The Crow
The Crow is a 1994 film about a man who returns from the grave to seek vengeance on the gang that killed him and his fiance.
Believe in angels.Taglines
- Directed by Alex Proyas. Written by David J. Schow, based on the 1989 comic book series by James O'Barr.
Eric Draven
- Victims; aren't we all?
- A whole jolly club, with jolly pirate nicknames!
- I'm not gonna kill you. Your job will be to tell the rest of them that death is coming for them, tonight. Tell them Eric Draven sends his regards.
- Is that gasoline I smell?
- He was already dead. He died a year ago, the moment he touched her. They're all dead. They just don't know it yet.
- It can't rain all the time.
- Take your shot, Fun Boy, you got me, dead bang.
- Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children. Do you understand? Morphine is bad for you. Your daughter is out there on the streets, waiting for you.
- You still have your hat on.
- Little things used to mean so much to Shelley. I used to think they were kind of… trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial.
- [holding a cigarette] You shouldn't smoke these. They'll kill ya.
- Guess it's not a good day to be a bad guy, huh, Skank?
- I’m coming home, Shelley.
- I have something to give to you. I don't want it anymore. Thirty hours of pain. All at once. All for you.
- You heard me rapping, right? [after quoting "The Raven"]
- People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.
- A building gets torched. All that is left is ashes. I used to think that was true about everything; families, friends, feelings. But now I know, that sometimes, if love proves real, two people who are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart.
- If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn. People die. But real love is forever.
Top Dollar
- [Holding a graveyard snow globe] Dad gave me this, fifth birthday. He said, 'Childhood’s over the moment you know you're going to die.'
- [Referring to a dead woman in his bed] I think we broke her.
- He winked at you? Tsk, musicians.
- Oh for fuck's sake, die, will ya?
- A boy and his bird. Awful touching.
- [Referring to Skank's unintelligible rant] Maybe we oughta just video tape this, play it back in slow motion.
- It seems our friend T-Bird won't be joining us this evening on account of a slight case of death.
- Greed is for amateurs. Disorder, chaos, anarchy-- Now that's fun!
- I want you to set a fire so goddamn big, the gods'll notice us again, that's what I'm sayin'. I want all you boys to be able to look me straight in the eye one more time and say "Are we havin' fun or what!"
- Quick impression for you. Caw! Caw! Bang! Fuck, I'm dead!
- Ya know, my daddy used to say every man's got a devil. And you can't rest 'til you find him. What happened back there with you and your girlfriend - I cleared that building. Hell, nothin' in this town happens without my say-so. So I'm sorry if I spoiled your wedding plans there, friend. But, if it's any consolation to you, you have put a smile on my face.
- [after hearing of Tin-Tin's death] By all means, we should have ourselves a introspective moment of silence for poor old Tin-Tin [lowers his face into a large pile of cocaine and inhales]
- [Holding a knife over a dead body.] I love her eyes. Pretty.
- There are energies aligning against you
- I like the pretty lights
- [About Sarah] Her eyes are so… innocent
- [Indicates the crow] This is all the power you ever had. Now it is mine. Pity there’s not more time… for us.
- Department of Housing! [Spoken as he breaks into the property of Shelly and Eric]
- You know that Lake Eerie actually caught fire on once, from all the crap floating around in it? I wish I coulda seen that.
- [Repeated line:] Abashed the Devil stood; and felt how awful Goodness is.
- Here’s to Devil’s Night: my new favorite holiday.
- Hey, guess what. Arcade Games fell down, went boom.
- I know you. I know you. I knew I knew you. I knew I knew you, but you ain't you. You can't be you, we put you through the window. There ain't no comin' back. This is the really real world, there ain't no comin' back. We killed you dead, there ain't no comin' back! There ain’t no comin' back! There ain’t no comin' back! "Abashed the devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is...... And felt how awful goodness is."
Tin Tin
- You cheap ass, chrome dome, child molesting, sacrophyte mother fucker!
- Lucky I didn't stab your fat ass.
- What the fuck you all painted up for, crackhead, huh? Halloween ain't till mañana.
- Shelly, yeah, yeah. I shanked her pink ass and she loved it!
- Murderer? Murderer?! Let me tell you about murder: it's fun, it's easy, and you gonna learn all about it.
- I’d like you to meet two buddies of mine. We never miss. [referring to a pair of his knives]
- I feel like a little worm on a big fuckin' hook!
- I'm not Skank. There’s Skank right there! Skank’s dead.
- Gideon: Goddamn creatures of the night. They never learn
- Detective Torres: Don’t any of your street demons have real grown-up names?
- Albrecht: Oh great! Great! Guy shows up looking like a mime from hell and you lose him, right out in the open. Well, at least he didn't do that 'walking against the wind' shit. I hate that.
- Detective Torres: I've got a goddamn vigilante killer out there knocking off scumbags left and right, and you're covering up for somebody!
- Albrecht: So many cops you’d think they were giving away donuts!
- Albrecht: You Sarah?
- [Sarah nods]
- Albrecht: Yeah, look. Your sister-- She’s gonna be okay.
- Sarah: She’s not my sister. Shelly just takes care of me. She’s my friend. Her and Eric. You lied to her about Eric.
- Albrecht: Look, I had to.
- Sarah: And you’re lying to me about Shelly. She’s gonna die, isn’t she?
- Albrecht: How do you steer that thing on a wet street?
- Sarah: Pure talent.
- Tin Tin: Pussies drink last, man.
- Skank: [Puts gun to Tin Tin's head] Fuck you, Tin Tin.
- Tin Tin: [Puts a knife to Skank's throat] Hey… shit ain't even loaded, man.
- Fun Boy: [Puts his gun to Tin Tin's head] This one is.
- T-Bird: [Points his gun at all three of them] Which of you motor city mother fuckers wants to bet me this one isn't?
- Eric: [After breaking into Gideon's pawn shop] "Suddenly, I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door."
- Gideon: What the fuck are you talking about?
- Eric: You heard me rapping, right?
- Gideon: You're trespassing. And you owe me a fuckin' new door! [Gideon grabs a gun while Eric glances at the door.]
- Eric: I'm looking for something in an engagement ring. Gold.
- Gideon: Yeah. You're looking for a coroner, shit-for-brains. [He fires at Eric, who is knocked off balance, but the wound quickly heals.] Oh, shit. Oh, shit on me! Shit on me. SHIT ON ME! [After being knocked over, Gideon grabs a bat to protect himself.]
- Eric: [Suddenly hanging from the ceiling] Mr. Gideon. You're not paying attention.
- [Looking at a bloody crow outline on the wall]
- Detective Torres: What the hell do you call that?
- Albrecht: I call it blood, detective. I suppose you'll write it up as... "graffiti."
- Albrecht: Police! Don't move - I said don't move!
- Eric: I thought the police always said "Freeze."
- Albrecht: Well I am the police and I say "don't move" Snow White; you move, you're dead.
- Eric: And I say I'm dead; and I move...
- T-Bird: I got trouble. One of my crew got himself perished.
- Top Dollar: Yeah, and who might that be?
- T-Bird: Tin Tin. Somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order.
- Top Dollar: Well Gentlemen, by all means, I think we ought to have an introspective moment of silence for poor old Tin Tin.
- Eric: Jesus Christ! Stop me if you've heard this one. Jesus Christ walks into a hotel…
- [Funboy shoots him]
- Eric: Ow. He hands the innkeeper three nails and he asks…
- [Funboy shoots him again]
- Funboy: Don’t you ever fucking die?
- Eric: “Can you put me up for the night?”
- Top Dollar: All the power in the world resides in the eyes, fella. Sometimes they’re more useful than the people that bear them.
- Gideon: You know, you’re directly out of your fucking mind! You know that!
- Top Dollar: Yeah. [Pause] Eyes see. One of the most important things I learned from my sister. [Indicates Myca]
- Gideon: Sister? She’s supposed to be your sister?
- Top Dollar: My father’s daughter. That’s right. What’s the matter, you don’t see the resemblance?
- T-Bird: What the fuck are you supposed to be, man?
- Eric: I'm your passenger. [Pause] Drive.
- [Two cops are on watch, drinking coffee]
- Cop 1: You got that cream stuff? [Cop 2 hands it over.] I hate this. They can’t even call it cream legally.
- [T-Bird and Eric drive by at 90 MPH]
- Cop 2: What in the crap-- [speeds off after T-bird's car]
- [Cop 1 screams as the acceleration of the car makes him spill hot coffee all over himself.]
- Detective Torres: Who’s the cartoon character in the painted face?
- Albrecht: Hey, you’re the detective. Why don’t you tell me?
- Detective Torres: Okay. Gideon's blows all to hell and you’re having a chitchat with some weirdo who winds up in T-Bird’s car when it zigs instead of zags. Then you steal one of my case files from Homicide, and you’re saying this is just a fucking automobile accident? Come on!
- Albrecht: Yeah. Good speech though. I didn’t wanna interrupt you. It sounded good. You gotta write that shit down!
- Sarah: I knew it was you. Even with the makeup. I remembered your song. You said, “can’t rain all the time.” That is from your song, right? [Pause. No answer.] Come on, Eric, I know you’re here. I miss you... and Shelley. Get so lonely all by myself. [Pause. Still no answer.] The hell with you. I thought you cared. [She turns to leave and sees Eric’s shadow on the wall.]
- Eric: Sarah, I do care. [Sarah runs to him and they hug.]
- Sarah: When someone’s dead, they can’t come back, can they?
- Albrecht: That’s what I thought. Are you referring to anyone in particular?
- Sarah: You’ll just think I’m nuts.
- Albrecht: Yeah, well, then maybe they’ll have to lock us both up.
- Sarah: You see him too?
- Albrecht: I saw somebody. Maybe it was your fairy godfather.
- Sarah: [Sadly] Eric didn’t come back for me. He can’t be my friend any more because, well, I’m alive.
- Albrecht: You want a friend to walk you home?
- [Sarah nods.]
- Top Dollar: Problem is, it’s all been done before.
- Bad Ass Criminal: That’s no reason to quit.
- Top Dollar: Wrong. Best reason to quit. Only reason to quit.
- Eric: Gentlemen!
- Top Dollar: So you're him, huh? The avenger. The killer of killers. Like the outfit. Not sure about the face though.
- Eric: I just want him.
- Top Dollar: Well, you can't have him.
- Eric: Well, I see you've made your decision… [Eric stands on the table] now let's see you enforce it.
- Top Dollar: Aw this is already boring the shit out me, KILL 'IM!
- [They all fire. Eric falls backwards off the table.]
- Top Dollar: Ooh, that had to hurt.
- [Eric throws Skank out the window. He lands on the cop car from the chase scene.]
- Cop 2: What in the crap--
- Various Police Officers: "Don't move!" "Hold it!" "That's all she wrote!" "Move and we shoot!"
- Eric: [raises his hands as if defeated, a tragic expression on his face. He then does a high-stepping grapevine and jumps out the window.]
- Myca: He has power, but it is power you can take from him.
- Top Dollar: I like him already.
- Myca: The crow is his link between the land of the living and the realm of the dead.
- Grange: So kill the crow, and destroy the man.
- Sarah: You’re going to say I shouldn’t be in the cemetery in the middle of the night, right?
- Eric: Safest place in the world to be.
- Sarah: That’s 'cause everybody’s dead. I knew you’d come here.
- Eric: It’s really late, Sarah.
- Sarah: You didn’t say goodbye.
- Eric: You’re just going to have to forgive me for that.
- Eric: I can handle it. Don’t worry.
- Albrecht: I’m not worried. Look, here’s the plan. You stay in front, and when they run out of ammo, I’ll arrest ‘em.
- Eric: That sounds like a great plan. There’s just one problem. [He indicates his bleeding shoulder]
- Albrecht: Oh, shit. You’re bleeding all over the place. I thought, you know, you were invincible.
- Eric: [Annoyed] I was. I’m not anymore.
- Albrecht: [Sighs] Well, I guess you really will need my help, won’t you?
- Believe in angels.
- In a world without justice, one man was chosen to protect the innocent.
- Real love is forever.
- Darker than the bat.
- Brandon Lee - Eric Draven
- Rochelle Davis - Sarah
- Ernie Hudson - Sergeant Albrecht
- Michael Wincott - Top Dollar
- Bai Ling - Myca
- Sofia Shinas - Shelly Webster
- David Patrick Kelly - T-Bird
- Angel David - Skank
- Laurence Mason - Tin Tin
- Michael Massee - Funboy