Tales of the Abyss
Tales of the Abyss is a video game produced by the Namco Tales Studio. It is the eight installment of the main Tales of Games. It was released in Japan for the PS2, then later in the United States. In Japan, this game was released exactly 10 years after the first Tales Game, Tales of Phantasia was released.
(Second Bath scene) “…Well, I can’t imagine Guy of all people faking an accident because he wanted to touch our breasts.
(Everyone looks at Tear)
(Luke, Guy and Anise leaves)
(happens when surprise attack occurs)
Luke fon Fabre
- You can’t go forward if you keep looking back
- Now Die! (Radiant Howl Mystic Arte)
- (To Mieu)Argh, you’re driving me nuts! I should just roast you and eat you right now!
- How can those two watch an explosion go off right in their faces? I swear, they’re not human.
- (To Tear)Wow, so you do actually smile on occasion.
- All I ever did was pay attention to myself. And I’m not even sure I saw myself clearly.
- Just how long can we come saying “just this once” until it becomes a habit?
- It's not my fault!
- Repeated line about destroying Akzeriuth
- This is a situation report, not a letter!
- About Tear's letter, which describes the situation in Yulia City.
- Shut up, Thing!
- Scolding Mieu whenever he's annoyed and Mieu talks.
- You're blue, have weird ears, sound like a girl, and breathe fire... You're a thing.
- On why he called Mieu "thing"
- …Hey, old man, he’s apologizing, right? Give him a break.
- If it's kill or be killed, then dammit, I'm killing!
- [After cutting his hair] With this..I say goodbye to who I have been..
- What the hell!? What is this weird machine doing in our vacation home?
Journal Entries
- It would mean I've regained a little bit of trust--no, I was probably never trusted in the first place, so maybe I've finally earned some trust for myself.
- Regarding Jade scolding him for losing his composure after St. Binah collapses, "The Albiore and the Sinking Town"
- But then again, with Jade here we're already pretty close to bad guys anyway.
- On stealing the flightstone from Reiner, "Retrieving the Flightstone"
- Many people have helped us make this plan work. Many people died so that we could continue it. We certainly can't ignore that fact. But...it's still painful. Why does it have to be this way...?
- "The Effects of Lowering the Land"
- I'm a replica, and by being born I stole the place of my original. I couldn't even imagine wanting to disregard that original.
- On the replicas' plan to destroy the original world to create one in which they will be accepted, "The Forgotten Island"
- ...That's when I first realized how insincere, how weak my resolve to change, even the gesture of cutting my hair, had been.
- On Asch's plan to sacrifice himself, "Where the Original Belongs"
Tear Grants
- If it helps, you don't have to think of me as a woman.
- As Guy, who is gynophobic, recoils at the prospect of shaking her hand.
(Second Bath scene) “…Well, I can’t imagine Guy of all people faking an accident because he wanted to touch our breasts.
- You base all your actions on what others say and never try to understand things for yourself.
- To Luke
- People can’t see anything that’s not right in front of them.
- Hypothesizing about never being born is meaningless. You’re living your own life. Experiences that only you know, feelings that only you feel, don’t deny them. You’re you.
- I don’t think it’s necessary to understand everything rationally (Some answers you can only find by letting go)
- Luke....I love you.
Jade Curtiss
- I, who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee who opens the gates of hell! Come forth divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!
- Mystic arte.
- Oh Admonishing Melody, arise in the name of the Necromancer. Mystic Cage! Now know what true power is!
- We’ve reached a point where the matter cannot be resolved with words
- I'm not sure about 'friend,' but we do have an awkward bond of sorts.
- To Anise, about her companions' resolve to not let their friend fight Arietta alone.
- Having this many suicidal people around is really getting on my nerves.
- And my other goal is to make you youngsters crazy before I reach 40.
- Don't worry, the worst that could happen is we all die.
- Yes. Human life is a valuable thing. But if we sit here and do nothing, a war will start, and even more people will die.
- [to Asch] What’s wrong? You look like you just swallowed a bug… Oh, wait, you always look like that.
- Unlike in fairy tales, the world doesn’t live happily ever after.
- But curiosity can at times reveal things that were better left unknown.
- People have the right to choose their own path to destruction
- We have no choice but to be serious.
- Accepting the truth is difficult. But it is also necessary.
- Flattery won’t get you anywhere with me.
- I merely expressed distrust as a matter of formality.
- There are two sides to the power people hold. That power cannot be used properly until one recognizes them both.
- I must admit it rather pains me to be trusted
- I hate teaching. I don’t take apprentices. I don’t impart knowledge.
- I'd say that Anise is less concerned with the pain of killing Arietta, and more concerned about worrying us by showing that pain.
- ...I suppose this is my fault for having let you live this long.
- ...I should not have let myself get so far out of control. At this point, whether you're perfect or not is irrelevent. I hereby place you under arrest as the prime suspect in the serial fonist killings.
- Mother Auldrant, lend me thy power! O wrath of the heavens and cries of the earth... Let fall the sword of judgment and dispatch all that is evil. Perish!
- No, no. I've been frail since birth [fake coughs].
- I suppose the score won't matter if everyone's dead.
- Oh I assure you, I'm crying inside, racked with guilt.
- Why, if it isn't Dist the runny.
- Guy, explain. (the series' running gag)
- (to Van, final battle) The fact that I didn't kill you shows that my skills have dulled.
- (about Dist) It'll take more than that to kill him. He has the tenacity of a cockroach.
Anise Tatlin
- It's the breast size difference, isn't it? [If Tear is chosen to give Luke a tour of the Daath Monuments instead of Anise]
- So Guy, which one is bigger?
- Anybody else think I should rip daddy's little girl a new hole? [After being insulted by Natalia]
- A war's going to start, and towns are about to collapse, and Van's coming after Ion, and the Six God-Generals won't go away, and Mohs is scheming, and Gloomietta's gloomy, and Asch is weird, and I'm poor, and I'm hungry, and, and... Arrgh!
- He just likes you. He knows what he's done, and he takes responsibility for it. So don't worry. Don't think about "good" or "bad." Just think about what you want to do. [To Natalia, about Largo]
- Oh, Colonel! <3 [Repeatedly when speaking to Jade]
- Booo! [Said repeatedly when annoyed]
- Feel the hammer of light, Limited!
- I'll kill you, bastards! [Final Fury, Dying Moon Extension Mystic Arte]
- It's fever time, baby! Yeah! And you don't stop! [Fever Time Mystic Arte]
- You better watch your back!
Guy Cecil
- (Second Bath scene) Hah hah, well, yeah, you don’t have any [breasts] at all, Anise.
- It’s so much easier to believe that only your own thoughts and beliefs are absolutely correct.
- The greater the loss, the more people need someone to hate for it.
- On what might happen if Luke apologizes for Akzeriuth
- Only a child needs kindness to be blatantly obvious in order to see it.
- People aren’t so simple that they can accept anything and everything.
- People have a weakness for forbidden things.
- They say that old soldiers never really die, they just fade away.
- You're good at spotting silver linings so long as it's someone else's cloud.
- To Luke about his inferiority complex over being Asch's replica.
- Just help people. Use the rest of your life to make everyone in the world happy.
- If you look up "villain" in the dictionary, I bet you'll see Jade's face next to it.
- side-quest, after Jade release the seal from the scroll
- Prepare yourself for a blinding storm! Brilliant Overlord! [...] Never fight a battle you can't win.
- Mystic Arte
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear
- Some answers won’t come no matter how much you think.
- I hardly think that atonement means to have to feel constant guilt.
- Never the less, we cannot run now that we’ve seen the truth.
- Guy is most certainly...a guy.
- Do not think you can escape me....Pour forth oh starlight....Astral Rain!
- Mystic Arte
- O fragments of the fon verse, heed my calling and become power incarnate! I will finish you! Noble Roar!
Fon Master Ion
- (about Anise) The poor thing must've been terrified. She screamed, "I'll kill you bastards!" as she fell.
Van Grants
- Stop! After everything that's happened, you still call me master. You fool...
- Luke calls him "Master Van" as he dies.
- Can you not live unless you were born for some purpose?*
- To Luke**
- Save your jokes until after you've won.
- To Jade
Asch the Bloody
- Dreck
- Some day, when we’re grown up, let’s change this country. Change it so that no one has to be poor. Change it so that war never happens. Let's change this world. Together.
- To Natalia
- You’ll only find the truth by looking with your own eyes and walking with your own feet.
- There are no guarantees in this world.
- Don't call me that name. It's no longer mine.
- After Natalia calls him "Luke"
- Your fight is with me, Asch--no, Luke fon Fabre!
- It looks like... I had a little trouble. The rest is... up to... you...
- To Luke via a mental link, after being mortally wounded.
- I shall make those words your last, Replicaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (When he battles Luke for the last time)
Legretta the Quick
- The will of the people should be their own.
- People always cling to something.
- Is this world really worth that much?
Sync the Tempest
- Sync the Tempest, God-General of the Oracle Knights, shows no mercy.
- In the end, only those of us who are useful are kept alive out of pity…
- Last words before falling into the core
- Ha ha! Don't forget--fighting with me means fighting with Ion.
- After speaking in Ion's voice to Anise.
- I wasn't even created with a purpose. I was born a piece of meat.
- Let's test it. You, or the empty me. Let's see which side this world wants to survive!
- Van...destroy...Lorelei...[dies]
Dist the Reaper/Rose/Runny
- Now, who do you think you are? Just you wait! I'm putting this down in my revenge journal!
- It's Rose, dammit! R-O-S-E, Rose!
Arietta the Wild
- You killed Mommy! Now you die!
- You shot fire...at my friend! I'm really going to make you pay now!
- I'm going to kill you all and take back Ion!
- Ion...where are you...? Ion...it hurts...[dies]
- Shut up, shut up, shut UP!
- During battle.
Largo the Black Lion
- She resolved herself to do this even if it cost her life. Who could have stopped that?
- On Arietta dueling Anise and dying.
- That name died long ago, in the sea of Baticul, where my wife sleeps.
- After Luke calls him "Badaq", his real name.
- What's the difference? An enemy's an enemy. It's as simple as that. You're soft, boy.
- When Luke asks why he won't reveal himself to Natalia.
- Van's plan... our plan is twisted. But without a medicine this strong, the world will follow Yulia's Score... and die.
- The Black Lion might be a fool, but he's not weak!
- Show your enemy... no mercy. With shallow feelings like that, you'll never... defeat him... Farewell, Meryl.
- Last words, to Natalia.
Professor Gelda Nebilim
- Hah hah hah. My, how rude of you to call me a monster...
- What an interesting approach! Well then, why don't you try? Although... I'm afraid I will win!
- King Ingobert: My… my daughter died years ago…
- Luke: No! The Natalia here before you is your daughter! Seventeen years of memories should tell you that!
- Tear: Luke…
- Luke: …Heh. I learned that from you.
- Ingobert: Memories…
- Luke: So someone told you she’s not your real daughter! So what? That doesn’t change your memories! The memories you two share as a family belong to you alone.
- Anise: Colonel, you're a terrific liar! Your smile hasn't budged!
- Jade: Oh not at all, I'm crying on the inside, wracked with guilt.
- Guy: Uh-huh...
- Peony: I suppose [I could lend you this sword] if those three cute girls beg.
- Natalia: That's a fine case of sexual harassment!
- Peony: Okay, then the guys will do it, too. Go ahead, Luke.
- Luke: Me!? (sighs) Please lend us the sword.
- Peony: Next.
- Guy: With all due respect, Your majesty, We woul like to borrow this sword.
- Peony: Next.
- Anise: Emperor Peony, you're so handsome~ Can we pleease borrow the sword?~ Pretty please, with sugar on top?~
- Peony: Haha, great, great! Just wait until you're six years older and i'll date you any time!
- Luke: Woah, he sure changes quick...
- Natalia: (teeth clenched) Please lend us the sword.
- Peony: Oooh, that icy smile! Yes!
(Everyone looks at Tear)
(Luke, Guy and Anise leaves)
- Luke: So Dist is dead now...
- Jade: ...He was a fool, chasing an impossible dream to the end.
- Luke: A dream...?
- Jade: A promise made by two foolish children long ago. A foolish dream of overcoming death.
- Luke: Jade...you mean--
- Jade: Luke, I believe you promised not to talk about that.
- Luke: Are you okay with that?
- Jade: I will accept Dist's--Saphir's--death.
- Luke: As an old friend?
- Jade: No, as his owner. He was a charming pet.
- Guy: Natalia... I think you've got the wrong idea about this mystery-thief thing.
- Natalia: Really? I recall reading books as a child with pictures of a woman thief that looked just like this.
- Anise: Oh, I know that one! "Lady Thief 001: The Star of Ispania," right?
- Natalia: Yes! The incredibly beautiful master of disguise. I always looked up to her.
- Luke: Hey, I know that one too. Didn't she have these huge breasts? I think Tear'd be a much better--ow!
- Natalia: Did you say something?!
- Luke: ...N-no, nothing...
- Guy: Luke, think before you speak...
- Guy: So, how is it fighting in your officers' school uniform?
- Tear: It's like my first fights. I'm alert. Ready for anything.
- Luke: Stiff as always, huh?
- Tear: Stiff? Not at all. I can stretch quite well in these.
- Guy: (tranced) Wow...that was perfect.
- Luke: (tranced as well) Yeah.
- Tear: What? What was?
- Guy: N-nothing.
- Tear: Okay, Natalia, first shave the burdock roots. When that's done, cut the carrots into quarter-rounds...
- Natalia: Wait, how can I shave a burdock root? I don't have a razor.
- Tear: ......
- Natalia: And what is that look of pity on your face?
- Tear: Well, it's not... Ah, the stew! Natalia, the stew's boiling!
- Natalia: Oh dear! It's getting charred! What can I...Oh! Heal! Heal!
- Tear: ...I don't think Heal will fix a charred stew...
- Natalia: Aah! The stew caught fire!
- Tear: ...Perhaps you should just give up cooking...
- Anise: You know, I thought this outfit was kind of childish, but now that I'm used to it, it doesn't bother me!
- Luke: Yeah, it looks good on you.
- Anise: Ooh!~ So you finally recognized my charm? Oh, what should I do?~
- Luke: ...
- Anise: Maybe if you get on your hands and beg, I just might go out with you!
- Luke: Idiot.
- Anise: (Sob) Colonel, Luke's being mean to me!
- Jade: Why not? You're always making fun of him.
- Anise: Boooooo! Okay, Guy, your turn!~
- Guy: AAH! N-NO! G-GET AWAY FROM ME!! (runs away)
- Anise: COME ON!! Get used to it already!
- Anise: Here we go. I wonder what's going to happen? We're taking this whole planet and throwing it at something...
- Guy: The MASS of the planet, not the planet itself.
- Anise: I know, I know. But I keep imagining this huge planet falling down out of the sky.
- Tear: That would just be Meteor Storm.
- Luke: Huh? Meteor Storm makes planets fall down from the sky?!
- Tear: No, the caster just causes a similar effect. What do you think would happen if a planet really fell down on top of us? Stop talking like a child.
- Luke: Hey, you don't have to be so mean!
- Anise: Okay, okay, enough with the lovers' quarrel.
- Guy: Yeah. Let's go and check out this planetary fonic arte.
- Luke: Wh-what lovers' quarrel?!
- Luke: Tear...aren't you pushing yourself?
- Tear: No, I'm not.
- Anise: Luke. Do you actually think there's anyone in the world who'd say "yes, I'm pushing myself"? You're so dumb!
- Natalia: Yes, there are many other things you could have done. Everyone knows you have no skill with words, so perhaps put an arm on her shoulder...
- Guy: Or hold her, without saying a word.
- Luke: I don't need YOU telling me that.
- Tear: ...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make all of you worry...
- Jade: Not at all. We're enjoying it.
- Luke: You're the only one enjoying anything!
- Anise: Hmm? What's that, Tear?
- Tear: Aah!
- Anise: Hey, did you just hide something?
- Tear: D-don't look!
- Anise: Oh, come on. What is it? ... Oh, it's a rappig doll...
- Tear: N-no! I just... I found it at a shop. It's not like I thought it was cute or anything. It's just... I... you know... it's... um... well... Anise... please don't tell anyone.
- Anise: Don't worry, I'm great at keeping secrets. You know what? I'd just love to have some chiffon cake...
- Tear: ... I'll buy you some the next time I see it.
- Anise: I love you, Tear!
- Luke: Tear's in the same position as Natalia, isn't she...? She never shows it, so I tend to forget.
- Mieu: Tear's a nice person, so she doesn't let you see when she's hurt.
- Luke: Yeah, I know, but...
- Mieu: So just be nice to her.
- Luke: I said I know, Thing! You don't need to tell me!
- Mieu: Mieuuuu... Master, can I ask something?
- Luke: ...What?
- Mieu: Why do you call me Thing?
- Luke: Oh...well, you know... You're blue, have weird ears, sound like a girl, and breathe fire... You're a thing.
- Mieu: Mieuuuu... I don't understand...
- Luke: Don't worry. Anyway I'll...I'll try to keep Tear in mind.
- Tear: Why did things have to end up like this?
- Mieu: Tear...you look like you're suffering...
- Tear: No, it's Luke who's suffering...
- Mieu: But you were saved before... Can't Master be saved too?
- Tear: ...I don't know. But...if the Colonel isn't saying anything, then...
- Mieu: ......
- Tear: Isn't there anything I can do? Can't I help him somehow? I...I...
- Mieu: I'm sad too. I love Master. He saved me once. I wish I could disappear instead of him.
- Tear: Mieu, don't say things like that. I want all of us to be together... All of us, as long as possible. I just wish I had the power to make that happen. But I...I can't do anything...
Battle Conversations
(Occurs before Final Van Battle, while having Jade as leader)- VAN: "Agh! Fighting Dr. Balfour! It must be fate!"
- JADE: "I don't care about fate, miracles, faith...any of that. I care only about putting an end to what I began."
- VAN: "Yes. Your replicas advanced research into hyperresonance and caused the destruction of Hod. And at the same time, they have become the way to free the world from the Score."
- JADE: "And that is why I'll take back fomicry. At least I can use it more effectively than you."
- VAN: "Save your jokes until after you've won."
- GUY: "This force...! So this is...the power of Lorelei."
- ANISE: "You're strong but...I won't lose!"
- NATALIA: "I won't lose! These arrows will send you to the depths of the abyss!"
- JADE: "Once we strike you down, Luke and Tear will free Lorelei. Rest in peace."
- VAN: "You will be the one going to the underworld. The corpses of all the victims of your research are waiting. Farewell, Necromancer."
(happens when surprise attack occurs)
- Tear: Our formation...!
- Jade: Hahahahaha, this is terrible!
- Guy: ...like you really mean it.
- Luke: Damn, these things are annoying!
- Jade: You should feel right at home.
- Anise: Ionian Sergeant Anise Tatlin Oracle Knights Fon Master Guard wins!
- Guy: That's way too long...
- Anise: Colonel, what's your secret for being so strong?
- Jade: Simple. I drink people's blood.
- Anise: Huh?
- Jade: It's so difficult when people take me seriously
- Anise:Man, this one was loaded!
- Luke: Battle's barely over and she's already got the money.
- Guy: Leave it to Anise
- Luke: You're weak!
- Guy: You're a hack!
- Jade: You're whack.
- Natalia: I'm so worried this swimsuit might just fall off.
- Tear: I know. I-I feel like I'm going to... pop out.
- Anise: I wish I were...
- Tear: Farewell. Rest in peace.
- Guy: (laughing) We don't get to say anything?
- Luke: That's Tear...
- Asch: Weaklings! Out of my way!
- Jade: You say "weaklings" as much as the weaklings do.
- Asch: Sh-shut up!
- Anise: Ionian Fon Master Guardian Anise Tat-- oh...
- Natalia: Having trouble?
- Anise: yeah, well, it's long!
- Anise: Here we go! The beauty of Daath, Anise!
- Natalia: The beauty of Kimlasca, Natalia!
- Tear: (nervously) The--the beauty of Malkuth, Tear...
- Anise: The Beauty Corps claims victory!
- Luke: Oh, please...