The Master
The Master is a supporting character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He is a renegade Time Lord who is the greatest individual enemy of the Doctor and is widely regarded to be his arch-nemesis although some would argue that that title belongs to the Daleks. The Master was played by several different actors at various times, including Roger Delgado, Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers, Anthony Ainley, Gordon Tipple, Eric Roberts, Derek Jacobi and John Simm. His status is currently unknown, as his latest incarnation was killed, with him refusing to regenerate.
The Doctor and Master arrive via the Masters Tardis in the control room
Doctor: I envy you your TARDIS Master
Master: Excellent Doctor, envy is the beginning of all true greatness
[a person near the Doctor drums similarily on his legs]
[After the Doctor hangs up on the Master]
(He plays "I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters).
(Flashbacks of the Master Looking through the Vortex, and Master Dies)
Third Doctor's Serials
- The Master's catchphrase: I am the Master and you will obey me.
Terror of the Autons
- The Master: I am usually refered to as the Master...universally.
- The Doctor: You've come here to kill me, of course?
- The Master: But not without considerable regret.
- The Doctor: How very comforting.
- The Master: You see, Doctor, you're my intellectual equal. Almost. I have too few worthy opponents. When they've gone I always miss them.
The Dæmons
- The Master: I only need two things. Your submission and your obedience to MY WILL!
The Claws of Axos
- [On how to survive a nuclear blast.]
- The Master: You could take the usual precautions...sticky tape on the windows, that sort of thing.
Frontier in Space
- [Having seen through a bluff.]
- The Master: Thank you, Miss Grant -- we'll let you know!
The Deadly Assassin
- The Master: Predictable as ever, Doctor.
- The Master: You do not understand hatred as I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive. Why else should I endure this pain?
- The Master: I have suffered long enough from your stupid, stubborn interference in my designs! Now we are coming to the end of our conflict, Doctor.
- Nyssa : You killed my father.
- The Master: But his body remains useful.
- [The Master broadcasts to the entire universe from a radio tower"]
- The Master: Peoples of the Universe, please attend carefully. The message that follows is vital to the future of you all. The choice for you all is simple; a continued existence under my guidance or total annihilation.
The Doctor and Master arrive via the Masters Tardis in the control room
Doctor: I envy you your TARDIS Master
Master: Excellent Doctor, envy is the beginning of all true greatness
The Five Doctors
- Lord President Borusa: [To the Master] You are one of the most evil and corrupt beings our Time Lord race has ever produced. Your crimes are without number and your villainy without end.
- The Master: A cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about.
- The Master: [To the Cyber Leader] I am the Master, and your loyal servant.
- The Master: Killing you once was never enough for me, Doctor. How...how gratifying to do it three times over.
- Rassilon: [Before removing the Master from the Dark Tower] His sins will find their punishment in due time.
Planet Of Fire
- [To Peri.]
- The Master: I am the Master!
- Peri: So what? I'm Perpugilliam Brown, and I can shout just as loud as you can!
The Mark of the Rani
- The Master: You are indeed a worthy opponent, Doctor. It's what gives your destruction its... piquancy.
- The Master: [About the Doctor] You can't miss him. He's wearing yellow trousers and a vulgarly colored coat.
Eighth Doctor's TV Movie
- The Master: Oh, Doctor, soon I will have all your lives.
- The Master: I have wasted all my lives because of YOU, Doctor! Now I'll be rid of you.
- The Master: Life is wasted on the living!
- The Master: Oh no you don't!
- "Utopia" - as the Doctor is locking the TARDIS's coordinates.
- "Last of the Time Lords" - as he is wheeling the Doctor in his wheelchair, at the start of the episode.
- "Last of the Time Lords"-as The Doctor restores his youthful physiognomy via Archangel network's telepathic link.
- The Master: I am ... the Master!
- [Chantho threatens the Master with a gun]
- The Master: [brandishing a live electrical cable] Oh....! Now I can say I was provoked.
- [The Master has been fatally wounded]
- The Master: Killed by an insect! A girl! How... inappropriate.
- The Master: Now Doctor... Ohh new voice [low voice] Hello... [High voice] Hello... [Normal Voice] Hello
- The Master: Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat where I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me, I don't think!
- The Master: Use my name.
- The Doctor: Master... I'm sorry.
- The Master: TOUGH!
- [Whilst stealing the Doctor's TARDIS]
- The Master: End of the universe, have fun, Bye bye!.
"The Sound of Drums"
- The Master: (As In Harold Saxon, the British Prime Minister) This country has been sick, this country needs healing, this country needs medicine – in fact I'd go so far as to say that, what this country really needs, right now, is a Doctor.
- The Master: Let the work of government begin. [throws dossiers into the air]
- The Master: No, no, no, before all that I just want to say... Thank you. Thank you one and all. You ugly, fat-faced bunch of wet, snivelling traitors.
- Cabinet minister: Yes, quite... very funny. But I th-
- The Master: No, no. That wasn't funny. Hmmm, you see I'm not making myself very clear. Funny is like this [He smilies manically] Not funny is like this [He frowns] And right now, I'm not like - [He smiles again] - I'm like [He frowns] because you are traitors. Yes, YOU ARE! As soon as you saw the votes swinging my way, you abandoned your parties and you jumped on the Saxon bandwagon. So, this... is your reward.
- [He pulls out a gas mask and puts it on]
- Cabinet minister: Excuse me, Prime Minister, do you mind me asking, what is that?
- The Master: [muffled behind the mask] MphIt's a gphass maskph.
- Cabinet minister: I beg your pardon?
- The Master: [He pulls up the mask] It's a gas mask. [He grins and pulls it back down]
- Cabinet minister: Yes... but um.. why are you wearing it?
- The Master: Well, becauph omph the gphass.
- Cabinet minister: I'm sorry?
- The Master: [Pulling up the mask again] Because of the gas. [He pulls the mask back down]
- Cabinet minister: ...What gas?
- The Master: This gas.
- [Gas sprays into the room, killing the ministers inside]
- Cabinet minister: (Drowning) You're insane, Saxon!
- [The Master grins behind his gas mask and gives a double thumbs up
- Vivien Rook: Then tell me, who are you?
- The Master: I am the Master. And these... [The Toclafane teleport and appear beside Saxon] ...are my friends.
- The Master: Can't you hear it, Mrs Rook?
- Vivien Rook: What do you mean?
- The Master: The drumming, the drums ...coming closer, and closer.
- Lucy Saxon: You promised, you said Archangel was one hundred percent.
- The Master: [very much like The Doctor] Oh... ninety-nine, ninety-eight?
- The Master: [Talking on the phone] Doctor?
- The Doctor: Master.
- The Master: I like it when you use my name.
- The Doctor: You chose it. Psychiatrist's field-day.
- The Master: As you chose yours; "the man who makes people better", how sanctimonious is that?
- The Doctor: So ... Prime Minister then?
- The Master: I know! It's good, isn't it?
- The Doctor: Who are those creatures? 'Cause there's no such thing as the Toclafane, that's just a made-up name, like the "Bogeyman".
- The Master: Do you remember all those fairy tales about the Toclafane when we were kids? Back home... where is it, Doctor?
- The Doctor: Gone.
- The Master: [incredulous] ... How can Gallifrey be gone?
- The Doctor: [darkly] It burnt.
- The Master: And the Time Lords?
- The Doctor: Dead. [beat] And the Daleks, more or less. What happened to you?
- The Master: The Time Lords only resurrected me because they knew I'd be the perfect warrior for a Time War. I was there when the Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform. I saw it. I ran. I ran so far. Made myself human so they would never find me, because I was so scared.
- The Doctor: I know.
- The Master: All of them? But not you - which must mean....?
- The Doctor: I was the only one who could end it. And I tried, I did, I tried everything.
- The Master: What did it feel like, though? Two almighty civilizations burning, tell me how did that feel?
- The Doctor: Stop it!
- The Master: You must have been like God.
- The Doctor: [Still talking on the phone] I've been alone ever since. But not any more. Don't you see, all we've got is eachother.
- The Master: Are you asking me out on a date?
- The Doctor: You could stop this right now, we could leave this planet and we can fight across the constellations if that's what you want, but not on Earth!
- The Master: Too late.
- The Doctor: Why do you say that?
- The Master: The drumming. [drums fingers on the table] Can't you hear it? [drums again] I thought it would stop, but it never does. Never, ever stops. Inside my head, the drumming, Doctor. The constant drumming.
- The Doctor: I could help you. Please, let me help.
- The Master: It's everywhere. Listen, listen, listen. [drums on the table] Here come the drums. Here come the drums.
[a person near the Doctor drums similarily on his legs]
- The Doctor: What have you done? Tell me, how you done this? What are those creatures? Tell me!
- The Master: Oh look! You're on T.V.
- The Doctor: Stop it! Answer me.
- The Master: No seriously you're on telly. You and your little band, which by the way is ticking every demographic box so congratulations on that. Look there you are. [chuckles] You're public enemies numbers one, two and three. Oh and you can tell handsome Jack that I've sent his little gang on a wild goose chase to the himalayas, so he won't be getting any help from them. Now go on, off you go. Why not start by turning to your...right.
- The Doctor: [does so and sees a security camera] He can see us! [The Doctor uses the Sonic Screwdriver to break a nearby security camera].
- The Master: Ooh, you public menace! Better start running. Go on, Run!
[After the Doctor hangs up on the Master]
- The Doctor: He's got control over everything.
- Martha: What do we do?
- Jack: We've got nowhere to go.
- Martha: Doctor, what do we do?
- The Master: [Into phone] Run, Doctor! Run for your life!
- Martha: Doctor, what do we do?
- The Master: I said RUN!
- The Doctor: We run.
- [while watching the Teletubbies]
- The Master: Have you seen these things? This planet is amazing! Televisions in their stomachs, now that's evolution.
- The Master: Mr President, sir!
- U.S. President: From now on, UNIT has control of this operation.
- The Master: You make it sound like an invasion.
- The Master: You know what it's like... new job, all that paperwork. I think it's down the back of the settee. I did have a quick look, I found a pen, a sweet, a bus ticket, and er... have you met the wife?
- The Master: Anything I could do? I could make a tea, or is that not American enough? I dunno, I could make grits. What are grits anyway?
- The Master: Jelly Baby?
- The Master: Oh, alright then. It's me. Ta-da! Sorry sorry, I have this effect, people just get obsessed. Is it the smile? Is it the aftershave? Is it the capacity to laugh at myself? I dunno, it's crazy!
- U.S. President: Saxon, what are you talking about?
- The Master: I'm taking control, Uncle Sam. Starting with you. Kill him!
- [the Toclafane vaporise the President]
- The Master: People of the Earth, please attend carefully!
- [The Doctor rushes forward and is grabbed by two guards]
- The Master: We meet at last, Doctor! [He laughs] I love saying that!
- The Doctor: Stop this! Stop it NOW!
- The Master: As if the perception filter is going to work on me. [He spots Martha and Jack] And look, it's the girlie and the freak. Although I'm not sure which is which.
- [Jack runs at him and is shot down]
- The Master: Laser screwdriver! Who'd have sonic? And the good thing is, he's not dead for long, I GET TO KILL HIM AGAIN!
- The Doctor: Master, just calm down. Just look at what you're doing, just stop! If you could see yourself...
- The Master: [At the press] Oh, do excuse me, little bit of personal business. Back in a minute. [To the guards] Let him go.
- [The Doctor is flung to the floor]
- The Doctor: The drumming... that sound in your head. What if I could help?
- The Master: Oh, how to shut him up! Oh, I know, Memory Lane!
- The Master: [To The Doctor] Professor Lazarus, remember him? And his genetic manipulation device. What? Did you think that little Tish got that job merely by coincidence? I've been laying traps for you all this time... and if I can concentrate all that Lazarus technology into one little screwdriver.. But... ohh, if only I had the Doctor's biological code.. Oh, wait a minute, I do! I've got his hand! And if Lazarus made himself younger... what if I reverse it? Another... hundred years?
- The Master: [taunting Martha Jones] Ah.. the would-be doctor... But tonight, Martha Jones, we've flown them in! All the way from prison! [He gestures to the door where Martha's family are being forced into the room by guards.]
- The Doctor: The Toclafane... what are they?
- [The Master bends closer and mimes that he can't hear him]
- The Doctor: Who are they?
- The Master: Doctor, if I truly told you...[He puts his hand on the Doctor's hearts]...Your hearts would break.
- The Master: So, Earthlings. Basically... um... end of the world. HERE - COME - THE - DRUMS!
- The Master: [About the Toclafane] How many of them, do you think?
- Lucy Saxon: I..ah, I don't know..
- The Master: Six billion. Down you go kids!
- The Master: [To Lucy]Shall we decimate them? That sounds good, nice word... decimate. [To the Toclafane]Remove one tenth of the population!
- The Master: So it came to pass, that the human race fell... and the Earth was no more. And I looked down upon my new dominion, as Master of all, and I thought it... good
"Last of the Time Lords"
- The Master: Citizens, rejoice! Your lord and master stands on high, playin' Track 3!
(He plays "I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters).
- The Master: Ever since I was a child... I looked into the Vortex and that's when it chose me. The Drumming. The Call. To War.
- The Doctor: [to the Master] Weapon, after weapon, after weapon. All you do is talk, and talk, and talk. But over all these years... and all these disasters, I've always had the greatest secret of them all. I know you. You blow up those ships, you kill yourself... that's the one thing you can never do. Give that to me. [the Master, rather hesitant, hands over the self-destruct controller to the Doctor]
- The Doctor: You’ve got to! Come on. It can’t end like this. You and me, all the things we’ve done. Axons! Remember the Axons? And the Daleks. We’re the only two left. There's no one else.... REGENERATE!
- The Master: Heh ... how about that? [grins] I win.
- The Master: Will it stop, Doctor? The drumming. Will it stop?
(Flashbacks of the Master Looking through the Vortex, and Master Dies)
- The Doctor: Noooooo!