The 4400
The 4400 is a science fiction television series which airs on the USA Network.
- Diana Skouris: It's as if it was coming in for a landing!
- unknown: Landing? Like a plane?
- unknown: No. More like a mothership!
- Lily Moore: Lily.
- Richard Tyler: My friend, her name was Lily, too. Lily Bonham.
- Lily: That's my grandmother's name!
- Heidi Moore: Can I help you?
- Lily: Heidi!
- Heidi: Yeah?
- Lily: Heidi, it's Mommy!
- Heidi: Who?!
- Maia Rutledge: You don't have to worry, Crownridge is nice.
The New & Improved Carl Morrissey
- Dennis Ryland: For instance, yesterday Maia was talking to an employee in the cafeteria. She told her that her daughter would be in the hospital soon, but that she'd be okay. The next day the little girl was in a car accident.
- Diana Skouris: So you're saying what? That she's got some kind of second sight?
- Dennis: I'm saying I have five stories just like that.
- Lily Moore: I know what the baby's thinking.
- Carl Morrissey: What I'm doing here, I'm doing for us, Grace! This is where we live. I just want us to be happy and not be afraid anymore, and it starts with Bradley Park!
- Maia: Yeah, school might be fun. Diana, you're not going to like what's in there.
- Oliver Knox: Look, I know how tempting the math is on this murder, I disappear in '83, the killings stop, here I am and the poor girl is dead.
- Shrink: Why don't you start with something easy, tell me something about your parents.
- Richard Tyler: My parents?
- Lily Moore: They use to argue about money a lot, but that was before they split up.
- Shrink: They divorced?
- Lily: Yeah. I was 14.
- Shrink: Do you remember how that made you feel?
- Shawn Farrell: Depressed, I don't know, angry maybe.
- Richard: They're gone. Got a few cousins outside St. Louis who'll remember me as a picture in an old photo album.
- Unknown: Beautiful, aren't they? I wonder if that's where we were.
- Shawn: What's everybody doing here?
- Unknown: What are you doing here?
- Shawn: I don't know, just wanted to see where we came back, I figured it'd be a good place to come and think, you know, clear my head.
- Unknown: Most people come for the conversation.
- Shawn: Well there's not a lot of that going on.
- Jordan Collier: Well what can I do for you this afternoon, Lily '93. Don't worry, it's not a line, though I do have to say that you're the most attractive abductee I've seen this afternoon.
- Unknown: Who's this?
- Oliver: Let me tell you something about her, her name's Felicia and she works over at the barn on Cliff Street.
- Dennis Ryland: Don't you hide behind freedom of the press, what you do isn't journalism, it's shouting fire in a crowded theater and you're gonna stop before the stampede begins.
- Marco Pacella: Yeah, but we know Adam Kensington's company was perpetrating a massive fraud on the public, and now we've learned that since Carl Morrisey's death his neighbors have formed a watch committee thats helping to protect Bradley Park. Anyone starting to see a pattern?
- Diana: What, your talking about some kind of ripple effect?
- Marco: Diana Skouris to the head of the class!
- Diana: The incidents themselves are just catalyst for change, a positive one in these two cases.
The Starzl Mutation
- Claudio Borghi: I have to offer you a word of caution. The cigar. When you smoke it, you might be surpised by its effects.
- Shawn: Oh, I'm not going to get arrested for having this, am I?
- Dennis Ryland: Whoever controls Promicine has a strategic advantage over the rest of the world.
The Gospel According to Collier
- Tom: You disappeared. Do you have any idea where you've been?
- Jordan: Everywhere. I have been everywhere. I've been alive for hundreds of years, maybe thousands.
- Diana: We can't do this.
- Ben: We just did.
Terrible Swift Sword
- Jordan Collier: The war for the future will be fought in the past.
- Shawn: Alright, I'll ask the question. What are we gonna do with 17,432 units of Promicin?
- Jordan: We're going to give it away.
- Richard: To who?
- Jordan: To everyone.
- Tom: Handing out promicin like candy changes everything, Shawn. Nobody will be able to enforce the law. It'll be chaos!
- Diana: Nobody can predict what's gonna happen once people everywhere start developing abilities!
- Tess: It's not hard for me, I've believed in you all along. Theres a reason why we were taken and a reason they woke you up. It's incredible — you should be getting the Nobel Prize. Instead we're hiding like criminals.
- Kevin: It won't be like this forever. Soon we'll be heroes!
- Jordan: Look, Richard, we need people to start developing abilities.
- Isabelle: It was a balance of power thing. I was sent to eliminate the 4400!
- Homeless Man: (To the audience) How about you? Fifty-fifty. You want the shot?