The Mask (film)

The Mask is a 1994 action comedy film based on a series of comic books published by Dark Horse Comics.

Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask

  • Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssmokin'!

  • It's party time! P-A-R-T-whY? Because I gotta!

  • [after smashing an alarm clock] Snoooooooooooze!

  • Look, Ma, I'm roadkill! Ha ha ha!

  • Look at that! It's exactly two seconds before I honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head.

  • Hold onto your lugnuts - it's tiiiiime for an overhaul!!!

  • Hold on, sugar! Daddy's got a sweet tooth tonight!

  • Sssomebody stop me!

  • Uh-oh...can't make the scene if you don't have the green; I better make a little stop.

  • How do?

  • Let's rock this joint!

  • Our love is like a red, red rose... and I am a little thorny.

  • Ya got me, partner!

  • [after being shot] Hold me closer, Ed, it's getting dark... [coughs] Tell Auntie Em to let Old Yeller out... [coughs]...tell Tiny Tim I won't be coming home this Christmas... [coughs]...tell Scarlett I do give a damn!! (coughs on thug, a fart is heard) Pardon me... [he dies, an audience appears and applauds while The Mask is handed Oscar acting award] Thank you! You love me! You really love me!

  • [in Clint Eastwood voice] You gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" WELL, DO YA... PUNKS?!

  • [after swallowing a bomb, then belching out the explosion; Italian accent] THAT'S A SPICY MEATBALL!!!

  • This guy's incorrigible.

  • [after defeating Dorian, with an Eddie G. Robinson voice] You were good, kid, real good. But as long as I'm around, you'll always be second best, see?

Dorian Tyrell

  • Son of a bitch!

  • [about The Mask] That guy dancin' with Tina? He's dead meat. Come on.

  • Ice this deadbeat!

  • 50 grand. 50 grand to the man who finds that green-faced son of a bitch before the cops do. I want you to get the word out to every street hustler, to every lowlife in this town. I want him in here tomorrow, alive. You still here? Come on, let's go!

  • I'm just an ex-employee, who's come for his back pay. Or should I say, payback!

  • Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be your host for the remainder of the evening.


Driver: Hey, get out of the road!
The Mask: I think he wants to communicate! [The Mask holds up a horn and blows it at the driver, which shatters the car's windows with its volume.]

Dorian Tyrell: Son of a bitch! [throws the cigarette lighter over the glass window; to Eddie] Eddie, who did this, man?!
Eddie: [pointing to The Mask] Him. That's--that's the guy.
Dorian Tyrell: That guy dancin' with Tina? He's dead meat. Come on!

Dorian Tyrell: Okay, Twinkle-Toes, I want to know where my money is and I want to know right now!
The Mask: Okay. [reveals a cashier] You've got 17.5% in T-bills amortized over the fiscal year. 8% in stocks and bonds. Carry the nine, divide by the gross national product. Fortunately, funeral bouquets are deductible!
Dorian Tyrell: [to Orlando] Ice this deadbeat!

Kellaway: Margaret! You son of a bitch!
The Mask: Jeez, I figured you had a sense of humour. After all... YOU MARRIED HER!
[Kellaway shouts angrily; The Mask rapidly slaps the sides of his and his partner's faces.]
The Mask: That's gotta hurt! [makes weird sound then whizzes off.]

Doyle: Aw, come on, Lieutenant. It's not all your fault. Something would turn up.
Kellaway: Sure, Stanley Ipkiss is gonna fall right into my lap. [falls when Stanley falls on him, then tears the tape off Stanley's mouth]
Stanley Ipkiss: OW!
Kellaway: Ipkiss!
Stanley Ipkiss: Wait, I can explain everything!
Kellaway: Oh, yeah? You can explain everything? [finds a green rubber mask] Explain this.
Stanley Ipkiss: Um...
Kellaway: Get him up!

Kellaway: Freeze! [The Mask literally freezes] Put your hands up!
The Mask: [with teeth clenched] But you told me to freeze!
Kellaway: All right, all right, un-freeze. [The Mask defrosts and falls to the ground] You're under arrest.
The Mask: [Desperate voice] No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! [gets up, in normal voice] All right, I confess! I did it, ya hear? And I'm glad, glad I tell ya! [begs on the ground] What are they gonna do to me, Sarge? What are they gonna do?!
Kellaway: [slaps handcuffs on The Mask] Sorry, son, that's not my department. Search him! [The Mask is pulled up and his [endless] pockets are searched]
The Mask: Ow! Where's a camcorder when ya need one? [snorty laugh]

The Mask: And last, but not least, my favorite! (Licks the balloon and twists it into a gun shape. Then it becomes real.) A Tommy gun!!
[The police are searching the Mask's pockets]
Police Officer: Bazooka...
The Mask: I have a permit for that.
Police Officer:...rubber chicken.
The Mask: I've never seen that before in my life.

[Dorian has just donned the Mask]
Dorian Tyrell: What a rush!
Eddie: Whoa, boss! You OK?
Dorian Tyrell: Better than ever, you idiot.
Eddie: What do we do with Ipkiss?
Dorian Tyrell: The police are looking for The Mask. So we'll give them The Mask. (He laughs evily)

Dorian Tyrell: I'm gonna take you apart! [he punches Stanley]
Stanley Ipkiss: Well, I hope you can enjoy the victory with one friggin' eye! [he pokes Dorian in the eye and punches him across the face]
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