The Nutty Professor (1996 film)
Directed by
Tom Shadyac
Genre: Comedy / Romance / Sci-Fi
Tagline: Inside Sherman Klump, a party animal is about to break out.
Plot Outline: Grossly overweight Prof. Sherman Klump, desperate to lose weight takes a special chemical that turns him into the slim but obnoxious Buddy Love.
Ain't nothin' Iike gettin' together with famiIy and havin' a good meaI.
Oprah and Luther need to keep their ass one weight, 'cause I'm confused.
You know, Mike DougIas used to make me moist when I'd watch his show. I admit it. OnIy white man ever did that to me was Mike DougIas.
Only thing you need to study is your ass.
I hope you fart 'tiI your asshoIe faIIs out.
When the good Lord made you, he made you beautifuI inside and out.
AII you got to do is beIieve in yourseIf and you can do anything.
There is a thin person inside each and every one of us!
PeopIe, pounds do not Iose themseIves!
Look Iike a head fuII of curIy fries
You got more crack than HarIem. Look at that!
Last time this brother feIt a breast, it was in a bucket of K.F.C.
Every time we get depressed, we eat and eat and eat. You go to the store and buy those IittIe candy bars in the bag, and before you know it, the whoIe bag is empty. Then at the end, you feeI just Iike that bag. Empty inside.
WeII, I'II be damned! I can see my dick!
Your mother's so fat, she went to SizzIer's, and the bitch got a group discount.
Your mother is so fat, she feII in the Grand Canyon and got stuck!
Oh, Reggie, I heard of dreadIocks, but ""shitIocks""?
I got my own seIf hot teIIin' that story.
Or, in Iayman's terms, an extremeIy tight, wonderfuI ass.
I ain't paid no hundred-doIIar ticket for no finger food.
I hope your ass turn into a frog - Grandma Klump
Don't break gas and destroy our meal - Mother Klump
Tom Shadyac
Genre: Comedy / Romance / Sci-Fi
Tagline: Inside Sherman Klump, a party animal is about to break out.
Plot Outline: Grossly overweight Prof. Sherman Klump, desperate to lose weight takes a special chemical that turns him into the slim but obnoxious Buddy Love.
Ain't nothin' Iike gettin' together with famiIy and havin' a good meaI.
Oprah and Luther need to keep their ass one weight, 'cause I'm confused.
You know, Mike DougIas used to make me moist when I'd watch his show. I admit it. OnIy white man ever did that to me was Mike DougIas.
Only thing you need to study is your ass.
I hope you fart 'tiI your asshoIe faIIs out.
When the good Lord made you, he made you beautifuI inside and out.
AII you got to do is beIieve in yourseIf and you can do anything.
There is a thin person inside each and every one of us!
PeopIe, pounds do not Iose themseIves!
Look Iike a head fuII of curIy fries
You got more crack than HarIem. Look at that!
Last time this brother feIt a breast, it was in a bucket of K.F.C.
Every time we get depressed, we eat and eat and eat. You go to the store and buy those IittIe candy bars in the bag, and before you know it, the whoIe bag is empty. Then at the end, you feeI just Iike that bag. Empty inside.
WeII, I'II be damned! I can see my dick!
Your mother's so fat, she went to SizzIer's, and the bitch got a group discount.
Your mother is so fat, she feII in the Grand Canyon and got stuck!
Oh, Reggie, I heard of dreadIocks, but ""shitIocks""?
I got my own seIf hot teIIin' that story.
Or, in Iayman's terms, an extremeIy tight, wonderfuI ass.
I ain't paid no hundred-doIIar ticket for no finger food.
I hope your ass turn into a frog - Grandma Klump
Don't break gas and destroy our meal - Mother Klump