The ClueFinders 3rd Grade Adventures: The Mystery of Mathra
The ClueFinders 3rd Grade Adventures: The Mystery of Mathra is a computer game created by the Learning Company.
- Flower: [Cockney accent] I'm a good girl, I am.
- LapTrap: Aren't we there yet? I'll have to change my batteries really soon.
- Santiago: LapTrap, you should have thought of that before we left.
- Joni: Don't worry, LapTrap, Santiago and I thought of everything.
- Santiago: That's right. So you brought the food, right Joni?
- Joni: Food?
- LapTrap: Wait a minute, have you kids even considered what we're going to do we catch up to Mathra?
- Santiago: Well...?
- Joni: Uh, I'm workin' on it.
- Joni: (sounding worried) Santiago, do you think Uncle Horace is all right?
- Santiago: He'll be okay. He had a PhD in everything.
- Joni: What, oh, of course you're right, I was just making sure you weren't getting discouraged.
- Santiago: Me? But -
- Joni: (cutting him off) I'm glad I can make you feel better, Santiago! Let's go.
- Santiago: Oh, brother.
- LapTrap: So you kids have caught a lot of monsters before, right?
- Santiago: Well, no monsters but-
- Joni: (cutting him off) LapTrap, get a clue, we're the ClueFinders. We're famous. We have a website.
- LapTrap: (rolls eyes) Oh, silly me.
- LapTrap: Are you sure you want to keep going? I hear Mathra has razor-sharp claws.
- Joni: Big deal.
- LapTrap: And a sixty foot wingspan.
- Joni: He does?
- LapTrap: And I hear he-
- Santiago: (cutting him off) I hear he likes to eat Turbo T.U.R.T.L.E.'s for breakfast.
- LapTrap: (gulp) Oh, great.
- Joni: I am so mad. When we catch up to Mathra I'm gonna…I'm gonna…I'm gonna make him sorry he ever messed with my uncle!
- Santiago: Joni, get real, he's, like, fifty feet tall. We'll need brains, not brawn.
- LapTrap: Brains, brawn and when we finally get there, batteries.
- Santiago: Wait, Joni, I just thought of something. It flies. It drops oils cans, furrier labels...why is that sounding so familiar?
- LapTrap: Sure. Always blame the T.U.R.T.L.E.
- Joni: Not you, LapTrap...
- Santiago and Joni: Limburger! (the Numerian gates close as Santiago and Joni turn around and gasp)
- Joni: Fletcher Limburger, it was you all along!
- [LapTrap falls to the ground after hearing the ClueFinders will take him on more adventures]
- Owen: Hey, he fainted!
- Leslie: He's a computer; maybe he crashed.
- Joni: So what do we do? Splash him with cold water? Call tech support?
- Santiago: Where's the reset button?