Strange Days at Blake Holsey High

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High is a science fiction television program that began airing in 2002, that revolves around the students and staff at a fictional boarding school where events of a supernatural and/or paranormal nature are commonplace.

Narration during opening credits

  • [Seasons 1 and 2]
Josie Trent: Blake Holsey High, Just another boarding school, or so I thought. But things are a little different here. I've made some friends. Even got a cool teacher. The principal is definitely hiding something. And this guy, Victor Pearson...somehow he's behind all the really weird stuff that happens here. We'll figure it out. But in the meantime, these are strange days at Blake Holsey High.

  • [Season 3]
Josie Trent: Blake Holsey High, it's not your average boarding school. Not even close. Things are a little different here. See, I've stumbled onto a mystery with my friends. I've got a cool teacher, but the principal is definitely hiding something. And this guy, Victor Pearson; somehow he's behind all the really weird stuff that happens here. Is that floating ball of his the key to the mystery? We're getting closer. But in the meantime, these are strange days at Blake Holsey High.

  • [UK Version]
Josie Trent: OK, so my mom drops me off at this boarding school, and I'm thinking "It's like all the other places I've been before". Students. Teachers. Principal. But weird stuff happens here. Really weird stuff. And what's this guy doing here? Something is going on here, and someone is behind it. (Season 3 only: Could this floating Chi ball be the key to the mystery?).
Principal Durst: There is nothing wrong at Blake Holsey High!

Josie Trent

  • Cells are made up of molecules, molecules are made up of atoms, and once you start dealing with atoms, all the rules go out the window. Theoretically you can molecularly deconstruct anything, glass, chewing gum or even something less complex, like a science teacher.

  • Lucas, if you had half a brain you would be dangerous

  • Yesterday Lucas changed his future by cheating his friends, now he doesn't have any

  • You were right Vaughn that guy cannot be trusted

  • It's all a set up. Victor Pearson is checking out the school tonight

Professor Z

  • We were just discussing the possible molecular deconstruction of a science teacher

  • She doesn't have to, you can listen to her

  • We have a problem, the school is going to disappear.
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