The Seven Year Itch
Memorable Quotes
- The Girl - When it's hot like this, you know what I do? I put my undies in the Ice Box!
- The Girl - It shakes me! It quakes me! It makes me feel goose-pimply all over!
- Tom MacKensie - What blonde in the kitchen?
- Richard Sherman - Wouldn't you like to know! Maybe it's Marilyn Monroe!
- The Girl - Oooooooohhhh! This feels just elegant!
- The Girl - So he lured me down to his apartment. He made me sit on his piano bench. Then he made me play Chopsticks. Then suddenly he turned at me. His eyes bulging. He was frothing at the mouth. Just like The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
- The Girl - Oh, do you feel the breeze from the subway. Isn't it delicious?
- Richard Sherman - This thing about women and me. I walk into a room. They sense it instantly. I arouse something in them. I bother them. It's a kind of animal thing I've got. Really quite extraordinary.
- The Girl - Don't stop! Don't Ever stop! Why did you stop?
- Richard Sherman- You know why, because now I'm going to kiss you, very quick and very hard.