The Phantom Tollbooth
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster and illustrated by Jules Feiffer, is a classic in children's literature. The story is a modern-day fairy tale about a bored boy named Milo who drives through a magic tollbooth and into a new and very different world.
- It seems to me that almost everything is a waste of time.
- Whether or not you find your own way, you're bound to find some way. If you happen to find my way, please return it, as it was lost years ago. I imagine by now it's quite rusty.
- There are no wrong roads to anywhere.
- Well, since you got here by not thinking, it seems reasonable to expect that, in order to get out, you must start thinking.
- Expect everything, I always say, and the unexpected never happens.
- Why not? That's a good reason for almost anything - a bit used perhaps, but still quite serviceable.
- The way you see things depends a great deal on where you look at them from.
- There is much worth noticing that often escapes the eye.
- If you want sense, you'll have to make it yourself.
- Many of the things which can never be, often are.
- You know that it's there, but you just don't know where - but just because you can never reach it doesn't mean that it's not worth looking for.
- Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else.
- But it's not just learning that's important. It's learning what to do with what you learn and learning why you learn at all that matters.
- What you can do is often simply a matter of what you will do.
- So many things are possible just as long as you don't know they're impossible.