Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Paramount Pictures, 1986) is the fourth feature film based on the popular Star Trek science fiction television series. It completes the trilogy started in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and continued in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. This film is known colloquially as "The One with the Whales."
Directed by Leonard Nimoy. Written by Leonard Nimoy, Harve Bennett, Steve Meerson, Peter Krikes, and Nicholas Meyer.

(The key to saving the future can be found only in the past.)


  • The cast and crew of Star Trek wish to dedicate this film to the men and women of the spaceship Challenger whose courageous spirit shall live to the 23rd century and beyond...
    • [Opening dedication text]


Sarek: Klingon justice is a unique point of view, Mr. President. Genesis was perfectly named-- the creation of life, not death. The Klingons shed the first blood while attempting to possess its secrets.
Klingon Ambassador: Vulcans are well-known as the intellectual puppets of this Federation.
Sarek: Your vessel did destroy U.S.S. Grissom. Your men did kill Kirk's son. Do you deny these events?
Klingon Ambassador: [proudly] We deny nothing. We have the right to preserve our race.
Sarek: You have the right to commit murder?

Computer: What was Kiri-Kin-Tha's first law of metaphysics?
Spock: Nothing unreal exists.

Amanda Grayson: What's the matter Spock
Spock: I do not understand the question, mother.
Amanda Grayson: You're half human Spock; the computer knows that.
Spock: The question is irrelevant.
Amanda Grayson: Spock, the retraining of your mind has been in the Vulcan way, so you may not be aware of your human feelings, but as my son, you have them, they will surface.
Spock: As you wish, since you deem them of value, however, I cannot find my answers here.
Amanda Grayson: Where must you go?
Spock: To earth, to offer testimony.
Amanda Grayson: You do this for friendship?
Spock: I do it because I was there.
Amanda Grayson: Spock, does the good of the many outweigh the good of the one?
Spock: That would be a logical argument.
Amanda Grayson: Then you stand here alive because of a mistake made by your flawed, feeling, human friends. They have sacrificed their futures because they felt that the good of the one, you, was more important.
Spock: Humans make illogical decisions.
Amanda Grayson: (Proudly) They do, indeed.

Pavel Chekov: Cloaking device now available on all flight modes.
James T. Kirk: I'm impressed; that's a lot of work for a short voyage.
Pavel Chekov: We are in enemy wessel, sir. I do not wish to be shot down on the way to our own funeral.
James T. Kirk: Good thinking. Engine room. Report, Mr. Scott.
Montgomery Scott: We're ready, sir. I've converted the dilithium sequencer into something a little less primitive. And, Admiral, I have replaced the Klingon food packs. They were giving me a sour stomach.
James T. Kirk: [wincing] Oh, is that what that was?

Saavik: [to Kirk] Sir... I have not had the opportunity to tell you about your son. David died most bravely. He saved Spock. He saved us all. I thought you should know.

Montgomery Scott: You planning to take a swim?
Leonard McCoy: Off the deep end, Mr. Scott.
James T. Kirk: We've got to find some humpbacks.
Montgomery Scott: [confused] Humpbacked people?
James T. Kirk: Whales, Mr. Scott. Whales. About 45 to 50 feet long. About 40 tons each.

[Discussing the time warp maneuver]
Spock: I've had to program some of the variables from memory.
James T. Kirk: What are some of the variables?
Spock: Availability of fuel components, mass of a vessel through a time continuum, and probable location of humpback whales, in this case, the Pacific Basin.
Leonard McCoy: "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us."
Spock: Hamlet, act I, scene IV.
James T. Kirk: No doubt about your memory, Spock.

[Over 20th Century America]
James T. Kirk: This is an extremely primitive and paranoid culture.

James T. Kirk: Everybody remember where we parked.

Taxi driver: [disgruntled] Why don't you watch where you're going, you dumb-ass!
James T. Kirk: Well, a double dumb-ass on you!

Spock: Excuse me. Weren't those a birthday present from Dr. McCoy?
James T. Kirk: And they will be again. That's the beauty of it. [to the Antique store owner] How much?
Antique store owner: Well, they'd be worth more if the lenses were intact. I'll give you one hundred dollars.
James T. Kirk: Is that a lot?

Spock: [to Kirk] What does it mean, "exact change"?

Spock: Admiral, may I ask you a question?
James T. Kirk: Spock, don't call me Admiral. You used to call me Jim. Don't you remember "Jim"? What's your question?
Spock: Your use of language has altered since our arrival. It is currently laced with, shall I say, more colorful metaphors-- "Double dumb-ass on you" and so forth.
James T. Kirk: You mean the profanity?
Spock: Yes.
James T. Kirk: That's simply the way they talk here. Nobody pays any attention to you unless you swear every other word. You'll find it in all the literature of the period.
Spock: For example?
James T. Kirk: [thinks] Oh, the complete works of Jacqueline Susann, the novels of Harold Robbins....
Spock: Ah... The giants.

Spock: To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: Who ever said the human race was logical?

[Kirk and Spock are walking back to San Francisco from Sausalito when Dr. Gillian Taylor stops and offers them a lift]
Dr. Gillian Taylor: Well, if it isn't Robin Hood and Friar Tuck. Where're you fellahs heading?
Kirk: Back to San Francisco.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: Came all the way down here to jump in and swim with the kiddies, huh?
Kirk: There's really very little point in my trying to explain.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: I buy that. What about him?
Kirk: He's harmless. Back in the sixties he was part of the Free Speech movement at Berkeley. I think he did too much LDS.

Spock: They like you very much, but they're not the hell your whales.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: I suppose they told you that?
Spock: The hell they did.
Dr. Gillian Taylor: Right.

[Uhura and Chekov getting directions from a police officer to the Alameda Naval Air Station]
Pavel Chekov: Hello, we are looking for the naval base in Alameda. It's where they keep the nuclear wessels.
[Uhura and Chekov look at each another]
Pavel Chekov: Nu-clee-ar wessels.

Pavel Chekov: Admiral, we have found the nuclear wessel.
James T. Kirk: Well done, team two.
Pavel Chekov: And, Admiral... it is the Enterprise.
[Kirk and Spock look at each other]
James T. Kirk: Understood. What's your plan?
Pavel Chekov: We will beam in tonight, collect the photons, and beam out. No one will ever know we were there.
James T. Kirk: Understood and approved. Keep me informed. Kirk out.

James T. Kirk: If we play our cards right, we may be able to find out where those whales are being released.
Spock: How will playing cards help?

Dr. Gillian Taylor: You guys like Italian?
Spock: No.
James T. Kirk: Yes.
Spock: No.
James T. Kirk: Yes.
Spock: No.
James T. Kirk: Yes. I love Italian. [looks at Spock] And so do you.
Spock: Yes.

Dr. Nichols: what did you have in mind?
Leonard McCoy: Perhaps the professor can use your computer?
Montgomery Scott: Computer. Computer. Ah. [McCoy hands him a mouse and he speaks over it] Hello, computer.
Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard.
Montgomery Scott: The keyboard. How quaint.

Dr. Gillian Taylor: Don't tell me, you're from outer space.
James T. Kirk: No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space.

[Pavel Chekov is being interrogated]
Interrogator: Ok, let's take it from the top.
Pavel Chekov: The top of what?
Interrogator: Name.
Chekov: My name?
Interrogator: [sarcastically] No, my name!
Chekov: I do not know your name.
Interrogator:You play games with me mister, and you're through!
Chekov: I am? May I go now?

Dr. Gillian Taylor: Don't tell me they don't use money in the 23rd Century.
James T. Kirk: Well, we don't.

James T. Kirk: Scotty, beam me up.
  • [This is the actual line uttered. See List of misquotations or Star Trek: The Original Series.]

James T. Kirk: Spock, where the hell is the power you promised me?
Spock: One damn minute, Admiral.
Montgomery Scott: [over the intercom] I'm ready, Spock. Let's find George and Gracie.

Spock: Guessing is not in my nature, doctor.
Leonard McCoy: Well... nobody's perfect.

Montgomery Scott: Admiral, there be whales here!
James T. Kirk: Well done, Mr. Scott. How soon can we be ready for warp speed?
Montgomery Scott: Full power now, sir.
James T. Kirk: If you will, Mr. Sulu.
Hikaru Sulu: Aye, sir. Warp speed.

James T. Kirk: Mr. Spock, have you accounted for the variable mass of whales and water in your time re-entry program?
Spock: Mr. Scott cannot give me exact figures, Admiral, so... I will make a guess.
James T. Kirk: A guess? You, Spock? That's extraordinary.
Spock: [to McCoy] I don't think he understands.
Leonard McCoy: No, Spock. He means that he feels safer about your guesses than most other people's facts.
Spock: Then you're saying... it is a compliment?
Leonard McCoy: It is.
Spock: Ah. Then I will try to make the best guess I can.

[Spock joins the other accused at the tribunal.]
Federation President: Captain Spock, you do not stand accused.
Spock: Mr. President, I stand with my shipmates.
Federation President: As you wish.The charges and specifications are, Conspiracy, Assault on Federation Officers, Theft of Federation Property, namely the starship Enterprise. Sabotage of the USS Excelsior. Willful destruction of Federation Property, specifically the aforementioned USS Enterprise, and finally Disobeying direct orders of the Starfleet Commander. Admiral Kirk, how do you plead?"
Kirk:"On behalf of all of us Mr. President, I am authorized to plead guilty."
Federation President:"So entered. Because of certain mitigating circumstances, all charges but one are summarily dismissed. The remaining charge, disobeying orders of a superior officer, is directed solely at Admiral Kirk. I'm sure the admiral will recognize the necessity of keeping discipline in any chain of command?"
Kirk:"I do, sir."
Federation President:"James T. Kirk, it is the judgment of this council that you be reduced in rank to captain. And that as a consequence of your new rank, you be given the duties for which you have demonstrated unswerving ability, the command of a starship. Captain Kirk, you and your crew have saved this planet from its own short-sightedness and we are forever in your debt."

Sarek:"I am returning to Vulcan within the hour, I wanted to take my leave of you."
Spock:"It was most kind of you to make this effort."
Sarek:"It was no effort. You are my son. Besides, I'm most impressed with your performance during this crisis."
Spock:"Most kind."
Sarek:"As I recall, I opposed your enlistment in Starfleet... It is possible that judgment was incorrect. Your associates are people of good character."
Spock:"They are my friends."
Sarek:"Yes, of course. Do you have a message for your mother?"
Spock:"Yes, tell her I feel fine. Live long and prosper, Father."
Sarek:"Live long and prosper, my son."

[The crew is pondering what their ship will be.]
Leonard McCoy: The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe. We'll get a freighter.
Hikaru Sulu: With all respect, Doctor, I'm counting on Excelsior.
Montgomery Scott: Excelsior? Why in God's name would you want that bucket of bolts?
James T. Kirk: A ship is a ship.
Montgomery Scott: Whatever you say, sir. Thy will be done.
[The new U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A emerges.]
James T. Kirk: My friends... we've come home.

Hikaru Sulu: Helm ready, Captain.
James T. Kirk: All right, Mr. Sulu. Let's see what she's got.
  • [last lines]


Actor Role
William Shatner James T. Kirk
Leonard Nimoy Captain Spock
DeForest Kelley Dr. Leonard McCoy
James Doohan Montgomery Scott
George Takei Commander Hikaru Sulu
Walter Koenig Commander Pavel Chekov
Nichelle Nichols Commander Uhura
Majel Barrett Commander Christine Chapel
Grace Lee Whitney Janice Rand
Mark Lenard Ambassador Sarek
Jane Wyatt Amanda Grayson
Catherine Hicks Dr. Gillian Taylor
John Schuck Klingon Ambassador
Robert Ellenstein Federation President
Brock Peters Admiral Cartwright
Robin Curtis Lieutenant Saavik
Madge Sinclair Saratoga Captain (uncredited)
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