The Order of the Stick

The Order of the Stick is a fantasy-based webcomic based off a Dungeons & Dragons-themed universe by Rich Burlew.

Strips 1-99

  • Elan: Hi, Haley. Look, I found all these free swords. They were in my spleen.
Strip 6: The Cleric is "In"
  • Eugene Greenhilt: Hey, that deal was very clear: 'Til death do us part. Once I shuffle off the mortal coil, I'm free to play the field.
Strip 39: Spontaneous Artistic Expression
  • Belkar Bitterleaf: I have an idea. It starts with "s" and ends with "litting their throats."
Strip 72: Loose Ends

Strips 100-199

  • Xykon: Y'know, I've destroyed entire towns, and the most I got from the surviving families were a few snarky comments. You, sir, have a serious problem with overreaction.
Strip 112: Shatter
  • Elan: It's true what they say: "Hard work may pay off in the long run, but laziness always pays off right now!"
Strip 126: Multiclass Struggles
  • Belkar: Tell me, is being a complete and utter moron a prerequisite for the class, or a side effect of taking a level?
Gortok: Let Gortok answer your question with a question: Who will be the moron after Gortok's white-hot anger crushes your little body into a mangled bloody pulp while Gortok sings a jaunty tune to accompany your unanswered cries for mercy?
Strip 132: Kindred Spirits
  • Xykon: I think I just had an evilgasm.
Strip 197: A Change of Scale

Strips 200-299

  • Belkar: It's like the old song says: If I can kill it here, I can kill it anywhere.
Strip 206: Hidden Benefit of Being an Adventurer
  • Miko: The proper term is "smite evil", not "bump uglies."
Strip 212: Dirt Farm
  • Miko: By the Twelve Gods and in the name of Lord Shojo, I demand to know: Who removed the tag from this mattress?!?
Strip 227: AR&R
  • Belkar: Hey Sweet Thing, wanna hold my Rod of Lordly Might? If you push the right button, it might extend!
Strip 244: What? It's a Legitimate Magic Item
  • Belkar: It's as true today as when I started adventuring: "When in doubt, set something on fire."
Strip 270: Dueling Egos
  • Celia: Hey, I don't make the crazy rules, I just twist them to my purpose.
Strip 278: A New Strategy

Strips 300-399

  • Redcloak: So help me, if you make me sail a ship made of hobgoblin corpses across the ocean, I will find a way to make you pay.
Strip 300: Pick Your Doom
  • Roy: Truly, your wit has never been equaled. Surpassed, often, but never equaled.
Strip 327: The Test of the Mind
  • Nale: Must...resist...urge to assert...heterosexuality! For the sake...of the plan!
Strip 365: Caught in the Act

Strips 400-499

  • Shojo: Look, O-Chul, I have two tasks that need to be completed. One involves three prisoners whose existence is now a state secret. The other involves cleaning up what came out of my cat's butt this morning. And Mr. Scruffy had a very upset tummy last night, didn't he? Didn't he?
Strip 404: A Paladin's Duty
Strip 439: Seeing Orange
  • Xykon: Goddamn, it, I forgot how much pain tends to hurt!
Striip 459: Negative Feelings
  • Belkar: Sorry, Scarface. Looks like one of us has an appointment with that thing's esophagus, and I nominate you, on account of you not being me.
Strip 477: Shock and Awwwwww
  • Roy: So...I could have all the one-night stands I want, but I'd have to have them at my Mom's house ? Are you trying to make people feel guilty about sex ?
Roy's Archon: Actually, yes. We've found that our Lawful patrons generally expect it that way.
Strip 492: Things to Do in Heaven When You're Dead

Strips 500-599

  • Haley:Anyway, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, I won initiative, so you guys get a sneak attack each. The good news is, I don't have to bother thinking up a second half to that joke, 'cause you're all dead now.
Strip 512: They've Had Time to Train, Too
  • Haley: This story is swiftly moving from fantasy to horror - and just my luck, I'm stuck in the role of the bimbo who runs down the alley away from the monsters. I swear, if I randomly fall down and break the heel of my boot, I'm going to find Wes Craven and kick his ass.
Strip 519: Nightmare on Blue Street
  • Elan: Fight, fight, fight, fight the urge to say, "I told you so!"
Strip 556: Nuthin' But Net
  • Kazumi: I'm a goddamn baby-making, life-taking MACHINE! Why should I care how many people I have to kill? I can just make MORE in my TUMMY!
Strip 587: What to Expect When You're Expecting Assassins

Strips 600-699

  • Belkar: Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime.
Strip 612: Technically, the "Fish" Version is a Subset of This One
  • Nero: Call me old fashioned, but an evil ascension to power just isn't the same without someone chanting faux Latin in the backround.
Strip 635: I See a Red Robe and I Want to Paint it Black
  • Cedrik: A good way to get a decent person to do something horrible is to convince them that they're not responsible for their actions.
Strip 640: Madness
  • Crystal: Who's there?
Haley: Roland.
Crystal: Roland who?
Haley: Roland 'Itiative, and his four friends Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack, and Sneak Attack.
Strip 648: A Dish Best Served With +1d6 Cold Damage

On the Origin of PCs

  • Haley: Warning: Meat laced with sleep potion may cause drowsiness.
[Page 6]
  • Roy: ... Gee, thanks for this visit, Dad. I had almost forgotten how much of an anal retentive blowhard you are.
[Page 32]
  • Haley: Sneak Attack Upside the Head!
[Page 52]

Start of Darkness

  • Young Xykon: Zombification: it cures what ails you. Forever.
[Page 8]
  • Xyklon: Hey! Come back here! We're supposed to fight now!!! Sigh...guards, fetch the Ben & Jerry's.
[Page 25]
  • Female Goblin: Well...we could be dirt farmers.
Male Goblin: Nah, the humans, got all the good dirt. Lucky bastards.
[Page 37]
  • Redcloak: I'm so glad your conversion to a life-draining mockery of all that is beautiful has proven to be such a barrel of laughs.
[Page 66]
  • Eugene Greenhilt: When you're dead, you're never going to look back and say, "Darn, I didn't spend enough time on petty revenge."
[Page 79]
  • Xykon: I ripped off my own living flesh so that I wouldn't have to admit weakness. You're strictly little league compared to that. That right there? That's the difference between bonafide true Evil with a capital "E" and your whiny "evil, but for a good cause," crap. One gets to be the butch, and one gets to be the bitch - bitch.
[Page 109]
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