Superman II

Superman II is the 1980 sequel to Superman: The Movie (1978). The story continues the adventures of the orphan Kryptonian, Kal-El, who has become the world's greatest hero. Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to marry Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released are conquering Earth.
Directed by Richard Lester. Story by Mario Puzo, Screenplay by Mario Puzo & David Newman, and Leslie Newman.
Based on the DC Comics characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

The three outlaws from Krypton descend to Earth to confront the Man of Steel in a cosmic battle for world supremacy. Taglines

Lex Luthor

  • Even with all this accumulated knowledge, when will these dummies learn to use a doorknob?
  • Certainly, but, uh… oh, Magnificent One, he is… just one, where you are… three! Or four, if you count him [Non] twice.
  • Superman! Thank God. I mean… get him!
  • What do I get for my triple threat? Bow! Yield! Kneel! That kind of stuff closes out a town.
  • Promises were made, gifts exchanged, I… I gotta hand it to you, you know. You always told the truth. Guy always knew where he stood with you.
  • Did you see the way they fell into our trap!

Clark Kent

  • I have to go back.
  • This order's to go.
  • I'm, uh, terribly sorry about all the damage, sir. Oh, I've been, uh… uh, working out.

General Zod

  • You will bow down before me, Jor-El! First you and then one day, your heirs!
  • I like the globe that flashes red like our Krypton sun but not this irritating noise. Make way!
  • I see you are practiced in worshiping things that fly.
  • I win! I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!
  • These humans are beginning to bore me.
  • Son of Jor-El! We were beginning to think you were a coward.
  • Why do you say this to me… when you know I will kill you for it?
  • Scruffy. So morbid! A sentimental replica of a planet long since vanished! No style at all!
  • Come to me, son of Jor-El! KNEEL before ZOD!!
  • And now… finally. Take my hand. Swear eternal loyalty… to Zod.


  • I have powers beyond reason here!
  • If the whole planet is watching, cannot we show them something more interesting?
  • General Zod does not take orders!... He gives them.
  • Look. They need machines to fly.


  • Non, you are as without thought as you are without voice. ~ Kryptonian Councilmember
  • Then, if this is what you wish, if you intend to live your life with a mortal, you must live as a mortal. ~ Lara
  • I'll bet you 10 dollars they're from Los Ange-leez. ~ Sheriff as he spots Zod and company in the road


Kryptonian Councilmember: Non, you are as without thought as you are without voice.

Perry White: Kent, I need a story to run with the page three sidebard. Get me everything you can on this terrorist group.
Clark Kent: Right! [stops] Uh, sorry. T... terrorists?
Perry White: Get your head out of the closet, Kent! Where've you been for the past twelve hours?
Clark Kent: Home.
Perry White: Well, don't you watch television?
Clark Kent: Frankly, Mr. White, I really don't enjoy television. Too much violence. I was just reading Dickens.
Jimmy Olsen: [races in] Mr. Kent! A gang of terrorists seized the Eiffel Tower! In Paris!
Perry White: He knows where the Eiffel Tower is, Olsen! You do, don't you Kent?
Clark Kent: Yes, sir. Has anybody been hurt?
Jimmy Olsen: Well, so far the hostages are unharmed.
Clark Kent: The hostages?
Jimmy Olsen: Yeah! Tourists! About twenty of them!
Perry White: Yeah, but that's just petty stuff. These guys claim that if the French government doesn't meet their demands, they've got a hydrogen bomb ready to level Paris.
Clark Kent: Well, geez Mr. White. That's t... terrible!
Perry White: That's why they call them "terrorists," Kent.

[Zod, Ursa, and Non have descended on the Moon.]
General Zod: The closer we come to an atmosphere with only one sun… a yellow sun… the more our molecular density gives us unlimited powers.
Ursa: They come from there. A place called Hoo-ston.
General Zod: Then we will go there, too... to rule. Finally, to rule.

[A Niagara crowd witnesses Superman rescue a plummeting boy.]
Woman: What a nice man! Of course he's Jewish.
[Superman sets the boy down.]
Boy: Again! Again!
Superman: No, I'm sorry. Only one ride to a customer.

[Lex Luthor and Miss Teschmacher explore Superman's Fortress of Solitude.]
Lex Luthor: It's beautiful! It has everything.
Miss Teschmacher: Wrong.
[They exchange a "look".]
Lex Luthor: Why didn't you go before we left?
Miss Teschmacher: That was two days ago.
. . .
[Lex interrupts a crystal-borne recitation of "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer.]
Miss Teschmacher: I like trees!
Lex Luthor: So does your average cocker spaniel.

Lex Luthor: Think of it. Three… count them, three supervillains! … They'll need a contact here on Earth! Someone with the same wonderful contempt for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

[Landing on Earth — more accurately, in a lake — General Zod looks around.]
General Zod: So this is planet Hoo-ston. A very strange surface!
. . .
[Ursa, bitten by a snake, reflexively zaps it with heat vision.]
Ursa: Did you see that? Did you see what I did? I have powers beyond reason here!
General Zod: We all have them, my dear.

[Clark has inexplicably exposed his superpowers to Lois.]
Clark Kent: I don't know why I did that.
Lois Lane: Maybe you wanted to.
Clark Kent: I don't think I did.
Lois Lane: Well… maybe you didn't want to… with your mind, but maybe you wanted to with your heart.

[Spotting the strangely dressed Kryptonians in the road, a sheriff flips on his police lights and siren.]
Sheriff: Hey, ya hippies! Get your butts off the road!
General Zod: I like the glow that flashes red like our Krypton sun. But not this irritating noise. Make way.
Sheriff: Did I hear right? That son of a bitch give me an order?!
[He hands a shotgun to his deputy.]
Sheriff: Dwayne, you take care of him.
Dwayne: But I—
Sheriff: Dwayne, you gotta learn to kick ass, you wanna be a peacemaker.
. . .
[Zod experimentally shoots himself with the shotgun, without harming himself.]
General Zod: Crude noisemaker.

[Superman takes Lois to his Fortress of Solitude.]
Lois Lane: Wow! This is your home?
Superman: [laughs] No. Actually, I live in the city, about three blocks from you.

[The Kryptonian criminals enter a restaurant in "East Houston", a small Idaho town.]
Bar Patron: Oh, my! The circus is in town.

[A townie aims a shotgun at Zod.]
Jody: All right! Get 'em up! Keep 'em up!
General Zod: These humans are beginning to bore me.

[In East Houston, Zod stops Non from destroying a TV newscrew's equipment.]
General Zod: Wait! Who else is seeing this?
Reporter: Ah… well, with this satellite link up, uh… just about everybody. I mean, the whole planet!
General Zod: The whole planet Hoo-ston?
Reporter: Earth. The whole planet Earth.
[Zod looks arrogantly into the camera.]
General Zod: You may continue.
Reporter: As the extraordinary story continues… as this extraordinary st—
Ursa: [petulantly, to Zod] Enough of this nonsense! If the whole planet is watching, cannot we show them something more interesting?
Army Major: [over bullhorn] Throw down your arms and surrender! This is an order!
Ursa: General Zod does not take orders. He gives them.

[After Zod literally blows off a flamethrower attack from soldiers…]
Reporter: I haven't seen the likes of this since Superman.

[An Army helicopter fires on the Kryptonians, to no effect.]
Ursa: Look! They need machines to fly!
General Zod: What bravery! Be nice to them, my dear. Blow them a kiss.
. . .
General Zod: I win! I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!

Ursa: Come forward. Your General wishes to speak.
General Zod: I am General Zod. Your ruler. Yes, today begins a new order! Your lands, your possessions, your very lives will gladly be given in tribute to me, General Zod. In return for your obedience, you will enjoy my generous protection. In other words, you will be allowed to live.
[Zod rips an Army general's stars from his shoulder.]
General Zod: So you are a general? And who is your superior?
Army General: I answer only to the President.
General Zod: And he will answer to me! Or all of his cities will end up like this one.

[In the Fortress of Solitude, with Lois watching, Superman addresses the image of his Kryptonian mother, Lara.]
Lara: Your father and I tried to anticipate your every question, Kal-El. This is the one we hoped you would not ask.
Superman: But I have to, because… she's everything I want in life.
Lara: And she, the one you have chosen, she feels as much for you?
Superman: Yes.
Lara: Then, if this is what you wish, if you intend to live your life with a mortal, you must live as a mortal. You must become one of them.

[The U.S. president watches on TV as Zod et al. remake Mount Rushmore in their own images.]
President: Thousands of hours to create, and they defaced it in seconds. Imagine what they'll do to the world if we resist!

[Zod demands that the "President" kneel before him. The man complies.]
General Zod: You are not the President. No one who leads so many could possibly kneel so quickly.
[The real President emerges from the group.]
President: I am the man they're protecting. I'm the President. I'll kneel before you if it will save lives.
General Zod: It will. Starting with your own.
President: What I do now, I do for the sake of the people of the world. But there is one man here on Earth who will never kneel before you.
General Zod: Who is this imbecile? Where is he?
President: I wish I knew.
[The President kneels before Zod.]
President: Oh, God...
General Zod: Zod.

[After losing his superpowers, Clark gets beaten by rude diner patron "Rocky".]
Clark Kent: I think... think maybe we oughta hire a bodyguard from now on.
Lois Lane: I don't want a bodyguard. I want the man I fell in love with.
Clark Kent: I know that, Lois. I wish he were here.

[Clark and Lois watch the President address the nation on TV.]
President: This is your President. On behalf of my country, and in the name of the other leaders of the world, with whom I have today consulted, I hereby abdicate all authority and control over this planet... to General Zod.
Clark Kent: Zod!
President: Only by strict compliance with all his directions will the lives of innocent millions be spared... [desperately] Superman! Can you hear me? Superman! Where—?
[The camera pans to Zod as he grabs a microphone.]
General Zod: Who is this "Superman"?!
President: You'll find out, General, and when you do—
General Zod: Come to me, Superman! If you dare. I defy you! Come! Come and kneel before Zod! Zod!

[Non, Ursa, and Zod lounge about the Oval Office, bored.]
Ursa: You're master of all you survey.
General Zod: So I was yesterday. And the day before.
[Lex Luthor waves a white handkerchief in the doorway, knocks, then enters.]
Lex Luthor: Hello, there. Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor. Possibly you've heard of the name — the greatest, eh, criminal mind on Earth?
Ursa: I told you this was a puny planet.
[She and Non advance on Lex]
Lex Luthor: Wait just a moment! Wait— till you get to know me better, will you, please? [laughs nervously] Wait! Look! I-I-I-I-I can give you, uh, anything you want! I-I can give you the brass ring! The… uh, unlimited freedom to maim, kill, destroy! Plus… Lex Luthor's keen mind, Lex Luthor's savvy…[He grasps Ursa's hand.] … Lex Luthor's career guidance, Lex Luthor's school of better re—
[Ursa squeezes. Lex grimaces as his bones audibly crunch.]
General Zod: We have all of this without you. You cannot bargain with what you don't have.
Lex Luthor: Oh, Magnificent One. [bows] What I am bargaining with is what you do not have. The Son of Jor-El.
General Zod: The Son or Jor-El! On this planet?
Lex Luthor: Ah, possibly you know him better by his nom de voyage, or his… name he travels under — Superman.
General Zod: Ah, so this is Superman. How do you know of Jor-El?
Lex Luthor: Oh, my Fullness… as I explained to you before… I'm about the best there is.
General Zod: Revenge! We will kill the son of our jailer!
Ursa: Revenge!
Lex Luthor: REVENGE! Heh heh, now we're cooking, huh?
General Zod: He flies, then?
Lex Luthor: Constantly.
General Zod: He has powers as we do?
Lex Luthor: Certainly, but, uh… oh, Magnificent One, he is… just one, where you are… three!
[Non growls menacingly.]
Lex Luthor: Or four, if you count him twice.
General Zod: We will bring him to his knees!
[Zod strides toward the door, Ursa and Non following.]
Lex Luthor: Wait!
[They turn back to Lex.]
Lex Luthor: First you must find him. And Lex Baby is the only one who knows where he is.
General Zod: What… do you want?
[Lex makes himself at home in the President's chair and lights a cigar.]
Lex Luthor: Well, General… the world is a big place. Thank goodness, uh… my needs are small. Eh, as it turns out, I have this affinity for, uh… beachfront property.
General Zod: What do you want?
[Lex, feet up on the Oval Office desk, makes a Nixonian double-V sign with his fingers.]
Lex Luthor: Australia!

[Lex, walking through the Daily Planet, observes the destruction wrought by Non.]
Lex Luthor: [muttering] Even with all this accumulated knowledge, when will these dummies learn to use a doorknob?
[He enters Perry White's office.]
Lex Luthor: Hi! You should see the White House; they'll be cleaning it for months.
. . .
[Lex suggests that Superman will emerge if Lois Lane is threatened.]
Lex Luthor: They're the best of friends. [snickers] You know what I mean?
Ursa: What an undemanding male this Superman must be.
Lois Lane: Yeah, and you could use a tuck here and there yourself, sister.
. . .
General Zod: She lives for now. Kill the rest. [nods to Lex] Starting with him.
Lex Luthor: W— w— wait! W-wait! Wait! Don't you remember the White House? The- the Oval Room? We had a few laughs, right?
[Superman arrives, floating just outside Perry White's office window.]
Superman: General? Would you care to step outside? (or "Haven't you heard of freedom of the press?" in Richard Donner cut)
Lois Lane: Superman!
Lex Luthor: Superman! Thank God.
[Zod looks sharply at Lex.]
Lex Luthor: I mean… get him!
General Zod: Come to me, son of Jor-El! Kneel before Zod!

General Zod: Son of Jor-El. We were beginning to think you were a coward.
Superman: I'm not a coward, Zod.
Ursa: Let him prove it!
[Zod fetches slab of concrete and prepares to throw it at Superman.]
General Zod: Then die as you deserve to!

General Zod: This… Super-man is nothing of the kind! I've discovered his weakness.
Ursa: Yes.
General Zod: He cares. He actually cares for these Earth people.
Ursa: Like pets?
General Zod: I suppose so.
Ursa: Sentimental idiot.
. . .
General Zod: I'll draw his fire… with some of my own.

Man in Crowd #1: They killed Superman!
Man in Crowd #2: Let's go get 'em!

[Superman flies off, abandoning Metropolis to Zod.]
General Zod: The next time we will kill him.
Lex Luthor: The next time? The next time? What am I gonna do with you people, huh? I held up my end; I delivered the Blue Boy… What do I get for my triple threat? "Bow! Yield! Kneel!" That kind of stuff closes out of town.
General Zod: Why do you say this to me… when you know I will kill you for it?
Lex Luthor: Kill me? Lex Luthor? Extinguish the greatest criminal flame of our age? Eradicate the only man on Earth with—
Ursa: Kill him!
Lex Luthor: Superman's address?

[Zod and company arrive at the Fortress of Solitude, Lex and Lois in tow.]
General Zod: Scruffy. So morbid! A sentimental replica of a planet long since vanished! No style at all!
Superman: [off-camera] I expect better manners from my guests, Zod.

General Zod: Now. The son of Jor-El will be my slave… forever. If not, the millions of Earthlings you protect will pay for your defiance. Destroy this place.
[Lex finally makes his way down the crystal walls.]
Lex Luthor: Hi, guys. Uh, sorry I'm late—
General Zod: We have no more use for this one. Kill him.
Lex Luthor: Me?! Lex Luthor? General… y-you came to me with nothing! I gave you Superman!
General Zod: Silence!
[Non pushes Lex, who moves off.]
Lex Luthor: Watch it! Don't touch me.
[Lex approaches Superman.]
Lex Luthor: [muttering, to Superman] Guy's a clod! [laughs nervously] Promises were made, gifts exchanged, I… I gotta hand it to you, you know. You always told the truth. Guy always knew where he stood with you.

Superman: I'd knew you'd double-cross me, Luthor. A lying weasel like you couldn't resist the chance.
Lex Luthor: Are you kidding? That was beautiful! Did you see the way they fell into our trap!
Superman: Too late, Luthor. Too late.

[Back at the Daily Planet, Clark nervously enters the office of a brooding Lois.]
Clark Kent: Hi.
Lois Lane: Hi.
Clark Kent: How'd you sleep, all right?
Lois Lane: No, I didn't close my eyes all night.
Clark Kent: Look, Lois—
Lois Lane: I understand. I understand. I sat up all night listening to the voices of reason. Do you know how vile it is to hear the first bird of the morning singing, when you've been sitting up all night, crying?
Clark Kent: I'm sorry.
Lois Lane: I'm sorry, too. I guess it's, uh… sorta like being married to a doctor, you know. The doctor gets wakened in the middle of the night, and then the wife has to cope with the fact that he's gone. I guess I'm just too selfish.
Clark Kent: No, no, you're not selfish at all.
Lois Lane: Yes, I am selfish when it comes to you. I am selfish. And I'm jealous of the whole world.
Clark Kent: Lois, it may not be easy for you to hear this now, but… someday, you'll—
Lois Lane: Clark! Look. Don't tell me that I'll meet somebody. You're kinda… tough act to follow, you know? Now, I'm gonna be fine. You don't have to worry about me.
Clark Kent: I like worrying about you.
[Lois fights more sobbing as she continues.]
Lois Lane: Would you stop? Don't you know that this is killing me? Do you know what it's like to have you come in here, every morning, and not be able to talk to you? Not be able to… show I have any feelings for you, not… be able to tell anyone I know who you are? I don't even know what to call you!
Clark Kent: Lois, I don't know what to say.
Lois Lane: I dunno, just... say that you love me.

[Clark returns to the diner where he was beaten by Rocky, who is stuffing his face.]
Rocky: Gimme another plate of this garbage.
Waitress Ann: Garbage?! That's my number one special, Rocky!
Rocky: All right, Ann! Gimme some more coffee, too, will ya?
Clark Kent: Gee, that's funny. I've never seen garbage eat garbage before. Excuse me, sir, I believe you're sitting in my favorite seat.
Rocky: Come and get it, four-eyes.

[Inside the ceiling-less Oval Office, the President sees Superman arrive with a new dome.]
Superman: Good afternoon, Mr. President! Sorry I've been away so long. I won't let you down again.

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut is an offical 2006 re-edit of Richard Lester's 1980 film, Superman II and sequel to Richard Donner's Superman: The Movie (1978).
Directed by Richard Donner and written by Mario Puzo, David Newman, and Leslie Newman.
Based on the DC Comics characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

The Version You Have Never Seen Taglines

Lex Luthor

  • Wrong Lex? Miss Teschmacher, those are two words we don't use in the same sentence.

  • "Funny" is a person trying to smile without any teeth.

Kal-El / Superman

  • Father? If you can hear me I failed. I failed you, I failed myself, and... and all humanity. I traded my birthright for a life submission in a world that's ruled by your enemies. There's nobody left to help them now... the people of the world... not since I... FATHER!!

  • General, haven't you ever heard of freedom of the press? [alternate line of "General, would you care to step outside?"]


  • Listen carefully, my son, for we shall never speak again. If you hear me now then you have made use of the only means left in you: The crystal source through which our communications begun. The circle is now complete. You have made a dreadful mistake, Kal-El. You did this of your own free will in spite of all I could say to dissuade you. Now you have returned to me for one last chance to redeem yourself. This too finally I have anticipated, my son. Look at me, Kal-El. Once before when you were small, I died while giving you a chance for life. And now, even though it will exhaust the final energy left within me- Look at me, Kal-El. The Kryptonian prophecy will be at once fulfilled. The son becomes the father, the father becomes the son. Farewell forever, Kal-El. Remember me, my son.


[after Superman throws the missle into space and breaks the Phantom Zone]
General Zod: FREE!!!

[reading Lois' story about Lex's arrest]
Perry White: Ah, Luthor, you've never looked lovier.


Jor-El: I ask you now to pronounce judgment on those accused: on this - this mindless aberration, whose only means of expression are wanton violence and destruction. On the woman Ursa, whose perversions and unreasoning hatred of all mankind have threatened even the children of the planet Krypton. Finally, General Zod - once trusted by this Council, charged with maintaining the defense of the planet Krypton itself - chief architect of this intended revolution, and author of this insidious plot, to establish a new order amongst us - with himself as absolute ruler! The decision of the Council will now be heard.
Council Member #1: Guilty.
Council Member #2: Guilty.
Council Member #3: Guilty.
Council Member #4: Guilty.
General Zod: The vote must be unanimous, Jor-El. It is now therefore your decision. You alone will condemn us, if you wish, and you alone will be held responsible by me. You will bow down before me, Jor-El. I swear it, no matter that it takes an eternity! You will bow down before me! Both you and then one day your heirs!

[Clark and Lois enter Mr. White's office]
Clark Kent: Good Morning, Lois. How are you today?
Lois Lane: Oh, I'm just super. Thanks.
Clark Kent: Good morning, Mr. White.
Lois Lane: [elbows Clark] I'm super.
Perry White: Yeah, morning. Your late, Kent.
Clark Kent: Yeah, uh, sorry, Mr. White. I got stuck in traffic.
Lois Lane: Oh, that's a new one.
Clark Kent: Excuse me?
Lois Lane: I mean, as opposed to: "I got stuck in a phone booth" or "I got locked in the men's bathroom".
Clark Kent: Lois, what are you talking about? I'm sorry I was late -
Perry White: If you two wanna bicker, that's great! I have just the assignment for you. You're gonna pose as a honeymoon couple in Niagara Falls to get an expose on the newlywed racket. Some of the hotels up there are just bilking those poor kids for every cent they can get. Real human-interest stuff, though. Make your Aunt Hatie cry her eyes out.
Clark Kent: Um, newlyweds?
Lois Lane: That is a great idea, Mr. White!
Clark Kent: Excuse me, Mr. White, I'm sorry, but I'm right in the middle of a series on the city council and I -
Lois Lane: I mean, it wouldn't take long! We could just fly right up there and zoom back down again. No, Superman?
Perry White: Ha! Yeah. If he'd give you two a ride, maybe we could save a couple bucks.

Clark Kent: Well, my goodness, you sure look like the cat that has swallowed the canary this morning.
Lois Lane: A canary? No, I was thinking of something a lot more bigger. Something that flies. Something more in blue.
Clark Kent: Uh, Lois, as usual, I'm totally in the dark -
Lois Lane: Let me just turn on the lights for you then. [shows Clark Superman's picture with Clark's discription drawn on it] Get the picture?
Clark Kent: Hmm...
Lois Lane: You know, I didn't start to put this together until this morning, which is really strange because a good reporter isn't supposed to let anything slip by her.
Clark Kent: Hmm. Well that's, um, very amusing. Yes. Excuse me.
Lois Lane: Amusing?
Clark Kent: Yes siree. That's, uh, that's very ammusing.
Lois Lane: Amusing, huh? Tall, broad sholders, dark hair; I gotta give you credit, you really had me fooled. And I'm nobody's fool... Superman.
Clark Kent: S-Superman? You mean you think I'm Superman?
Lois Lane: Willing to bet my life on it.
Clark Kent: [laughs] Lois, you know, you are priceless. Really! I mean that is the single most ridiculous thing I've ever - [Lois opens a window] Lois, what are you doing!?
Lois Lane: You wouldn't let me die, Superman! [she jumps]

Otis: How're we gonna get over that wall?
Lex Luthor: How'd we get in here?
Otis: We flew in, doncha remember?
Lex Luthor: That's how we're gonna get out.
Otis: Oh, no! Not that guy...
Eve Teschmacher: [Offscreen from a baloon] Psst.
Lex Luthor: Shh! Did you do "psst?"
Otis: I wish I had, Mr. Luthor, before we left.
Eve Teschmacher: Psst.
Lex Luthor: Not that "psst", that "psst."
Eve Teschmacher: Psst.
Lex Luthor: Psst.
Otis: Psst.
Lex Luthor: Don't go "psst" when I go "psst".
Otis: Oh.
Lex Luthor: Get out there and find it.
Otis: Okay. What am I looking for?
Lex Luthor: You'll know it when you see it.
Otis: Oh. Psst.

[After Miss Teschmacher rescues Lex from prison]
Lex Luthor: Miss Teschmacher, how would you like to go on a vacation?
Eve Teschmacher: A vacation!? Do I get to wear a bikini, Lex? Please tell me you thought about me in a bikini, Lex?
Lex Luthor: No, actually I thought about you in a parca.
Eve Teschmacher: You thought about me in a parca!? You are sick, Lex. You're really sick.
Lex Luthor: That's possible. [points] North, Miss Teschmacher. Due north.
Eve Teschmacher: Um, Lex...[points the other way] North!
Lex Luthor: That's what I said North!
Eve Teschmacher: Well, you said -
Lex Luthor: Don't repeat what I just said.

Lois Lane: You are Superman, aren't you?
Clark Kent: Lois, now we've been through these haullcinations of yours before. Can't you see what you almost did? Throwing yourself off a building 30 stories high? Can't you see what a tragic mistake you almost made?
Lois Lane: I made a mistake? I made a mistake because I risked my life instead of yours.
[Lois pulls a gun on Clark]
Clark Kent: Lois! Don't be insane!
Lois Lane: And don't fall down 'cause you're just going to have to get up again!
Clark Kent: Lois, don't be crazy! LOIS!
[Lois fires at Clark, who is not affected]
Lois Lane: It is you. I guess I've know it for the longest time.
[Clark removes his glasses and reveales himself as Superman]
Superman: You realize, of course, if you'd been wrong, Clark Kent would've killed.
Lois Lane: With a blank? Gotcha!

[After Kal-El and Lois sleep together in the Fortress of Solitude, Kal-El addresses the image of his father, Jor-El]
Jor-El: The people of your planet are well pleased with you, Kal-El. You have served them faithfully and they are grateful for it. And yet you have returned to reason with me once again. My son, I have tried to anticipate your ever question. This is one I'd... hoped you would not ask.
Kal-El: My attatchments, um, the feelings which I have developed for a certain human being have deeply affected me, Father.
Jor-El: You cannot serve humanity by investing your time and emotion in one human being at the expence of the rest. The concepts are mutally exclusive.
Kal-El: And if I no longer wish to serve humanity...
Jor-El: Is this how you repay their gratitude? By abandoning the weak, the defenceless, the needy for the sake of you selfish pursuits?
Kal-El: Selfish!? After all I've done for them? Will there ever come a time when I've served enough? At least they get a chance for happiness. I only ask as much, no more.
Jor-El: Yours is a higher happiness. The fulfillment of your mission, as inspiration you must have felt. You must have felt that happiness within you. My son, surely you cannot deny that feeling.
Kal-El: No, I cannot... any more than I can deny the other, which is stronger in me, Father. So much stronger. Is there no way then, Father? Must I finally be denied the one thing in life which I truly desire?
Jor-El: If you will not be Kal-El, if you will live as one of them, love their kind as one of them, then it follows that you must become one of them. This crystal chamber has in it the harnessed rays of the red sun of Krypton. Once exposed to them all your great powers on Earth will disappear... forever. Once this is done, there's no going back. You will feel like an ordinary man and you can be harmed like an ordinary man. Think, Kal-El, I beg you.
Kal-El: Father... I lover her.
Jor-El: Think, Kal-El.
[Kal-El steps into the chamber]

[Extended version with Lex visiting the villians in the Oval Office]
Lex Luthor: Oh, Magnificent One. [bows] What I am bargaining with is what you do not have. The Son of Jor-El.
General Zod: The Son or Jor-El!
Lex Luthor: [to himself] I said that right?
General Zod: Jor-El!? Our jailor?
Lex Luthor: No, Jorel the baseball player... [Non growls] Yes, Jor-El, your jailor. Ah, possibly you know him better by his nom de voyage, or his... name he travels under — Superman.

General Zod: [thinks Jimmy is Superman] This is the son of Jor-El?
Jimmy Olson: No, but I bet your a son of a-
Lois Lane: Jimmy!

General Zod: Son of Jor-El. We were beginning to think you were a coward.
Clark Kent: I'm not a coward, Zod.
General Zod: It is extremely likely you are merely a fool. Like father, like son.

[Lex Luthor takes Jimmy Olson's cup of coffee]
Jimmy Olson: Hey, that's for the chief!
Lex Luthor: The chief's got it.

[Superman flees Metropolis; the villians return to the Daily Planet]
General Zod: Our victory is complete. The Son of Jor-El has fled.
Jimmy Olson: Superman fled?
Perry White: I don't believe it.
Lex Luthor: Believe it.
General Zod: He fled in fear of us!
Lois Lane: He'll be back! Believe me, he'll be back.
General Zod: Then next time we will kill him.
Lex Luthor: Next time? What am I gonna do with you people, huh? I held up my end; I delivered the Blue Boy. What do I get for my triple threat? "Bow! Yield! Kneel!" That kind of stuff closes out of town.
General Zod: Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?
Lex Luthor: Kill me? Lex Luthor? Extinguish the greatest criminal flame of our age? Eradicate the only man on Earth with—
Ursa: Let me kill him!
Lex Luthor: Superman's address?
General Zod: What more do you want? I can see the greed written on your face.
Lex Luthor: A small incentive, oh Fullest One. A mere bauble to jog the memory.
General Zod: What more?
Lex Luthor: Cuba.
[Non growls]

[After Superman destroys the Fortress of Solitude]
Superman: Look, Lois -
Lois Lane: No regrets, okay? I did it. I got the man I loved to love me. Didn't I?
Superman: Oh, yeah.
Lois Lane: Well, okay then. Those people need you. Do you think I don't understand that?
Superman: We can still see each other, you know. I mean, all the time. But it just can't be -
[Lois kisses Superman]
Lois Lane: Just don't forget, that's all. Don't ever forget.

[Superman returns Lois Lane home]
Superman: See you at work in the morning.
Lois Lane: Bright and early, huh? The same old Clark and the same old Lois.
Superman: Yep.
Lois Lane: Except, maybe I won't be quite so mean to you from now on. You don't have to worry. Your secret's safe with me.
Superman: I know. I know that, Lois. [flies off]
Lois Lane: Well, there he goes, kid. Up, up, and away.

[Clark arrives for work the next day after he turned back time again]
Clark Kent: [hangs his coat up] Good morning, Lois. [his coat falls down; Lois ignores him] Good morning, Lois.
Lois Lane: Oh. Hi, Clark.
Clark Kent: Jeepers, I have seen some faraway looks in my time, but with that look, you might as well be on the North Pole.
Lois Lane: The North Pole! No, that's too silly. Did you ever feel like you knew something that was so important that... No, you never did. I mean, I'm sitting on the single most important story of my career and I can't even remember what it is.
Clark Kent: Well, knowing- knowing you it must be about Superman. Maybe how he saved the city or saved the world or saved the universe.
Lois Lane: Clark, Clark. Listen, jealousy's really not counterproductive. Now there's some things that you can do.
Clark Kent: Oh, yeah? Really? Like what?
Lois Lane: Like... get us a pizza!
Clark Kent: A pizza? Now?
Lois Lane: Yah, I'm hungry.
Clark Kent: Actually, I don't think Mr. White would like it if -
Lois Lane: I'll pay for half of it, all right.
Clark Kent: I'm going. [Clark gets his coat and hat] Lois, you know about the pizza? It's okay. I'll pay for the whole thing.
Lois Lane: You know you really are super!
[Clark stops and glares at her thinking she was about to say "Superman"]

Superman II

  • The three outlaws from Krypton descend to Earth to confront the Man of Steel in a cosmic battle for world supremacy.
  • The adventure continues.
  • The Man of Steel meets his match!
  • The Man of Steel is back, and better than ever!

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

  • As Originally Conceived and Inteded.
  • The Version You Have Never Seen.
  • A Hero Revealed, A Vision Restored.

Major cast

  • Gene Hackman — Lex Luthor
  • Christopher Reeve — Kal-El, Superman / Clark Kent
  • Marlon Brando - Jor-El (only appears in The Richard Donner Cut version)
  • Margot Kidder — Lois Lane
  • Terence Stamp — General Zod
  • Sarah Douglas — Ursa
  • Jack O'Halloran — Non
  • Ned Beatty — Otis
  • Valerie Perrine — Miss Eve Teschmacher
  • Jackie Cooper — Perry White
  • Marc McClure — Jimmy Olsen
  • Susannah York — Lara Lor-Van (replaces Brando's Jor-El in the theatrical Superman II)
  • Clifton James — Sheriff
  • E.G. Marshall — The President
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