I need to smash something." [...] "Omega!"
Eggman: "Oh, don't waste your time on this one. He's been a thorn in my side for years!"
Shadow: "Quiet, Eggman, or I promise you I'll--"
Tails: "He's still functioning! Just heavily damaged. But I think I can... Yes! With the parts from those guardian robots, I can repair him!"
Shadow: "Do it." [...] "Omega! Can you hear me?"
Rouge: "If I had a nickel for every time I heard that..."
Tails: "No! Omega, Eggman is on our side!"
Shadow: "No, Omega. He's right. Eggman is helping Team Sonic against the Marauders."
Rouge: "As hard as it is to believe."
Tails: "What happened to you, Omega?"
Shadow: "Come with us, Omega. We're going to destroy the Marauders for what they did to you."
Rouge: "Ugh. Again with the emotionless revenge. It just gets tired."
Tails: "Let's go, team!"
Eggman: "Yes. We have much work to do!"
Shadow: "The stronghold in the Underground, Omega. You can recharge there."
Eggman: "I never agreed to allow that faulty machine to--"
Shadow: "Silence, Eggman. Now."
Shadow: "We'll get the Marauders for what they did to you, my friend. Let's get to it. The Marauders must pay."

[During the tutorial]
Tails: Sometimes, it's good to just stop and ask questions!
Sonic: Oh what's you're favourite colour, Tails?
Amy: ...
Tails: Well, I, uh...oh, haha, Sonic. Not that kind of question!

Sonic: Ah, Green Hill Zone. We've had some good times here, haven't we, Tails?
Tails: Good times? You mean like Eggman turning our friends into robots and pitting them against us?
Sonic: Yep. Good times!

Eggman: Aha! The ionic defragulator!
Big: Yay!
Rouge: Do you even know what that does?
Big: No!

Sonic the Hedgehog

  • Yeah, this is the real me. Pretty cool huh? (Strikes a pose)
  • Well, this is new. Showing remorse, Eggman? If you played nice, I wouldn't have to break all your toys.
  • (After defeating the Egg Beetle) Same as always. All bark, and no bite!
  • I'll never understand Eggman's tastes.
  • (After completing a mission, or getting an "A" rank) No problem!
  • (After getting a "D" rank) Not my best run...
  • (After getting an "E" rank) No!!
  • (After getting a "S" rank) Beautiful!
  • A planet-sized jigsaw puzzle? Sounds like a great excuse to see the world.
  • Heeeeeere's SONIC!!! (During Final Boss battle against Perfect Dark Gaia [360/PS3 version])

Sonic the Werehog

  • Uh oh, did I fall on him?
  • (Upon defeating the Dark Moray) Sorry, I'm in a rush here!
  • Don't worry, I'll help you get your memory back.
  • Looks like things have gotten pretty ugly.
  • What, you don't remember who you are!?
  • You've really...gone and done it this time, Eggman.
  • (After completing a mission, or getting an "A") Arooooooo!!!
  • (After getting a "S") Oh, yeah! That's right, baby!
  • (After getting a "B") Wow, I rule!
  • (After getting a "D") Ugh, can I start over?
  • (Upon defeating the Dark Gaia Phoenix) Strike three, monster! That's enough out of you!
  • (After defeating the Dark Guardian) I know little girls who are better with a hammer than you. Well, one...anyway.

Chip/Light Gaia

  • Chip...Chip! I love it. Yum!
  • Seven lights of the earth, rekindled! Awaken and gather here to me!!
  • (as Sonic the Werehog walks away, dejected) Oh, ah...I mean...D-d-don't worry! Hey! You only look really scary, Sonic. Inside, you're the same as ever. I guarantee it! Okay?
  • Sonic, I remember...all of it.
  • Thanks for asking, Mister Monster Guy.
  • (takes out a chocolate bar) Want some chocolate?
  • Don't eat me, I taste bad!
  • Sonic, you must live.
  • I'll never forget you. I'll be here by you always. A part of the earth you tread.
  • (as the purified Temple Guardian flies away) So long!

Prof. Pickle

  • We're doomed, the planet is lost!
  • How dare they call this culinary concoction food. Look here, do you see this sorry excuse for a sandwich? The bread should be no less than 3/4 of an inch thick. Upon it, one tablespoon of mayonnaise and a pinch of black pepper. The contents, FRESH cucumbers, sliced THINLY if you please! Am I quite right, Tails?

Dr. Eggman

  • Success! A brilliant Success!
  • I'll turn over a new leaf, I swear! Just give me a chance!
  • Sonic, that's a good look for you. Festive!
  • I should have known you'd still be alive, you stubborn little hedgehog!
  • Looks like you're a bit too late, Sonic!
  • How could I lose?!
  • Why meeeeeee?!
  • You little! You little!
  • Stubborn little pincushion, give up and die already!
  • Are you fast enough to dodge THIS?
  • All right, Sonic! I hope you've said your goodbyes!
  • OH, SHUT UP!!

Amy Rose

  • Just now, was that...Sonic?!
  • That is so strange. I could've SWORN it was him.
  • There's no way Sonic will let it end like this!
  • (as she's being twirled around) HEY! What's the big idea?!

Miles "Tails" Prower

  • Sonic... Is that really you? That's a new look. What happened?
  • That's some story. I'll bet that means you turning into... that and the planet breaking apart are somehow related.
  • What? Professor Pickle's been kidnapped?


Dr. Eggman: Sonic, look. Take it easy on me! I'll turn over a new leaf, I swear! Just give me a chance!
Sonic: Well, this is new. Showing remorse, Eggman? If you played nice, I wouldn't have to break all your toys.
Dr. Eggman: Gotcha!

Prof. Pickle: These ancient documents are known as the Gaia Manuscripts. They tell the legend of a disaster that befell our planet some tens of thousands of years ago.
Tails: A disaster..?
Prof. Pickle: Quite. And according to the Gaia Manuscripts, this isn't the first time the planet has been broken apart into pieces.

(Sonic and Tails gasp)
Prof. Pickle: The cause lies at the the very core of the planet. All the phenomena we've witnessed are the direct result of one creature: the hyper-energy organism spawned at the planet's core, Dark Gaia.
Tails: So how do we stop this Dark Gaia and put the world back together?
Prof. Pickle: Luckily, Dark Gaia has yet to be fully reborn. We most likely have Dr. Eggman's pre-mature wake-up call to thank for that. If we act now, we may be able to restore the planet by returning power to the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic, you must travel to each of the temples listed in the Gaia Manuscripts. The planet's power will restore the Chaos Emeralds, and in turn the Chaos Emeralds will restore the planet and help it heal naturally.

Robot: Your dinner, Doctor.
Dr. Eggman: Thank you.

(Eggman takes the sandwich)
Dr. Eggman: What's the progress on the Dark Gaia-powered Eggman Land construction system?
Robot: Current status is... 27 percent complete. Progress is significantly behind projected timetable. Persumed cause of Dark Gaia dispersion across the globe.
Dr. Eggman: Oh, of all the lazy...Here I go to the trouble of waking that Dark Gaia thing up, and it causes me nothing but delays!
Robot: Dark Gaia had yet to reach maturity within the planet's core. Ergo, it was still incomplete at the time of its awakening. Ergo, it was unable to sustain its own weight upon its release. Ergo, it scattered around the world.
Dr. Eggman: I don't want to hear about its weight issues. So what if I gave it a bit of a sudden awakening? This is unacceptable!
Robot: Ergo, this is a repercussion of your hasty actions...
Dr. Eggman: What was that?! (Eggman growls) I'm having a bad enough day as it is. First that professor runs off with the Gaia Manuscripts and now the planet's coming back together!
Robot: That, Doctor is the results of the power of the Chaos Emeralds, which you discarded along with Sonic. Ergo, another repercussion of your hasty actions.
Dr. Eggman: Q-quiet, you junk heap! That was, uh, all part of my plan! Part of the big picture! Where's the fun in having my plans succeed without any challenge?

(Eggman clears his throat)
Dr. Eggman: A-anyway, what's the status of the remaining Temples of Gaia?
Robot: Eggman forces have currently secured all locations. Defensive preparations are nearly complete.
Dr. Eggman: That'll take care of Sonic for now, which leaves the problem of Dark Gaia. It'd be difficult to collect every piece scattered all across the world.
Robot: Searching conventional wisdom banks for topical advice. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." "Slow and steady wins the race." "Nobody likes a whiner."
Dr. Eggman: Hhmm... isn't there a more efficient way? Some way to, I don't know...gather them all up at once? Wait, that's it! Of course! (Eggman giggles) With this...This! All of my plans will realized!

Robot: All systems are green. Dark Gaia activation is confirmed on all seven continents. Electromagnetic homing signals are locked on. All units converging on Point Zero.
Dr. Eggman: Yes, yes, perfect! Gathering Dark Gaia's pieces is such a pain. I'll have them come to me instead! A brilliant shift in perspective! An idea worthy of Dr. Eggman, super-genius! Oh ho ho ho!
Robot: (clapping his hands) Your skill at self-aggrandizement is unparalleled.
Dr. Eggman: Hohohohoho! (slapping Robot) Silence! Activate the Dark Gaia fusion furnace. And while you're at it, get those energy conversion circuits warmed up!
Robot: Understood. Commencing "Project Dark Gaia". Requesting final clearance.
Dr. Eggman: Granted. Finally, my ambitions will be achieved! Gaah ha ha! Oh ho hoho!

(If you say "That could be fun." to Amy)
Amy: This next one's the last temple. right, Sonic? You can do it. I believe in you! And when you're done, the world will be at peace and we can finally go out!
Sonic: That could be fun.
Amy: You....You mean it?! Yaaay! It's a promise! Now, go! Hurry up! Go save the world already, geez!

(If you say "I'll pass, thanks." to Amy)
Amy: This next one's the last temple. right, Sonic? You can do it. I believe in you! And when you're done, the world will be at peace and we can finally go out!
Sonic: I'll pass, thanks.
Amy: Aww, come on! Gave a gal a little hope here, Sonic!

Amy Rose/Nimue, the Lady of the Lake

"I've been waiting for you, knight from another world."
"I think I know why you're here. It's about Excalibur, isn't it?"
"Sir Sonic is right. And there is still time if we act now."
"The long lost light of the Sacred Sword. Quick, your swords!"
"That's the greatest of the Sacred Swords. Excalibur!"

Blaze the Cat/Dame Percival

"I am Percival, Knight of the Round Table, servant to King Arthur."
"Very well, Sonic, Knight of the Wind! Prepare...for battle!"
(before battle) "Now I shall test your skill, Sir Knight!"
(upon defeat) "B-but...How did you...?"
"For the kingdom and its people!"
(after Sonic explains his plan to get to Merlina) "Surely you jest?"
(watching Sonic get beaten) "Sir Sonic! You've done enough!"


(before being broken in half) "You fool! A knight must always be on his guard!"
"There's nothing Excalibur can't cut through."
"You are the chosen one? You are but a squire!"
"Have you forgotten who I am? I am the sacred sword Caliburn. I am the one who decides who is worthy of the crown."

Knuckles the Echidna/Sir Gawain

"Must we? She is the Royal Wizard, after all."
(before the fight) "Say your prayers, you thieving rat!"
(upon being defeated) "Noooooo! How can this be?!"
"To lose to a mere apprentice...I have been disgraced!"
(watching Sonic get beaten) "You fool! This no longer has anything to do with chivalry! Get out of there! Run!"

Merlina the Wizard

(summoning Sonic) "Ifaras zaras yezaras...Ifaris zaris yezarik...O brave knight, swift as the wind! Heed my call!"
"Being from a distant world! Forgive my abrupt summons!"
"I shall make this kingdom eternal."
(accepting a flower picked for her) "Grandfather..."

Shadow the Hedgehog/Sir Lancelot

(to Knuckles) "The King's orders are absolute, Gawain."
"I have found you, apprentice knight, enemy of my king."
"Knave the Hedgehog, eh? A fitting name, I'd say."
(Upon being defeated) "I was far too careless...Tsk..."
(in Multiplayer as original Shadow) Reflect upon you weakness and despair!".
"All's well that ends well." (When acheiving a 4 star ranking in any level)
(watching Sonic get beaten) "No, Sonic. There is no point in continuing!"
"Time to fly!"
"Here I come!" (when using Soul Surge)
"NO HOLDING BACK!" (when using Soul Surge)
"It must be nearby..." (searching for sacred sword stone)
"I must hurry on to the stone."
"The forest is getting rough...Are the trees...coming alive?" (On forest level)
"Chaos Punishment!"
"This looks like this was some kind of settlement..." (in a derelict village)

Sonic the Hedgehog

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. I have no master, except for wind that blows free!"
(to Caliburn after being called a Knave) "Whatever, you oversized letter opener."
"I guess you can say whim is my other master."
"Merlina...every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but...that's why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least, that's what I figure."
(weak) "It was never about chivalry for me...I just gotta do what I've gotta do, that's all."

(figting Merlina) "No, it's not gonn'a end...My stories only end when I stop running."

Miles "Tails" Prower/Blacksmith

(after Sonic asks if this is the Blacksmith) "It sure is! Welcome, Sir Knight."
"Caliburn...where have I heard that name before?"
(choose the craft option in the Blacksmith shop) "You can count on me."
(sword created) "Finished!"


Sonic: Merlina...every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but...

(He picks a flower from the ground)
Sonic: ...that's why we've got to live life to its fullest in the time we have. At least, that's what I figure.

(Merlina accepts the flower)
Merlina: Grandfather...

(Caliburn, Nimue, Percival, Gawain, and Lancelot approach them)
Percival: Well done, Sir Sonic.
Sonic: Thanks to you guys.
Caliburn: You can say that again.
Gawain: To think...King Arthur was but an illusion.
Lancelot: The Knights of the Round Table must now disband.
Caliburn: What foolishness is this?
Nimue: I'll say.
Percival: Hmm? What are you saying, then?
Caliburn: Have you forgotten who I am? I am the sacred sword Caliburn. I am the one who decides who is worthy of the crown.
(Lancelot, Gawain and Percival stare at Sonic in shock. Nimue smiles at Sonic)
Lancelot: So then...
Gawain: You?
Lancelot, Gawain, and Percival: You are the one and true King Arthur!?
Sonic: Who me?
(All three bow down to him)
Sonic: Huh? Hey, cut that out!

(after credits)
Sonic: ...So yeah, that's what happened. To think I was called in to be part of the tale of King Arthur...But I gotta tell ya, it was no picnic.
Amy: Aren't you forgetting something?
Sonic: What, all the action? All the excitement down to the wire?
Amy: Hmph!
Sonic: But man! Who'd thought I was the real King Arthur? Heh.
Amy: That's the lamest excuse ever! You just forgot about our date!
Sonic: No, no! It's true, I tell ya! Yikes! No Amy, wait! Put down that hammer!
Amy: Hey! You get back here, Sonic! SO...NIC...!!!
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