The Prisoner
The Prisoner was a controversial 1967 UK television series, starring Patrick McGoohan, created by McGoohan and George Markstein.
- Number 6: Where am I?
- Number 2: In the Village.
- Number 6: What do you want?
- Number 2: Information.
- Number 6: Whose side are you on?
- Number 2: That would be telling. We want information… information… in formation.
- Number 6: You won't get it.
- Number 2: By hook or by crook, we will.
- Number 6: Who are you?
- Number 2: The new Number Two.
- Number 6: Who is Number One?
- Number 2: You are Number Six.
- Number 6: I am not a number! I am a free man!
- Number 2: [laughs]
The Arrival
- Number 6: I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own!
- Sign: Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself.
Free For All
- Number 6: The Butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
- Number 2: Are you going to run?
- Number 6: Like blazes, the first chance I get.
- Number 2: I meant run for office.
- Number 6: Whose?
- Number 2: Mine, for instance.
- Number 6: You have a delicate sense of humour.
The Chimes of Big Ben
- [Number 2 is offering Number 6 coffee.]
- Number 2: I can never remember: One lump or two?
- Number 6: It's in the file.
- Number 2: Yes, as a matter of fact, yes. But it would save time if you would just answer.
- Number 6: Why? Are you running out of time?
- [Number 2 looks in Number 6's file.]
- Number 2: Does not take sugar. [laughs] Frightened of putting on weight?
- Number 6: No. Nor of being reduced.
- Number 2: Oh, that's excellent - I am glad you're here. You really are a model—
- Number 6: But I don't run on clockwork.
- Number 2: [sternly] You will, my dear chap. You will.
- Number 6: You think so?
- Number 2: Do you still think you can escape, Number 6?
- Number 6: Oh, I will do better than that.
- Number 2: Oh?
- Number 6: [I'm] going to escape and come back.
- Number 2: Come back?
- Number 6: Escape, come back, wipe this place off the face of the Earth, obliterate it, and you with it.
- [Number 2 shouts to Number 6 as he walks out of his office]
- Number 2: Don't worry, Number 6. You'll be cured. I'll see to it. No more nightmares. If you have so much as a bad dream, you will come… whimpering… to tell it to me!
- [The door closes behind Number 6 as he leaves]
- Number 2: Whimpering!
- [Number 2 describes the Village]
- Number 2: What in fact has been created? An international community. A perfect blueprint for world order. When the sides facing each other suddenly realize that they're looking into a mirror, they'll see that this is the pattern for the future.
- Number 6: The whole earth as... 'The Village'?
- Number 2: That is my hope. What's yours?
- Number 6: I'd like to be the first man on the moon!
Hammer into Anvil
- Sign in shop: Music makes for a quiet mind.
- Sign in shop: Music begins where words leave off.
Fall Out
- The President: Give it to me baby! Confess!
- Number 48: Oh Dad, I'm your baby Dad, do you owe your baby something Daddy?
- The President: Confess!
- Number 48: The bones is yours Dad! Taken from you my Daddy.
- The President: Confess! Now you help!
- Number 48: Help, Dad, help.
- The President: Confess!
- Number 48: And a hip bone.
- The President: Confess!
- Number 48: And a thigh bone.
- The President: Confess!
- Number 48: Shin bone, knee bone.
- The President: Confess!
- Number 48: Back bone. All yours Dad.