The Flintstones
The Flintstones, a Hanna-Barbera animated series, is one of the most successful animated television series of all time, originally running in American prime time for six seasons, from 1960 to 1966, on the ABC network.
Original Series
- Wilma and Betty: Melville J. Muchrocks is a crook.
- Fred: Muchrocks a crook? Are you sure?
- Wilma: Absolutely, he's wanted by the police.
- Betty: We heard him described to a T.
- Fred: Wilma, do you know where they went?
- Wilma: They said they were going to the amusement park and then to dinner. Oh my poor mother.
- Fred: Don't you worry sweetheart, you leave it to me. Barney.
- Barney: Yeah Fred?
- Fred: C'mon, let's go.
- Barney: Right Fred.
- Fred: You ever play football, Barney?
- Barney: Yeah Fred, why?
- Fred: Because you're going to run interference while I intercept a proposal.
- Wilma: I work hard all day, too, and what do I get? A lot of yak from you. You at least get out everyday, see things, talk to people. I never get out of this cave.
- Fred: Where's your get up and go?
- Barney: It just got up and went.
- Fred: I love my dear sweet mother in-law. My mother in-law is a doll.
- Attendant: Are you feeling alright, mister?
- Fred: Huh? Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
- Attendant: Good. Good. You just stay in here and rest. That hot sun out there is a killer.
- Fred: Poor guy, he must have been standing in it for hours.
- Fred: Yeah, you laugh. You'll see, Barn, they know me in this bank, they'll help me right a way.
- Bank Clerk: Look, pals, it's Fred Flintstone.
- Fred: Yeah, hi. I'd like to lent some money here.
- Bank Clerk: Ha ha ha ha! See that, pals? Fred Flintstone wants money. Ha ha ha ha ha!
- Betty: Sometimes I just don't know what's the matter with men.
- Barney: That's easy - you women!