Style Wars
Style Wars is an early documentary on hip hop culture, made by Tony Silver and Henry Chalfant in New York City in the early 1980s.
- When you first against a train, it's like everything seems so big, like, wow! It's like you're in a yard of like metal giant, like I mean everything is like so hard and so steel like you're just there. You're like a little dude like in the midst of these metals and like you're here to produce something, well, like you're here to try to produce something.
- Dondi
- People look at a person and like, 'What? You write on trains,' and, 'You vandalism,' and all that. Yeah, I vandalism alright, but still in general, I know what I'm doin'. I did somethin' to make your eyes open up, so why is you talkin'?
- Kase
- That's some never forgive action!
- Min
- No, I ain't running the system, I'm bombing the system.
- Skeme
- They're saying that the kids run the system, that the system is out of control, that 15 or 16-year-old kids are running the system, and that graffiti is the symbol of that.