The Magic School Bus
This page is for quotes from The Magic School Bus children's televison show and related media.
- Ms. Frizzle: Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!
- Ms. Frizzle: Never say "never."
- Ms. Frizzle: Bus, do your stuff!
- Ms. Frizzle: To the bus!
- Ms. Frizzle: Seatbelts, everyone!
- Ms. Frizzle: Buckle up, everyone!
- Ms. Frizzle: Look for connections.
- Ms. Frizzle: As I always say...
- Ms. Frizzle: As my
used to say, - Ms. Frizzle: Wahoo!
- Ms. Frizzle: I couldn't have said it better myself!
- Carlos: (Tells a joke, mostly pun related)
- Class: Carlos! (after Carlos tells a joke)
- Arnold: I knew I should've stayed home today.
- Ralphie: Is it just me or
- Ralphie: I think I'm gonna be sick!
- Tim: We've been Frizzled.
- Dorothy Ann: According to my research
- Phoebe: At my old school, we never
- Phoebe: Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?
- Keesha: Oh, bad, oh, bad, oh, bad, bad, bad! (This varies depending on the episode.)
- Keesha: Let's get the facts.
- Wanda: What're we gonna do, what're we gonna do, what're we gonna do?!
- Wanda: Come on you weasley wimps!
- Wanda, Phoebe, or Keesha:
Arnold, you're a genius!
Ms. Frizzle
- Beam us up, Lizzy! (from The Magic School Bus Out Of This World episode; a play on William Shatner's supposed catch-phrase from Star Trek)
- The more mixed up things are, the better the solution.1 (from The Magic School Bus Gets Ready, Set, Dough episode)
- Arnold: I've got a plan!
Ms. Frizzle: I knew you would eventually. (from The Magic School Bus In the Arctic) Well, Phoebe, it's looks as if you have a tail to tell. (from The Magic School Bus In the City) Over the river and through the woods/To Arnold and Phoebe's rescue we go! (from The Busasaurus episode) - Carlos: But, I'm just one kid. What can I do?
Ralphie: Wing it, Carlos!
Ms. Frizzle: May the rocks be with you soon, Carlos! (from "The Magic School Bus Getting Energized) - Ms. Frizzle: Anyone know what you call a 65-million-year-old dinosaur egg? (class shakes their heads) Eggstinct! (laughs) Get it? Eggstinct! (from "The Busasarus" episode)
- I think my great aunt Penny said it best: "A lost ball can go a long way." (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode)
- As my uncle Wilbur used to say, "Oh, you can lead a bus on water but you can't make it sink!" (from "The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs" episode)
- (sung) A sinking we will go! A sinking we will go! Down to the bottom, oh, a sinking we will go! (from The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs episode)
- As my uncle Vern once said, "Aargh, there's more than one way to sink a floater!" Coming, Liz? (from the Ups and Downs episode)
- As my uncle Windchill used to say, "Air today, gone tomorrow!" (from the Ups and Downs episode)
Arnold: Look! Look! Look! It's coming towards us!
<"monster" surfaces>
Class: The monster! Yikes!
Ms. Frizzle: Ah, good morning, class!
All but Wanda: Ms. Frizzle?!
Ms. Frizzle: Nothing like a dip in the deep!
Wanda: Are you looking for the monster, too, Ms. Frizzle?
Ms. Frizzle: Well, if you don't look, you don't see, and what you don't see can be very hard to find! (from the Ups and Downs episode)- Gerri Poveri: This is a warning! Monster alert! Stay out of the water! I repeat: stay out of the water!
Keesha: Hey. It's Gerri Poveri!
Gerri Poveri: For updates on the monster of Walker Lake, watch the next edition of IN YOUR FACE! You heard me, folks! Stay out of the water! Return to the safety of your homes!
Wanda: Wait a second! She doesn't own this lake! We can look for the monster if we want to, can't we, Ms. Frizzle?
Ms. Frizzle: Not only that; we can take chances, make mistakes, get wet!
Ralphie: Is it just me, or does this sound like a field trip?
Wanda: I propose an underwater expedition to learn the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about this monster!
Ms. Frizzle: Oh, splashing idea, Wanda! (from the Ups and Downs episode) - Ms. Frizzle:
Gotcha! I am afraid you can't put that globe together until you have all the pieces.
Dorothy Ann: So, there is a piece missing.
Carlos: I knew that!
Ms. Frizzle: Of course, there is a piece missing; an island so new, it hasn't even been discovered yet!
Pheobe: How can there be a new island?
Wanda: Everything is already here.
Keesha: Yeah. The earth never changes...
Pheobe, Wanda, and Keesha:...does it?
Ms. Frizzle: Actually, the earth is changing all the time!, right under your very own feet.
Class: It is?!
Dorothy Ann: Maybe I can find the island in one of my books. What's its name?
Ralphie: How can it have a name if it hasn't been discovered yet?
Carlos: Right, and besides, D.A., by the time you find a clue in all these books, we could discover this mystery island and name it ourselves!
Ms. Frizzle: What a postively explosive proposition, Carlos! Let's shake a leg, if you get my drift!
Arnold: You are not suggesting another field trip, are you, Ms. Frizzle?
Ms. Frizzle: To the bus! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode) - Gerri Poveri: Yes, well; it did, didn't it? Well, you must be very proud of your class, Ms. Frizzle!
Ms. Frizzle: Well, Gerri, as you yourself once said, "The truth always floats to the surface!" (from the Ups and Downs episode)
- Ms. Frizzle: Seatbelts everyone!
Arnold: Please let this be a normal field trip.
Wanda: With the Friz?
Class: No way! (from opening sequence) - Arnold: Turn on the heat, D.A.! It's too cold!
Dorothy Ann: I guess there's no heater in a bus-igator because it's a reptile.
Arnold: Then move the bus-igator to where it's warmer.
[Engine won't turn over]
Dorothy Ann: I can't do that either. The bus-igator isn't working.
Arnold: It's probably too cold, that's why.
Dorothy Ann: Maybe if we can bring heat to the bus, we can get it to move!
Arnold: If we're not careful, we could wind up inside a real alligator! (from The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet episode) - Keesha: What does a tuna fish look like?
Arnold: I don't know. I never saw one without mayonnaise. (from The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten episode) - Phoebe:
There. You don't look nearly so orange now.
Arnold: Phoebe! I can't go out there covered in flour! I look like a pumpkin pie! (from The Magic School Bus Goes Cellular episode)
Phoebe: Are you sure that dinosaur came this way?
Arnold: I'm only sure of one thing, Phoebe: if someone would have told me I'd be chasing a hungry dinosaur, I would've gotten off the bus a few million years sooner. (from The Busasaurus episode)On Earth, I had simple little chores. Emptying waste baskets, feeding the fish, clearing the table... (from The Magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space episode) That's it, Liz. If I catch you playing with this priceless artifact one more time, there's no chocolate-covered ants for a week! (from The Magic School Shows and Tells episode) - Phoebe: I might have made a mistake about that lizard. And I might have made a mistake about that jackrabbit. And I might have even made a mistake about that tortoise, but there's one thing I know I'm not wrong about.
Arnold: How much you wish you'd stayed home today? (from The Magic School Bus All Dried Up episode) I'll get Janet for this! (from The Magic School Bus Goes Cellular episode) Maybe you should have stayed home today, Phoebe. (from The Magic School Bus Goes to Seed episode) - Why couldn't Janet shrink instead of me? Life'd be so much easier. (from The Magic School Bus: Butterfly And The Bog Beast)
- Mr. Perlstein: Maybe we should have stayed home tonight.
Arnold: Dad, you took the words right out of my mouth! (from The Magic School Bus Going Batty episode) - Ralphie: Ms. Frizzle, wait!
Ms. Frizzle: Sorry. We have a busy day ahead of us. No time for waiting. Only time fortaking chances, making mistakes, getting messy! Hop in, Ralphie!
Arnold: I wonder if this could be another...naah, it couldn't be!Aaah! It is a field trip! (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode)
- The class is going to go inside Ralphie through a cut on his knee
Carlos: It's a short cut! Get it? "Short cut?" (from The Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie episode) - Desperate to get the kids out of the egg, Liz cracks it on her forehead.
Carlos: Hey, Liz, you've got egg on your face!
Class: And us! (from The Magic School Bus Cracks A Yolk episode) - Scarcity's the name of the game, Pheebs. Scare-see-tee. (from The Magic School Bus All Dried Up episode)
- The class is going to an undiscovered island and Carlos is propsing they name it "Carlos Island"
Dorothy Ann: Forget it! That's a pretty silly name for an island.
Carlos: What would you call it? "According to My Research Island?"
Dorothy Ann: That's too clunky. Wait a minute...I've got a book of names in here.
Carlos: You can't even think of a name without looking it up! (from The Magic School Bus Blows It's Top episode) Peew! As Ralphie would say, 'Is it just me or does this heat source smell like a dead fish?'. (from The Magic School Bus In the Arctic episode) - Ralphie: It's simple. All we have to do is build a robot that looks like me.
Carlos:Like this? (class laughs) (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode) - Carlos: I say we make a run for it before we're "D-E-F!"
Tim: "D-E-F?" What's that?
Carlos: Digested, eliminated, and forgotten! (from "The Busasaraus" episode) - It's just as I suspected! The dinos did them in! (from "The Busasarus" episode)
- Pheobe: (drops banana in water) Oh no, a banana floats!
Carlos: That's okay. I like banana splits beter.
Class: Carlos! (from "The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs" episode) - Pheobe: Everyone okay in there?
Ralphie: Happy as a herb, Pheobe. Let's do it!
Carlos: Man, now this is what I call an inside job!
Class: Carlos! (from The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet epsiode) - Whoa. Good one, Keesh. (from The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet episode)
- Pheobe: Come on, guys. Dinosaurs couldn't have been that mean.
Carlos: Get real, Pheobe. Dinosaurs are the biggest and meanest things that ever lived! All that fighting and slaugherting; now that would be a field trip! (from The Busasarus episode) - RU Humerus: Look out below!
Long time, no see, Valerie!
Pheobe: They must know each other!
Ms. Frizzle: Class, meet Radius Unla Humerus. Magical mechanic at large!
Carlos: RU Humerus, as in upper arm bone, or RU Humerus, as in very funny? Ha! I love it!
Keesha and Wanda: Carlos! (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode)
Dorothy Ann
- Wanda: What'll happen if the sound of Carlos' instrument stays...
[Instrument sound]
Wanda: ...just like that?
Dorothy Ann: Oh, our concerto will be ruined. All the other schools will laugh at us, and it'll be the end of the world as we know it. Other than that? Nothing. (from The Magic School In The Haunted House episode) - According to my research, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but I don't know--my best friend is my book bag. (from The Magic School Bus Explores Inside the Earth software game)
- Tim: Patience, Wanda, fishing is an art.
Dorothy Ann: So is tightrope walking, but we don't have time to learn it. (from The Magic School Bus Shows and Tells episode) - Keesha: How does she do that?
Dorothy Ann: Not easily, I expect! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode) - Push your wings down, Carlos! (from "The Magic School Bus Taking Flight" episode)
- Keesha: Cut it out, Ralphie! Our parents are here at night because they are too busy during the day, and that's all!
Dorothy Ann: Right! And give me back my book! (from "The Magic School Bus Going Batty" episode) - Dorothy Ann's Mom: What are you doing, Dorothy Ann?
Dorothy Ann: Something really important, Mom.
Dorothy Ann's Mom: At 4:00 in the morning? You'll be too tired for school!
Dorothy Ann: Mom, I don't know how to tell you this, but there may be no school! (from "The Magic School Bus Out of This World" episode) - Push, Ralphie! Don't let the pressure get you! (from "The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top" episode)
- Dorothy Ann: We have to get down there, Ms. Frizzle! I need my books to find that island!
Arnold: Wouldn't it be easier to go to a bookstore?
Dorothy Ann: Please, Ms. Frizzle! I am nothing without my books! Me books! Books me! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode) - (globe has just collapsed)
Carlos: Oh, man!
Dorothy Ann: Carlos, according to my research, it looks to me as if you need one more piece.
Carlos: If you didn't spend so much time reading and researching, you might actually do something!
Dorothy Ann: And if you had spent more time researching, you would've known how to put this globe together! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode) - Arnold: Can we get back to the play? These rings are killing me!
Dorothy Ann: There is no time for a play! We have to evacute the school this instant!
Pheobe: Why?
Tim: What's the problem, D.A.?
Dorothy Ann: An asteriod is on a direct collision course with earth!
Class: An asteriod?
Ralphie: You mean like that big rock Arnold's loony cousin Janet tried to bring back from space?
Dorothy Ann: Exactly, Ralphie; only my asteriod is bigger! And, according to my calcuations, sometime in the next 24 hours, it is going to crash into our school and destroy it! (from The Magic School Bus Out of This World episode) - Carlos: We still have to find Arnold and Pheobe before it's too late; before those dinos...
Dorothy Ann: Don't say it, Carlos! (from The Busasarus episode) - Oh, we can't budge it, Ms. Frizzle! We need help! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode)
- Ralphie:
I command you, Ralphiebot; make me a sandwich.
Keesha: Let's see. There is a lamp shade head, a racer control, cheery management...
Ralphie:Quiet! I need to concentrate! I command you, Ralphiebot; make me a sandwich! Now! Can you make me a sandwich? Please? Please! How about a half a sandwich?
Wanda: He doesn't move or bend.
Phoebe: He doesn't do anything.
Keesha:Just like Ralphie! (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode) - They're not drinking blood. It's tomato juice! Like Ms. Frizzle served at the class picnic! (from The Magic School Bus Going Batty episode)
- Arnold: Since we can't eat our report, do you want some organic potato chips?
Keesha:No thanks, I had some phytoplankton earlier. (from The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten episode) - Yeah, as if. (from The Magic School Bus Rocks and Rolls episode)
- Ralphie:
I command you, Ralphiebot; bow to your ruler and master: Ralphie the Magnificent!
Arnold: It's not bowing.
Keesha: Would you blame it? I wouldn't either. (Carlos laughs) (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode)
Ralphie: What was that?
Carlos: The sound of a hungry dinosaur ordering an Arnold burger!
Keesha: With Phoebe fries to go! (from The Magic School Bus Busasaurus episode)- Ralphie: Well, Keesha. Ready to admit this is the greatest idea in the history of kidkind?
Keesha: We'll see, Ralphie; we'll see. (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode) - Keesha: Can so!
Ralphie: Cannot!
Mrs. Franklin: Keesha?!
Ms. Frizzle: Hmmm. No one out there. Only some juicy tidbits for the bats.
Ralphie: Kid bits! She's talking about us! She wants to feed us to the bats. Run for your lives!
Keesha: She said, "tidbits, not kid bits!" (from The Magic School Bus Going Batty episode)
- Phoebe: C'mon, Arnold, let him go. It's just an egg.
Arnold: But it's Dr. Skeledon's egg. And it's up to me to get it back to her!
Phoebe: Gee, what a guy! (from The Busasaurus episode) If only I could just do it once, just to see what it feels like. (from The Magic School Bus Gains Weight episode) It's a good thing you didn't stay home today, Arnold!2 (from The Busasaurus episode) Anyone have a fifty foot plastic cup? (from The Magic School Bus Spins a Web episode) - Phoebe: But, Wanda, think of all the good things recycling does.
Wanda: Okay, Phoebe, name three.
Phoebe: Well, um...I just know there's lots! (from The Magic School Bus Holiday Special episode) - Carlos: But the bat news is we're still bats!
Phoebe: Fangs for reminding us, Carlos.
Class: Phoebe! (from The Magic School Bus Going Batty episode) - Phoebe: At my old school, we never rode on bees.
Keesha: Um, Phoebe, we are at your old school.
Phoebe: Oh...right. (from The Magic School Bus Goes to Seed episode) Yep, Ralphie, you sure know how to wing it. (from The Magic School Bus Going Batty episode) - Arnold:
Don't feel bad, Phoebe. Only a giant spider could trap that general.
Phoebe:Yes! Arnold, you're a genius! (from The Magic School Bus Spins A Web episode) At my old school, we never ended up in the toilet. (from The Magic School Bus For Lunch episode) - I know Arnold likes rocks, but do you really think he'd swallow one? (from The Magic School Bus For Lunch episode)
- Wanda: What're we gonna do? What're we gonna do? What're we gonna do? .
Phoebe: Wanda? What're we gonna do? (from The Magic School Bus For Lunch episode) - Keesha: We need a mascot that's different.
Carlos: It's got to be so exciting the other team won't know what hit them!
Phoebe: I got it! I got it!
Class: What?
Phoebe: The Walker Elementary School BUTTERFLIES! (from The Magic School Bus Butterfly and Bog Beast episode) Go swimming in Arnold's digestive juice? Not me, no way! How was I supposed to know she had digestive juice scuba gear? (from The Magic School Bus For Lunch episode) - At my old school, we never got baked. (from The Magic School Bus Gets Ready, Set, Dough episode)
We hardly weigh anything, compared to my old planet, Earth. (from The Magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space) - Phoebe: Something tells me we shouldn't be here.
Arnold: Like what?
Phoebe: Like that! (from The Busasaurus episode) - Phoebe: Low-dee-low-dee-low! (from The Magic School Bus In the Haunted House episode)
- Phoebe: (runs into Carlos) Sorry, Carlos!
Carlos: Hey, Pheobe! What's the rush?!
Pheobe: It's my weekend to bring Liz home. I have to get her ready. (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode) - Pheobe: Oh, no! Have we been robbed?
Wanda: Liz is missing!
Pheobe: Missing?! But she was here yesterday! (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode) - Wanda: So that doesn't explain why Liz would pack up all her stuff and leave us! What if she's in terrible danger?
Pheobe: Oh, man! If only we knew what it was like to be a lizard, to feel how Liz feels, to get in inside her skin; maybe then, maybe then we'd know the answer!
Ms. Frizzle: I couldn't have said it better myself! To the bus! (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode) - Ralphie: Yikes! An alligator crossing!
Pheobe: They're probably there to keep visitors out!
Carlos: Or keep Liz in!
(car horn)
Wanda: Hey, look out! (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode) - Carlos: Toasted and stuffed? Sounds like that turtle's about to become somebody's dinner!
Pheobe: Oh no! What if Liz is next?
Wanda: Liz a la mode! Sprinkled with pecans and a light honey chestnut glaze!
Pheobe: Oh, if we could only get inside! (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode) - Pheobe: Okay. Since they won't let us in, we have to get inside without them knowing we are inside. What we need is...a disguise!
Dorothy Ann: I've got it! A trojan horse!
Ralphie: No way, D.A.! They only take reptiles. And a horse isn't a reptile.
Dorothy Ann: Not a real horse, Ralphie. According to my research, in ancient times, Greek soldiers built a huge wooden horse, and hid inside it to fool their enemies.
Pheobe: That's it! We turn the bus into a trojan alligator! (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode) - Liz? Liz? Where are you? (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode)
- Pheobe: Where's Wanda?
Ralphie: And where is the monster?
Arnold: What if the monster ate her?
Pheobe: But I wanted to feed it!
Class: Pheobe!
Pheobe: Just kidding! (from "The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs" episode) - When did you guys become reptiles? (from The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet episode)
Pheobe: Don't worry, guys! I'll save you!
Keesha: Liz, it's us! How are you doing?
Pheobe: Say hello to freedom! (door opens and Harry enters) Aaah!
Harry: Pardon me, young lady! Where are you going with those reptiles?
Pheobe: Uh, not this way! HELP! (from The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet episode)- Ralphie: Besides, none of us will ever have to do chores again, when I say, "Ralphiebot, clean the bus!"
Pheobe: Uh, guys? I think he moved! (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode) - Phoebe: SNAP OUT OF IT, RALPHIE!! According to this page, there should be some blankets right up here. [opens up a cupboard and puts her hand inside and feels a slosh] EEWW, GROSS!! What kind of blanket is this?!
Ralphie: Looks like a fat blanket. Hey, it may be gross, but that backing sure traps heat. [the bus leans to the right] Oh! We're done for! [He and Phoebe can see walruses on the ice floe outside the bus] [banging on the window] SCRAM!! BEAT IT!! Don't mean to be rude, but you're too HEAVY!! (From The Magic School Bus In the Arctic episode)
- Arnold: Not another field trip!
Wanda: Cheer up, Arnold. A famous poet once said, "All the world's a field trip, and all the kids in our class are merely guinea pigs"...or did Ms. Frizzle say that? (from The Magic School Bus Butterfly and Bog Beast episode) - Wanda: But this is dishonest!
Gerri Poveri: Oh, no, no, I prefer to think it as..."creative journalism."
Wanda: Call it what you want; you won't get away with it!
Gerri Poveri: Why, nobody's going to believe you! You're just a little kid!
Wanda: We'll see about that! (from the Ups And Downs episode) - Tim: Anyone have a good plan B?
Wanda: There aren't any good plan B's, Tim! If they were good, they'd be plan A! (from The Magic School Bus Out of This World episode) - Arnold: Janet's right, Ms. Frizzle could be on Saturn, couldn't she?
Wanda: Okay, Arnold, but it's your job to keep your crazy cousin under control! (from the Magic School Bus Gets Lost In Space episode) - She said, "I would love it if you would come over and ring my bell!"! (from the Magic School Bus Gets Charged episode)
- Yawn burger with a side of snores! (from The Magic School Bus Out of The World and Wet All Over episodes)
- RU Humerus:
Well, no one's more important than you, my little togglebolt.
Wanda: "My little togglebolt"? (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode) - Janet: As someone we all know says, this is a yawn burger with a side of snores!
Wanda: It is not, Janet! (from The Magic School Bus Gets A Bright Idea episode) - Keesha: Go ahead, Ralphie. Open the door.
Ralphie: It was your idea!
Wanda: Move aside, you weasely wimps! I'll do it! (from "The Magic School Bus Going Batty" episode) - Carlos: Hey! I think we just passed my house!
Keesha: Take a good look, Carlos. This may be the last time you see it!
Wanda: Come on you, weasely wimps! Where's your spirit of adventure? We're on the path to glory! (from "The Magic School Bus Taking Flight" episode) - Gotta take action! Get those wings down! (from "The Magic School Bus Taking Flight" episode)
- Stand by for lock, Ralphie! (from The Magic School Bus Taking Flight episode)
- Bubbles at 12:00! (from "The Magic School Bus Taking Flight" episode)
- Hi. I'm but an innocent school child who has innocently lost her innocent baseball over your pets. May I innocently come in and innocently get it back? (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet" episode)
- Carlos: Tell us, Wanda. How does it feel to have saved Walker Elementary School from sure destruction?
Wanda: Sorry, no comet! (from "The Magic School Bus Out of This World" episode) - Carlos: Cool. Then we don't have to blast it. We can melt it.
Tim: Melt it?
Arnold: From here?
Ralphie: How?
Wanda: The sun, Arnold! The great melter of the sky! (from the Out of This World episode) - Wanda: Did you see it yet? Did you touch it?
Dorothy Ann: What took you so long? We thought you'd be the first one here.
Wanda: Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to be the first one down there! I'm going to the bottom of the lake to find the monster!
Pheobe: I don't know, Wanda! What would Ms. Frizzle say?
Wanda: It's the weekend, Pheobe. No school; no Ms. Frizzle. (from the Ups and Downs episode) - Ralphie: Cut it out, Pheobe! It's crumpled enough in here without you squirming around like an eel!
Pheobe: I'm just getting ready to feed the monster when we find it.
Wanda: When I find it, you mean! (from the Ups and Downs episode) - Gerri Poveri: So, that's all that remains of the monster of Walker Lake.
Wanda: I know we ruined your story, but the truth had to be told.
Gerri Poveri: Well, I have to hand it to you. You're certainly a brave bunch of kids. And your camerawork is excellent, Tim.
Tim: Thanks, Gerri. Hi, Mom!
Wanda: We may have been brave, but you were wrong to perpetrate this hoax! You owe your public an apology!
Gerri Poveri: Yes, yes. Right you are, Wanda.To these kids here, and to all my viewers out there, I'm so sorry!
Gerri Poveri: So, let's look once again at what got you a spot on this show, and me: a chance to star in a brand new, underwater action adventure series! How did you do it?
Wanda: We knew the monster was big enough and light enough to float, so all we had to do is let it loose! And you know the rest: your very own monster ended up IN YOUR FACE! (from the Ups and Downs episode)
- Phoebe: It's only a centepede
Ralphie: "Only a centepede"? That's like saying, "Oh, it's only Godzilla"! (from The Magic School Bus Spins a Web episode)
Ralphie: This is insane!
Wanda: Consider the alternative.
Ralphie:You know, biking is my favorite sport. (from The Magic School Bus For Lunch episode) - Phoebe: Janet, not only are we lost in space...
Ralphie: We're lost in space without a teacher! (from The Magic School Bus Gets Lost In Space episode) - We should try my mother's calzones instead of a banana. They go down like rocks. (from The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs episode)
- Arnold: I knew I should've--
Ralphie: Don't say it, Arnold! (from The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles episode) Hey, your bathroom is way nicer than ours! (from The Magic School Bus Wet All Over episode)
Dorothy Ann: Push! This is the chance of a lifetime!
Ralphie: The end of a lifetime, you mean! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode)Is it just me, or does this look like the final field trip? (from The Magic School Bus All Dried Up episode) - This is Ralphie for FNN, the Frizzle News Network. (from The Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie episode)
- Maybe we should use my mom's calzone instead of a banana. They go down like rocks! (from The Magic School Bus Ups and Downs episode)
- How on Earth--I mean, how am I going to prove I was on Mercury? (from The Magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space episode)
- Phoebe: At my old school, we'd use a bulldozer to move heavy things.
Janet: That's great, Phoebe. And where're we supposed to get a bulldozer? (from The Magic School Bus Gets Swamped episode) - Janet: It must cold down there because Saturn's pretty far away from the sun.
Tim: But Ms. Frizzle said "cold and dark".
Janet: It could be very, very dark on Saturn!
Carlos: Oh, no you don't! You just want to grab more stuff!
Janet: Hey, I'm just trying to help! If you want to play "Let's Find Ms. Frizzle Without A Map" for the rest of your life, that's FINE with me!
(from The Magic School Bus Gets Lost In Space episode) - Janet: Wait until I tell my class I won the jumping contest on Mercury, too!
Carlos: Do you know what your class will say to that?
Janet: What?
Carlos and Dorothy Ann: Prove it! (from "The Magic School Bus Gets Lost In Space" episode) - Pheobe:
But butterflies are full of surprises!
Carlos: Like what?
Janet: Yeah! Like what?
Class: Janet!
Janet: The one and only! Arnold's favorite cousin! (drops to Arnold) I am your favorite cousin, right, Arnold?
Arnold: You are my only cousin, Janet!
Janet: You're so cute! (turns to Pheobe) We know the real reason why you make a complete wimp like a butterfly as a mascot.
Phoebe: You do?
Ralphie: We do?
Janet: Isn't today's soccer game against...your old school? (from The Magic School Bus Butterfly and Bog Beast episode) - This butterfly is not only a wimp; it's dingy! (from The Magic School Bus Butterfly and the Bog Beast episode)
- Arnold: Gee, Janet. What happened to you?
Janet: You almost lost your cousin, Arnold! It was "die in the swamp" or "go head-to-hand with the bog beast!"
Phoebe: Really?
Janet: Yeah! And you're not going to believe what it looked like!
Tim: Was it anything like......this butterfly?
Janet: That's it! I, cousin Janet, saw the bog beast and...oh, did you say "butterfly?"
Phoebe: Uh-huh.
Janet: You mean, there's no such thing as a "bog beast?"
Ms. Frizzle: A "bog beast" can be anything that lives in the swam, Janet. In this case, it turned out to be a butterfly.
Janet: Well, I sort of knew that, yeah, and like, well, yeah.
Phoebe: Janet, you got it! The best possible mascot! The bog beast butterflies!
Janet: Yeah! Sure! Why not? I guess we were both right, huh, Phoebe? (from The Magic School Bus Butterfly and the Bog Beast episode)
More Quotes
- Wanda: Hmmm. "The Quiet Room."
Keesha: Whoa. It's like a fridge in here!
Wanda: Some of these creatures look like they've been here for months.
Carlos: And that one on the end looks like...
Class: ...Liz! (from The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet episode) - Dorothy Ann: Oh, no! My books! Ralphie: I gotcha!
Wanda: Come on, you weasley wimps! Pull! (from The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top episode)