The Music Man

Harold Hill

  • "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you're left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering."

  • "A man can't turn tail and run just because a little personal risk is involved. What did Shakespeare say? 'Cowards die a thousand deaths, the brave man... only 500'? "

  • "It means, that America has finally produced a genius who can play the minute waltz in 50 seconds!"

  • "Never allow the demands of tomorrow to interfere with the pleasure and excitement of today."


  • Marsellus: The billiard parlor's just put in a new pool table.
    Harold: They never had a pool table before?
    Marsellus: No, only Billiards.


  • "It's Capulets like you that make blood in the market place, Ye Gods!"
    • Zaneeta Shinn

  • "You watch your phrasology!"
    • Mayor Shinn

  • "I can't believe I almost missed this oppourtunity! Wait a minute... I haven't got any son!"
    • Mayor Shinn


  • "But what the heck? You're welcome! Join us at the picnic, you can have your fill of all the food you bring yourself."
    • Iowa Stubborn

  • "All I want is a plain man
    All I want is a modest man
    A quiet man, a gentle man
    A straightforward and honest man
    to sit with me
    In a cottage
    Somewhere in the state of Iowa
    And I would like him to be
    More interested in me
    Than he is in himself
    And more interested in us
    Than in me."
    • My White Knight

  • "Trouble. I'm talkin' 'bout trouble, with a capital 'T' and that rhymes with 'P' and that stands for pool."
    • Ya Got Trouble

  • "Why sure, I'm a billiard player, certainly, I'm mighty proud to say it, always mighty proud to say it! I consider the hours that I spend with a cue in my hand are golden!It helps you cultivate a horse sense. A cool head, and a keen eye. Now folks, let me tell you what i mean. You got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pockets on a table! Pockets that mark the difference between a gentleman and a bum! That's a capital B THat rhymes with P that stands for pool!"
    • Ya Got Trouble
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