The Land Before Time
The Land Before Time is a 1988 animated film produced by Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment and Lucasfilm.
[He's getting away for Sharptooth's foot by splash.]
- (exasperated) My name is not Flathead. My name is Littlefoot.
- Oh, you can't quit now. What if the Great Valley's just over the top of these rocks?
- (to Cera) Go on! Go the wrong way! We never wanted you with us anyway!
- We did it. We did it together.
- (last original lines) Now we'll always be together. (Note: This line was removed from the entire film.)
- My father told me that flatheads had very small brains.
- I found it! Hee!
- I can get my OWN green food! (attempts to hit a tree, but no tree stars come down, so Littlefoot drops some for her, and then, Cera eats the tree stars) See? I can take care of myself all by myself. I'm not afraid to be alone, I know my way to go, AND I'm not afraid of Sharp Tooth... I hope he doesn't eat any of you!
- Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back. (laughs, stomach growls) My stomach is talking.
- Petrie, don't feel sad. It's alright. Many things can't fly. Rocks, trees, sticks, Spike...
- (repeated line) Yep yep yep.
- Spike, don't stop! We must stay together!
- You are a spiketail...so we will call you Spike!
- (trying to coax Spike out of his egg) You should come out. You should. You are late. Yes, you are. Yep yep yep.
- You've got a nice flat head, flathead.
- (Trying to smell for green food) I smell, I smell, I smeeelllll.....hmm, Ducky.
- (In the tar pit) Ducky, Spike, HEEEEEELP!
- [as Littlefoot, Ducky and Spike save him from the tar pit] Flathead! Ducky! Spike! Oh, Petrie is so happy!
- Food. (heard in the Finnish version)
- Move It.
- Hey! Stop it!
- I wanna get out of hee.
- (also heard laughing with the others after scaring Cera)
Littlefoot's Mother
- Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.
- Let your heart guide you. It whispers so listen carefully.
- [to Littlefoot, in cloud form] Littlefoot...
- Oh... I see. Now, it is nobody's fault. The Great Circle of Life has begun, but, you see, not all of us arrive together at the end.
- Once, upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, long before you, before the ape and the elephant as well, before the wolf, the bison, the whale, before the mammoth and the mastodon... was the time of the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were of two kinds: some had flat teeth and ate the leaves of trees, while others had sharp teeth for eating meat, and they preyed upon the leaf-eaters. Then leaves began to die. The mighty beasts who appeared to rule earth were ruled, in truth, by the leaf. Desperate for food, some dinosaur herds struck out toward the west, searching for their Great Valley - a land still lush and green. It was a journey toward life. It was a march of many dangers. Sharpteeth stalked the herds, waiting to seize any who strayed. The leaf-eaters stopped only to hatch their young.
- All that remained of his herd was his mother, grandmother and his grandfather. He knew them by sight, by scent, and by their love. He knew they would be together, always.
- In this time of the clashing of continents, a great earthquake split the land. Herds were divided. Families were cut in two. Littlefoot was separated from his grandparents. Cera was on one side of the divide; her parents were on the other.
- At first, Littlefoot could only think about his mother. He hardly noticed his own hunger and had forgotten about the Great Valley and that he must somehow reach it.
- Then Littlefoot knew for certain he was alone, and although the Great Valley was far away, the journey there was perilous. He would have to find his way, or the chain of life would be broken.
- So the five hungry dinosaurs set off for the Great Valley. There had never been such a herd before. A long-neck, a three-horn, a big-mouth, a flyer and a spike-tail. All together. All knowing that if they lost their way, they would starve... or find themselves in Sharptooth's shadow.
- Littlefoot had been wrong about the Sharptooth, but the others followed him. Their only hope was to reach the Great Valley, and Littlefoot alone knew the way.
- Though, they were sourced out and tired, Littlefoot urged them on. He'd never seen the Great Valley, but his heart told him that they were close. Surely, at the top, they'd behold it, finally.
- Cera was still too proud to admit that she'd gone the wrong way. [Cera cries]
- And Littlefoot found his grandmother and grandfather at last. The same loving faces he'd looked into on the day of his birth.
- [last released lines] And they all grew up together in the valley - generation upon generation, each passing on to the next the tale of their ancestors' journey to the valley long ago.
- Ducky: [giggles] Mama.
- Ducky's Mom: Hmm.
- Littlefoot: When will we get there?
- Littlefoot's Mother: The bright circle will pass over us many times, and we must follow it each day until it touches the ground.
- Littlefoot: Have you ever seen the Great Valley?
- Littlefoot's Mother: No.
- Littlefoot: Well, then how do you know it's really there?
- Littlefoot's Mother: Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.
- Littlefoot: I don't understand, Mother.
- Littlefoot's Mother: You will, my son. You will.
- Rooter: Hey! What's going on here?
- [Littlefoot starts crying]
- Rooter: What's your problem? You're not hurt.
- Littlefoot: It's not fair! She should have known better! That was Sharptooth! It's all her fault!...
- Rooter: All who's fault?
- Littlefoot: Mother's!
- Rooter: Oh... I see. I see.
- Littlefoot: Why'd I wander so far from home...?
- Rooter: Oh, it's not your fault. It's not your mother's fault. Now, you pay attention to old Rooter: it is nobody's fault. The Great Circle of Life has begun, but, you see, not all of us arrive together at the end.
- Littlefoot: What am I gonna do? I miss her so much.
- Rooter: And you'll always miss her. But she'll always be with you, as long as you remember the things she taught you. You'll never really be apart, for you're still a part of each other.
- Littlefoot: My tummy hurts.
- Rooter: Well, that, too, will go in time, little fella. Only in time.
- Littlefoot: [He gasps for rumble Sharptooth appears.]
- Cera: Ohh, Sharptooth! Help!
- Littlefoot: Mother!
- Cera, Littlefoot: HEEELLLP!
[He's getting away for Sharptooth's foot by splash.]