South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut is a 1999 film based on the animated television series South Park.
Directed by Trey Parker. Written by Trey Parker, Matt Stone and Pam Brady.

Eric Cartman

  • How would you like to suck my balls, Mr. Garrison?

  • I can't help myself. That movie has warped my fragile little mind.


Stan: Mom, can I have $8 to see a movie?
Sharon Marsh: A movie?
Stan: It's gonna be the best movie ever! It's a foreign film from Canada!

Kenny's Mom: Where do you think you're going?
Kenny: [muffled] I'm going to see the Terrance and Phillip movie.
Kenny's Mom: You can't, you have to go to church.
Kenny: [muffled] But Mom, I really wanna see the movie!
Kenny's Mom: Well, that's just fine. You go ahead and miss church, then when you die and go to hell, you can answer to SATAN!
Kenny: [muffled] OK!

Ike: Buh-buh-buh-buh.
Kyle: Ready, Ike? Kick the baby!
Ike: Don't kick the baby.
Kyle: Kick the baby!
[Ike is kicked through a window]
Sheila Broflovski: Ike! You broke another window! That's a bad baby! Bad baby!

Kyle: Let me have some candy, Cartman.
Cartman: Let's see. Nope, I don't have any Jewish candy.
Kyle: Like you really need all that chocolate, fat boy!
Cartman: Hey!

Phillip: Say, Terrance, what did the Spanish priest say to the Iranian gynecologist?
Terrance: I don't know, Phillip. What?
[Phillip farts]
Stan: Where do they come up with this stuff?
Terrance: You're such a pig-fucker, Phillip!
Phillip: Terrance, why would you call me a pig-fucker?
Terrance: Well, let's see. First of all, you fuck pigs.
Phillip: Oh yeah!

Phillip: Oh, you shit-faced cock-master!
Cartman: Shit-faced cock-master.
Terrance: Listen, you donkey-raping shit eater--
Kyle: Donkey-raping shit eater?
Ike: Dopey-waping sheedeeder.

Mr. Garrison: OK, kids, let's start the day with a few new math problems. What is five times two? Come on children, don't be shy. Just give it your best shot. [Clyde raises his hand] Yes, Clyde?
Clyde: Twelve?
Mr. Garrison: OK. Now let's try to get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard. Anyone?
Kyle: I think I know the answer, Mr. Garrison.
Cartman: [mocking Kyle in high-pitched, gibberish voice]
Kyle: Shut up, fat boy!
Cartman: Hey, don't call me fat, you fucking Jew!
Mr. Garrison: Eric! Did you just say the F-word?!
Cartman: Jew?
Kyle: No, he's talking about the word fuck. You can't say fuck in school, ya fuckin' fat ass!
Mr. Garrison: Kyle!
Cartman: Why the fuck not?
Mr. Garrison: Eric!
Stan: Dude, you just said fuck again!
Mr. Garrison: Stanley!
Kenny: [muffled] Fuck.
Mr. Garrison: Kenny!
Cartman: What's the big deal? It doesn't hurt anybody! Fuck, fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck!
Mr. Garrison: How would you like to go see the school counselor?
Cartman: How would you like to suck my balls?
[everyone gasps]
Mr. Garrison: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
Cartman: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Actually, what I said was...[picks up a megaphone] How would you like to suck my BALLS, Mr. Garrison?
[Garrison stands rooted to the spot, frozen with fury]
Stan: Holy shit, dude.

Chef: Hello there, children!
Boys: Hey, Chef.
Chef: How's everything?
Boys: Bad.
Chef: Why bad?
Kyle: We got busted for swearing. Our moms said we can't ever see the Terrence and Phillip movie again.
Chef: That's too bad.

Stan: How can I get a woman to like me more than another guy?
Chef: Oh, that's easy. You just have to find the clitoris.
Stan: The what?
Chef: Whoops!
Stan: What does that mean, find the clitoris?
Chef: Just forget I said anything! Please!

Cartman: Mr. Mackey, can I ask a question?
Mr. Mackey: M'kay, what?
Cartman: What's the big fuckin' deal, bitch?
Mr. Mackey: Aaah! Now I want to know where you heard these horrific obscenities, m'kay?
Stan: Um...
Kyle: We heard Mr. Garrison say them a few times.
Mr. Mackey: Boys, I seriously doubt Mr. Garrison ever said "eat penguin shit, you ass-spelunker."

Liane Cartman: Eric, what is it?
Cartman: I saw him, I saw Kenny!
Liane Cartman: Oh, you poor dear. You've been through so much. [strokes Cartman]
Cartman: I bet him he couldn't light a fart on fire and now he's all pissed off! [gets shocked by the V-chip] Hey, I can't say "pissed off"? [gets shocked again] Ow!

Cartman: Mom, if you were in a German Scheisse video, you would tell me, right?
Liane Cartman: [pause] Sure, hon. Good night!

Gregory: I must say, I don't believe I belong here with these rogues. I transferred from Yardale where I had a 4.0 grade point average.
Cartman: You're a fucking faggot, dude.

Kyle: Dude, don't you like Terrance and Phillip anymore?
Clyde: 'Course not! My mommy says I hate Canadians because they made me have a dirty mouth!

Kyle: Ike, you have to stay in the attic, cause if they find you, they'll put you in a Canadian concentration camp. Don't worry, Ike, we're gonna put an end to this, and then I'll make Mom come home and we'll be a family again.
Ike: I like baby's home. [starts playing harmonica]

Gregory: I'm here for la resistance.
Kyle: What's the password?
Gregory: I don't know.
Kyle: Guess!
Gregory: Bacon?
Kyle: OK.

Kyle: You're late, Cartman!
Cartman: I had to ride my bike here. My behind is killing me.
Kyle: Your behind?
Cartman: I have to say "behind" 'cause I get shocked if I say "ass"-- [gets shocked by the V-chip] Ow!

Kyle: We can't leave without you!
The Mole: It's OK, I'm done for.
Kyle: No, we can't leave without you! We don't know where the hell we are!

Kyle: Mole, be careful.
The Mole: Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clothes hanger while I was still in the womb?!
Stan: [to Cartman] Damn, that kid is fucked up!

Stan: Do you know where I can find the clitoris?
Kyle: The what?
Cartman: What, is that like finding Jesus or something?

Shelly Marsh: All right, you turds! Listen up! Your moms are away at a meeting, so they put me in charge of you. But you're still grounded, so you're not allowed to have any fun. Any questions?
Stan: Shelly, where's the clitoris?
[Shelly picks up a chair and hits Stan over the head with it]
Stan: Ow!
Shelly: You just sit there and keep your mouths shut while I go listen to my Britney Spears records.

Stan: We're La Resistance. We want to save Terrance and Phillip and stop the war and stuff.
The Mole: I can't help you. I'm grounded to my room for the next three days.
Kyle: So are we. Our parents think we're home right now.
Stan: Why are you grounded?
The Mole: Why? Because God hates me. He has made my life miserable, so I call him a cock-sucking asshole, then I get grounded.

The Mole: Now, did you bring the mirror?
Stan: Check!
The Mole: And the rope?
Stan: Check!
The Mole: And the butt-for?
Stan: What's a butt-for?
The Mole: For pooping, silly. [takes a long drag on his cigarette, then puffs out smoke]

Terrance: Want to see the northern lights?
[Lights his fart on fire and burns up]
Phillip: You burned yourself to death by lighting your own fart!
Terrance: I sure did, Phillip.

[Phillip farts, sending Terrance flying through the air]
Terrance: Good one, Phillip!
Phillip: Cheers, fuck-face.
Conan O'Brien: Guys, you can't say that on TV--
Phillip: Now Terrance smells like my ass!
Brooke Shields: I farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon!
[silence; Terrance slaps her]

[Terrance and Phillip are in electric chairs]
Sheila Broflovski: Any last words?
Phillip: How's aboot, get me the fuck out of this chair?!

Terrance: This is worse than the time I fell asleep and you put your dick in my mouth and took a picture.
Phillip: I know, Terrance. I know.

[the boys exit the theatre]
Kyle: Dude, that movie was fucking sweet!
Cartman: You bet your FUCKING ass it was!
Theatre Clerk: Hey, wait a minute! Where's your guardian?
Stan: Huh?
Theatre Clerk: I knew it! You paid a homeless guy to get you in!
Cartman: Fuck off, you donkey-raping shit eater.

Mr. Mackey: Here's a list of the things they've been saying in class.
[all the moms look at the list]
Sharon Marsh: Oh dear God...
Sheila Broflovski: What the heck is a Rimjob?!
Liane Cartman: Why, that's when you put your legs behind your head and have someone lick your ass.
[the others frown angrily at Liane]
Sheila: Young man, you will tell us this instant where you heard all these horrible phrases!
Kyle: We, uh, we--
Stan: We can't tell you! We all swore ourselves to secrecy!
Cartman: It was the Terrance and Phillip movie!
Stan: Dude!
Cartman: What? Fuck you guys, I wanna get out of here!

[at a spelling bee]
Teacher: The word is 'forensics.'
Boy: Ah, fuck that! Why should I have to fucking spell forensics?
Kids: Yeah!
Boy: Here you go! [writes on the blackboard] S-U-C-K M-Y A-S-S! 'Forensics.'

Sheila Broflovski: So, boys, you saw that movie again?
Boys: [miserably] Yes.
Sheila: Well Kyle, I've had it! You are grounded for the next two weeks!
Kyle: Grounded?!
Sharon Marsh: And you, Stanley, come on.
Liane Cartman: And you're grounded for three weeks, Eric.
Cartman: Hey, why the fuck am I grounded more? That's fucking bullshit!
Sheila: What-what-what?! What was that word, young man?!

Satan: Is sex the only thing that matters to you?
Saddam Hussein: I love you.
Satan: I want to believe that.
Saddam Hussein: So let's shut off that light and get close, huh?

Saddam Hussein: Hey, Satan, I got some new luggage for our trip up to Earth. Let's fuck to celebrate!
Satan: How come you always want to make love to me from behind? Is it because you want to pretend I'm someone else?
Saddam Hussein: Satan, your ass is gigantic and red, who am I going to pretend you are? Liza Minnelli?
[Satan walks offscreen]
Saddam Hussein: Aw, don't get all pissy!

Stan: Why did our moms have to arrest Terrence and Phillip?
Mr. Garrison: I don't know. They're probably just having their periods or something.
Gregory: Mr. Garrison, Wendy and I believe that was a sexist statement.
Mr. Garrison: Well I'm sorry, Wendy, but I just don't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.

Billy Baldwin: [answers the phone] Baldwin residence. No, this is Billy Baldwin. If you want Daniel Baldwin call his extension, stoopid! [hangs up phone] Hey, Alec, you know what sucks about being a Baldwin?
Alec Baldwin: What?
Billy Baldwin: Nothing! Ha-ha-ha!
[Canadian jet fighters bomb the Baldwin residence, leaving only Billy alive]
Billy Baldwin: Missed me! Ha-ha-ha!

[a single fighter returns and bombs him]

Saddam Hussein: Oh boy! I'm so excited! Just one more day until we take over the world!
Satan: [reading "Saddam is From Mars, Satan is From Venus"] This book is really interesting. It explains how people communicate differently, like how I communicate by wanting you to ask me questions, and then you--
Saddam Hussein: That's interesting, now let's fuck!
Satan: [disgusted] Saddam! I'm trying to have a nice conversation with you!
Saddam Hussein: [pulls out a dildo from under the covers] Hey, Satan!
Satan: Now that is just not appropriate!
Saddam Hussein: Come on, I'm just fucking with you, it's not real! [throws the dildo away]
Satan: It's still inappropriate.
Saddam Hussein: [pulls out another dildo, whispers] Saaaaatan(!)
Satan: Ah!

Saddam Hussein: Hey Satan, did you hear the news? A war just broke up on Earth.
Satan: [to Kenny, who is chained to a torturing device] Meet Sadam Hussein, my new partner in evil.
Saddam Hussein: [starts operating the torture device] Yeah! Yeah, this is getting me so hot! Hey Satan, come on over here and rub my nipples while I torture this little piggy!

Chef: Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?
General: I don't listen to hip-hop.

General: Fucking Windows 98! Get Bill Gates in here!
[Gates enters with guns held to his head]
General: You told us that Windows 98 would be faster and more efficient, with better access to the Internet!
Bill Gates: It is faster, over five million-- [the General shoots Gates in the face]

Dr. Doctor: Kenny?
Kenny: [muffled] Holy shit, dude.
Dr. Doctor: How you feeling, Kenny?
Kenny: [muffled] Like a sick animal.
Dr. Doctor: Good. Son, we have some bad news. We accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato; you have about five seconds to live.
Kenny: [muffled] What?! [Kenny's blows up, spraying everyone with offal]
Cartman: Fucking weak, dude!
Stan: Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
Kyle: You bastards!
Dr. Doctor: [tortured] Damn it! It never gets any easier! [walks away whistling]

Cartman: [patient B-5] My head hurts.
Dr. Vosknocker: Don't worry about that. Now, I want you to say 'doggy.'
Cartman: Doggy.
Dr. Vosknocker: [to parents] Notice that nothing happens. Now say 'Montana.'
Cartman: Montana.
Dr. Vosknocker: Good, now say 'pillow.'
Cartman: Pillow.
Dr. Vosknocker: All right, now I want you to say 'horse fucker.'
[Cartman hesitates]
Liane Cartman: Go ahead, Eric. It's all right.
Cartman: Horse fuck-- [gets shocked by the V-chip] Ow! That hurt, god damn it! [gets shocked by the V-chip again] Ow! Fuck! [gets shocked by the V-chip a third time] Owwww!
Dr. Vosknocker: Now I want you to say 'big floppy donkey dick.'
Cartman: No!
Dr. Vosknocker: Success! The child doesn't want to swear!
Cartman: This isn't fair you sons of bi-- [gets shocked repeatedly]

Cartman: Hey, dudes.
Kyle: What's the matter, Cartman?
Cartman: It's this V-Chip, I hate it. I can't say any dirty words.
Kyle: So you can't say fuck?
Cartman: No.
Kyle: And you can't say shit?
Cartman: No.
Kyle: So you can't say, "I'm Eric Cartman, the fattest fucking piece of shit in the world"?
Cartman: Fuck you! [gets shocked by the V-chip] Ow!
Kyle: Cool!
Stanley: Come on you guys, this has gone far enough. It's time we talk to our moms.
Kyle: We're supposed to be grounded in our rooms!
Stanley: Come on, Kyle! It's time for us to get Prophetical!

Cartman: Hey, Kyle, all those times I said you were a dirty Jew, I didn't mean it. You're not a Jew.
Kyle: Yes I am! I am a Jew, Cartman!
Cartman: No, no, Kyle, don't be so hard on yourself.

Saddam: Let's start by building a big statue of me, right over there where that fat kid is standing.
Cartman: Ay! Don't call me fat, butt fucker!
(shoots pent-up electrical charges out of his fingers):
Kyle: Yeah, Cartman. Do it!
Saddam: Ahhhh!
Cartman: Yipes.
Saddam: Aw, you need to watch your mouth, brat.
Cartman: DOG SHIT TACO!!!
Saddam: Satan, do something quick!
Cartman: Try this on for size... BLOOD DRENCHED FROZEN TAMPON POPSICLES!!!
Saddam: Hey, buddy! I know I was mean before, but I can change!
Cartman: Okay.
[Saddam smiles slyly]


  • Trey Parker — Eric Cartman/Stan Marsh/Mr. Garrison/Mr. Mackey/Randy Marsh/Ned Gerblanski/Army General/Bombadiers/Canadian Ambassador/Theatre Clerk/Phillip/Satan
  • Matt Stone — Kyle Broflovski/Kenny McCormick/Saddam Hussein/Gerald Broflovski/Bill Gates/Jimbo Kearn/Terrance
  • Mary Kay Bergman — Liane Cartman/Sheila Broflovski/Sharon Marsh/Wendy Testaburger/Clitoris
  • Isaac Hayes — Chef (voice)
  • Jesse Howell — Ike Broflovski (voice)
  • Anthony Cross-Thomas — Ike Broflovski (voice)
  • Franchesca Clifford — Ike Broflovski (voice)
  • Jennifer Howell — Bebe Stevens (voice)
  • George Clooney — Dr. Gouache/Dr. Doctor (voice)
  • Brent Spiner — Conan O'Brien (voice)
  • Minnie Driver — Brooke Shields (voice)
  • Dave Foley — The Baldwin Brothers (voice)
  • Eric Idle — Dr. Vosknocker (voice)
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