The Bloodhound Gang
The Bloodhound Gang is an American rock/hip-hop band with a punk-influenced sound. They are originally from Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The group formed in 1992.
- I never thought missing children could be so sexy. Did I say that out loud?
- "A Lapdance Is So Much Better When the Stripper Is Crying", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Let me be Pacific I wanna be down in your South Seas
- "The Bad Touch", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel
- "The Bad Touch", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- If I want to be repeatedly shit on I'll go make Dutch porn
- "No Hard Feelings", Hefty Fine (2005)
- Thou shalt not worship false Billy Idols
- "Hell Yeah", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?
- "Hell yeah", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Don't give a flying Nun, no don't give a Gidget, just have more fun than a well-oiled midget
- "Take the Long way home", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You're pretty when I'm drunk and I'm pretty fuckin drunk
- "You're pretty when I'm drunk", Use Your Fingers (1995)
- A lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying
- "a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Like my scrotum, here it is in a nutshell
- "The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- It's not my job to fuck you on your birthday anymore
- "No Hard Feelings", Hefty fine (2005)
- While you're choking your chicken your chick will be choking this chicken's bone.
- "Right Turn Clyde", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Yes I'm Siskel, yes I'm Ebert, and you're getting two thumbs up
- "The Bad Touch", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You know what I really want in a girl? Me.
- "Three point one four", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- It's all in the wrist like table tennis, so beat me like Betty Crocker cake mix
- "Yummy down on this", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- I like my girls like my cheese. Preferably for me fat-free American singles only
- "Three point one four", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Rather tape the weather channel so that I can watch it later
- "Mope", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Luciani Pavarotti on a tread mill: not going no where slim change he will
- "Mope", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Mom and Dad, this is Chasey, Chasey this is my mom and dad. Now show 'em them titties!
- "The Ballad of Chasey Lain", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You must be five stars cuz my staff's at full attention
- "Yummy down on this", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Hummin *hmmm mmmm* good like Campbell's
- "Yummy down on this", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You're a genius; what I mean is you SUCK at this
- "Yummy down on this", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You can fondle, but it's like McDonald's: realize it's just a Happy Meal so you can't Super Size it
- "Yummy down on this", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Put away becaue he wasn't all there; like a jigsaw puzzle you might compare
- "Magna Cum Nada", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Being letdown, unparalleled--like the last episode of Seinfeld
- "Magna Cum Nada", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Crucified and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt
- "hell yeah", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Times New Roman, you know the type
- "Righ turn Clyde", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Completely incompatible even though I'm a pussy and you're a dick
- "Right turn Clyde, Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- You must have given up on hair plugs because now you've gone toupee(to pay)
- "Right turn Clyde", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- I heard you like your women like you like your shrimp you like em' battered. Wife beater, perfectly fitting apparel. Where's your brother Darryl, where's your other brother Darryl?
- "Right turn Clyde", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- I've got something for you and it's an inch long
- "Coo Coo Ca Choo", Use Your Finger (1995)
- I Won't Kiss Your Ass To Get A Piece Of It
- "Rang Dang", Use Your Finger (1995)
- Right under my nose thinking I'm so Colonel Klink oblivious but how could I Nazi that you got off scot-free
- "No Hard Feelings", Hefty Fine (2005)
- Life is like a penis most people don't know it but most people suck so they usually blow it
- "Take The long Way Home", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Have you seen my will to live? because it seems I have lost it
- "Magna Cum Nada", Hooray for Boobies (2000)
- Does your girlfriend look like the chick from M*A*S*H?, dead ringer for Klinger with a thicker mustache?
- "Lift Your Head Up High (And Blow Your Brains Out)", One Fierce Beer Coaster (1996)
- I'm hard to come by like a straight guy working at Starbucks
- "The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope", Hooray for Boobies (2000)